• Published 11th Jun 2020
  • 3,277 Views, 43 Comments

The Magic Of Mermaids - Lonely Fanboy48

When Fluttershy and her friends arrive at the Aris Aquarium, they’ve encountered Equestrian Magic that turns the divers into mermaids.

  • ...

Birthday Shy Eve

Back in the main hallways, Novo just finished showing the Rainbooms, the main kinds of jellyfish in their special aquarium tank. Twilight Sparkle was writing notes about each sea creature so she can do more research on their lives under the sea.

“I got to say Novo, it must have taken years to find every fish out there.” She smiled while putting her notes into her backpack.

“Decades of searching.” Novo responded. “The more I find in the ocean, the bigger this aquarium will get. That’s how much of a passion I have with sea creatures.”

After Rarity came out of the jellyfish room, she had a question about the style of this aquarium. “Novo darling, if there’s mermaids part of your billboard outside, how come there are no merpeople here?” This caused Novo to look at the fashionista with a serious look on her face. “Not that it’s a silly question, it made me curious because no other aquarium had mermaids.”

The COO sighed to herself while trying to be nice to the tourists. “For my answer, no. Mermaids only come from fairytales and fantasies, not in the real world that we live in.”

The Rainbooms look at each other from hearing the COO’s confession. “Don’t you like mermaids?” Pinkie asked.

“Actually, I love mermaids.”

“Really?” Sunset added. “Do you wish they existed?”

“Sometimes. If that was the case, I would: A. show them at this aquarium or B., become one and spend most of my life in their kingdom like a ruler.”

“Well, that goes without saying something.” Applejack commented.

“Tell me about it.” Rainbow added. “If I spent my life as a mermaid, I would have been...something merpeople do for a living.”

“Partially because they have tails instead of legs, am I right?” Sunset asked, looking at Rainbow.

“What, you know I enjoy jogging.”

“Anyway.” Novo getting back on topic. “My point is, the reason why mermaids are on my billboard outside is because I adore them from a personal perspective. Even if I had nearly all the creatures in the world in my aquarium, I would have searched high and low to find them and do research on them. That’s how much I love them.”

Sunset and her friends didn’t expect Novo to be so honest when it comes to her somewhat personal feelings. Even if they have the whole day tomorrow to look at the other creatures in the Aris Aquarium, they wonder what it would have felt like if Novo did have mermaids behind a giant pane of glass with water in the tank.

“I think I need some time for myself.” She spoke while walking to her office. “See you all tomorrow.”

While the Rainbooms took their time to understand what Novo is coming from, they then decided to look at the other tanks they haven’t seen yet. “I don’t know if I’m the only one whos a bit concerned about this, but I don’t think we can help her unlike others we’ve helped in the past.” Twilight said.

“Maybe it’s best if we give Novo her space. Literally nothing bad is happening right now.” Sunset corrected. “But I can’t say I would have done the opposite of what you said.”

The sun sets over the town where the aquarium is located. While Fluttershy is spending her time looking at the dolphins with Silverstream and Marline, Skystar is too occupied playing with Spike. Fluttershy placed her hand on the dolphin’s head which made the dolphin happy.

“How does it feel?” Marline asked.

“It feels...so great to touch a dolphin in real life.” Fluttershy adoring the dolphin’s charm.

“Have you ever seen a dolphin before?” Silverstream wondered.

“Yes, when I took a cruise vacation a while ago. I only saw a couple when they jumped out of the ocean.”

“Did they look the same as the ones we had?” Skystar added.

“I think so.” As she continued to look at the dolphin staring at her, she got an idea that would surprise the others. “Which reminds me, there’s something I want to show you.” She then lifted her geode of kindness to Marline and Silverstream.

“What’s that?” Marline looking at the geode closely.

“It’s a geode, with it I have the ability to talk to animals.”

“You mean like how we’re talking to Spike?” Skystar walked up with Spike in her arms.

