• Published 22nd Jun 2020
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Memories of A Father - TheWingman

In retirement and close to hitting 80 years old, Azure Glide remembers the when he became a father.

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Finest Moment

Author's Note:

I'll keep it brief.

Happy Father's Day.

One will muse on how far they've gotten. That is one such constant in life. Even as I near the dreaded age of 80, I still retained most of my memories. As I stare at the sky bespeckled by the stars, I feel a sense of calmness, pure and unfettered by the rest of the world.

I often found myself mired in thought about various things. Whenever something monumental happens, for better or worse, I can’t help but ponder it for days on end. Then again, a lot is always happening. It’s like everything passed by me at the speed of light with me only being able to focus on a few at a time.

But, there’s one memory I’ll never forget.

As a royal guard, a soldier of Equestria, it’s my requirement to assess all situations and be ready to protect Equestria, keep my mind active. Ever vigilant, I’ve trained to fight off any threat regardless of how imposing they may be. To think in my youth when my desire to be a guard was born out of my altruism, I wasn’t prepared to face a life wrought of violence. Yet, I persevered despite all the horrors.

But, as with life, there were things I wasn’t able to expect. There were times after high school that I believed I wouldn’t find love. To that effect, I buried myself in my work, dedicating myself to protect the innocent. I took that to mean love for my kingdom. After I graduated from the North Canterlot Guard Academy, I had an exchange with my cousin, Cadance. She said something that I’ll always remember.

“Sometimes, love is what you need. You won’t know when it’ll come but when it does, it’ll be your light in the darkness.”

Little did I know, that day eventually came.

It was during the liberation of Canterlot from The Storm King where I fought my hardest, blade and hoof. I found a warrior whose beauty matched her ferocity, Celaeno, a sky pirate. The moment her group entered the fray, we joined the fight and she and I were back to back. In the half-hour the battle lasted, I grew a certain fondness for her. We even couldn’t keep away from one another during the celebrations.

Over the following year, I got to know her more. From her rough beginnings in Ornithia to her personal crusade to end slavery, I grew to like her more. Even love blossomed between us. Cadence loved to poke fun at me for being all lovey-dovey toward Celaeno but she wasn’t wrong. Whenever I’m with her, I feel happy.

However, it didn’t last.

In the end, we both mutually agreed to call it quits due to our respective calling’s demands. Long-distance relationships sometimes never work out. While she was worlds away, I chose to bury myself in my work to numb the sting. I thought that by dedicating myself to protecting the public as much as I can that I would forget the heartache. But, no matter how hard I’ve tried, I just couldn’t let her go. It was impossible. I guess my cousin was correct when she told me that Celaeno was the one for me. Love of that sort was a conundrum to me.

Then, after three months, something happened that I never thought would’ve been possible for me. After treading the veil between life and death, staring in that void, I opened my eyes to a familiarly happy sight. I thought it was over between me and Celaeno but she sat at my bedside with that smile I always loved. It wasn’t a dream… but reality. It was a second chance.

I just couldn’t bear to let her go again. It would’ve been one heartbreak too many. At that moment, it was irrelevant to me whether or not I had a ring on me. I just spoke those four words with all the meaning my heart could muster. To my surprise, she said yes. Even though I hurt all over, the hug we shared was well worth it.

That was when I felt something different about her. Her mid-section was more pronounced and warm. I had no idea what it was but as I looked into her eyes, she cracked a joyous smile. I stared into them and my mind suddenly started putting two and two together. Again, it was almost improbable for me to believe.

Only in my wildest dreams did I ever think I’d become a father. It’s not that I’m physically incapable of rearing a foal but I often felt my own past as an orphan would shy me away from fatherhood. But the more I thought about it, the more my heart said I had it in me. I’m going to be a father and I felt over the moon about it.

It also meant I had not just a nation to fight for but a family to defend as well. I already work my hardest to ensure Equestria is kept safe. With a foal on the way, the stakes are even higher. I would give the world to my child and do anything to keep them happy.

Though the last five months had been rocky. With Tirek, Chrysalis, and that problem foal, Cozy Glow, part of Canterlot was blown asunder. Thanks to my cousin and her friends, a crisis was averted. It did put my wedding back a couple of months more than I originally planned but I wasn’t worried. It was gonna happen regardless.

Then, the day came. I’ve felt the butterflies flutter about in my stomach, making me all the more nervous. My mother and Cadance all tried to ease my worries. Breathing in and out, I kept my mind fixed on the future Celaeno and I will have. All I thought about were the positives and nothing more. I wasn’t going to let anything ruin my big day.

