• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 4,779 Views, 306 Comments

What you Need - Hemlock conium

Sometimes what you need isn't obvious, or easy.

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Chapter 11: Quagmire

Author's Note:

Before I begin I'd like to apologize to those of you who've been waiting, I may or may not have accidently (and by that I mean totally did like an idiot :twilightblush:)deleted the original final draft of this and had to redo it from relative scratch(I had prior versions saved, unfortunately a lot of editing was done one the final, so there was a lot of work I had to do). Then felt too much like an idiot to go back and ask for editing help form the people who helped edit the original final draft. So I redid it myself, apologizes in advance for stuff I missed(though for some of you I'm sure that's nothing new). Furthermore this might feel super disorienting because stuff I thought was in here probably isn't and I forgot to add it back in(this is after rereading it a few times to check for just that, but knowing me I probably still botched it). So if I did, please notify me and I'll get to clarifying and or fixing scenes of this chapter. Lastly, I know some of the scenes feel kind of rushed but that's more so do to my incapability as a writer to hold a solid pacing rather than the reset problem. Having said all that, thank y'all and have a good one.

Also here's a Discord if any of you want a more immediate response/ deeper discussion with me. Though its not just limited to my works or art. Fill free to socialize amongst yourselves.

“I’m telling you Phoenix, you’ll find no greater care than at Wings of care. You’ll be back on your hooves in no time and get a nice new family too,” Dr. Mirage assured me for the dozenth time since we arrived. Though what happened next was the last thing on my mind. None of this made any difference anymore. I would be stuck here no matter what happened.
It’s hopeless, I told myself, you’re trapped and there's nothing you can do. While this wasn't a new revelation, it hit harder than usual for some reason. Like I had just taken a punch to the gut; leaving me on the ground and gasping for air. It was as if I had finally come to fully accept this hell that was my life. This was not a reality I could accept though, so instead I imagined a world where I didn’t have to live that.

I was back on Earth along in a large open field that stretched for miles and miles. So far that my eyes couldn't see the end of it.The air carried with it the humid feeling in my nose when I took in a long breath. Above me a storm of dark clouds swarmed together to greet me with their familiar downpour. The rain washed away any memory of Equestria as water swiftly soaked me to my bone. I wasn't bothered being soaked, it was quite the contrary actually. The feeling itself was pleasant, that combined with the fact I was finally home left me almost happy. I let the warm downpour consume me in its waters.

Unfortunately, my euphoria would be short lived. As the storm approached its crescendo a voice tore the clouds apart; pouring a flood of blinding light down on me. Quickly evaporating the water that shielded me from my life as a pony. The light burned away the fields around me revealing them to be clouds. Sky above turned into a neatly woven pegasus roof. The once endless expanse of open air became walls. My freedom had become a cage.

No! I don’t want to go back! I internally screamed, as I begged the storm to come back and blot out the world around me. The world did not go away, and soon it consumed my day dream; throwing me back into my God forsaken reality.

“You must be Phoenix,” a pony called out. I looked around to put a face to the voice that had robbed me of peace. It was a poppy red pegasus with an almost wheat colored mane, intermixed with the greys of age. His body gave off an aurora of wisdom. While normally I would have chalked it up to age, something about him that I couldn't put my finger on, gave the impression the wisdom was more than that of what one typically gains from age. Upon his muzzle rested a pair of large crystalline clear glasses that magnified his eyes even more than a normal pony.

“I’m the head stallion, Virulent Lesson. But you may just call me Mr. Lesson if it suits you,” he greeted me with a warm and inviting smile. I winced a bit at the name; giving him a once over to see what cutie mark earned him such a moniker. Upon his flank rested a flashlight beaming through a thick fog.

I felt my head tilt to the side at this cryptic image. As far as I knew, and had seen, pony names were pretty on the nose and matched their cutie marks to a tee. But here, I couldn't put the pieces together.

“We can talk more in a minute. I need to talk to Mirage here for a bit,” Virulent commented,” Why don't you go and get acquainted with the others, hmm?” I wanted to tell him no, the last thing I wanted to do was see the others, in fact I'd much rather go to my new room and sleep. Lamentably, Virulent made this option impossible as he ushered me into the next room and introduced me to the dozens of orphans before heading back out. I felt my heart sink a bit as a few of them looked over at me with curious eyes. There was nowhere I could go now and slip away, I was stuck in this room full of a dozen kids.

The first to approach me was a rather bulky looking gryphon with the torso of a crowned eagle and his rear was that of some sort of dark cat I was unfamiliar with. I would have said a puma had its build not been so frail.

“Phoenix eh? What kinda pony name is that,” the gryphon taunted, “Gonna burst into flames or something?” He insult got a bit of the crowd to let out stiffed giggles. Which was odd considering how weak the insult really was; It was enough to make me nearly roll my eyes. This must not have been the reaction he wanted though, as he quickly became upset seeing me so indifferent.

“What? Too scared to talk back? Gonna cry?” He stepped closer, making me realize just how much bigger he was. My head only came up to his midsection; suddenly I felt very small and scared. While I still wasn't scared of what he had to say, his talons looked like they could easily have torn a stallion's head off.

“Go on cry, no creatures coming for you, that's why you're stuck here now.” I felt a pain in my gut. Not for the reason he likely intended though. Instead the words reminded me of my family whom I left behind for this stupid, stupid, decision. It wasn't the first time I had recalled them, but typically I managed to suppress those feelings. Now however was different, my already panicked mind struggled to fight off their memory. The memories forced themselves upon me until I could no longer ignore them or hide from them.

