• Published 12th Jun 2020
  • 510 Views, 3 Comments

Dawn of a New Era - kamijeceleek

Friendship can bring you together and take you places you never imagined...

  • ...


Author's Note:

I changed my plans for this story. Rather than teaching her lessons in Ponyville, things are gonna change a lot. And I think you'll all like where this is going, especially since I'll be implementing a branch of mythology that was disappointingly absent in the series, in my opinion. And so I won't be detailing Luster's lessons here. Instead, I'll be alluding to them and the story will be largely about the adventure they're going on.

Also, what I referred to as 'the Outlands' in the prologue has been changed to Tír na nÓg.

Also also, note: Niamh is speaking Gaelic. She also speaks with an Irish accent.

Luster Dawn had been back in Ponyville for a few months now. Learning about friendship was easy, and sending letters back to Princess Twilight gave her a certain sense of satisfaction. Spending time with her family and her newfound friends didn't hurt, either. It felt good to make those kinds of connections again after spending so much time on her own. Ponyville's reputation as one of the friendliest towns in Equestria seemed to be accurate.

Yep, life was good. She didn't even have to worry about some world-ending catastrophe or villain attacking like her mentor had.

Okay, so there were a few things. Aurora was as standoffish as ever, Stinger had a habit of pranking others, Magnus could be rather overbearing, Moon had a tendency to be excited about the tiniest things, Alex... well, he and Gemma weren't really a problem. They tended to go with the flow more than the others. But Luster still loved all of them and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

Everything changed, however, one early spring morning.

Luster was trotting along the road towards the School of Friendship to meet up with her friends before they started class for the day, as well as to eat breakfast with her parents and pick up her brother to take him to the Ponyville Schoolhouse. It had become a routine since her return and she loved herself a routine that she could consistently stick to. She arrived at the castle, but then a voice called out weakly. It was in a language she didn't understand, and it was coming from around the corner of the castle.

"Cobhair... orm..."

Part of her wanted to run for help, but the other part of her thought of what Princess Twilight would do, what her parents would do. And so she went around the corner and there, lying in a heap on the ground, was a pure white pony with a reddish-gold mane. A mare, to be precise... but something was off. For one thing, she had no cutie mark despite being full-grown. For another, she had a pair of transparent butterfly-like wings on her back. One was slightly bent and she looked exhausted. Her eyes opened a little and they were an emerald green that Luster had never seen on a pony before.

"Le... le do thoil..." she whispered, her eyes closing again.

Luster felt a moment of panic before she calmed down and lifted the odd pony with her magic. As discreetly and quietly as she could she entered the castle, making her way to a bedroom she knew was unoccupied and carefully set their guest under the covers.

Okay, Luster. Just go tell Mom and Dad. It shouldn't take long...

She left the room and heard hoof-steps approaching. It was her dad, based on the lightness of the steps. Her mother tended to walk with much more purpose and Firecracker was a klutz.

"Oh, Dawnie! What are you doing?"

"Um... could you get Mom? I found something this morning and I need some help with it."

"She already went to the school this morning. Something about making sure your god-mare doesn't blow up the classrooms while preparing for her lecture on the value of stage magic."

"Just... come on."

She showed him the mystery mare and he backed up, looking terrified and confused at the same time.

"Dawnie, who is—"

"I have no idea, and I can't understand a word she's said. I've never heard anybody speak that language before." Sunburst cleaned his lenses and adjusted them on his muzzle before nodding to her.

"Go find your mother and Midnight. He knows more than almost anybody else about non-Ponish languages."

"So why do we need Mom?"

"Because I know I'm going to geek out and she stabilizes me when I go too far."

It turned out Sunburst had been right on the money in regards to him geeking out. After Starlight had used some healing tactics she'd learned from Zecora, the mare had woken up and glanced around at her surroundings before her eyes rested on Starlight.

"Cò d' an nighean thu?" she asked, tilting her head. Starlight gave her a confused look.

"I'm sorry?"

"Ní thuigim thú."

"Midnight, do you recognize the language?" Sunburst asked, looking ready to explode with excitement.

"I do, actually. I thought it was a dead language, but this is undoubtedly Gaeilge."


"The odd pronunciations and accent make it unmistakable. Let me try..." He approached the mare and she tilted her head.

"An bhfuil Gaeilge agat?"

"Tuigim thú."


"What's she saying?"

"She asked if I spoke Gaeilge. I do and she cheered." He turned back to her. "Cad es ainm duit?"

"Is me Niamh."

"Is me Midnight. An bhfuil Ponish agat?"

She seemed to understand that and took a deep breath. A slight glow came from Midnight's throat and into her own.

"Me Ponish ain't the best," she stated. "Tá brón orm. I hoped one of ya spoke Gaeilge."

"What... what are you?" Luster asked.

"I am Niamh of the Sidhe."

"You're a Sidhe?!" yelled Sunburst. His wife levitated him a little, not-so-subtly reminding him to remain calm.

"What's a Sidhe?" asked Luster.

"They're a race of pony-like beings that are older than Equestria itself. Some say that they're where ponies came from, but nobody's seen one in thousands of years!"

"To be precise, nobody's seen one since that winter that the Windigos caused," Midnight corrected. "Think of them as alicorns with butterfly wings and no horns."

"Ya seem like a smart stallion. Can any of ya tell me where ta get some help around here?"

"Well, you've found the right place," Starlight sighed. "But what do you need help with?"

"The Sidhe... we're in trouble. Our princess sent me ta get help." She was shaking a little. "Tír na nÓg has been taken over and most of the Sidhe have surrendered. There's only a few of us who haven't. Me, Princess Eimear, her granny, and her uncle. King Conor was the one who allowed Tír na nÓg ta be taken."

"I think it's time to bring Twilight into this," Sunburst pointed out. "This is another country. Far beyond Equestria."

"I've been travelin' fer months," explained Niamh. "I dunno what's gonna be waitin' when I get back home."

"Hey, what was that spell you did?" Luster spoke up.

"Luster," Starlight said in a warning tone.

"It's a spell fer languages. Not a common one but ol' Granny Ciara taught it ta me just in case. One use only."

"Aw." Luster looked disappointed.

"Anyway, I'll send a letter to Twilight and tell the students that we need to cancel classes for the day due to an emergency. Sunburst, you make sure Niamh is comfortable. Midnight, you find everything you can on Tír na nÓg and the Sidhe. We don't have any time to waste."

"What about me?" Luster inquired.

"You go gather your friends. If I'm right..." She took a deep breath. "This is going to be a quest for you and them beyond Equestria. The Council has too many responsibilities to do this sort of thing and this will test your friendships. You'll see."

On the one hoof, Luster was excited to travel to a distant land with her friends and save an ancient race. On the other... that was a lot of pressure. And this was going to be a long journey. But she was sure she could handle it.

But as her mother trotted off to write a letter, Luster wondered...

Who took over the Sidhe?