• Published 3rd Jul 2020
  • 1,211 Views, 4 Comments

Punishment Fit For A Murderer - tam285

He murdered. Claimed lives of innocent children. Possibly more. Now, reckonning day is upon them.

  • ...

Two - Confrontation.

Author's Note:

More is coming, by the way!

Turning to the left, there was a wall. But not any wall, no sir. The company saferoom. Where the Springbonnie suit was. HIS suit. The amount of murders he has committed while wearing this suit couldn't fill the whole saferoom even if he tried. As he casually strolled through the door, what he needed was in sight. Documents about the owner, and how he was evil. And this was coming from a murderer. A child murderer, nonetheless.

As he walked into the room, he closed the door that was partly covered by rubble and teared down wall. The room itself was full of dirty pools of water, old and broken (even dismantled) arcade machines. Boxes and more boxes were stacked up on each other, just collecting dust.

Even though the animatronics were dead, William swore that he could hear a music box. And the more he tried to ignore it, the more loud and annoying it got.

Wait, how's that music getting closer? William turned around mid thought to face the one thing he never wanted to see.

"NO! I KILLED YOU!" William was furious, and to be honest, a tad bit scared. "WHY WON'T YOU STAY DEAD??!" He wailed. Looking to the left, his axe (part of it stained with blood), was just sat there, begging to be used for ending more lives.

And so, he did what the axe said and picked it up, ready to fight. One of his victims laughed. Judging by the injuries (which were an eye ripped out with a knife, and his hand sliced all the way off), it was the kid he stuffed into the Foxy suit. When it was still operational anyways.

"Try and hurt us, I dare you." William did as instructed, and he did indeed try and hurt the spirit by swinging his axe at him, only to have it phase through it. William was so shocked that he dropped the axe and backed into the end of the saferoom.

"You can't can you? You're too weak! Just like how you play the victim card every time you got caught. " Golden Freddy's head appeared on the arcade machine closest to him and began mocking him. You'll never be able to do good. Not for you, not for your wife. Not even for your son. "

Now, William laughed in the face of death. But if you mentioned his son, he loses his shit. Nobody talks shit about his son and lives a week.

Picking up a brick, he threw it at the screen. Golden Freddy just moved to another screen. Yet again, William threw harder and harder, but the bear was always 1 step ahead. When there was nothing else to move to, that's when he stopped and had a physical appearance.

He chuckled before going dead serious. "Enough with the games, Afton. Why are you here?" William howled in laugher.

"Why am I here?" William laughed once again. "Oh, you don't know do you? Haven't been outside have you?"

Golden Freddy shook his head. "We've been stuck here for.." he paused to count on his fingers. "About 35 years, no thanks to you."

William did a little bow, to the annoyance of his victims. "Thank you, thank you, I take autographs on Wednesdays." Golden Freddy sighed.

"Why, Afton? Why'd you kill us?" the Foxy kid was trying to guilt trip Afton into something, and he wasn't falling for it.

William laughed. "C'mere kid. I'll tell you." The deceased child walked slowly towards his murderer. Even though he was dead, and had been for almost 40 years, the man who he was approaching scared him more than ever, mortal or no mortal.

Once he was close enough, William got down on one knee and whispered in his ear. "I killed because of the adrenaline."

All of the spirits got mad, but kept their anger bottled up. One by one, they disappeared into the night. Just faded away, nothing special. They all went. Except Golden Freddy.

He sighed. "You've committed crimes against humanity, Afton. How do you plead?"

William laughed, as if he was suppose to feel something. "Not guilty. Not because I don't have a reason to be guilty. I have plenty of those. I just don't give a flying fuck.

Guilty as charged.

The spirits came back into view and blocked the door, the only exit to freedom. One of the kids (With all the stuff that was going on, he could care what animatronic they possessed or anything like that. He only cared about living to see the sunrise. As he backed up more, his foot made contact with something. As luck would behold, there lay his suit. In all it's glory.

He smirked to himself. "You fuckers are going to learn a lesson.." He paused for a second to fully yank the head off the old endosksleton. "In not to fuck with ol' WILLIAM AFTON!

Ripping the torso and arms off the endosksleton, he laughed. William carelessly threw the torso to the side. All that were left was the legs and then the rest.

Putting his legs through the suits legs and eventually fitting them, he walked over in a haste and grabbed the torso. Placing it over his own torso, William adjusted his own arms and hands through the respected holes.

Now, it was time for the final part. The head. He sighed. Knowing the suit's old age, the springlock's mechanism could activate at any minute. One wrong breath or one stray water drop, or even spec of dust, could crush him to death instantly.

Taking one big breath, he finally lowered the animatronics head. However, what he didn't anticipate was the size difference. When he worked there, his head was small enough that it could fit inside it. But now, he was older, (and granted, a little bit chubbier but we don't talk about that), his head was bigger and won't budge out of the small thing.

The next he heard would make his heart stop. In the suit was a prewarning voice, if ever the springlocks were to ever fail while in a place full of children or staff. If you heard it, you'd be moved out by staff to a private area to bleed out. He could hear the voice, loud an clear.


William just sat down on the floor. Accepting defeat. He'd been through a lot, already. Now he'd be paying the price for it. He didn't even want to fight or struggle his way out of it. What would he be doing even if he did get out of here? Stumble out of the pizzaria, barely scraping death, back to his lousy apartment just for the police to catch him in hours.

Giving up are we, Afton? I don't believe it. Where's the epic fight? Arguments? You begging for mercy? I'd do that if I was in your situation.

"Why bother?" William remarked. "I'm old, no family, probably stuck in this suit. It's my time to go. Nothing to fight for anymore."

This left all the ghosts in shock. Golden Freddy didn't even see it coming.

Golden Freddy moaned and put his hand to his head. I can't believe I'm asking this. He raised his paw at Afton. See you in Hell, Dad?

Afton stood up in shock. After considering it got a second he shook the paw.See you in hell, Michael.

His son smiled. Looking behind him, the souls were gone. Only plastic masks remained.

William clapped his hands together, making a small cloud of dust, not large enough to trigger the locks, but big enough to make them worse. "Do your old man a favour and speed this stuff up, would ya? Kinda dying to meet Satan over here."

"Oh right. Just sit down and I'll make it quick. I'll also be here when you wake up. if that happens, that is." Michael watched as his father sat down against the wall. He knew what needed to be done.

I'm sorry, Dad. I don't want to but the others need revenge.

I know, son. And I couldn't be more proud. You've created something and I couldn't be more proud. Now just end me already.

Michael smiled. He removed his animatronic ears from their respected sockets and snapped his fingers. Thank god he couldn't hear his father's painful yells, otherwise he'd not be able to fully forget that.

----14 Years Later.----

The corpse was still in the suit. Only, the suit itself had became more damaged by time. Pieces fallen out and odd mechanisms had gotten shifted about and rusted over time. Thunder clapped outside as rain poured harder. A portal of some sorts formed under the zombie rabbit thing and sucked him under, like a vacuum cleaner of some sorts. After he fell through, it just folded back up like some sort of open and close like some sort of mouth.

And wherever he ends up, it's definitely not Earth.