• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 1,091 Views, 44 Comments

My Little Pony Realization - Slendy

The world of MLP Realization Beta comes to an abrupt end as thousands of souls are trapped among the residents of Equestria. One player, a scarlet swordspony, will climb, by hook or by crook, to survive in this land of magic.

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Episode 16 - Nobody from Nowhere

Act IV - Faux Hero

[Blackrock Village | Tall-Tale Tavern]

From the outside, the tavern is much like the town's various buildings. However, inside it was cozy and humble, not too much noise bar a chat here and there. It's quite nice inside, wooden beams supporting the ceiling where lanterns hung from between archways spanning the ceiling. I was sat in a small booth by one of the windows, chugging down a pint of cider, I only had the one though since my mood for drinking wasn't stellar.

I slumped into my hoof, eyeing the snowfall outside dully. I had just felt like the world grew dull, in the time I knew Rain she was like a little kid but incredibly gifted and kind, far more than me in the latter. Now she was gone, off playing hero with that so-called 'Leader' of the biggest band of discombobulated idiots I have ever known. And who was I in this scenario? The idiot who was alone, and I haven't felt like this since... before this world.

Skye was here but he hasn't said a word, or atleast I haven't spoken since he picked me up off the ground despite me remaining utterly silent as we strolled. Telling what he was thinking was hard, reading his expression was impossible, I may be talented at fighting but above that, I've got no idea how to read people such as him. "You called me Merry, thought I told you to keep that to yourself?"

"'Tell a soul of this and I will run my sword through your throat, crystal?'" I winced at his voice, spotting his calm yet smug smile through the reflection. "That's what you said, besides, you seem to like calling me by my name-"

"Everyone knows who you are," I snapped back rather dryly, my gaze lost to the snowfall. "Merry... is nobody," That brought a few seconds of silence as I chuffed, taking a sip of my ale as the sweet taste of apple filled my mouth. "Artorias is the Red Warrior, the mare that lends a helping hoof to the lower-ranked players despite her narcissistic ways, she's smart, cunning, and completely competent in both her abilities and those she acknowledges, tch, what a bitch."

I saw that look in his eye, that I knew well. "Take away Artorias and what do you have? A stupid girl who's better off not existing," I hated this, every word that spilled from my lips, why was I still talking? Why am I bothering to tell him about my life? Stop it, stop and drink like the sad runt you are! "What a fucking waste..."

"You're right, everyone knows me as Ryder's son," Skye spoke up as I downed what remained of my drink bitterly. "And Artorias is a pain, she just broke my door earlier today, she's been called 'a menace to society', hah, can you believe that?" He was laughing, heh, good then he-- "But Merry's not like that,"

My head shot up, blinking as I turned to him from between my bangs, seeing that kind, dorky smile on his face as he scratched his muzzle. "Sure, Artorias is the name of the player but all her actions, her way of thinking and kindness, that's all real," Finally, those pale green eyes met my rosy ones. "Nothing a system can replicate, nor hide."

What was he talking about? Creasing my brow I turned to him completely. "What? What are you...?" Nothing could formulate in my head so he leaned onto the table, pointing a hoof at me

"This world is filled with amazing wonders, and many players still act as though the person they are outside this world doesn't exist, that letting go of that familiarity makes them stronger, but strength in this world is just an illusion," He sat back. "Sure, everyone knows my name but they don't give a crap about me, but you do, despite knowing the target it puts on your back, that doesn't stop you from doing what you think is right, that's your strength, Artorias might not believe it, but I don't think Merry has given up on it just yet."

I snorted, eyes completely unconvinced even as something in my head liked what he was saying. "Really? 'Cause from where I'm sitting I just lost the first real friend I ever had, Calum," I seethed, leaning over the table with hesitant eyes. "The first person in my whole life that saw me as a best friend, do you know what that's like? Do you?" I was starting to breathe heavily at every word while grinding my teeth. "To lose someone you can't get out of your head even after they abandoned you? Answer me that then?"

For the longest time he didn't speak, watching me silently with his mouth ajar, I was half tempted just to leave and go back to Canterlot, tell Klaw not to waste his breath on the low lives called 'Players', if they died no one would miss them, people like that, who disregard innocent lives aren't worth saving, those I saw perish tonight, they mattered but were lured into Knight's web of delusions.

Sighing through my nose I shuffled out and grabbed Genesis, my one true companion in this world I suppose. "Seeya around, Sk-"

"You haven't lost her, she just needs to see that you're still here," My voice hitched as he somehow stopped me dead in my tracks. "Rain needs our help, she needs you, Artorias, her best friend," What did that mean. Looking back over my shoulder I saw him rub his temple, eyes squinted at the wooden face. "I-I don't remember much but... after I got struck with some debuff from those monsters I just... felt clear-headed, I don't even get what I was saying, who just runs into a boss without a plan at all?" Was he serious?

