• Published 29th Aug 2012
  • 1,797 Views, 41 Comments

Faceless One - malfarious

This is a tale of wrought and destruction and a name that none can remember.

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Introductions are in order. That is how this writing goes right? I'm never too sure how to start something like this. Well let me start by saying I'm not well known. As a matter of fact those who do know me fear me. With good intentions I suppose. Those who know of me tend not to live long. Is it too much to ask for companionship every now and then? I mean in my line of work you work alone. Ohh did I forget to mention that I am one of the many protector of an unseen world one that many would try to abuse. In this world we hold many secrets of how both places came to be. This information is held in a tome that sits in the midst of where both worlds collide. My family were given the sole mission of keeping this tome safe and guarding the unseen world at the same time. My Family has been the guardians ever since the world came to be. We were given Immortality to ensure that we would always protect. Always duty and honor came first. Nothing else mattered in the family. There are vows that we have taken to ensure that we would never sway from the path of the guardian.

" I vow that always will I be vigilant in my task, that I shall never leave my post nor abandon my tasks, that death may grant me honor to never die and to kill to protect serve and guard that which never be read by the likes of any mortal. I do so swear that if ever i break my vows that my life be forfeit. Honor shall be my cloak, duty my sword and darkness my armor and my master." Those are the words that we the Faceless Ones have taken. The oath that we took. We were newborn and knew no better. My father and mother do not question it. My sister is too obsessed with killing any and everything or torturing it to death. She takes delight in it all. I cannot say the same. I feel so empty inside like I was never really born at all. This land I protect has nothing for me here. I dare not abandon my post, my duty. I was never given a name. We all came up with names except me. My dad was Duke, my mom Mary and my sis Valentine. Weird huh? Then again she is a masochist and a sadist. Never trusted her and I never will.

Looking at the tomb always made me uneasy. I mean for eons we've been guarding it and protecting it and making sure no mortal ever lived to see it or stay alive in our territory, It's almost like were wolves guarding our territory. It's actually rather ridiculous on how many visitors we have. In the last few centuries we've had an increase in mortals. These newer ones resemble small little ponies.Most are wizards desiring knowledge but every know and then a poor lost soul comes bumbling through only to have their soul devoured by us and then then we chop off their head. It is the most peaceful way to kill mortals. However my sis she wanders around the land wearing crude weapons some are sharped curved blades others with blunted ends meant to crush the bones inwards. It can be heard when she has made a kill throughout the land she gives a terrifying screech that vibrates within the soul. To us it is more of a roar but to anyone else it paralyzes them rendering them neigh useless.

"Come now little brother staring off to space while prey awaits us is unkind to the fodder." As my sister said these words she slapped me on the back waking me from my daze. As I looked to her she stood like a tall slender giant adorned in her favorite leather armor painted a midnight black. On her back a sledgehammer and a spiked mace hung, while her hip held her favorite weapon the scimitars swung almost freely on her hips and by her knees two knives on each leg was firmly strapped. If she had a face you could see the blood curling smile that sent a chill down your spine. Upon her face was a scar of pure red as if it was a fresh cut, she did it to herself blood frenzy as she took her first kill. It was a bloody mess. I remember that day. It was our first century. None of us expected it. An Ursa Major came rushing through our forest it was one hell of a fight. Then we had not figured out how to forge steel so we had stone swords and spears. My sis and my and mother had the spears while me and my father used the swords. Then we wore small tree woven clothes. Me and father charged the beast headfirst cutting its legs deeply. Then we quickly dashed away only to just barely evade the Ursa's huge swipe form its paw. Once again we rushed in this time cutting deep into his left foreleg. The Ursa let out a huge roar and swiped both me and my father to the ground knocking the wind out of both of us. Then that's when I saw Valentine chuck her spear right into it's eye and the bear roared in pain and stood on its hind legs. Then she grabbed both fallen swords and began to furiously cut at it's hind legs ripping them to shreds and with each cut the blade's came increasingly closer to cutting off the hind legs. She dashed through and fro from the bear slicing and cutting incisions into the bear. Then with a giant swing she cut off the right hind leg. Then she dashed over to left leg and lopped it off with a cleaving blow. The bear with the lost of both legs it was standing and fell to the ground that let out a huge earthquake and sat there with a pitiful look of dismissal. The bear still alive had given up hope on fighting back anymore and had resigned its fate. Then my sis climbed up on it's back and with a blood shrieking scream she plunged the blades deep into the Ursa's brain. Then she began to plunge the swords into the Ursa over and over again. She began to laugh manically as the swords bathed deeply into the blood of the giant bear. All we could do was watch in astonishment as she cut in and out of the bear. None of us dared to interrupt her for fear that in her blood rage she would direct it to us. My father looked to her with beaming pride, but I looked on with horror. How could anyone kill so ruthlessly.

