• Published 21st May 2020
  • 2,204 Views, 20 Comments

A Passing Through Kamen Rider: Movie Max the First: Sunset Over Zero - thunderclap

In the true spirit of the franchise, A Passing Through Kamen Rider is doing a special of its own. Sunset Shimmer has stolen Twilight's crown and has the aid of a mysterious benefactor.

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Time Enough At Last

From the royal chambers of Canterlot Castle, a viewer could get some of the best views of the Equestrian countryside. Sunrise and sunset were a particularly appealing sight. To Princess Celestia, the sunset had taken on many different meanings. Right now, it brought forth a longing, for the student she had long ago failed.

Even though she knew she was well now, the solar princess couldn't shake the selfish desire of wanting to see her one more time. She thanked her lucky stars that the portal was closed, otherwise the temptation might prove too much.

Savoring the even minutes of sunset, she coaxed the sun from the sky. “I hope you find happiness, Sunset,” she spoke into the falling night.

The sound of someone blowing their nose broke her out of her reflection. Turning her head, she found Discord hovering behind her and dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief. "So beautiful. The teacher waxing nostalgic for her long lost student."

“Are you here to mock me?” Celestia snorted, turning to him fully. “I would not advise that, Discord.”

Tossing the handkerchief away, Discord coughed into his paw. “Er, no. I’m not here to mock you. You’re the last person I need for a meeting and we’re running a bit late. So if you please, just step back into your room.”

"I'm afraid to ask what kind of meeting you're holding," Celestia commented, opening the door to her bedroom, "but you did say please so I suppose I'll play along."

Her bedroom was not where she ended up. Instead, she found herself in a small meeting room, primarily dominated by a circular table. She noted those sitting at the table; Twilight, Wyatt, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, Admiral Caelano, Thorax, Chief Thunderhooves and... a human she didn’t recognize.

Discord floated down into his own chair, waving Celestia towards the remaining empty one. "So, I'm sure you're all very curious why I've suddenly called you here tonight."

“That would be helpful,” Wyatt said, his suspicion clear on his face. "This had better not be one of your pranks."

“Of course not.” From under the table, he produced Ninjor’s ninjato. “As I told you a while ago, with a bit of spiritual help, I’ve been mapping Dai-Shocker’s network. It went much better than I expected by the way.”

"That does sound beneficial," Twilight commented, a small smile on her face. "Have you found their main base yet?"

Nodding, Discord stroked his goatee. “I believe I have, but that’s not why I called you all here. You can come out now, Ninjor.”

Ninjor's spirit wavered into existence, eliciting a few gasps. "Ah! It feels good to stretch my legs again." Looking down at his transparent body he added, "Well, if I had actual legs it would be." Giving a bow, he glanced around the table. “It is I, Ninjor! Master of ninjutsu and creator of the power coins.”

Wyatt leaned in towards the spirit and whispered, "They don't know what power coins are."

Chief Thunderhooves peered at Discord, his features hard to read. “Why am I here, spirit? I know nothing of any of this... whatever this is.”

Discord smiled, a surprisingly genuine expression. “You're here, despite no previous involvement because I have a proposition for the lot of you. Same reason he’s here.” he motioned to the unintroduced human. “Besides, you’re on good terms with the ponies and you should have a voice in this decision.”

"Let me guess, you invited other leaders but they turned you down?" The other human guessed, leaning forward. "And I am Gogi by the way. Gogi Barahm."

“No, I didn’t invite them because I don’t like them.” Discord shifted in his seat, coiling upon himself. “They made a choice to not get involved, so they don’t get a say.”

"Okay, so uh, what's this proposition?" Thorax asked, putting his hands on the table. "Does it involve that network you mapped?"

Shaking his head, Discord conjured an image above that table. Without context, it could easily be mistaken for a star chart. “This is our world.” Reaching out, he made one of the tiny dots glow a bright magenta. “And this is the Morphin’ Grid.”

The map lit up, a dance of colors against the black. A tendril snaked through many of the worlds. Not composed of a single color, it shone through the spectrum of visible light. One such tendril, smaller than the others, touched the magenta orb.

"In my and worlds like it, the Grid is a connective force," Ninjor explained, waving to the tendrils. “It is one of the foundations of life itself, suffusing every living thing. Even the stars themselves. With the help of Discord, we were able to tap into that burgeoning connection. Thus I am able to appear before you.”

"Good to see you, Ninjor," Wyatt said, nodding to the ghostly figure. "Was kinda awkward just talking to a sword. But, what does this have to do with the deal?"

