• Published 18th Dec 2011
  • 2,386 Views, 102 Comments

Trial and Error - Kiernan

A unicorn tries to turn into an alicorn

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Chapter 3: The Strange Beast

Chapter 3: The strange Beast

Arriving back in the room, Akaitora found his prize had awoken from her chloroform-induced slumber. "Sleep well?" he asked, as he set the cage down in a corner. The only response he received was expected: a muffled assortment of incomprehensible words spoken through the gag. He chuckled, opening the cage door by magically picking the lock. He was so glad that his family was made up of thieves. Well, what was left of them, at any rate.

He levitated his prey into the cage and closed the door with a sly smile. The gag and ropes unbound, the mare began to quiver and whine. "Stop that immediately," He said with a stern voice. Surprisingly, she did, and closed her eyes tightly. "Now, I need you to unfold one of your wings." This time, there was no response. No wings unfolded, nor did an eye open. "Come now, you wouldn't want to delay the march of progress. Open up!"

"Wh-wh-who are you?" she asked timidly. "Where are we? And why are my wings of such importance?"

"All valid questions. I suppose there is some explaining to do," he said, clearing his throat. "I am known as Akaitora. I hail from the upper reaches of Canterlot. I am here because I'm researching a way to grant unlimited flight to those not gifted with wings. YOU are here because I needed a pegasus to research how to attach the wings."

"Well, you could have just asked," said the mare, who was now standing, with eyes now open. "If you'll let me out, I could help you with your notes."

"What, and fly off to a place I can't reach when my back is turned, causing my to find another specimen? I think not!"

"Oh, I won't fly away, I promise," She said, putting on her kindest smile. "I just would have to go home every once in a while to--"

"No!" He shouted, louder than what he thought he would. This caused the mare to slink back into the corner of the cage, retaking the cowering position. "If I let you leave, you'll have the whole of the town bearing down on me in an instant! I can't let you leave. Not until my project is done, and I can pack up and leave."

"But-- but what about my animals?" she asked, almost sobbing. "They need fresh food and water while I'm gone."

"You don't have friends?" he asked, bewildered at the fact that she was as anti-social as him.

"No, I have friends," she said, standing up. "Great friends! but..."

"But what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"They don't know I'm gone." The realization of the moment hit Akaitora square in the jaw, and he suddenly realized that he had taken a pegasus with a seemingly important role. She would be missed in town, and it wouldn't be long before somepony started looking for her. He facehoofed.

"What if I fed your animals for you?" he asked, trying to not sound impatient. The gears in his head were turning, formulating a plan in the back of his mind. He couldn't risk somepony asking around about his catch,, but he also couldn't leave her alone for too long. She may find a means of escape, or worse, somepony might find her. The best way, he thought, would be to take matters into his own hands.

"Oh, you don't have to do that," she said, but he could hear the worry in her voice. "I mean, you have all that work to do, not to mention the fact that you need to upgrade your lighting."

"My lighting is fine, thank you very much!" he scoffed, turning his nose up. "I have all the light I need and no more than is necessary. For you see," he said, trotting over near one of the torches, "there is plenty of light to see by."

"Oh, that reminds me, you still haven't answered all of my questions yet." She said.

"What questions?"

"Where we are and why you need my wings, of course."

Akaitora facehoofed again. "Very well. I need your wings for my flight experiment, as I had said before. As for where we are, well, I'm afraid that information is classified."

"Wouldn't you prefer the wings of a stronger, more athletic pegasus? I know where you can find one, and she'll be more than happy to--"

"What part of 'not until I finish the experiment' did you not understand? If you leave, you won't come back. Now, I need you to give me instructions on feeding your animals..."