• Published 22nd May 2020
  • 451 Views, 12 Comments

Obsidian Series - Furious Thestral

Most of the mind conrolling Relics have been destroyed but that doesn't mean tha all of them are.

  • ...

Walking through the forest

Through the blue sky filled with clouds, over the vast green of dense foliage of the Everfree forest traveled a sky cart, pulled by two pegasi stallions, the cart was of simple design and seemingly old as for the stallions they both could barely steal a glance for themselves with how plain looking they were.

Their destination was not far now as they both agreed to bank on the right and land on a small clearing that the forest held, making a perfect landing on the spot and both ponies taking a breather for a moment.

While one took off his harness and shook off the dull feeling out of his neck the other one looked around nervously in all directions for any possible threat.

"First time in the forest, right?" Called out the older stallion to his novice companion.

"Uhm, y- yeah," the novice replied, not bothering to look at his superior, still at lookout into the dense woods of the infamous forest of any foul creature that could dare and jump at them for a quick snack. "I've heard of the stories about this place and the fate of those who are not careful." He added, jumping slightly as he heard a branch snap.

The superior chuckled lightly as he shakes his head at his partner behavior. "I get what you mean but not everything you heard is true, most of these creatures are territorial and they keep each other at distance, such as the cockatrice nest or the manticores hunting ground," he explained dismissively as he began unlatching the locks of the carriage. "Either way you can't go being too relaxed, as there might be one that strays from its path and manages to find us here. If so, get your flank here and help me out!" the older stallion shouted to his novice companion as he finished the last lock on the carriage.

The novice scrambled on his hooves and rushed to help his partner on opening the door of the vehicle and both stallions helped the mare out of it.

She was mare of ebony mane and jet black coat, her iris was of a gradient of amethyst color that held a sense of nervousness once she walked on the steps of the carriage.

The mare dragged a set of chains that connected to her four hooves that limited her need to run but not walk, adding the fact that her mouth was also tied up with a piece of cloth in between her muzzle that restricted her ability to speak.

The older stallion pulled out a key and unlocked the chains from the mare and tossed the manacles on to the carriage. "Remember your instructions and hold on to that cloth until we leave," he said with a serious and cold voice. "The town of Ponyville is at three kilometers from here, just keep the sun at your left and you will arrive there directly." He then quickly returned to the carriage and saddled himself back on the harness.

The rookie gave Obsidian a saddle bag with simple essentials along with a grey cloak on top of it all. "Be careful," the young stallion warned before rushing back to the carriage and prepared himself as well.

Obsidian watched the two ponies take speed with the carriage and take off to the skies. She pulled off the piece of cloth from her muzzle and wanted to shout at them to come back but it was too late, they were out of ⁷earshot by now. It was horrible, being abandoned in the middle of a forest with nothing but a saddle bag and a cloak but what other option she had left but to move forward.

Picking up the items and setting off to the direction the old stallion indicated as she walks down through the savage forest on her own.


Twilight had closed her last book and let go of a deep sigh, that resulted on little progress on the research of the matter of dreams. It had taken her the entire morning to find more about the subject of dreams with not much of success on the matter.

"I can't believe there is little to nothing aboit the dreams, not even regarding the magic of dream walking," the mulberry alicorn sighed, stacking up the books back to the shelves of the library, stretching up her limbs to ease up her body from her extensive reading.

Starlight joined in with Twilight on arching her back to relax the joints of her body, "we can chalk that up to another subject that was forgotten in time due to princess Luna's absence." She concluded by setting a book aside with the rest of the pile. "Would think that the subject of dreams was an open matter for everypony to know." She concluded as she stood up and stretched her limbs as well.

"You're right, there's so little about the subject of dreams that I can barely make a five page essay from it." Twilight complained, landing her head on the table. "Undoubtedly we will have to consult things with princess Luna about this and perhaps add an update on dreams for others to be informed about the matter." She added.

Spike patted Twilight's back as consolation, trying to look sympathetic, "we can still go with Zecora and check if she can help you with your sleep, those dreams have been nothing but troublesome these last days." He suggested.

Twilight gave a little smiled and lifted her head, "your right, Spike, at least we can ask Zecora for help." She set herself up on all fours and glanced at Starlight. "You wanna join us, Starlight?"

"Well, I would li- "

Before Starlight could finish her reply the doors burst open and small pyrotechnics s attered around, giving a big entrance of an azure unicorn that stood tall on her hindlegs while stretching her forelimbs as high and wide as she was allowed to do so.

"The Great and Poeerful Trixie has returned! bask in all of her unrivaled magnifisance!" Proclaimed the unicorn syandinh still until the fireeorks died down and her hindlegs soon gave up ad well.

deadpan glares.

Starlight giggled softly at her friends antiques while Twilight and Spike gave "How many doors did you kick open just to find us?" The young drake asked. Causing Trixie to snort, indignated.

