• Published 25th May 2020
  • 2,637 Views, 17 Comments

A Different Shadow of Himself - ThatWritingDragon

He was a ruler, an adored king to his subjects. Now he is a simple miner in the crystal caves of Canterlot with love that he hopes is not unrequited. He now goes by the name Umbrum but most could remember him by his old title, King Sombra.

  • ...

3- A Chance

"Flare... Why do you do this to your king?" Sombra groaned as he got magically dragged to her shop. He just wanted to sleep, didn't the mare say so herself that he should sleep? If she did then why is she interrupting his sleep!?

He could almost feel the flame-themed mare roll her eyes as they finally entered her shop, the door to his freedom clicking closed before him and he couldn't stop the small short sob at the sight of freedom being so close but oh so far away.

"You? A king?" he just grumbled at her mocking tone, he was a king! Wait... she didn't know that. Oops, way to not blow his cover Sombra. "Pshh... tell me that when you actually look like it" The irony in those statements. The mare then proceeded to just dump him onto the wooden floor below. He glared at the tyrant who took his precious sleeping time, this world's Sombra is nothing compared to the hellish unicorn standing across from him!

"Don't look at me like that," Flare clicked her tongue and the colt continued to do so with spite filled hatred. It was somewhat around the early morning! Who the hell even wakes up that time? "Stop acting like a foal Umbrum-"

"I will if you tell me why I'm even here in the first place!" He growled as he rubbed his eyes with a hoof, he was cranky in the morning so what? He woke up hopeful because Celestia usually woke him up but no! It was Flare and then he was dragged into her shop, he didn't want this. He wanted his sleep, his sleep is his sanctuary and no one is going to take his time from his sanctuary!

Unless they actually needed help, then he would make a very tiny exception.

Just this once! Nothing more, nothing less.


It wasn't like a small part of him actually cared if she was in trouble or anything.

"Oi! Stoner! Stop spacing out!" and there goes all his sympathy, she can rot in Tartarus for all he'd care. Stoner? Way to be lazy, sure he mines in a cavern filled with stone and crystal but the double meaning wasn't lost. He just tsk'd and looked away with a frown which turned into a small smile when he heard her sigh loudly. Yes... a small part of him enjoyed her frustration, that's what you get! "I have no idea how you even act like this compared to your normal daily self" She sighed once more "This further proves my point that you couldn't be a king, especially since you don't act like one"

He just stared amused at the grumbling mare, if only she knew. Well his amusement already overshadowed his irritation, Flare would be a great jester. He wondered if he should hire her when he takes over the world. Sombra snorted lightly at that thought, like he cared about the world. While he liked to be a leader, he already accomplished that. Right now, Celestia was his main priority. The world and everyone else in it can burn and he still could care less, unless Celestia did then he'll care.


Then there were the others... huh, guess he would care even if it was small.

"Just... tell me why I'm here" He calmly stated, he needed a reason but first he needed his entertainment. "Do you perhaps need a place to hide a body? I know a place in the Crystal Caverns that not a lot of ponies visit" Sombra gave his best thinking pose, hoof on chin and all "Or do you need a way to assassinate your competitors? If so then you went to the right pony!" He thumped his chest with a hoof, a proud grin on his face as his eyes glittered with amusement "Just say the name, description and the time you want it done"

"What!? Where did you even get that idea!?" Flare sputtered, horror on her features as she reared back. Oops, maybe she took him a bit too seriously "No! no murdering! I'm just asking for you because Captain Armor asked for a meeting with the miner who gave me such good quality ores!"

"Oh..." He made sure to show his disappointment before perking up at the name of Shining Armor, she mentioned him a week ago. Wasn't he the Nephew-In-Law of Celestia? Perhaps this is a chance to give a good first impression and perhaps get his approval? But he still hadn't been able to accomplish his first two steps, so should he move forward? Eh, he'll deal with it when he meets the other stallion. "When will i be meeting him then?" If he had enough time then he could be able to set up a game plan and know what to do and say but that would take too much time. Just be truthful and honest with your intentions, or atleast show that they are the good kind.

Flare gave a bit of an alarming look before chuckling sheepishly, her next statement nearly made him want to gut her. "In four hours?"

He instead tackled her.

After a few moments of scuffle between friends, Sombra came out of the fight as the victor. Something that surprised the mare when he pinned her down before she groaned and proceeded to sulk in the corner when he released her. She was probably embarrassed, a somewhat trained military personnel lost to a bumpkin from beyond Equestria with selective amnesia.

He snorted, which was far -actually really close, except for the bumpkin part- from the truth but if that's what she wanted to believe then he'll leave her to her thoughts. The 'beyond Equestria' is kind of true but who's telling her? No one. He rolled his neck, it had been a while since he brawled with anyone. He thought he had forgotten how to since it had been so long since he had done so but luckily his body knew what to do when Flare retaliated.

He exhaled roughly and went towards the sulking mare, he recently woke up and if he was going to give a good first impression then he'll need to freshen up and since he's a bit lazy to even trudge back to his dinky shack of a house. So he's going to steal Flare's shower, it's the least she can do after she essentially kidnapped him.

He's definitely going to get back at her later.

Comments ( 6 )

oh sombra she not sulking because you beat her but because she not used to a strong dominate stallion and that you didn't go further,

be interesting to see if shining will recognize him as sombra or that lack of horn and difference in personality will disguise the similarities

another question i know this universe is a RGRE but is the world sombra from originally RGRE as well

Nope! he's not from an RGRE society, he has his own culture though. It'll be explained in the next chapters and all i can say that it's subtly different than the norm.

Interesting. Let’s see where this goes.

Can’t wait to see how this continues.

Good story, would like to know if or when it gets finished though.

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