“Ha I called it! Only here two minutes and you're already crying,” he boasted, “That's tomorrow's dinner for me Red Tail!” To which some gryphon in the back begrudgingly agreed.

“Now then,” he continued, “what dumb defect do you have to get kicked to the curb?” I could feel my body freeze up as my tears began to pool up on my cheeks. Pathetic! I scowled myself for getting so worked up, but I couldn't help it. My body refused to obey. My mind now a wild chaotic mess of emotions I hated and couldn't control.

“I’m talking to you fire bird, or did all your fire already get smothered out when you got abandoned?” His voice sounded more frustrated than before. I couldn't tell for sure though, my mind was instead preoccupied by the building regrets, until finally I was buried under them. He said something else though I couldn't make it out, it was far too muffled and distant. Like a voice calling out in a hurricane.

A monsoon of emotions took me once more. Throwing me around as if I were a plastic bag. One moment I was in the lowest point of despair I'd ever felt, the next I hated myself for feeling that way. I had no control, I was no at the whims of this monsoon as it threw me about. It was an insurmountable vortex of negativity and pain. My body scrambled to return to escape, back to the ocean and storm that once gave it refuge from these emotions. Anything was better than this awful feeling inside me.

It was as if the floodgate had been burst open; letting the contents spill out and ebb away at me. It consumed me from the inside out. Like a wicked rot; eating away at the core of my being. Devouring me till I was as warped and disgusting as it. My mind screamed as it hopelessly tried to seal the floodgate and minimize the damage being done by the unchecked emotions, It was far too late however. Their emotions relentlessly battered away at me till I was too weak to try and resist. I felt myself slipping beneath this rot. Till a sharp pain fished me out of it; pulling me back to reality.

How long I was consumed by my emotions, I don't know, but it must have been a while. Because the next thing I knew I was on the ground with the sharp pain culminating into my jaw. The warm feeling of blood filled my mouth, and a painful ringing echoed in my head. I didn't know where I was anymore as my vision was a blur, and the sounds were incoherent. My eyes slowly closed shut only to reopen to a figure now lurching over me. I think it said something, but whatever it was was lost to the ringing in my head. Then before my mind understood what was happening the figure had its’ fist buried in my gut; causing the air to rush out of my lungs.

My muzzle inactivity gasped to try and catch the escaping air, but it was too late. My chest was now a dull and burning pain. I could feel my body begin to clench up in pain; trying to protect my exposed chest. Then came a kick to my side, forcing out a silent cry of pain.

I laid underneath the figure writhing in pain for a few moments. The figure seemingly barked some more at me with words I couldn't make out. This mute performance continued for several seconds until the ringing died down enough to make out his shouts.

“I said don't ignore me when I'm talking to you girl!” I tried to ask what that meant, but my lungs were still trying to gather just enough oxygen to breath. Then wham another blow to my side. Then another. Another.

The beating went on for some time, how long, I don’t know, my mind slipped in and out of consciousness for the rest of the duration. In fact I didn't even know the beating was over till I had a panicked looking Virulent lesson overhead asking what had happened. Truthfully even if I had the energy to answer, I couldn't. I didn't know what had happened, one moment I was fine, the next I was here, most of my memory was a blur of pain.

When he didn't get an answer he turned to the crowd shouting something to them. To which no creature answered; making the head stallion redder than I recalled. After a moment of some more yelling he picked me up and carried me off.

My vision flickered in and out for most of the trip. First there was the entrance to the orphanage. Then a Cloudsdale lit by the setting sun. Then finally I was in a cushy medical bed, as some pony shined a bright light in my eye.

The light hurt, not in of itself, but rather seemed to amplify the pounding in my head. I tried to wince back and retreat from the light, but my body refused to listen. It laid frozen like a stone; each limb heavier than the last. It wasn't until I felt my consciousness give out for the last time that I would be free of the light.

The doctor let out a breath of annoyance as he turned to the two stallions who had brought the young filly in. He gave them both a look of frustration before opening his muzzle for a moment, but then stopped and shook his head.

“She has concussions and several contusions, but thankfully safe from any serious injuries,” the doctor explained. Virulent gave a relieved exhale as Mirage leaned his head back and rubbed his forehead.

“Thank Celestia,” Mirage mumbled before looking at Virulent, “ You mind explaining what the buck that was?!” Virulent lowered his head in shame and shook his head.

“It seems the other foals didn’t take a liking to her.”

“You think?!” Mortgage parroted as his neck strained with stress. Virulent waved his hoof.

“I’ll look into it and assure it doesn't happen again, I’ll also make sure to keep a special eye on her.”

“You’d better, this fiasco could ruin me if ponies found out I sent foals to an insane asylum for delinquent foals,” Mirage snapped; bringing his face close to Viruelnet. Virulent’s expression quickly changed to one of anger.

“The children under my care may be troubled, but you best watch your tongue Mirage,’ Virulent retorted as he stomped his hoof for emphasis, “They are not some freak show for you to gawk and scowled. Children under my wing gain the best care in Cloudsdale.” Mirage didn't back down however.

“You call being beaten within the first hour the best care a foal can get?! Give me a break!”

“I will admit it was a mistake on my part not being present, but-” Virulent was cut off however by the doctor with a stern cough.

“If you two cats are done mewling at one another,” the doctor began, “I expect better from the both of you.” He scowled.

“Now get out of my office, I have work to do.”