"Trixie can assure you that she only practiced her spectacular entrance eight times before finding the correct door."

Starlight and Spike snickered while Twilight mentally groaned at the thought of finding all the castle doors wide open and with possible burnt marks around the frames.

Trixie soon made her way to Starlight and hugged her close, "oh, Starlight, the Great and Powerful Trixie has so many tales to regal upon you, of those of the highest mountains and lowest valleys and of those of how she captivated the hearts of the ponies, young and old, through her magnificent and flawless talents." She showed her excitement by the gleam of her eyes, expecting her best friend to say yes.

Starlight looked from Twilight to Trixie in regards to who to choose until she smiled at the azure unicorn. "Oh, how exciting, I would love to hear about your stories," she said, guiding her friend out of the library. "Let me just set the tea so we can enjoy the moment with comfort." They then turned around the hallway and their voice became distant echoes.

Spike walked close to Twilight and crossed his arms. "Well, guess it's just me and you then," he said with a smile that only Twilight could understand. "Just like old times."

"For our little adventure, we are enough." She agreed, walking to the front door of the castle. "Besides, it has been quite some time since we haven't done some adventure for the both of us."

Spike gave a claw pump in excitement, "alright, it might be just a walk to Zecora but there are a lot of things in the Everfree that could be interesting to find.

They both followed into town and directly to the outskirts to the enchanted forest.


It was all chaos.

The downpour of heavy rain rang through the entire forest, the torrential drops tgat impacted on the ground and trees began resounding in every direction as to block any other sound from within the density of the trees. The dark clouds obscured her path as if it was nighttime and nothing beyond her muzzle could be seen, forcing her steps to take an extra measure to avoid having them trip with an errant stone or up root on her way. Her cloak was also now soaked wet and weighed her down, obstructing her vision as well. She wanted to take it off but considered it better in order to keep herself concealed of any dangerous predator that could spot her once she was found.

Obsidian had been following the stallion's instructions as best as she could but the sun was barely visible in the sky due to the canopies of the trees that covered it all but was now unseen from the thick dark clouds that covered what little blue sky there was.

Fear and worry filled the mind of the mare as she tried to find shelter but nothing from trees to no end came across her path, she might as well be walking in circles for all that matters. She still had no other choice but to press on continuing in the straightforward direction until she could find a shelter or an exit from this dreadful forest that was beyond her logic on how it was able to brew a storm of its own.

As the rain continued to be relentless, not showing any sign of stopping soon while the black mare was growing exhausted from her trek and was on the despair of collapsing to rest her hooves then and there but she then noticed something in the distance. It was hard to discern but still it was still better than endless lines of trees to no end. That gave her the strength she needed to move forward and walk past the forest into a clearing that revealed the ruins of what seemed to be a castle.

Obsidian Mind wanted to run directly as fast as she could but once she slipped slightly on the myd was then that she reminded herself to be careful.


"Looks like a storm is going over that part of the Everfree forest, near the castle of the two sisters." Spike announced from the air, flying down to touch ground. "With luck, it won't go near Zecora's before we get there."

"Hopefully," agreed Twilight as she increased her pacing. "But to be safe we could go a bit faster, I do not want to know how strong this storm can get to be." She moved on while Spike joined her by flying close to her side.

The road to Zecora's hut was difficult to find as it was covered by the plantation of the forest that never allowed to show any sign of equine presence in the territory but that never stopped Twilight before since she had memorized the route to their destination with ease, the only thing they both needed to be weary about was the wildlife that could jump at them. Twilight knew this all too well and had her ears on high alert at all times.

"There it is, Zecora's hut at sight!" Spike claimed as he took the lead while Twilight was close by to keep an eye on him.

Spike knocked the door three times before waiting, just in time for Twilight tobe next to him and for Zecora to open the door.

"What a fortuitous surprise, two good friends standing together before my eyes," greeted the zebra with a passive smile as she stepped aside for them to walk inside. "Do please come in, feel at home within."

Twilight and Spike made their way inside the hut, at the center close to the cauldron, "Zecora, it is so good to see you," Twilight greeted, with a warm smile. "I was hoping to know if you had something that could allow me to sleep without dreaming?"

The zebra shamaness nodded, starting to search around her shelves for ingredients, "for this potion I will need some herbs and spices, bit no more other devices." She began pouring item after item in the cauldron, reciting her enchantment. "A batch of jazmin and a few of tigerlily, it will help you sleep like a little filly." She continued on while mixing the rest of the ingredients and started mixing it all together. The liquid soon morphed into a royal purple that shimmered in the light.

Zecora then scooped some and set it all inside a vial of glass, sealing it all up with a corck and delivering it all to Twilight. "Drink this at night and no dreams will be on your sight." She instructed, giving Twilight another four glasses extra. "But I must inquire, why is this that you desire?" The shamaness asked, curious as to the reason behind her friend's request.