He cursed, "What the hell was that? Was I spiked with some Stardust potion or...?" He started murmuring so loud the words bubbled around him, I just didn't care, watching him, his eyes and how they gleamed with guilt and regret

Stuff like 'friendship' and 'kindness' just doesn't function with me, he's wrong, Merry isn't anyone special, take away this world, and what's there to be amazed by? Despite not even knowing this he kept talking to me... not Artorias? And hearing those words, that Rain needs me, that alone put something straight in my mind, "..." I felt him freeze as I moved closer than ever before to wrap my hooves around him softly, pressing my muzzle to his shoulder as I closed my eyes, "...thank you." My voice trembled a little, but I just didn't care right now

There was no telling what he was thinking or the face he was making, but, I felt... secure, his hooves resting around my back while I stared back at the snowfall, my fire rekindled though that might be the alcohol. "Artorias?" I blinked, pulling back to see the stern frown he held. "We need to back to Canterlot."

It didn't take me long to piece the rest together. "Yeah, we need help, no... Rain, she needs our help," To hell with some contract, right now, I wanted to save my friend, and I'll need my dorky friend to do it

[Canterlot | Bronze Bull Inn]

"-And that about sums it up the multi-headed di - *sigh* yeah, so that's been yesterday," Restraining my anger again was a little tricky but I managed to bring myself back to a calm state of mind. Never, in all my years of gaming, have I ever felt such a desirable rage before. Sure, I get peeved like any other player that loses or feels like they're being toyed with, but Knight and his little posse are just... unbelievable and in the worst ways possible. "The best way I can narrow down Knight is the main protagonist, who's a complete Gary Stu and everything he says is like gold to those foolish enough to listen,"

Mine and Skye's retelling of yesterday's events, which was only a few hours ago, to Seraph, Riot, and the rat known as Gin. The trio were thankfully in the city when we sent out the message to meet us later tonight to discuss what we've learned. Why didn't I tell Klaw? Because he's currently halfway across the explorable Equestria on a personal mission of sorts, leaving us to handle this mess ourselves.

"That sounds horrible, are you both okay?" Seraph asked us gently, earning a small chuff from us both

"We're fine, it's Rain and the other players under his command I'm more worried about," Skye hummed, rubbing his forehead. "It just doesn't make sense, what's compelling them to follow Knight into battle like that? Three casualties and the only players that seemed to listen to us were completely enraptured by his words straight after,"

I felt Gin smile under her hood toward me. "Thinkin' that ol' Stardust still rummaging about?" Her query did crop into my mind before but all of those idiots... whatever their name was, were locked up

"Na, Nocturne's a complete pushover but his methodical planning kept him under the radar for weeks, he'd tried to keep his operation under wraps not hanging with its pants down," Much as I could care less, he was smart not to play it cockily until he was cornered. Leaning back on my chair I thought about Silverwing. "Silverwing's still with 'em, meaning she's probably fighting a losing battle to convince them to stand down."

"Didn't you order them not to leave?" Riot asked as I chuckled

"Bud, if you heard everything my ears had to endure, even you'd realize how fruitless talking is," That alone seemed to make him angry, punching the table

"It's one to put others in danger, but his own comrades, and all those innocent players," He shot up from his chair, plating his hooves to the table. "We can't just let this happen, they'll be slaughtered!"

"Precisely why we're here, Riot," Seraph's hoof patted him on the foreleg, getting him to look down at her soft smile. "You're a good person, but relax, we can come up with a way to prevent this." It was fun watching these two talk. Riot had a big heart and a fighting spirit while Seraph was rational and stern with again, kindness I struggle to project. With a solemn look, her eyes drifted to Gin. "Gin, what else do we know of these Harmony Knights?"

The Rat took a sip of her drink before sitting upright, waving her hoof lazily before us. "Guys have been rummaging across MLPR, recruiting players of similar levels to their own, all reports state he's an amazing player, and his team has never known defeat under Knight's orders," I refrained an eye-roll. However, Gin's frown darkened. "Worst thing is, that's the PG reports from people 'effected' by 'em."

"'Effected'?" All of us echoed, Gin nodding to our confusion

"Somethin's causing the players to look at Knight as this big ol' hero type, girls swoon, guy's feel inspired, usual stuff heroes could do with a simple flick of their wrist," She leaned forward, tapping the table while watching her reflection in her mug. "Thing is, what the bias reports always failed to mention were the bodies racked up behind them." I already knew this thanks to Silverwing, but that only made my throat dry

"How many, Miss Informant?" Seraph asked, almost reluctantly as I sighed, both of us looking to one another

"... thirty-three, counting yesterday's losses," The words dropped like an anvil tied to their chests. If we're honest, I almost felt the same way when Silverwing told me, I couldn't see her face but I could tell she felt sick at the realization. "They've gotten the second-highest kill rating via indirect PKing."

Pking. AKA Player Killing. There was only one other group that usurped their numbers with over fifty deaths. The Veil. I've never encountered them, most that do never really live unless they want you to, there is no reasoning with them, no sure-fire way of tracking them. Their Guild, even though they aren't established is a cabal of players that have lost their minds under the weight of being forever trapped within this Death Game, others were out for spiteful vengeance, being dumbass trolls that thought they could ruin other players' time, and some... well, not all killers need a motive other than for the sake of bloodshed.

