• Published 3rd Jul 2020
  • 7,325 Views, 248 Comments

Droning On - James Pwyll

After her brother's wedding, Twilight goes back home and discovers an unexpected visitor

  • ...

The Princess Arrives

Now, Princess Celestia had visited Twilight in the Golden Oak Library many times before this, yet never before had there been such an air of discomfort and unease with her presence. Not even Twilight's panic about being late with her friendship lessons had prompted a royal arrival as tense as this, but thankfully Twilight was more composed about the matter this time around. She certainly didn't envy Thorax right now though. Standing in the middle of the library's main room, he was surrounded by four of the pegasi guards who had accompanied the Princess here, and as for Celestia herself, she stood before him, wings outstretched. She was still a regal figure, yet she bore a distinctly imposing feel about her, far more so than Twilight had seen of her, except for her prior confrontation with Chrysalis. There was dead silence right now, and Celestia was no doubt measuring her words carefully, all while never taking her eyes off the surrendered drone. Then, after what felt like an eternity, the mare of the sun finally spoke. "What is your name?"

Having been commanded by his chosen leader to cooperate, Thorax did not hesitate to answer. "My designation was T-H-R-X-86, though I have been given the name of Thorax."

Celestia arched an eyebrow, causing only the briefest of glances in Twilight's direction, before again focusing on the prisoner. "Are there other drones with you here in Ponyville? Or perhaps just beyond it?"

Thorax shook his head. "There aren't. I came here alone. All others from my hive dispersed to other locations."

Here, Celestia gave Twilight her full attention, and the latter knew exactly why, causing a nod on her part. "He's telling the truth. I did a sweep of the place after we discovered him. He's all alone."

Celestia nodded to her, then returned her gaze to the drone. "And what is your purpose here?"

Thorax's voice was as stoic as ever as he replied. "It is as I have said, and as your apprentice informed you in her letter. I have come to pledge my allegiance to Twilight Sparkle, as the one responsible for the downfall of my Queen. The ancient ways of my people demand that she be seen as my new Queen, and so...here I am, ready to serve."

How Celestia felt about her student being thought of in that way, none could tell, for as always she bore the best poker-face in the land. Instead, she continued with her questioning. "The others of your hive. Where have they gone?"

Thorax turned, looking out of the nearby window. "Some will have tried to seclude themselves in some attempt to survive on their own, or have tried to enter into the hives and service of other Queens. Though I do not know the specifics."

Celestia's eyes narrowed just a little bit. "And exactly how many other Changeling Queens are out there that we need to worry about?"

Thorax looked back to her. "I cannot say. Only the Queens themselves knew for certain how many there were. The only time we drones ever knew of others was when we fought their drones."

That caught Celestia's interest, and Twilight's too for that matter, though it was only the former who spoke. "Changelings fight other Changelings?"

A nod from Thorax. "Frequently. For hunting grounds mostly. Though don't be surprised if one Queen will war upon another just because of personal dislike."

Celestia grimaced as she glanced to the side. "Oh, I can believe it." She resumed looking at him. "I trust you're aware that Changelings are not looked upon with fondness in our nation?" She saw thorax nod silently, leading to further remarks on her part. "I'm willing to offer sanctuary if there's useful information you can give us. You say Chrysalis is gone? Then who will most likely be the Queen that we'll have to deal with in future?"

To that, Thorax shrugged. "Honestly? You might never hear from Changelings again after what Chrysalis tried to do in Canterlot. No other Queen has ever tried to take as many as she did, and certainly not as aggressively. That kind of forwardness isn't usually how my kind acts when seeking love to feed upon. And this failure on my ex-Queen's part will only cement the belief that we need to be subtle." He pondered the other question. "As for which Queen you might have to deal with...I truly cannot say. Equestria as a whole might be deemed too much of a risk after the Canterlot attack. Queens will probably order their hives to give your people and nation a wide berth." A pause, but only a brief one. "So...you might not need to worry about seeing another hive make a move against you for some time. A pony might never see a changeling again in fact." Another shrug from him. "Except for me."

Celestia, if she sensed dishonesty from him, certainly wasn't showing it. Instead, her voice, when she finally spoke, was sounding more like curiosity than distrust. "You took a grave risk in coming here. You've given us your full cooperation, for which I'm grateful. But I trust you know that complete freedom is off the table for you for the time being."

Thorax nodded. "I do But my Queen gave me a command, and I shall obey it. Cooperation is what you will have from me, along with the truth. But I fear I have given you as much information as I can regarding my people and their potential movements."

Twilight stepped forward here, looking up to her teacher and speaking in a quiet tone. "It seems Chrysalis wasn't really willing to tell her drones much about anything."

Celestia frowned. "All the knowledge for herself. Arrogant to the last." She stood in silence for a time, then looked again to thorax. "And what, pray tell, do you see of your life from here on out?"

Thorax did not hesitate, and turned to Twilight before giving a bow of her head. "My life, henceforth, is devoted to the service of my Queen, Twilight."

