• Published 29th Jun 2020
  • 546 Views, 8 Comments

Switching places; Chaos and crazy - Brony1337

After another failed attemp to get their Cutie Marks, the CMC find themselves in new bodies and far away from home. Observe how they handle their new bodies and situations and meet new and old friends and foes alike on their journey back to Ponyville

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Chapter1: Eye of the Storm

It was a battle of the ages. None that could compare would come for a long time. It was the kind of battle where no one knew who really won, but everypony present believed themselves to be the victor.

Scootaloo spread her wings. “Hah! I won!”

“Nu-uh! Ah crossed the line first!” Apple Bloom shot back.

“But I was the first inside!”

“That’s not what counts!”

“It is!”

“Is not!”

“Is,” Scootaloo huffed and began to clear out the middle of the room. “And now help me push that stuff aside, we need room for this.”

“Alright, yer off the hook for now. But what are ya planning to do?” Apple Bloom shoved aside boxes full of old crusade material.

“This,” Scootaloo sad, dropping a sheet of paper and an old looking book to the ground. “I‘ve got the chalk, we still need a rope. Check that box over there.”

“Yup, got the rope. Now, what is “this” exactly? Can’t read that chickenscratch of a drawing or that weird language on the book.”

“First, that’s an artistic masterpiece.” Scootaloo excitedly opened and leafed through the book. “Second, it shows the placement of runes! You can see them better on this page. We’ll be summoning demons!”

“Ain’t that dangerous?”

“No, with the runes it should be perfectly safe. Now, lets start with the big circ-”

“Girls! I told you to stop that!” a very displeased Sweetie Belle shouted as she entered the clubhouse. “You know it’s not nice to– Why are you tying a pice of chalk onto that rope?”

“It’s simple, really! Now we just tie the other end around a stick or something and can make a perfect circle!” Scootaloo demonstrated what she was talking about, but soon realized her legs weren’t long enough. “Hey, could one of you please take the chalk?”

“I got it!” Sweetie picked up the chalk in her magic and began to pull it across the floor. “What are you planning anyways? You seem really exited.”

“She plans to summon demons,” AB answered.

Sweetie Belle dropped the chalk in shock and turned to face Scootaloo. “You are planning to do WHAT?! Don’t you know that that’s dangerous?! If something goes wrong, we could end up exploding!”

“Gee, calm down. I’ve prepared this for the last five days. The Runes will protect us, the first chant will gather the magic we need, the second will bind any kind of monster and only the last one will actually summon the demons. If anything goes wrong, we’ll know long before we invite any kind of ancient devil into our clubhouse. Now, what could go wrong?”

“Ah gotta say, that ain’t bad. First time Ah’ve actually seen ya that prepared. Or prepared at all,” Apple Bloom pondered, “Ah’m not shure. Ah say we go over this in detail and then Ah decide. What do ya think Sweetie?”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both looked at Sweetie Belle, who stared at the runes in the book. After a moment, Scoots asked “Uhm, Sweetie?”

“What? Oh, sorry.” Sweetie looked up from her reading. “It’s just, I know this symbol here. I think I’ve seen it in one of Twilights books on really old magic back when we tried to turn copper into gold. I think it means “magic”. This could actually be working, but yes, we should definitely first go over what you have planned.”

Sweetie levitated the book back to Scootaloo and sat down next to her. After Apple bloom joined them, Scoots began. “Alright. See, first we draw this summoning circle onto the ground. Afterwards, we all stand on the edges of the big triangle and just speak our text. Here, look on the next side. This is the first chant.”

J’ advoco potestas de divinités antiqua,” Apple Bloom read out the beginning. “Ah’ve got no idea what that’s supposed to mean. Sweetie?”

“I’m not sure, but it does sound a bit like... prance? And something else? It does seem to be some kind of language. Maybe like that song-based spell discord used?”

Scootaloo shivered “Urgh, don’t remind me. That was so weird... Well, back to the topic on hoof. This is the second chant and this the last one. After what I understand from the pictures, this is a charging spell, this a binding spell and this a summoning spell.”

“We should make shure we all know the text, Ah don’t think messin’ this up can be any good,” AB warned.

“I got this,” Sweetie sad, “I’ll just copy the text on extra pieces of paper. Everypony gets one, that way we can’t forget the words.”

“Alright, now what after the summonin’? What are we gonna do with ‘em?”

Scootaloo stood up and put the book aside. “That’s a thing to discuss then. Now, let’s get those circles done”


Scootaloo and Apple Bloom had finally finished the summoning circle. It was a large ring with runes following its course on the inside, that contained all kind of symbols and a triangle that contained symbols and runes on its own.

