• Published 25th Aug 2012
  • 1,542 Views, 24 Comments

Ice Cage Hearts - Lady Spider

Thousands of years after the fall of man, the reign of ponies, dragons, and griffins has grown. Eart

  • ...

Prologue: Daring Do's Discovery

Prologue: Daring Do’s Discovery

Daring Do pushed through the thick vines and branches. Should be there almost... She thought as she wiped sweat from her mane.

She had accepted the Princesses request to explore the ruins of a human science lab that had been uncovered. It was her first non-solo mission but it was such an exciting offer that Daring Do just couldn’t refuse. She could hear the two other explorers behind her panting. The pegasus chuckled. Those two had been unaccustomed to dense, hot traveling and had given the experienced pony quite a laugh throughout the entire trip. The sound of ponies talking could be heard up ahead.
Daring Do forced her way through the last few vines and stepped out into the clearing. Laid out before her were the ruins, scavenged out of a mountainside. A dark red stallion with a white mane and a brown jacket came over to her.

“Daring Do, I presume?”

She looked back at the two other mares that had collapsed behind her in exhaustion and nodded at the stallion. “That’s me.”

“Princess Celestia herself ordered that you were to take control of the expedition upon your arrival.”

The pegasus nodded. “What’s our current condition?”

“The entrance has been cleared and part of the top of the structure has been uncovered.”

“Am I clear to enter?”

The stallion nodded in confirmation. Daring Do walked toward a rocky opening swarming with ponies. As she reached them, the ponies fell away from the opening leaving a clear path for her. Confidently, she flicked on her light and strode into the tunnel.

The structure had been made of some sort of metal which did not let any dirt into the building. The excited explorer traveled through the tunnel deep into the ruins. A few doors were cut into the walls of the tunnel which only led to empty dust covered rooms to Daring Do’s disappointment.

She continued to travel through the building, following the twists and turns that the tunnel weaved through. Daring Do eventually reached a giant metal door. She bucked it opened excitedly.

Inside was empty except for what looked like a giant metal casket. Disconnected wires and tubes hung off from it.
What is it? Daring Do was completely confused. She had never seen anything like this before.
Daring Do looked through what looked like a thick glass window in the front. She gasped. A human was staring back at her. Well. Not staring exactly. Her eyes were shut. But a human was standing in the casket. She had never heard of a find like this. Hopefully the human was still intact.

Daring Do ran out of the ruins and quickly gathered five stallions to remove the casket. Within a half an hour the object was brought out into the light.

“Contact the Princesses. This needs to be taken to them as soon as possible.” Daring Do ordered. Several unicorns scrambled off and Daring Do looked down at the casket again. “Such an amazing find!”

Letters were sent off to Canterlot and before the sun began to set , the Princesses had sent a group of Royal Guards to carry and escort the find back to the Palace. The pegasi attached the casket to the flat that they had brought and flew off with it. Daring Do and several other scientists and explorers flew next to them. They reached the Palace as Luna lifted the moon over Equestria.


The casket lay on the throne room floor. The Princess of the Sun and the Princess of the Moon sat staring down at the metal thing. Daring Do and seven other scientists and explorers stood across from them.

“Well, I must admit, this is a new case.” stated Princess Celestia. There was another long silence as the Princess pondered what to do. “Daring Do. You confirmed this is a human preserve by ice?”

The pegasus nodded. “Yes Princess Celestia.”

“Hm.” The light alicorn stood and walked down to the metal box. With the slightest bit of magic, she opened the casket. Fog formed momentarily as the still cold air from the casket met the warm air of the palace. “The air was still cold. I wonder....”
Princess Celestia glanced at her sister. Princess Luna met her eyes and the two of them communicated telepathically for a moment.

”Luna, what should we do? The scientists want to study it and the historians want it to live again.”

“Sister, we are unbeknown to the present way of doing things.”

“That does not help.”

“... Well. We would side with the historians. Let history live again. Even we were not around in their time. Twould be an interesting accomplishment.”

“So we should try to make this dead human live again?”

“Suppose it is not completely dead. It was supposed to be in a preservation casket yes? What if it is simply in a temporary frozen state.”

“Then it would simply need to be defrosted.”

“To put it simply.”

“Luna, I knew you would regain your useful position in no time.”

The Princess of the Sun turned back to the anxiously waiting ponies. “We will try to revive the human. If it succeeds, we will have a new source of information about our planets past. “

The ponies nodded and backed away from the casket. The two Princesses stood on either side of it. The alicorns horns lit with magic as they cast the spell. Light engulfed the ice figure and filled the room. When the light faded, nothing seemed to have changed. Daring Do tried not to look disappointed.

Suddenly, the human moved. A feminine groan emanated from the casket and the human moved her hand to her head.

“Oh my head....”

It sat up slowly and opened her eyes. She was welcomed with ten pairs of pony eyes staring intently at her. The human’s eyes grew wide and she shrank down into the casket slightly.


Princess Luna lit her horn up protectively and Princess Celestia turned toward Daring Do. “I suppose this means it worked then...”