• Published 12th Jul 2020
  • 5,698 Views, 97 Comments

Flurry Heart's Story: Cheesy as Pie - AleximusPrime

Flurry Heart and the Cake Twins help Cheese Sandwich get ready to propose to Pinkie Pie, but he starts to wonder if he can even do it right.

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4. Time for Plan C

Spike, Maud, and Pinkie walked on through the rock fair after several hours of enjoyment. Pinkie licked away at some rock candy ice cream she held in front of her, using her long, curly bangs. Spike had just finished eating some rock candy on a stick, while Maud was carefully eying a geode she bought at the gift shop.

“I dunno about you guys, but that fashion show sure rocked! Hehehe!” Pinkie giggled.

“That’s some knee-slapping comedy right there, Pinkie.” Maud replied.

“Rarity’s dresses did look pretty nice! I’ll bet Limestone would like one for Hearth’s Warming Day later this year.” Spike said to Maud.

“Oh I’ve got a lot in mind for gifts for my sisters, Spike. This geode is going straight to Marble.” she said, placing it in the inner pocket of her frock.

“Daw! Marble’s gonna love that, Maud! Well guys, think should we head on back to Sugarcube Corner now?” Pinkie asked.

“Well it has been…um…three? Yeah, three hours. I think now’s a good time to go…urgh…UGH!!”

Spike started clenching his chest as his cheeks puffed up. He opened his mouth to let out a loud belch of green fire. A scroll appeared and dropped to the ground.

“Ooooh! We’ve got mail!” Pinkie said as she went forward to pick up the scroll.

Spike got scared and grabbed the scroll first, thinking it might contain information about Cheese’s proposal.

“Oh, it’s okay, Pinkie! I got it!” he said.

He quickly opened the scroll and turned away from Pinkie, reading the scroll close to him so she could not see the contents. It read the following:

Spike, we’ve got a bit of a situation back here. Cheese is missing a few important items and had to rethink everything at the last minute. He’s working it out, but we might need you guys to distract Pinkie for at least another two hours. Send a reply as soon as you get this so we know you got it.

Spike’s eyes widened and he looked nervously at Maud and Pinkie, wondering what to say.

“What’s it say?” Maud asked.

“Did Twilight send that message? Oooh! Is Twilight taking the rest of the day off to come visit us?!” Pinkie asked, jumping up and down.

“NO! Er, no, it’s not Twilight, it’s Flurry.” Spike replied. “She…um…she told me to remember to get something at the rock fair. I have to get…more…more gems!”

“More gems?! You already got gems earlier, silly. They were in your bag, now they’re in your belly!”

“Yeah, but…these…are a different kind of gem! They’re the ones I use for my special cake I bake every so often. They’re not like the ones in this bag. They…uh…uh…”

“They don’t taste as good out of the bag because they need to be mixed in with the batter to get their flavor. They’re actually kind of salty if you eat them as is and he doesn’t like the taste. It keeps him from accidentally eating all of them before he makes the actual cake.” Maud added.

“YEAH! Yeah, what she said. Thanks Maud.”

“Oh yeah! I remember you always used to eat the gems before making the cake, Spike! You just couldn’t help yourself! Hehehe!” Pinkie giggled.

“Heh…you know me.” Spike said, hiding the scroll behind his back and blushing. “Well anyway, they’re selling those gems over at a different stand, but Maud, why don’t you show Pinkie some of the rock sculptures over there. Oh, and then you can take her to the pet rock zoo.”

“Oooh, they’ve got pet rocks over there?! I want one! LET’S GO, MAUD!!”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you about the pet rocks. Yeah, we best go now before they close or something.” Maud replied to her sister.

Spike walked by Maud and quickly whispered in her ear that they needed more time for Cheese. Maud winked at him and continued in the other direction, with Pinkie bouncing up and down while humming a happy tune. Spike looked back and waved until they were far enough away. He then took the scroll out from behind his back and began writing a response on the lower half of Flurry’s scroll. Once he was done, he rolled it up and blew his green fire on it. The scroll faded away into ashes and flew through the air, back to Sugarcube Corner.

“Hang in there, Cheese. We’ll keep her a bit longer.” he said.

Flurry paced back and forth in Pound and Pumpkin’s bedroom. Pound was playing a small handheld video game on his bed while Pumpkin was playing with a paddle ball. Flurry was still waiting for Spike’s response. Suddenly some green fire flew in through the opened window in the bedroom and moved towards her. It swirled around and then puffed into smoke. The scroll appeared as she caught it with her magic.