“Not really, let me show you.” Without anyone interrupting her peace of mind, she closed her eyes and activated her geode. The dolphins then shook in the pool from the magic Fluttershy has in herself. Marline couldn’t believe what she’s seeing with sparkles coming from the geode itself.

“How is she managing to do this?” She asked.

“I don’t know, but I guess a miracle came to her.” Silverstream being impressed.

After Fluttershy opened her eyes, the dolphin lifted her head out of the water, allowing Fluttershy to give her a hug. “Looks like she liked what I feel about her friends.” Fluttershy giggled.

“That’s...actually impressive.” Marline commented. “Can you please tell me where I can find this?”

Fluttershy flinched while breaking the hug from the dolphin. “Sorry to disappoint but...there’s only one and I got it once my friends got them a long time ago.”

“Ohh...well that’s sad.”

“So it’s like a one of a kind?” Silverstream asked which made Fluttershy nodded.

“Yeah, let’s just say it’s a legend that happened at Everfree Forest.” Spike smiled. “We’ve been through so many adventures together.”

As Fluttershy’s friends had to respect the fact there’s only one geode that allows one person to talk to animals, it still didn’t bug them in the slightest. But as for Marline, she decided to sit down on one of the empty chairs by the windows.

“Come on Marline, not everyone deserves magical powers.” Skystar called.

“I know, but it’s still too much of a bummer.”

She looked out the window, continuing to get pitch black in the outdoors. Fluttershy decided to take her feelings towards others who feel depressed. “Why don’t you take care of her? I’ll see I can do something for Marline.” As Silverstream and Skystar took their new friend’s suggestion, Fluttershy sat on another chair by Marline which she took by noticing. “What made you so sad about not talking to animals?”

Marline tried to keep an open mind to one girl she just met today. “Because sometimes...I wish they had the ability to talk so I can understand how they feel.”

Fluttershy blinked several times upon hearing Marline. “Isn’t that something children would think?”

“Well yes, but I’ve had that feeling since kindergarten.” She began to blush in embarrassment while looking in her surroundings. “I couldn’t even grow up that easy after middle school.”

After hearing her confession, the pink haired girl felt dazzled. For so much of her passion for taking care of animals, she met another girl who has the same passion, but way more personal. Like she came across a mirror of herself, but for looking after sea creatures instead of animals.

“Don’t you think you need some help?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s not that I’m delusional I’m...just in my fantasies when I’m alone. It’s called escapism.”

“I get that, but what I mean is, do you need something that can make your wish come true?”

Marline then looked at Fluttershy’s geode again. It gave her an idea of what she can do tomorrow when she gets the chance. “Is it okay that I can use your geode tomorrow?” This made Fluttershy protect her geode. “I promise I won't break it, I just want to know what it feels to talk to animals for one day.”

“But tomorrow’s my birthday.”

This gave Marline a quick idea. “I’ll find a way to give you the best birthday gift I can find. Please! I’m really responsible!”

Fluttershy took her time to think about Marline’s request, but she’s still unsure. She wants to make sure she has her geode on her at all times whenever something out of nowhere happens. But then she remembered, tomorrow will be harmless without anything in the way. She sighed while making up her mind for the tour guide.

“Okay...but I’ll give it to you in the morning.”

Marline then gave Fluttershy a hug. “Thank you so much!”

As much as Fluttershy didn’t like her final decision, she still accepts the kindful hug from someone who has the same passion as her.

“Hey Fluttershy.” Silverstream called with Skystar holding Spike by her side. “We were thinking about what we can do for your birthday and…”

As Fluttershy paid more attention, Skystar continued the subject. “Do you have your swimsuit?”

“Well, Rarity is responsible with all the outfits so...maybe?” Fluttershy looking outside the window.

Both Silverstream and Skystar both look at each other with smiles on their faces. They turned to Fluttershy again and called. “Wanna go swimming with the dolphins!?”

Upon hearing the request, both of Fluttershy’s eyes turn wide. “You mean...swimming...with those??” She pointed at the dolphin pool.