Twilight considered to give her reply as she looked at the side to make her decision.

"Twilight has been having some weird dreams a few days ago and wanted to find a solution to stop them from disturbing her sleep every night." Spike beat Twilight with an explanation of his own and wilted at the glare Twilight gave him.

"A serious problem it seems, have you not asked the princess of dreams?" She asked further knowing there was an expert on the matter.

Twilight decided to take action by giving an answer to her stripped friend. "Since these are not nightmares it would be hard for princess Luna to interfere, besides I just need a few days of good sleep and hopefully the dreams will stop soon enough." She explained, setting up the portions in her s⁷addlebag. "How much do I owe you?" She added, pulling out her coin pouch and getting the bits ready.

Zecora shook her head and raised her hoof to stop Twilight from paying. "There is no debt for a friend's request, but I wish for a visit, for tea with friends is the best." She said⁰

Twilight returned the smile with the same energy, "thanks Zecora, come visit anytime," she invited, giving a hug to her friend and ŕrheading outside of the hut.

The zebra watched them leave back into the vast density of the forest and closed the door once they were out of sight.

"And with this we can call our mission successful," claimed Twilight triumphantly, now that she had the potions for a good night's rest.

"Yeah… I guess?" Replied Spike, his voice deflated, dragging his feet on the ground and his eyes on the ground.

Twilight noticed his change in mood and slowed her pace to meet with him. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked, looking at her crestfallen companion.

Spike looked at Twilight for a moment and considered to voice his thoughts. He opened his mouth, closed it and huffed a nit in annoyance before looking back at Twilight.

"Well, I was kind of expecting that Secoea would tell us that she needed one ingredient for the potion that we need to find," he began, pointing his claws here and there just to make his point. "Or that we would have to fight our way to get to Zecora, probably find somepony that has a secret map of a long, lost hidden treasure!" He showed his enthusiasm as he began to fly up to Twilight's eye level.

Twilight leaned back a bit from the sheer enthusiasm Spike was emanating until she smiled once he has done, "oh, Spike, not all adventures have to be of epic proportions," she began, focusing on looking forward. "This may seem a bit tame than what we do but you can't expect that every time we set a hoof outside the library somepony will cry for help. In fact the chances are one in two hundred fifty seven thousand three hundred and thirty three."

Spike wanted to argue further on his case but he knew better than to argue against Twilight's calculations. "Better lyck next tine, I guess."

The mulberry alicorn nodded, giving her young assistant a patient smile, "there is definetly going to be a next time, Spike." She promised as they continued back on the track.

The silence between the two was relaxing, if not a bit ackward, as they threaded further on until someghing caught Spike's attention.

"Twilight, did you hear that?"

The question made Twilight set her ears in high alert, checking for all her surroubdings for any sign of noise at reach, "what is it Spike, is there a monster nearby?"

Before Spike could give an answer the wind brought forth the same noise that came from the distance.


The cry of help was undeniable as it was barely closeby to where both Twilight and Spike stood at and had to act quick. Inside the Eveefree danger was counted in soades and time is of the essence.

"Quick, somepony is in danger!" Shouted Twilight as she began galloping towards the direction of where the shoit came from.

Even when he knew that danger was up ahead, Spike couldn't avoid grinning in excitement. Looks like the odds were in his favor.


She waited for the storm to end, hoping that it will end soon. In the meantime she wandered inside the ruins, looking for any inducation of where she was and any idea who the previous owner of this castle belonged to.

The ruins told little as it seemed that most of the banners and family shields had worn off through the passage of time, it mattered little to Obsidian but it helped her know where she was.

"I should had listened to father; staying in mountain Canterhorn was no way to know about the world," she sighed, continuing on as she kept an eye open for anything that catches her eye. Aside from the rodents, spiders, creepy gargoyles and the dark figure that followed her from a safe distance.

It was bad enough that it continued to rain but now it felt that she still had no idea on what happened to the world after her imprisonment, and other questions about her jailer, her new master and other important things.

It was confusing enough as it was then being alone in an unknown jungle finding her way to a village she never heard about and doing as she was told to do once she reached the heart of the town.

She kicked rubble on her path and watched it bounce towards an entrance, which she followed to find herself in a massive hall, void of space that was in ruins, with broken columns, lack of roof and a centerpiece that seemed to have five different pedestals that held nothing from them.

She observed the piece for a moment until she noticed something from the far end of the hall, she trotted to investigate and upon reaching the other end she noticed there being two thrones, clearly wrecked as well as the dias.

"This looks… familiar," Obsidian murmured, observing the throne and then up to the banners that seemed oddly new, compared to the ruins and vegetation.

Then she knew what those banners meant. Her body trembled, as a bucket of cold water was poured over her body, she stepped back and her head shook in denial. The banners of Sun and Moon.