The triangle had the size of about two thirds of the size of the outer ring and had circles that nearly made contact with the outer ring, just big enough to stand inside, instead of spikes. Inside the triangle was another ring made of runes, nearly touching the sides. In each middle of the space between the outer ring and the triangle was a row of runes, parallel to the triangle.

“Alright, we’re done. Now, lets begin!”

“Yer shure ‘bout that? Ah think we should check if the runes are correct. Also, Sweetie still needs to finish copyin’ the chants so we don’t mess up.”

“Yeah, you’re right. But when Sweetie is done, we’ll begin. I’ll check the runes over here, you take that half.”

“Alright. What kind a creature do ya think will appear? Somethin’ with wings like a bird? Or somethin’ pony-like?”

“Heck, no idea. For all we know, it could be some fifty meter tentacle monster. But I don’t think it’s gonna be something like that. A ghost would be cool! I want a ghost!”

“Ah don’t know Scoots, a ghost sounds creepy. Ah’d want something like a bird or some other kind of animal.”

“Something with magic!” Sweetie Belle called out, “Oh, and definitely not a mammal. It is way easier to take care of a fish or bug. Also, I’m done with copying the chants. Who’ll stand where?”

Scootaloo walked to the closest “spike” of the triangle. “I doubt it is important. We just need to form a triangle lining up with the one on the floor.”

As the other two fillies walked to their edges of the triangle, Sweetie asked, “How do you know all that anyways?”

“I don’t,” came the answer, “I just listened to Spike ranting about some weird fictional story. Now, who’s ready?”


“Alright. Girls, we need to be in sync for the whole time, so let’s begin after zero. Three. Two. One. Zero!”

J´ advoco potestas de l´ divinités antiqua, de l´ astrum et vis,
J´ advoco les seminta, artes obliviscentur et potestas vidane.

Suddenly, the circles they stood in began to glow softly in a faint purple-blue colour. While it was a shock for the three fillies, they kept their voices steady and continued.

J´ advoco les spirutame, expirits et goumaile,
J´ advoco daemunium, élementaum et viv,
l´ lésa, les guénitatir et intere.

A strong wind began to blow around them and fog began to seep out of the outer runes, making it harder to hear and see. Additionally, the three fillies felt a slight pressure settle on their withers, as if they were carrying something.

J´ mie―o committer d´ aid―ire l´ per―uta intro―nie a ita,

A slight tingling sensation crept down into their legs, making their fur stand on edge. The wind spun faster and faster, making it more and more difficult to understand what they were saying.

d´ ai―e l―a g―ta e tr―

Then, just a few words later, silence. The wind was nothing more than a whisper, the fog drifted lazily away from the middle. Silence, but no calm. Not by a long shot. The rings they stood in now glowed brightly with ancient energy and bolts of mana traveled through the outer runes.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders stared at what they had accomplished. Sweetie took a step forward, but as bolt of arcane energy erupted from the glowing ring and nearly hit her, she quickly pulled her hooves back.

“That. Was. AWESOME!” Scootaloo cheered. “Since we haven’t blown up by now and can’t leave those weird rings anyways, let us begin with the next one!”

Sweetie nodded. “Yeah, the sooner we get out of those circles the better. I can feel the magic pressing on my horn, shoulder and legs. You’re lucky you’re not unicorns, that feels so weird.”

“Uh, Sweetie?” Scootaloo asked, “Is there any chance that your legs kinda... I dunno, tingle?”

“And yer shoulders feel like you are carrying somethin’ ?” Apple Bloom added.

“Yeah, but- Wait a moment, how do you know that? It’s definitely magic, I’m sure of it. How can you feel that?”

“... ya do know all three of us have magic, yes? Scoots weather-stuff and ma strength?”

“Yes, it’s just... for non-unicorns to actually feel that, it has to be a lot of magic. Are you sure this is safe?”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Pff, come on. Did we blow up? No, we didn’t. Now, if you wanna get over with this, we better get started.”

“Very well. But if this goes wrong, it is your fault.”

They readied themselves, shifted the correct pieces of paper in front of them and began to count down.

“Three, two, one, go!”

When they once again begun to speak in unison, none of them noticed the faint echo that now underlined their voices.

Even though the next chant was much shorter, it certainly didn’t feel like that to the CMC. After they finished, they all panted heavily and felt like they’d been running full speed for ten minutes.

“Alright,” Scootaloo maneged to say after a minute, “That” *pant* “was unexpected. What else is differnt that last time?”

Sweetie took a deep breath. “The magical pressure increased.” She looked at the circle she was standing in. “I can feel the mana moving. I mean, if I can feel that, you know, a filly who can do nothing more with her magic than levitate, that’s gotta be extremely powerful. How is this even possible? Are we on a leyline?

“Well, whatever may be the case, otherwise I only see that the runes parallel to the triangle are glowing now.”

