• Published 19th Jun 2020
  • 3,069 Views, 84 Comments

A Pilot's Search - Solarus44

He wandered through an alien land, in search of his friend

  • ...

Chapter 1

As the sun rose and its light swept across the land, waking its diurnal inhabitants and sending the nocturnal ones to sleep, a very peculiar sight was illuminated. A bipedal creature lay against a tree on a hill, wearing armour covered in an assortment of various blues and greys. Laying alongside it in arm's reach was a sizable metal object. As the light passed over it, the creature slowly awoke with a sigh.

“Why in the flying fuck does that sun rise so damn quickly and so early,” the thing grumbled in a masuline voice.

With one last groan, the creature got up on its two legs and placed the large object on its back. He then started to head off towards the river at the bottom of the hill. Upon reaching it the biped reached behind his back for a cylinder shaped object before unscrewing the cap. Submerging the object in water the thing then screwed the cap back on, before pressing a button on the object and placing it beside him

As the object whirred and some steam escaped, the creature then sat, gazing around himself as if contemplating his environment.

Hearing a ding he picked the cylindrical object up and then placed the object in its place behind his back, seemingly attaching itself to his armour, despite the absence of anything to hold it.

The biped set off at a rather relaxed pace, following the river, knowing civilisation would exist at some point alongside it.

He strode along, kicking rocks as he went in an attempt to amuse himself.


As the sun went down, and the moon appeared in its place unnaturally fast, the creature sighed before finding himself a cluster of trees near the river to sleep under.

Using the trees as his pillows and trusting his armour to keep him warm, he closed his eyes and began to drift to sleep.


Now very awake, the creature was quickly on his feet and the long metal object was in his hands. Looking down the barrel of the object he scanned the forest on the other side of the river, where he thought the scream originated from.


Once again the scream sounded, now confirmed without a doubt to have come from the forest. Without a second of delay the creature sprinted towards the river. Instead of slowing down near the water, he jumped. As he began to fall, a device at his hips flared, propelling him forward and up, clearing the rest of the distance.

Now over the river, he sprinted into the forest seemingly without abandon. But a skilled eye would be able to see that every object he dodged and every ditch he avoided was done deliberately, the creature somehow being able to see and process the objects passing by in a blur.

It was not long before the creature found himself at the border of a clearing. Peering past the branches he was able to spot a very weird sight.

A small horse-like animal was on the ground, covered in white fur and a black mane. It stared up at a group of wolves advancing towards it, growling at its freshly caught meal. Wolves made of wood, to the creature's surprise. Thinking he had simply stumbled across nature at work, he began to turn back.


Turning back around, the creature found that the cry came from the horse. Despite the dark, his helmet allowed him to see tears coming down from the horse’s eyes. Fear and worry was obvious in its all too human expressions.

Suddenly a crack echoed through the forest as the lead wolf fell to the ground with a hole in its head. The other wolves turned to see the creature, the black of its visor staring into them as vapour rose from the barrel of his weapon.

Wolves, not being stupid, knew when to fight and when to flee. In this case, they chose to flee.

As the wolves fled from the clearing, howling and whimpering, the creature approached the horse. Upon seeing the rather terrifying armour clad biped move towards it, the horse began to move backwards, away from the new monster.

Dropping his weapon, the creature slowed his movements.

“Hey, it’s ok. I’m not here to hurt you. Scared off those wolves didn’t I?” The creature said softly.

The horse stopped its retreat and nodded slowly, but fear was still clear in its blue eyes as it stared into the creature’s intimidating visor.

Upon realising his mistake, the creature reached for his helmet. With a twist and a pull, the creature’s face was visible to the horse.

Not many features could be seen in the night, but a set of brown hair was visible to the horse's naked eyes.

“Not so scary now huh?” He spoke with a voice full of care and kindness as he placed his helmet on his hip. Moving towards the horse, he stopped just before it. “Now I’ve got to get you somewhere safer. We can search for your mother in the morning, when it’s safer. Can I pick you up?”

The horse, still somewhat fearful, thought for a moment before sheepishly nodding its head. Seeing this, the creature scooped up the small thing, picked up his weapon and began to carry the little horse out of the forest, towards his clump of trees.

After some time, and some fear filled moments for the little one, the horse was sleeping peacefully beneath the trees. The creature was close, with his weapon out and ready to take down anything that came to harm his new charge.

And there he stood vigil for many hours, committed to protecting the strange little one he had come across. Eventually however his eyes grew heavy, and sleep found him too


His sleep was not peaceful however, as it so rarely was for him.

In his dreams he saw fire, metal and death. He saw those he knew, those he’d call friends obliterated and destroyed by towering behemoths. He heard people trapped under rubble, heard their cries as metal soldiers found them and silenced them.

But at the end of these visions, these nightmares, he saw one last behemoth. But this one did not fill him with dread or fear, but rather happiness, familiarity and love. A blue light illuminated him, and as he felt darkness overtaking the world he heard a soothing, but worried voice, speak to him.

“Find me Sol.”

“Find me.”

Author's Note:

Chapter is a little short, but be assured that other chapters won't be like this.

I plan on updating this story every 2-3 days since school holidays just started for me.

As some may know I have written a Titanfall crossover before: Of Guns, Mechs and Magic. I took a hiatus from it when exams got really hectic, but when I returned to it I found I didn't have the motivation to continue.

Now after returning to it after so long, I realised just how bad it is. The pacing, the lack of planning, the dialogue etc. I'm not going to take it down, but I don't recommend giving it a read.

This story is how I plan to continue that idea I had back in 2017. Hopefully, with a (marginally) wiser and more skilled version of me, this story will turn out pretty good.