"Th- the castle of the two sisters, bu- but how?"

She recognized them for who the previous owners were before the alicorns; the Guardians.

"No… i- it can't b- bu- be!" She cried, as she began to wonder how long her imprisonment had taken and what fate had happened to Rockhoof, the one who set her in that cell.

Decades, centuries, it all was a possibility now that she has seen it. What used to be a clear valley was now a dark forest, what used to be a galant castle was now ruins of rubble and vegetation, it made no sense but the proof was there.

It was getting hard to breathe, panic overwhelmed her mind and couldn't stand and stay there any longer. Her only option now was to turn around and run away, far from these nightmarish ruins, no matter where but still as far as her hooves allow them to.

She left the castle and rushed back into the forest, crossing the bridge and straight into the trees. Not caring that it stopped raining at some point as she was focused on one current thing only.

In her blind rush she missed an uplifted root from the ground, causing her to trip on the obstacle and was now flying in ditect collision to the floor landing face first into the mud.

She pulled her head up to breath and yried to stand up and run, that was when she realized she found no footing in the mud, her hooves couldn't find any solid ground to stand up on as her body began to sink on quicksand.

She tried to swim in the mud around her but she could barely move in any direction, her saddle bags and cloak were also weighing her down as she was neck deep in the mud.

"Help!" She shouted in act of despair, hopeing beyond hope somepony would come to her rescue. "Help!" She tried louder as she lifted her muzzle to keep on breathing.

She sank more until her face was the only thing above the surface as she had no other way to escape and even her outstretched hoof was still on to her wish to cling on to something, anything.

"Sister." She whispered before sinking her face into the mud and allowing herself to fall. She felt the darkness envelope her, the same one that she felt in her own cell that kept her away from the world outside and she hated it, she hated that many years had been passed by being lockdown inside her prison, she hated that the stallion that set her free was a power hungry brat that throwed her into a dangerous forest and she even hated this forest for the situation she was in now. Nothing was left for her now.

Until she felt a grip on her hoof and a light tug on her hoof then followed up a stronger one that began pulling her up and out from the quicksand and onto solid ground as she began to breath for air once more.

"Are you alright?" Asked a soft voice that was next to her, she couldn't see who it was by all the mud she had but nodded regardless.

She coughed up bits of mudfrom her mouth as she gave a weak nod from her head. "Th- thank you f- for saving m- me," Obsidian said, shaking off the mud off her body.

Twilight smiled, once noticing that the mare was indeed well and good, "thank goodness we arrived in time, never thought there was a quicksand around here." She glanced at the spot where the natural trap laid about and considered to set up a warning there for reference. "We should head back to town, who knows what other things could happen if we stay here." She suggested holding Spike on her back and guiding the dark mare with them.

"So, what's your name?" Spike asked, starting some small talk. "I'm Spike, by the way, and this is my friend Twilight Sparkle." He introduced himself.

"Oh, uhm, m- my na- n- name is Mindy The Silent," she lied, giving a corteus bow. "A p- p- pleasure."

"That is one oddly given name," Spike commented before noticing a glare of warning from Twilight. "Uh… it fits you though." He corrected himself, giving a weary smile to the black mare.

The mare gave a weak smile to Spike and averted her eyes away. "Y- you can ca- call me Mindy, if it m- makes you f- fe- feel better." She offered.

Spike nodded, mulling over the next question and resolving himself to formulate it. "So, what are you doing here in the Everfree Forest, searching for some long lost treasures?" He almost fell from Twilight's back as the alicorn princess jumped lightly to warn Spike on being to nosey.

Obsidian shake her head lightly, "n- no, I was o- on m- my way travelling by, I tried to pass through the f- fo- forest before I…" she wanted to mention an excuse but noticed that her saddlebags were missing, probably sunken deep in the pit she just escaped. "Oh, I am so clumsy to go through this forest."

"It's alright, not everypony can navigate through this place as well as I can." He boasted swelling his chest, feeling how Twilight rolled her eyes. "You're lucky that we were close by to save you."

Obsidian nodded, "for that, I am in yo- your debt, if you n- ne- need anything, I will d- do it without a doubt." She once again bowed before Spike, to which the young dragon appreciated.

"Say, if you don't have a place to crash maybe you can rest in our castle?" Spike offered, showing simpathy to a mare that went through serious danger.

Obsidian's eyes winded in surprise, "wo- would you do that? To a st- s- stranger that you just m- met no less ?" She was in disbelief.

Twilight turned to meet with Obsidian mind's eyes and gave her friendliest smile she had, "it is no trouble at all, Mindy, we are happy to help a friend in need."

The word friend struck Obsidian like a candle in a dark room, it felt so foreign and yet so warm. "I would love to accept your invitation then."

She smiled all the way to the town of Ponyville.