“Yeah, seems ‘bout right,” Apple Bloom confirmed, “Could be that the circles are brighter, but Ah’m not shure.”

The fillies looked around to see if they could spot something else, but came up with nothing. Had they looked up, they would have seen three faintly glowing rings a few hooves over their heads.

“Huh. Well, if that is all, let’s continue!” Scootaloo announced.

“Wait!” Sweetie cried out, “What will happen? I mean, the chant just now drained a lot of our energy. What is the next one gonna do? How much mana will it need?”

“Huh? Where’s the connection between those two?”

Sweetie groaned. “Scoots, whenever you channel magic, it puts a strain on your body. Like sport, just a different kind of strain. Point is, to much can hurt you. If that next chant forces too much mana through our bodies, it could hurt us.”

“Now wait a moment,” Apple Bloom angrily interrupted, “Why didn’t ya say anythin’ before we started?”

“Did you expect that chant to channel enough mana to levitate a house?” Sweetie shot back.

“No, but-”

“Stop it!” Scootaloo shouted, “You’re giving me a headache. Now, what are we gonna do?”

“Ah’m sorry Scoots”

“Yeah, sorry.” Sweetie sad, “As for what we can do, we need to start that next chant with as much energy as possible. Best for that is sleeping, but I really don’t think we should touch those rings, so that’s not an option. Any ideas?”

“Ah’d say we jus’ talk for a bit.”

Scoots perked up. “Hey, what do you think this one’s gonna do anyway? I mean, it seems like it’ll summon something, but other that that? Like, what will be summoned?”

“Ah have no idea. Aren’t there storys ‘bout such beings out there?”

“Yeah, that’s why I hoped you could tell us something with all those old campfire story of Granny and such. Well, can’t be helped. Sweets?”

Sweetie Bell just stared at Scootaloo.“Sweets, Scootaloo? Really?”

“Why not? You two call me “Scoots” all the time.”

“ ... still no. As for your question, if this actually is a spell to summon a demon, it’ll probably be something like a weird being or twisted version of normal ponies. Otherwise, I’d say we will end up with ghosts or mosters. Or, who knows, maybe we’ll summon Pinkie.”

The other two crusaders stared at Sweetie for a solid minute. Finally, Apple Bloom sad, “No. Jus’, don’t even think ‘bout it. Anyways, I’m feeling good to go. How ‘bout you?”

“Heck yeah, let’s continue!”

“Yes, I believe we can begin with the spell.”

“Alright, on three. One, two, three!”

With that, the Cutie Mark Crusaders begun their third, and last, spell that day. The instant they sad the first word, the air begun flowing counter-clockwise and pulled at their manes and tails.

The runes on the outer ring now glowing brightly, bolts of mana begun shooting out of them and hit the circles the CMC stood in, but none broke through.

The faint rings over their heads now glowed stronger, and begun to circle around the center of the ritual.

The ring made of runes inside the triangle begun to pulsate with mystic light that glowed for itself, but didn’t illuminate the surroundings.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom didn’t notice any of this. In fact, they tried so hard not to get distracted and mess up, that they also didn’t notice that a new rune appeared seemingly out of nowhere in the middle the circle.

Nor that they were no longer touching the ground.

Each of the fillies now floated a few centimeters above the ground. All of them were encased in an otherworldly glow that seemed to come out of nowhere. As the rings over them begun to circle faster and faster, the CMC were slowly pulled towards the center of the ritual.

Trough it all, they chanted on.

It was like they were guided by something larger, something powerful. Something magical.

Then, as they nearly touched each other in the middle, tartarus broke loose.

The circles they had been standing in suddenly stopped glowing, the outer runes begun to shine as bright as the sun and the circling rings froze in place. The rune in the middle emitted a shockwave that shook the whole clubhouse.

In a flash of white, it was gone.

The magic, now faded, left behind a tingling sensation in the air. The former drawings of chalk were now burned into the floor, the whole room a display of chaos that would have made Discord proud.

And in the middle of the room floated three little fillies, eyes glowing white.

As the glow faded, the three slowly begun to descend until they lay there on the floor. A few minutes later, they begun to stir. The first one to awake was the little white unicorn with a curly mane.

“What in the name of Celestias butt – ”

Author's Note:

Please tell me if you can understand any of that wierd chanting. I made some kind of “mystic language” out of french and latin, and it does actually carry information, but some words are fused, some “normal” and the grammar is all over the place.
Tell me what you think it means!

If you’d like something special to happen on their adventure, write me a message or comment. I’m pretty sure I can include some extra stuff in their journeys.

Oh, and if you spot any mistakes in the story, grammar or otherwise, let me know and I’ll fix it.

EDIT: Fixed a few things.