Just as I heard the organs playing a calm and cheerful melody, I saw her walking down the aisle. The dress she wore was simply beautiful and made her belly stand out a bit. I almost felt that my heart would burst out of my chest from the excitement. This was it. I was going to be a married stallion.

I kept my cool throughout the ceremony, eyes fixed solely to her. For everything else, it was all a blur. Holding back a few tears as I read my vows was one of the most emotionally taxing moments of my life. I wanted to be strong for her but I soon realized that someone as Celaeno appreciates honesty. A few stray tears did leave my eyes but I felt nothing but joy.

“I do.”

The sound of her voice when she said those two words made my heart skip a rhythm. I was feeling an influx of emotions I couldn’t quantify. It took me a great deal of concentration to say the same thing. My hooves quaked and my heart raced. But, her smile had a calming aura to it. This is what she wanted, what I desired.

Though Cadance said so, it wasn’t the first time Celaeno and I kissed but it still felt special. It was as if all the emotions that had built up to that point were released in one gesture of love. Long have I dreamt of this day and my patience was well rewarded.

There were times in my life where I wondered if it would've been possible for a guard like me to find love and happiness. Shining Armor did and told me it wasn’t something to fear. Even as I just married the love of my life, it almost seemed like a fever dream... but it's reality. Celaeno, the most beautiful and kind Ornithian I've met, was now my wife and she carries my foal. Both fill me with joy and fear in equal measure.

As a royal guard, leading them as their captain, it was in my nature to assume the worse of anything. It was how we normally hardened ourselves against the stress of any emergency like the incident a few months ago. Here, the thought of losing either of my wife, unborn child, or even both, scared me. I know it’s something to be happy about but it’s a feeling that’s hard to shake.

The due date was only about a week or two away but we decided to take the chance to go for a short honeymoon. Trottingham was my pick as I saw it had a nice rustic charm, much to do, and it was also quiet as well. Then again, Canterlot was out of the question as it was still being rebuilt.

Our cabin was on a small hilltop just outside of the city. It had a good view of the area, all situated in a nice cozy area. After a tense five months, I had a chance to breathe, now in the company of my beloved Celaeno.

Though it was a time to unwind, I just couldn’t switch my mind off from thinking like a soldier. I wanted to enjoy the week with her but my own instinct gave me a sense of unease. I don’t want to let my guard down for even a minute. What would happen if I did?

“Dear, you seem tense. Is something troubling you?”

Celaeno’s voice, sweet with compassion, pulled me away from my trance. It was like a liberating feeling. I tried to assure her that everything was fine. Her sly smirk told me she didn’t buy it for a moment.

“Azure, come now. I’ve known you long enough that you’re terrible at lying. What’s bothering you, dear?”

For the first time in a while, I spilled my heart and mind out to her. It was a cathartic moment for me as all the built-up thoughts left me in a stream of words. With a sigh, my eyes were fixed to my hooves before I felt her claws gingerly run through my mane. It made me feel at ease.

“Dear, I understand but it’s unhealthy to always anticipate the worst. The future will be bright if you believe it to be. Everything is going to be okay, trust me.”

For a time, I felt my tension fade away. Her words and her smile steadied my nerves quite a bit. By instinct, I just fell into her embrace. The warmth from her body had a soothing effect on me and I felt myself surrendering to her. With my hoof on her belly, I felt our foal moving around, eager to see their parents. I couldn’t do anything else but smile.

“Looks like they can’t wait to see us.”

I nodded as I helped her to our room. Face to face with her, I held my wife in my hooves as we both felt the pull of slumber. The same feeling still ate away at me a bit but I remembered what my wife said. I believe everything will be alright. I want it to be. Just the anxiety of the matter just gets my heart racing. But, I look forward to the first day of our honeymoon.

For our first day, she and I agreed on trying some of the places to see what the local cuisine was like. Sounded simple enough and it gave Celaeno enough moments to rest. I wanted to enjoy this as slow as I could, to savor it like a fine Canterlot wine. But, we also wanted to look around. It was such a nice day.

We walked through the downtown area and marveled at the various landmarks the city had to offer. Left and right, I saw various ponies noticing my presence but I paid them no mind apart from an occasional wave. We even got to see a statue of Commander Hurricane near the city hall. It truly did one of my heroes justice. I wish I had a camera.