“I never said anything about a deal,” Discord corrected. “It’s a proposition.” Grabbing the magenta orb, he peered into its depths. “I believe that manipulating the grid with some of my own magic, I can isolate us. At least for a time.”

"So you're saying we'd have more time to mount our defenses against Dai-Shocker," Celestia surmised, examining the diagram. “How much time, Discord?”

Now Discord frowned, rolling the little world in his talons. “A year to the second. It’ll take my full concentration.” Deflating with a rush of air, he sniffled dramatically. “Which means you’ll be deprived of your favorite draconequus for that time.”

"That's all the convincing I need," Wyatt said, tapping the table. "One year without Shocker and Discord? Sounds like heaven."

“A year with no outside contact from other worlds,” Discord clarified. “No one will be able to summon you, and you won’t be able to summon anyone. Complete and total isolation.”

"I think that's a tradeoff I'm willing to make," Twilight stated, pulling Wyatt to her. “I didn’t like it when that happened anyway.” She kissed his cheek, eyes contracted.

"The one time you don't come with me and you get like this," Wyatt teased, putting an arm around the kirincorn.

Making a face, Discord put a box on the table. “In preparation, I took the liberty of using your tokens to do a bit of... shopping. Just a few things I thought would be useful. More than a few seeds in here. Give a few to your yokel friend. The one with the hat. Berries and herbs specifically.”

"Her name is Applejack, you know that," Twilight deadpanned.

“Yes, yes, Applesmack. The one with the pleasing accent.”

"Back to the matter at hand," Celestia interrupted, giving Twilight a sympathetic look. "I agree to this proposition as well."

“As do I,” Luna added.

"It sounds good to me too," Cadance chimed in. "One whole year without a Dai-Shocker induced headache sounds lovely." Shining nodded in agreement, resting a hand on her knee.

"Can't imagine what you two plan to do with that time," Discord commented, rolling his eyes. "Okay, that's a yes from Equestria's royalty. In the interest of fairness, their unanimous yes counts as one vote for their nation. King Thorax? Chief Thunderhooves? Other person?”

"If the two riders here like the idea, then I like it too," Thorax noted, nodding his head to Twilight and Wyatt. "Plus, it gives us more time to build up the Guardian program.”

Gogi considered, drumming his hands on the table. “It will give us extra time to cut out the rest of the cancer from our government. However, I will require an official treaty to be drawn up. Entry into your alliance would also be desired.”

"We'd be happy to make deals with the Linto," Celestia assured, bowing her head. "Even in non-Shocker matters I believe we can offer mutual benefits." Tapping the table, she added. "Draw up your initial terms and we can begin negotiations whenever you wish."

"If negotiations are on the table, may I request to join in?" Chief Thunderhooves requested. "My people and Appleoosa have an informal agreement, but extending an official understanding with all ponies could prove more fruitful."

“We don’t turn away friends, Chief Thunderhooves,” Twilight assured, smiling at him. “We’d welcome any help the buffalo can give to the G-project.”

Rising from his seat, Discord stretched and popped his joints. “Then, I suppose I should make my preparations. I’ll begin exactly at midnight. We’ll have one year, to the second, to ourselves. I’ll be expending almost all of my energy, so don’t expect much from me afterwards.”

"Oh no, we'll miss you so much," Wyatt said, sarcasm oozing from his words. "If only there were another way." This earned him a quick swat from Twilight under the table.

Ignoring Wyatt, Discord leaned over Twilight’s shoulder. “Oh yes! I knew I was forgetting something.” Lifting Twilight’s hand, he placed a small key in her palm. “I’ve been meaning to give you this. It’s the key to my library.”

Twilight's eyes lit up as she examined the key. "You have your own library? How many books does it have, and what's the oldest one in it?"

He brushed off her questions. “As long as you have the key, it’ll obey you. You can anchor it somewhere useful. And do be careful, it’s not... normal. The books might be a bit miffed at being left alone for so long.”

"You won't have to worry about her leaving them alone," Wyatt commented, grinning at his marefriend's reaction. "Unless this is about you specifically leaving them alone?"

“Doesn’t matter.” Discord opened the door, standing in the frame. “This little pocket will remain until the last of you leave. Don’t stay too long however. And, good luck.” He took his leave, vanishing from sight.

The meeting continued for a few more minutes, the various groups setting up when they wished to convene again for official negotiations. Wyatt was the last to leave, carrying Ninjor’s ninjato. Whatever Somber had planned, they’d stop it. They’d sacrificed far too much to lose now.

Author's Note:

This chapter is the official lead into the next part of Wyatt's story: A Passing Through Kamen Rider II: Ride the Wind. Shago and I have been working on it for a while and are happy to finally share it with you guys.

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