• Published 31st May 2020
  • 2,184 Views, 67 Comments

Male Seahorses have the Baby!? - Homeshine

Shining Armor is pregnant after a trip to Seaquestria. (Featured!? Thank you!)

  • ...


Author's Note:

This is a real thing:

"I can't be pregnant; I'm a boy." Shining Armor smiled, thinking it was a joke. The smile changed into a grimace as his 'morning sickness' started to kick in again.

As Shining fought his nausea, Doctor Horse pinned his scans to the overhead projector. "Well, it's very clear from these pictures. No doubt about it. I even ran them twice, in case something was wrong. You're pregnant."

Cadence gripped Shining's hoof in her own "Aww, that's so sweet! Flurry will have a little brother or sister! It will be just like you and Twilight!"

"But... but... how?"

The doctor turned to face Shining Armor on the examining table, "Tell me, you've been to Seaquestria in the last few months, yes?"

"Well, yeah, Cadence and I had a goodwill tour there as emissaries of the Crystal Empire"

"Well, that will be it, then, of course. In Seaquestria, the male seapony has the baby, not the female; different anatomy for underwater life."

Shining turned to Cadence, still in shock, "Is he ...he's not really serious, is he?" He turned back to the doctor, "What do I have, really?"

Cadence answered for him, still grinning from ear to ear, "No. That's how it works there. Everyone knows that." She interrupted herself while gazing over the scans, "Oh, look, you can see the blob on the scan, right there! This looks just like my scans; remember, Shiny? When Flurry Heart was ...

"Shiny? Shiny?"


"Fainting spells are mildly common during pregnancy. Make sure she- he eats regular meals and gets plenty of fluids. Especially if she- he is experiencing morning sickness. It's important to recover lost fluids immediately. It's good for the baby."

* * *

The happy (ish) couple, now discharged from the doctor's office, continued their trek towards Twilight's castle, with Shining Armor putting a hoof to his abdomen every few moments, "Well at least we know I'm not contagious; I can't give it to Twilight while I'm here."

"... Unless she wants you to."


"Princess of Love, 'member? That's why I had to try the Seapony way while we were there. It was a professional duty. I didn't think... I didn't know you would even be in season."

Shining Armor blushed, "Let's not talk about it in front of Twilight. What will we tell her?"

"The truth, of course. She's your sister; she will be as understanding as I am, I'm sure."

They rapped on the giant double-doors of Twilight's castle. They opened immediately; Twilight must have been standing right there for some time, worrying about it; "What did the doctor say?"

"Twily ... I'm going to have a baby. Flurry Heart is going to have a sibling."

Twilight's look of concern straightened into a grin, "Well, congratulations!" and then back to concern, "but what about you, Shiny?"

Since Shining Armor was too preoccupied with looking at the ground at that particular moment in time, so Cadence eventually answered for him, "That's just it; Shiny's having the baby this time. See, we were in Seaquestria a ways back, and..."

"Oh, yeah, and the boy seapony gets pregnant! So that's why you've been feeling sick in the mornings! Bad fish, my left hooves!"

Shining Armor looked up, "Does everypony else know this fact except me? Well, I shouldn't be surprised Twilight knows; she knows everything."

Spike finally made it to the door, and raised one claw in the air, "I knew that, too! Of course, I read a lot of Twilight's books."

"Oh yeah, I caught him reading up on pony anatomy last night. Which reminds me, I need to get volume two for Spike off of the top shelf. It will explain a lot of this for both of you."

Cadence looked down at Spike knowingly. Spike blushed. Shining Armor just looked confused, and followed Twilight, saying, "But we changed back from being seaponies... how can I still be pre- preg- pregnant?"

"Oh it's easy! I'll get that book for you, too!" Twilight's purple glow enveloped two volumes on opposite ends of the bookshelf at once, since she knew where they both were intrinsically, floating them over to her and opening to the proper pages in the large, tabbed-for-your-convenience medical and magical volumes. "See? The Pearl Of The Ocean must have this safety, which is common to many transformation spells. It won't change anything if it would endanger the proper functioning of your current body. It's similar to making sure you install a fuse switch when you install a light. Plus, it has memories of Cadence and the other seaponies it has changed before, to use for a reference. So it can draw on that knowledge during the transformation. You probably have a uterus now, and fallopian tubes, and everything!" Twilight showed Shining Armor the picture in her anatomy book.

"Ev- Everything? Even-"

"Of course! Everything! As the baby progresses, the magic will probably revert more changes, as needed. So you will gradually see more changes to your body, not only from pregnancy, but from the magic making you more feminine to strengthen your... new position. Your whole body will become more suited to the pregnancy, not only hormones, but physical changes from the magic as well to make you more girly. And this will apply to everything."

"Everything? Even ..."

"Yes, everything. And where did you think the baby would come out, otherwise? It has to be done to be born."

"You mean ... everything, everything?"

"Yes, everything. Why do you keep saying that? But that's not all; the regular hormone changes during pregnancy will occur as well, so you will have the nesting instincts and the nursing instincts, as well, for example..."

Shining Armor interrupted, "But when will it start happening? And how long will ... everything ... last?"

"Hard to say. The magical changes have obviously started already. You'll be seeing more very soon. Probably, after birth, it will be several months before your body even starts to revert to normal, as there are after-pregnancy considerations as well, and I was saying the nursing hormones... - Oh, Shiny! You'll be able to nurse the baby when it's born! Isn't that great? Shiny?"



Cadence caught up to them, and looked down at Shining Armor on the ground, "The doctor said this would happen sometimes. We need to give her- ... him more fluids, and make sure he eats on a regular basis, when he's ready for it. He's also had quite a bit of a shock, several of them, recently, in addition to the trials of pregnancy. I remember my own pregnancy would give me dizzy spells." Cadence smiled down and continued, "But Shiny here is used to the work of training to be a captain of the guard. He should be fine!"

Shining Armor, on the floor, simply muttered weakly, " ... everything ".