"Brother snap out of it you dipshit!" With that Valentine punched my violently on the shoulder waking me again from my daze.

"Dear sister, I do hope your not going to go into frenzy and try to kill me again, because the last time we fought for nine hours and it only concluded when I pummeled your ass into the ground."

"Ohh come now we both know that you got lucky with that shot to the ribs with your gauntlet. I would have won had it not been for that."

"That's bullshit and you know it that fight was mine I have always been the strongest of the family and all of us know it."

" Ohh I bet you think your tough shit don't you??"

"Fuck you just kill the fucking intruder already."

"Don't fucking rush me bitch I know what the fuck I'm doing so give me my space."

"Just do it already you dumb bitch!" Just as i had finished my words Valentine walked up to the intruder. The intruder looked like a small unicorn here to unravel secrets no doubt. He tried to talk to sis but his words were jumbled and in another tongue we didn't know.

"So little brother what shall we do with this one? Drain his soul and give him a painless death, or maybe we should chop off his limbs one by one, or maybe we should flay his skin from him and roast him over a spitfire slowly letting his body slowly melt away. No that sounds too merciful. I plan on having him suffer just for me entertainment." With a maniacal laugh Valentine approached the unwanted visitor. The pony shivered in pure terror as it saw that it had met its demise.

As Valentine grabbed him by his mane dragging him across the ground he screamed in hopes that somepony, anypony would save but his attempts were futile. Tired of hearing his pathetic whining Valentine gave him a swift blow to the head knocking him unconscious. She then threw him on her shoulder looking at me.

"Pathetic little things aren't they? They squeal like little pigs backing from a slaughter eh?"

Ohh and you know all about killing defenseless animals don't you now?? My sister the pig slayer hmm? I'm sure that sends shivers down all your enemies spines." I chortled at her with amusement and quickly ducked a wild right hook from her and bounced back hands up. " Come now sister being so violent is so uncivil of you why can't we just get along?"

"Because you are an arrogant prick who needs to be taught a lesson to treat me better as your sister and to keep your childish annoying thoughts to yourself." As she said this she rushed me bombarding me with jabs, and hooks all to which i ducked and weaved away from effortlessly. As she cocked her arm back for a haymaker i quickly thrusted

my fist into her collarbone while smoothly striking her throat seconds afterwards. She grabbed her neck staggering backwards. I then picked up momentum and kicked her in the ribs and then swiftly knocking her off her feet. As she fell to the ground i stood above her and picked her up only to slam her back into the ground leaving an indent into the ground. I jumped back to just barely avoid the swipe of her bladed mace. She got up slowly with dark waves emitting from her.

" Now now now sister aren't we getting serious? Isn't this just splendid were having bonding time!" As i jumped with exaggerated glee that i did not have. Then I noticed that the pony had slowly stirred.

" Celestia save me from this hell." I heard him say yet all I understood was "Ce-les-tia" it sounded awkward like some sort of place or maybe a person. I barely had time to duck as I heard the sound of whoosh and the mace passed over almost grazing me. I slid away from her reach attempting to reason with her.

"Sister the creature is awake! We must tend to it before it gets away!" As i tried to reason with her i could her rage emitting from her body. " Shit i won't be able to get through to her in time " I thought aloud to myself while jumping away from my sister. Then i noticed the creature chanting something. " Valentine stop now we must kill the creature!" Blinded with rage she only charged onwards towards me with contempt and rage. Then the creature finished his chanting and opened up some sort of strange like door.

"Equestria, i'll never leave again." As he said these words, the words i could only hear but not understand, he moved towards the strange door. I knew that this door lead me to where he came from I was filled with dread that our world would be endangered by a petty argument between my sister and me. I was filled with anticipation as a whole new world to explore was opened up to me. This was a chance in the lifetime that I knew that I couldn't pass up. As he walked through the door it slowly began to close but not before i made a series of jumps and leaps right through the door as it closed. Then suddenly with a blast of magic i fell to the ground my eyes burning from the sudden exposure to the light. "MY EYES!!! Holy shit i've got eyes! what the hell is this!?" I screamed and throttled on the ground the exposure to color and light searing my mind.

"Well this certainly is an awkward welcome to Equestria but to be fair you were trying to kill me. Celestia be praised that i made it out of that dark hellhole. Well then hope you can find your way around here sadly i have to go so let's hope you die??" All that rambling and still the only thing that made sense was Ce-les-tia and i was still writhing in pain. I managed to pry my newfound eyes momentarily only to see him poofing away. The questions running through my mind were mainly where I was. But most importantly maybe this Ce-les-tia could answer my questions.