• Published 21st May 2020
  • 1,538 Views, 75 Comments

Anidate me please - CaioCoia

Spike is a famous animator of Metube, and he is being followed by a stalker, he planned to confront his stalker but ended up with him being forced to have a date with her. It ends in the way you expect.

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Chapter 1

Do you know when you get that feeling that someone is watching you? The same feeling that people in tv shows and movies get so often, that it's seen as another cliché trope? It's not cliché for me, because,

"There has been a freaking stalker in a hoodie watching me since last week!" I scream so loud that Rainbow, Sunset, and Twilight cringed backward. I turned my attention towards the stalker; after hearing my outburst, they had run away.

The cafe area of the park, where we would usually have our picnics or drink coffee, was now compromised by the stalker following me. I couldn't even eat my sandwich and drink my coffee in peace, why is this happening to me?

"Sheesh, Spike. Wanna be louder next time? I can still hear out of one ear." Dash said as she stuck her finger in her ear, trying to stop the ringing. "Besides, we know that a stalker is stalking you. You've been telling us since day one."

"Yeah, but until today nothing I did ever helped! I've changed my route to school, like five different times, and I still don't know how the stalker managed to find me after I did." I had become increasingly annoyed after having confronted my stalker multiple times, and each time they would turn and run away, leaving me alone on shouting down the street like a crazy person.

I slammed my head against the table, this entire situation was taking the energy out of me and making me insanely tired. It was frustrating having someone following you every day, each step of the way. I felt like I didn't have any privacy anymore, I just wanted to know who this stalker was so I could just ask to stop.

I looked up to Sunset and Twilight, both giving me a knowing look. I raised my brow that usually meant that they had some sort of plan.

"Twi, Sunset, please tell me you two have a plan." I was begging to the skies above that my two sisters had a plan to help me. To finally deal with this stalker, I don't know who they were, but it was driving me crazy. It could have possibly been a fan, but if it were, they would have at least talked to me or given me a message. Or at least say hi and don't give me nightmares.

I could see the grinning face that Sunset was giving me, while a happy smile was coming from Twilight. Hope was beginning to return to me.

"Well, Spike. It's a plan we saw in a movie; you know what a bait and switch is?" Twilight asked me, while I just stared at her.

"Don't those traps usually end badly in a majority of those movies?" I asked in return; usually, these types of plans have many flaws, how would we manage to catch the stalker if they saw through the plan?

"Well, yeah, but we're not in a movie. So that means we can at least try it." Sunset said while she placed her hand on my shoulder, reassuring me that everything would be alright. "Don't you worry, Spike. Everything is going to be alright; we got you."

"Yeah, and don't sweat it, Spike. The moment we find out who this stalker is that's giving you trouble, we're going to make them pay." Rainbow assured him while she cracked her knuckles and neck, making her sound even more threatening.

"That sounds reasonable, but I don't think that will work. Twilight, are you certain this plan is going to work?" I asked. The reason why I was so apprehensive of this plan of theirs that I was going to have to be the bait. Alone.

"I don't know, Spike. If this stalker is a terrible person or some kind of serial killer, they've been following you for a week; if we don't do anything, the least we need to do is tell mom or Celestia." Twilight had raised a good point, but telling mom or my step-mother about this could make things escalate drastically. I didn't want my stalker to end up in jail, but I wanted to know at least why they were following me. I want to make it stop, not send someone to prison.

But actually, being bait? Just to imagine the stalker and I being alone is freaking me out. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this.

I sighed in my chair while I had my head in my hands, thinking about what I should do. After taking a minute to think with my eyes closed and calm breaths, I opened my eyes and looked towards my two sisters, who were giving me a hopeful smile, and Rainbow Dash, who was grinning in her chair like she was trying to reassure me that everything would be okay. I should try it, I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Everything went wrong, dammit dammit, I knew it. I freaking knew it!

With a huge headache, I opened my eyes. While I had blurred vision, I could tell that I wasn't on the street, I was in a living room, but the problem is, I don't know whose house it was.

After some minutes of waiting until I could see better, I could tell I was in what looked like an expensive house. I could see many things crafted out of marble, a clean red velvet carpet, and a large array of expensive paintings hung on the walls, along with photographs. What the hell is this place?

"Oh, it seems that our Sleeping Beauty has woken up." I heard a tender voice call out, making my spine shiver. That voice? Where have I heard it before?

I tried to move my body but wait... Am I...stuck? Oh, I'm tied up.

Alright, Spike, this isn't a time for panic.

Then a face appeared in front of me. It was Adagio Dazzle?

"You're Adagio Dazzle?!" I screamed out in surprise, what was a pop-star doing here? And why am I near her, was I dreaming?

"Oh, it looks like you're a fan, wow, you're good looking, and have a cute voice. Seems my sister was right. She really caught a big fish." I shivered at the sound of her smooth and seductive voice. Making my face flush and my sweat drip down quickly. All while she laughed, breaking me away from my thoughts. "Aria, are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm almost done." I heard another, rougher voice, and the moment I turned my head, I saw what was a giant bucket of ice being held by another pop-star, Aria Blaze was. Her flaming green and purple straps were always one of the reasons my sister liked her most. She was always the tough one, the one that makes people tremble in her presence, but why was she holding the ice bucket with protective gloves?

"So, you're Spike, right?" She asked me while I was sweating in place. She grinned like she was going to enjoy this. How could this dream have turned into a nightmare?

"Yes. ma'am." I tried to be polite, but my voice was cracking. I don't know what's going on.

"Please, dude. I'm not Dagi, but it seems like you know who I am. And you're tense, don't sweat too much. I don't bite...hard." Her voice was filled with so much determination; it made my pupils shrink and made me gulp hard. What should I do?

"What's going on?" I asked while I heard Adagio walk in circles around me, looking at me with desire in her eyes. It made me even more uncomfortable.

"Well, how about we put it this way. We kidnapped you." The moment Adagio said that my heart dropped, and I began to hyperventilate.

"What, why?! What did I do to you to make you do this? I'm not a very important person." I tried to explain how two pop-stars kidnapping me would be impossible. I'm not even a celebrity.

"Oh, that's where you're wrong, Spike. You did something we never imagined someone would do." Adagio smiled at me while she took a glass and added three ice cubes to it. "You made our sister fall in love with you..."

Huh? What does she mean by that? I was so confused and too scared to ask about it.

"We are a trio. Me, Aria, and our little sister, Sonata Dusk. You may have watched her on television, but you know what's funny?" Adagio smiled while she poured a liquid into the glass and took a sip of it. It looked like pink lemonade. "She wanted to stop singing and start acting in shows and videogames."

Okay? That didn't explain what this has to do with me...

"And she has been watching a lot of MeTube videos, and she found an animation..." The moment Adagio said that things started to click into place in my mind.

"So, she..."

"Yes, she found the Power Ponies series animations. And there is one series she is so fond of. Guess which one it was." I gulped and looked to Aria, who was nodding at me.

"So, she's the stalker who's been me?" I said with a tired voice. Well, I'm bucked, I'm doomed. Two pop-stars kidnapped me all because their sister enjoys my animations? Oh life, why did you have to be so cruel to me?

"Yep, and now we have a favor to ask of you." Aria dropped the ice bucket near me and took a handful of ice. Staring at me, as if daring me to refuse it. "Would you like to take our dear sister out on a date?"