"We can also note that while this has occurred no official reports ever met any of the guilds already present, meaning they aren't even official, just like Veil." Skye crossed his forelegs, unable to look away from Gin while the news sunk in. Seraph covered her mouth while Riot just sat there, frozen with dread written into his face. "These guys are serious news, if they go to that Temple come sunrise it'll be a massacre."

"Issue is," Gin sighed, shaking her head. "We've got no lead on where the Temple is, only the names, so our info's dry," She pointed a hoof at us. "Didn't ya get Silverwing's ID?"

For once I shook my head. "No, I was so... distracted that I never bothered to ask, sorry." They looked generally surprised I apologized but after all the tidal waves of events I wasn't exactly feeling like myself at all, Artorias and Merry were swaying in tandem to the events present.

"Hey, if everyone else got hypnotized or something by Knight, how come Artorias hasn't changed?" Riot's curious question left their eyes on me as I looked around, shrugging plainly

"I dunno, I felt off when talking with the guy but most of my mind was situated between completely my report or ramming it down Blondie's throat, both were very tempting, the latter mostly," Now that he did mention it... I tapped my hooves together. "Oh? Silverwing's completely fine too, otherwise she'd have probably been against me back then."

Gin shivered slightly, a sly smile crossing her muzzle. "Welp, it's official, Red's ego is so large it can nullify hypnotism." I'm sorry, what?

Seraph looked to agree, nodding rather quickly. "She's more full of herself than anyone else, that must be the cause." I feel like this is a personal attack? My posture slowly slumped

"That's awesome, you're toxic nature's given you a secret passive buff!" I don't think Riot understood how scathing that was. I was now hunched over with a deadpan stare

"Alright, I get it, I'm a narcissist, pretty sure that was established in the first episode, fuck me like!" Throwing my hooves high I just turned away from their mocked laughter, pink dusting my cheeks. "I hate every one of you and pray I am there to kill you someday..."

"Hey, Artorias?" Oh great, now Skye was in on it. With a creak in my body, I turned my attention to the faux-brown-haired pony looking a little hot under the collar

"What? Go on, what's your pot-shot at me?" Let's just keep this train rollin'

"That's not your sword." His words were quick, shuffling back as his body paled

"Pardon?" What the hell does that mean? Genesis was literally sat beside me

"That's not your sword... that's a counterfeit," He pointed, shaking his head as the others shared his white posture as I rolled my eyes, picking up Genesis by the scabbard to inspect its craft

Drawing it with my right hoof I found its... painted edge, and sloppy might I add, even the entirety of the handle and guard looked off, almost aged by time. Nothing was spoken, not even a breath was uttered as I continued to stare down at the fake Genesis clutched in my hooves, my heartbeat slowly, and gradually kicked up into a higher gear as something akin to a glass shattered in my mind, turning my world black with white outlines. Several words scored themselves in my vision.

彼 ら を 殺 す

"...that stinking..." Pure Rage flowed from my soul, words dripping with toxicity that the very table under me groaned from the strain I applied. "BIIIIIIIIIITCH!!!"

[Blackrock Fields | Temple of the Displaced]

[No POV]

The sun had barely begun to rise over the mountains but standing by an ancient, half-buried temple were a band of players at the foot of its staircase, the entrance somewhat lopsided through time and age, the once white stone weathered and covered in snow and ice as Knight took a stand by the ajar doorway, placing his forehooves on the pommel of his blade, addressing the raid team.

"Here we go..." Rain was thrilled to finally be jumping into the fray again, after the boss battle last night. seeing team Harmony Knights in action was almost breathtaking. "Hey, Arto - oh, right." She blinked, seeing herself standing just off to the side, for a moment, she felt really sad all of a sudden

"My comrades!" Knight's voice echoed through-out the mountain, a golden smile and light in his eyes akin to that of the sun as its first rays refracted off his necklaces pearl-white sheen. "Today is another day we strike back against this cruel world, this may only be a mere step along a path that will see many of us fall, Malware sits atop his throne, toying with our lives, that's fine," He hummed, posture straightening. "Let him watch as his minions fall, as our blades and magic do battle against his vile rein, and when we reach the end, when we see him staring back at us, he will know never to have underestimated us!"

With a rousing speech that drew an uproar from the raid team, Knight drew his sword from the stone and held it in his magic toward the doorway. "Now, my friends, to battle!" With that, the large sum of fifteen players stormed the frozen temple with haste, with Knight's most trusted allies grinning at the fact Artorias was nowhere to be seen.

While the players charged into battle, had they not been so enraptured by their leader's corny speech they'd have noticed the sixteenth member sitting on a half-cut pillar overlooking the grand road and temple entrance with a crooked smile under a black poncho.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Dark forces are in motion, and Artorias' team is far behind. Just who will make it out of the Temple of the Displaced alive? I hope you enjoyed, appreciate the support as always, seeya in the next episode players!

Next Episode: With Friends Like You...
Rain and the Harmony Knights march on the Boss' Temple, unaware of the danger waiting within.