Here, Celestia showed some degree of amusement, though it was minor at best. "I'm sure she appreciates that." Even Twilight herself couldn't help but scowl to her mentor's words, but she remained quiet when Celestia gave a nod to the guards. They saluted, stepping forward so as to be closer to Thorax, thus freeing the Princess to finally walk away. Twilight followed her, joining her on the far side of the room, and after thinking things over for a bit, the older pony looked down to her student. "So...how do you feel about all this?"

Twilight sighed. "I...have no idea. I don't want to be a Queen, as you probably already know, but besides that we just don't have all that much information from Thorax." She looked over her shoulder. "We don't know where, when or if the next Changeling attack will come, and he really does seem like somecreature who's just content to take and carry out orders."

Celestia nodded. "Agreed. I had hoped for more a enlightening talk with him. But the only thing we know for certain is that the other Changeling leaders aren't going to be acting in the same way Chrysalis did."

Twilight nodded back. "Given what Thorax said, we might not ever have to deal with an attack from their people again."

That thought in particular gave Celestia pause. "I wish I could believe that, but we know times of peace won't always last. We must keep an eye out, just in case."

Twilight gave a bow to her leader, then started to feel more than a little hesitant. "And...Thorax?"

To that, Celestia smirked. "Well, he certainly seems to have shown great devotion to you, Twilight. Perhaps it might be best for him to remain under your custody?"

The young unicorn beside her didn't know how to feel about that. "He only feels that way about me because of some archaic 'might makes right' law of his people. He doesn't follow me because I was his first choice or anything."

A slow nod from Celestia. "Perhaps...but given his other options...where better for him to be?" When she saw Twilight look to her with some confusion, Celestia's more jovial manner dropped, and instead she spoke with utter seriousness. "I won't sugarcoat this, Twilight. If he were to return to Canterlot with me, the best he could hope for would be a lifetime of being under watch. Guards with him wherever he went, always being looked at with scorn by everypony who crossed paths with him. He'd be a prisoner in all but name. Now..." She reached out, placing her hoof upon Twilight's shoulder. "Would that be the fate you would wish for him?"

There was no time at all between the question and the answer, though Twilight did let out a long sigh first. "No...I wouldn't."

Celestia returned to her small smile. "Then perhaps it might be better for you to remain his keeper. For the time being at least."

Barely a second had passed before Twilight looked to her teacher with a mix of shock and disbelief. "M...me?!"

Celestia nodded. "Yes, you. If nothing else, I sense that you have his well-being at heart. And more than that, if he has truly pledged himself to you, then you might be the only pony who can keep him in line. He is, after all, one who has harmed our people already. And there's no telling if he might do so again."

The Princess was right, and Twilight knew it. But that thought didn't really give her much comfort. "I just...I don't want a servant, Princess. And I don't want to be a jailor either."

As before, Celestia placed her hoof upon Twilight's shoulder. "Then think of yourself as his minder instead." A sly look came to her. "Besides, I have the sneaking suspicion that you have something of a desire to learn as much about Changelings as you can. And how better to do that than by living with one?"

Twilight couldn't deny that, and so blushed slightly at having been found out, much to Celestia's amusement. But there was also one more sticking point in this that, quite frankly, brought no joy for Twilight to consider. "And...my brother?"

Like with Twilight, Celestia too looked serious now. "He knew of your visitor at the same time I did, and as you no doubt expected, he wasn't happy about it. It took all my persuasion to convince him to remain in Canterlot to oversee the reconstruction efforts in my absence." She sighed. "And we both know he'll be least happy out of all of us with this arrangement I'm proposing."

Twilight shook her head. "Next time I see him...I'll try an explain things. He'll listen to me."

Celestia's smile returned. "After recent events, I imagine he will."

The two shared a laugh, after which Twilight, thinking the matter over, gave a single nod. "Alright...I'll keep watch over him."

Celestia gave a slight bow of her head to her pupil. "Very well. Then I will leave him to you and your discretion." The Princess turned, walking straight past Thorax, though not without giving him one final look. "Mr Thorax, I bid you good day."

Thorax nodded back, watching along with Twilight as Celestia and her accompanying guards began to leave. Assuming his pony disguise, Thorax joined Twilight in stepping out of the library, just in time to see Celestia enter into her chariot. The other guards got into position, and before long there was a simultaneous flapping of wings, launching the entourage into the sky. The two below looked up to see Celestia's departure, and kept their gaze for as long as she was visible. When she was, at last, gone from view, Twilight considered everything that had happened, before finally smiling to her guest. "Well, Thorax...welcome to the Golden Oak."

Thorax bowed to her, much like one of those guards would have done with Celestia. "It is my honor, your Grace."

Twilight facehoofed herself. "Yeah...never getting used to that." But then, her inner scientist awoke, and she looked on at this drone, this one who had offered himself to her, and started to ponder the possibilities. "Say...would you care to join me in my lab down below? I've got a few instruments I'd..." She smirked mischievously. "That I'd like you to come see."

Author's Note:

And here I think I'll end it. I never really thought up any continuation beyond this during my initial writing of this story all those years ago, so I think this might be a good place to stop. I might return to it one day, but for the time being I'm satisfied just having it here, with Thorax included in the cast for potential future stories :twilightsmile: