• Published 21st May 2020
  • 925 Views, 16 Comments

Rainbow's Dress - The Dark Wolf

Rainbow Dash wears a black dress. And goes for a swim in it.

  • ...

Rainbow's Dress

One summer day, Pinkie invited her friends to hang out in her backyard and stay for dinner. Naturally, none of them could turn her down.

At about 1:00, Rainbow Dash was just about to leave, when she heard a knock on her door. She opened it to find Rarity standing there, in her original outfit of a light blue shirt and a purple skirt.

"Good afternoon, Rainbow Dash," said Rarity.

"Hi Rarity," said Rainbow Dash. "Don't you have a backyard party to go to?"

"Yes, and I was hoping we could walk there together. But first, I would very much like you to wear this to the party." She held up a sleeveless black dress that went down to the knees.

"That is so not my style," said Rainbow, pushing the dress away. "I'm a world class athlete. I'll go as I am right now." She was wearing her original outfit with skintight black shorts under a pink and green skirt. She normally wouldn't wear a skirt without shorts like these underneath to highlight her athleticism.

"Pretty please?" Rarity made a cute face with sparkly eyes.

"Why don't you ask Applejack?" said Rainbow Dash. "She's the one you have a crush on."

"I got her to do it once on Truth or Dare, at the price of standing in the rain when it was my turn. I'd really like to see you in a beautiful dress just once."

"Hmmm... Pass."

Rarity resorted to desperate measures. "If you wear this dress for the entire time you're at Pinkie's backyard, I promise I'll mud wrestle with you."

"Really? This I gotta see."

"I imagine that would be as fun for you as wearing that dress would be for me."

"All right, I'll wear it. But you'd better keep your end of the bargain!"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

So Rainbow walked into her room and emerged wearing the dress. She didn't look like she was enjoying it much, nor did she twirl around and ask Rarity how she looked.

"You look smashing," said Rarity. "Now let's go."

They walked to Pinkie's house. It was a hot day outside, so Rainbow was sweating a little. "You don't mind that I'm getting your dress all sweaty?"

"It's your dress, and a little sweat is just fine."

They reached Pinkie's house and entered the backyard through the gate. All their friends were already there, sitting in some chairs on the patio. She had a pretty big backyard, with a section of grass that had two soccer nets on it, and a swimming pool.

"Heheh, you lose a bet or somethin'?" Applejack asked Rainbow Dash. She was wearing a white and green T-shirt and a short, tight pair of jean cutoffs.

Rainbow blushed a little. "No, I made a deal with Rarity."

"What's she gotta do?"

"Get my rear end kicked by her in mud wrestling," said Rarity. "But it'll be worth it."

"Can I get a front row seat to that?"

"Of course you can. Besides, I'd prefer if you set up the... arena."

"I think you look lovely," said Fluttershy, with a light blush. She was wearing her original dress, a white tank top with a green skirt.

"Thanks," said Rainbow Dash. "Do you... prefer me this way?"

"I like you either way. Your sporty outfits are also cute."

"Well, now that everyone's here, let's have some cupcakes!" said Pinkie, who was wearing a white and pink T-shirt and a short, tight pair of jean shorts. She brought out a plate of cupcakes and they all started eating some.

They sat around for a while, having a fun conversation and drinking some lemonade or soda. Rainbow soon forgot she was wearing a dress and talked as she normally would. Then...

"Hey Rainbow, think you can play soccer in that dress?" Applejack asked.

"I know I can!" said Rainbow Dash enthusiastically.

"Heavens, no," said Rarity. "You'll get your dress all sweaty."

"You said a little sweat is just fine. And it's my dress."

"It'll be more than a little sweat, but... it is your dress. Just... try not to ruin it too much."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack went to the soccer section of the backyard and started playing one on one soccer. Both tomboyish athletic girls were having a lot of fun, and the dress was not hindering Rainbow's performance at all. She continued to score goal after goal on Applejack, though Applejack was able to score quite a few goals herself, kicking the ball pretty hard.

"Score is 20-14!" said Pinkie, who was keeping score. "Rainbow Dash wins!"

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were panting and dripping with sweat. Rarity cringed at the state Rainbow's dress was in. They drank some refreshing lemonade, and the sun dried the sweat off them within a minute. Rarity was a little relieved at this, though she suspected her dress might smell slightly.

"Hoo, it's mighty hot out today," said Applejack.

"And we've been running around," said Rainbow Dash. "Want to cool down in a swimming race?"

Applejack smiled. "You're on."

"Rainbow Dash, your dress will be soaked," said Rarity.

"I said I'd wear it the entire party," said Rainbow Dash. "We never said I can't get it wet."

"Oh... very well. After that game a nice rinse might be exactly what it needs."

Rainbow and Applejack looked at the pool.

"Let's start from here on foot," said Rainbow. "Then we dive into the pool and swim to the other end and back. First to swim all the way back wins."

"Sounds good."

"Ready... set... go!"

Rainbow Dash and Applejack ran towards the pool, and when they reached the edge, they dove in with a SPLASH. Rarity winced slightly. As captain of the swim team, Rainbow Dash was swimming faster than Applejack. She reached the other end of the pool moments before Applejack did, kicked off, and swam back as fast as ever.

"Go Rainbow," Fluttershy cheered quietly. "Woohoo."

Rarity had to admit she did look rather lovely swimming in her dress. Rainbow might unintentionally be onto something here. She made a mental note to start making a line of swimsuits resembling dresses.

Rainbow reached the edge of the swimming pool and climbed out. Her dress was soaking wet, as was the rest of her, but she didn't mind one bit, having had fun beating Applejack in a swimming race. The dress clung to her as water dripped off the bottom of it, shimmering in the sunlight.

Applejack reached the edge moments after Rainbow was standing. "Good game, Rainbow," she said.

Rainbow held out her hand. Applejack grabbed it, and they shook hands. Then, before Rainbow could pull Applejack out, Applejack pulled Rainbow back into the pool. Rainbow resurfaced, coughing and sputtering.

"Gotchya," said Applejack.

Rarity and Fluttershy giggled.

Rainbow and Applejack splashed each other playfully for a bit, before climbing out of the pool at the same time.

"I do hope you both had fun," said Rarity.

"Hay yeah we did," said Rainbow. "And don't worry about the dress. Some of your dresses washed just fine from getting really messy."

"Yes, there is that."

Rainbow and Applejack sat back down, and the sun dried them in minutes.

They sat and relaxed for another half hour, until the sky suddenly filled with dark clouds.

"I always found it fascinating how the weather can change so fast," said Twilight, who was wearing her Legend of Everfree outfit.

Just then it started to rain hard, soaking everyone instantly. Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Sunset ran inside. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie stayed outside. Pinkie bounced around in the rain, giggling and saying "Whee!", splashing in the puddles on the patio.

"Hey Rainbow, care for a soccer rematch?" said Applejack.

"You bet I am!" said Rainbow. They ran to the soccer field and started kicking the ball around again.

Sunset and Fluttershy, who didn't mind the rain so much, walked back outside to watch the game, and in Fluttershy's case, cheer for Rainbow, though too quietly for her to hear. Rarity and Twilight stayed inside even though they were already dripping wet, but had fun watching the game all the same.


The following day, Rarity stood next to a mud pit Applejack had just set up in her farm, free of any pigs. Rarity was wearing an athletic outfit of her own design, a skintight pair of purple spandex shorts and a matching sports bra. Something she didn't mind getting dirty, and Applejack thought it looked good on her. It would still be unpleasant for her going into the mud, but a deal was a deal.

Rainbow Dash showed up, and Rarity was relieved to see she was wearing a similar outfit to her (the same shade of blue as Rainbow's hair) instead of her dress.

"Ready to get your butt kicked?" said Rainbow.

"Yes," said Rarity. "And thank you for wearing that dress to the party. You looked divine, even when you were soaking wet. Did you keep it or throw it out?"

"I kept it just in case," said Rainbow. "I MIGHT be willing to wear it again. Just don't fuss if I play some sports or go swimming in it."


Rainbow and Rarity did a rump bump. Then Rainbow did a cannonball into the mud.

Rarity hesitated, but Applejack pushed her face-first into the mud. Rarity got into a sitting position, a little disgusted at first, but she got over it.

"Ready?" Rainbow asked.

"As ready as I'm going to be," said Rarity. Both she and Rainbow were now covered in mud. "Just... don't go TOO hard on me."

"I'll be as gentle with you as Fluttershy, but I'll still play to win."

And so their contest began, though of course it was obvious to anyone who was going to win.

Author's Note:

Yes, there was a little bit of light buttplay, but Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie did the exact same thing in the first EqG film so obviously that's all right in an E-rated story.