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The beat-up sedan screeched to a sudden halt in front of the frightened Wallflower, edging forward enough that the teen was nudged in place, her balance lost as she plopped atop the hood in an utter daze.

"Holy shit balls!" Sunset clutched the steering wheel in her own panic, turquoise eyes locked on her crazy friend in worry.

"I'm alright!" Wallflower swung her head up off the hood shivering wildly, yet somehow forcing herself to show a faux smile.

Sunset sighed as teens watched from afar, most were too busy having a laugh. A few watched with fading interest, but she noticed not one asshole came over to see if everything was fine. Sunset rushed to the front of the car, her arm protectively lifting the fragile flower to wobbly feet.

"Why did you jump out like that!?" Sunset placed a hand on each of Wallflower's shoulders, giving her a tender squeeze of reassurance.

"You have a car?" Wallflower tilted her head to the side in a daze.

"It's a piece of garbage my mom left, but yeah!" Sunset guided the poor Wallflower over to the passenger side door, opening it as the adorkable girl slid inside.

"I was just in my own thoughts." Wallflower spoke as if she were sleepwalking, eyes twice the size of the moon.

"Yeah, almost roadkill too." Sunset scoffed with a sigh of relief.

"Way to thin the herd, Suntits!" The loud chortle of a group of guys echoed from the distance.

"Bite my fabulous ass!" Sunset flicked off the boys, only to receive a howl of laughter in return.

Yet she didn't let the laughter sear into her soul or send cracks of pain across her heart. Instead, she lowered her head into the car, flashing Wallflower a warm smile full of excitement and pure mischievous intention.

"Want to get a bite?" Sunset winked to the blushing green beauty.

"Um, lunch is almost over?" Wallflower gave a limp shrug in confusion.

"For this dumbass school, not for the world!" Sunset slammed the door shut hard, Wallflower in awe as she watched the redhead easily slide across the hood.

"We're cutting class?" Wallflower squeaked sheepishly as Sunset entered the driver's seat.

"Is that a problem?" Sunset twisted the key inside the ignition, the engine sputtering to life proudly.

"Babba Gabba?" Wallflower mumbled out absentmindedly.

Sunset immediately burst into laughter.

"You don't break the rules, do you?" Sunset yawned as she sped down the open road wildly, Wallflower sitting extra politely in the passenger seat as if preparing to receive an award.

The world flashed by in a vibrant canvas of colors, people of the world each on their own personal adventure. It was amazing how many people were out during the day, how fast the world moved without a single care for anything.

A far cry from the protective walls of Canterlot High, Wallflower felt as if that had become her world. That high school was the only place where everything mattered most, that if she messed up amongst her peers she'd be ruined forever.

But that wasn't true, was it?

School was just a grain of dust on the wind, outside in the real world was where all decisions truly began to have weight. Each faceless person passing by the car window with a story to tell, true worries to fear and dreams to catch.

It was in a way humbling.

"No." Wallflower relaxed in her seat at long last, replying with a whisper.

"Don't worry, nothing bad will happen," Sunset smirked as the car took a sharp turn to the right.

"I thought you bolted this morning." Wallflower blushed a bright pink in embarrassment.

"Huh, no I left a note?" Sunset replied as her nose scrunched slightly.

"What?" Wallflower asked confused.

"The photo I took of you, I wrote a note on the back and left it on the nightstand." Sunset giggled as her head shook in place.

Wallflower felt a sense of idiocy flush over her body, she didn't think about searching out for any kind of note at all, instead simply judging Sunset point-blank. "I didn't know?" Wallflower whimpered, her voice cracking with regret.

"Totally fine, I just decided to finally pick up my car from the towing company." Sunset playfully extended a hand to rock Wallflower's shoulder.

"Tired of walking?" Wallflower weakly flashed a smile.

"You could say that," Sunset replied returning a smile to her friend, this piece of junk not impressive to most, but it seemed to keep Wallflower in awe.

That alone worth the seventy dollar bill.

With a flick of the wrist, Sunset turned up the radio to something with a vibrant beat. Eyes glancing to her side to watch Wallflower bobbing her head along cutely, "Do you like burgers?" Sunset asked curiously.

"Sure, though I don't really have any money on me." Wallflower felt that dorky feeling creep in.

"Don't worry, lunch is on me girl!" Sunset suddenly slammed her foot on the gas, Wallflower squealing in shock as she instinctively latched onto Sunset's arm tightly.

"What's the rush!?" Wallflower swallowed a huge lump in her throat.

"I'm hungry!" Sunset laughed wholeheartedly, the feeling of something so delicate holding to her.

It was amazing.

"Junkyard Jake's?" Wallflower gazed out the windshield at a complete loss for words, the tiny diner they had stopped at looked pieced together, to say the least.

As if molded out of busted cars and rusted tin, tons of various items from a junkyard such as tires, old televisions, and even an anchor were sprawled out front. Wallflower feared just looking at this place, could give her tetanus.

"You haven't lived until you've eaten a Junker Burger!" Sunset jumped out of the car with a lazy stretch.

"Sounds metallic." Wallflower gently exited the car, this place far on the outskirts of the main city.

She had never been so far out before, the usual colors of the busy streets replaced by the simple scenery of thick woodlands. This diner hid away off the main road, a true surprise to find for those, not in the know.

"It looks rough, but Adagio loved this place!" Sunset suddenly caught herself off guard, stopping in front of the car sadly.

She had been in such a rush to share a special place with a new friend, she had nearly forgotten what made it stand out in the first place. Taking a deep breath, Sunset silently pushed ahead towards the small building.

Wallflower finding that this place was pretty odd at first glance, but a hidden charm sort of vibrated from within. She needed to give this place a genuine chance, after all, she was miles away from school right now.

Might as well enjoy being a fugitive on the run.

Collecting her courage she followed Sunset close, tetanus or not.

She'd eat a burger…

A Junker Burger.