“Yes.” Silverstream replied.

“Well that’s something you don’t expect before your birthday arrives.” Spike said, liking the idea.

Fluttershy grew a huge smile as she got off her chair and gave both Silverstream and Skystar a hug. “That’s the greatest gift I’ve ever got in my life!” She wrapped her arms tighter.

“Trust us, we know how to make a girl like you happy during their birthday.” Skystar said. “You will swim with us during lunch time, we already have the dolphin show under control.”

As Fluttershy broke the hug from two of her new friends, she headed back to the Rainbooms to tell them what she did with Spike.

The Rainbooms head outside of the aquarium, with it closing in about ten minutes. The sun was nowhere to be found with clouds covering the sky from above. “Looks like it’s going to rain soon.” Applejack looking at the sky.

“At least we’re gonna make it to the RV.” Rainbow added.

“Let’s just hope it doesn’t rain during the whole day tomorrow.” Rarity added.

As the Rainbooms headed to the RV, Rarity took out her RV remote and pressed a button to open the door. As the girls went inside, Twilight and Sunset went in a different direction.

“Hey, where are you two going?” The fashionista asked.

“We have to use the restroom.” Twilight answered.

“You didn’t bother using the aquarium's ladies room?” Pinkie popping out from the RV.

“I thought I could hold it after taking more notes, you know how much I’m into sea life now.” Twilight responded.

“No problem, hope you don’t get too wet!”

As Rarity headed inside her RV, Twilight and Sunset went to the restrooms that’s by the aquarium. The outdoors became much colder with more clouds continuing to appear, colliding with one another.

Then out of nowhere, Equestrian magic that is light blue appeared around the aquarium. It rises up to the clouds, just before it rains, meaning another crisis is about to ensue. Inside the restroom, both Sunset and Twilight are using the restrooms behind the interior walls.

“You know something Twilight.” Sunset spoke.

“Yeah Sunset?” Twilight replied.

“When I heard Fluttershy made two friends who are drivers and allowed a tour guide to use her geode...it made me realize how much she appreciates kindness with other people.”

Twilight grew a smile from hearing that. “Well if she was only into animals, she wouldn’t be best friends with us.”

“True, but I’m just amazed she wants everyone to feel better for her own feelings.”

“You mean like she’s heartbroken if someone gets hurt on the inside?”

“Not exactly but by a little like that.”

The bookworm thought about her friend’s opinion of Fluttershy. “That’s probably what makes her happy to herself even when she’s shy. When she’s not shy, she can see something we don’t. Like how everybody deserves kindness when they earn it.”

Sunset wanted to believe that but on the other hand, she’s still unsure. “I don’t know. I guess after stopping so many disasters, it’s nothing Fluttershy can handle on her own.”

The conversation stopped when Twilight flushed her toilet before she got out. When Twilight turned on the sink to wash her hands, her attention was glued from the windows up at the corner. She can hear the rain pattering on the roof, but the clouds aren’t grey like they should be.

“Sunset, you might need to look at this.” Twilight called just when her friend flushed her toilet.

“What is it?” Sunset asked after heading out.

“Something isn’t right with the clouds.”

“What about them?” Sunset added while also washing her hands.

“They’re a different color than grey and the water is…way darker than before.”

After they clean up their hands, they head outside while the rain is pouring. “You're right, the color is darker than it should be.” Sunset looking at the rain.

“This is impossible.” Twilight commented. “Let’s tell the others.

Before they have the chance to head back to the RV, they notice their lower bodies are flashing a light purple and orange respectively. “Twilight! My body is glowing!”

“So is mine! What’s going on?”

With more rain pouring on the two girls, the flash reached its climax with an unexpected transformation. The Rainbooms didn’t see what was happening after they went to sleep immediately. After what happened to Twilight and Sunset after the transformation, they’re unable to move since they’ve lost their legs, and in their place is a long scaly fish tail.