Just as I turned a corner, I heard my wife groan in pain. My ears perked and my eyes shot wide open. I didn’t even need to see what happened to know what it was. My instincts kicked into high gear as I hailed a nearby carriage. I rushed to her side to keep her calm as it arrived. It was actually happening. My foal was arriving. It was time.

Throughout the trip, I let her grip my hooves and kept reassuring her. I was telling her to remain calm. I was trying to keep calm. Hearing her in that much pain worried me. It reminded me of when my friend Redwell’s wife, Silvian Mist, had her first back in basic. I wish there was something I could’ve done to help with her pain. Though I was trained to act and prepare for any given situation, I didn’t know If I was prepared for this.

Within a relatively short time, we were there, Trottingham Mercy Hospital. Within a flash, I helped Celaeno out, heart pounding with worry. To my surprise, they skipped with the paperwork stuff. I wasn’t sure if they forgot or my royal status had something to do with it. None of that mattered. I had to be with my wife.

Once we got situated, I helped her keep in rhythm with her breathing and pushing and allowed her to grip my hoof, even though it hurt. It was a tense feeling for the both of us. Keeping myself calm was a battle in and of itself. I could almost feel my heart wanting to jump out through my throat like my wedding day.

Even though I remembered what Celaeno said to me last night, I still felt a measure of worry. I silently prayed to harmony that my wife and child would be safe and healthy. Her screams of pain kept my unease simmering. As I went along with her breathing, I soon realized it was mostly for myself. For the first time in years, I was afraid. All I could do was close my eyes and brace myself for the worst case.


With the exception of that cry and my wife’s breaths, the air fell silent. As I saw the doctors lift something from behind the veil, I felt time slow to less than a crawl. In their hooves was a small figure, crying as its arms reached forward. I was without words.

“Congratulations, sir and madam, it’s a filly.”

It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. Coat and mane like her mother, wings and eyes like mine, it was the best of both worlds. As they cleaned her up, I felt my wife gingerly stroke my hoof. It was enough to calm me down but I was still in shock. I couldn’t believe what I saw.

“Azure… we did it.”

‘We did it’. Her and I brought something precious into this world, lying comfortably in the arms of her mother. After months of waiting, I’ve been rewarded with something I only dreamt of. My flesh and blood now reached for me and began to cry in frustration. Celaeno was amused by it and smiled warmly.

“I think the little one wants to see her daddy.”

Nervously, I reached forward and cradled my daughter in my hooves. It filled me with a profound influx of emotions I never felt before. Just seeing her lock eyes with me gave me pause. My eyes watered with tears I held back.

As my daughter reached out to me, I brought a hoof to meet her tiny hands. The moment they made contact was when I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer. My warm smile evaporated all the worries I held on to. At that moment, something in me had changed.

I forgot about being a soldier. I forgot about being a sword and shield for the kingdom. I forgot about all the war, battles, bloodshed and violence that made up my calling. In my hooves and at my side were two things that I held dear… a family, something I could come home to every night. I became a husband and father. My joy knew no bounds.

“So dear, what shall we name her?”

Giving another good look at her, I saw her wings, big and strong like mine. Like her mother and I, she had a lot of fight in her. I saw in her the makings of a hero, one of strength but also mild and kind. She was very much the sum of the best of Celaeno and I. Once all that crossed my mind, I knew what I wanted to call her.

“Gale Blitzwing.”

Celaeno looked at me and I nodded back. After my explanation, she nodded with amusement. We knew we wanted a name that sounded strong and truth be told, I thought of it on the fly. We never had the time to think of any names for her but in the end, I’m glad it all worked out.

I once doubted myself being a father. But, even as I see my firstborn cradled in my hooves, I knew that being prepared didn’t really matter. It’s something I’ll figure out as I come along. I promised I’ll keep Equestria safe for her. I’ll be there for her every step of the way. I’ll be a good father, I swear it.

“Welcome, my dear daughter.”

As I try to recall everything from years ago, the moment I became a father always stood out. The love I had for my daughter and later, her brother, will always be with me. Even after I pass from this world, I can always look back on it and the joy it brought me. The moment I got to hold my child in my hooves for the first time will always be my greatest moment.

I know not what the future will hold for them but it is with my hope that the future shall be bright for them. That is the wish every father has for their children. My Gale, if you’re reading this long after I’m gone, take care of your brother, watch over him. You’re both my pride and joy.

Father loves you both… very much.

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