“Oh good! Spike responded!” she said as she opened it up and began to read. “He says he’s found a way to keep Pinkie out there a little longer and that she hasn’t figured it out yet.”

“Sounds good!” Pound added, turning off his video game. “You think Cheese is done with his song down there?”

“I hope so. He seemed a little worried.”

“Ah, don’t worry, Flurry.” Pumpkin added as she leaped down from her bed. “Cheese is a musical wiz. He’s got this!”

“We’d better check on him just to be safe though.” Pound said as he flew over to open the door.

The three of them walked out into the hallway and down the stairs. Once they got to the living room, they saw tons of crumpled up papers all over the ground. In one corner was Cheese with his keyboard, singing to himself while playing and trying to get his lyrics right. He kept messing up and starting over again. There was a lot of tension in his voice. Flurry, Pound, and Pumpkin looked very concerned.

“Oh dear.” Flurry said.

“Think we should help him out?” Pumpkin whispered out of the side of her mouth to Pound.

“I’ll go ask him.” Pound said as he cautiously hovered over to Cheese. “Hey Cheese, everything alright?”

“PINKIE, I WAS JUST…oh, Pound, it’s you. Sorry.” Cheese said as he spun around quickly with his chest pumping air in and out. He was so on edge; he thought Pinkie had already arrived. His hair was frazzled and he had dark bags under his bloodshot eyes.

“Cheese, have you even finished your song yet?” Flurry asked, cautiously.

“Uh…YES!! Er, I mean I almost have! I’ll be done before Pinkie gets here! Trust me, it’s all going totally fine! Heheh…heh…”

Cheese smiled bashfully, but it did not good to convince them. His eyes darted back and forth until his smile dropped and he leaned his head down. He pulled his eyelids down with his hooves and began to finally tell the truth.

“UUUUGGGGHHH!!! I can’t do this! I’m under too much pressure! Everything went wrong at the last minute and the stress is keeping me from being able to make rhymes off the top of my head!”

“It’s okay, Cheese. Everypony gets stressed out at times.” Flurry said.

“I don’t get it.” Cheese continued. “I’ve always been able to complete all these parties I’ve planned in the past right on schedule with only a few hiccups. I guess since this is a big life-changing thing for me, it’s caused my brain to go haywire till I just can’t get the right words out!”

“Should we tell Spike and Maud to keep Pinkie out there a little longer?” Pumpkin suggested.

“No. It’s no use. There’s not much time left and we’ve already kept her out there too long.”

“So does this mean you’re not going to be proposing to her today?” Pound asked.

“I guess not. I really wanted to go through with all of this, but it’s not working. Maybe I’ll try another day.”

Cheese walked over to fetch a nearby broom and began to sweep the papers on the floor into a dustpan. The kids all looked at each other, worriedly. They had no idea what to do.

“I guess this means I’ll have to tell Spike that they can come over now.” Flurry said, pulling the scroll and feather out from underneath one of her wings.

“Hold on, Flurry.” Pound said. “Don’t send the letter just yet. I have an idea.”
Pound walked over to Pumpkin and whispered something in her ear. Pumpkin’s eyes widened a bit and she smiled.

“Oh! Good idea!” she whispered back. “We’ll be right back, Flurry.”

The Cake Twins scampered off into the kitchen to speak with their parents, while Cheese continued to sweep up the papers. Flurry watched him as he threw the papers away in a trash basket and lay down against the wall in misery.

“Sorry if I got you all excited for tonight, Flurry.” he told her.

“It’s okay, Cheese.” she replied. “I might have given you too much to work with those songs. You can always do it another day, right?”

“Maybe. It’s just, I was hoping to propose to her today since she was all so happy about you coming over and seeing us. I just wanted to give Pinkie the best day and the best time for me to propose to her. I had everything planned, but I just ended up going into creative burnout.”

“Well hey, I can help with it again if you’d like me to.”

“I wouldn’t bother. After today, I’m wondering if I’m even ready to propose to her yet.”

Cheese stood up and walked to the kitchen with his head down. He pushed open the double doors and plodded in towards one of the tables. Flurry followed after him, watching as he sat down with his head resting on top of his crossed arms. She felt so bad for him, but she could tell he needed to be left alone. She walked away until she saw Pound and Pumpkin enter with their parents.

“Cheese, the kids told us everything.” Mr. Cake said.

“You’re not actually thinking of calling off proposing to her, are you?” Mrs. Cake asked him.

“Well I’m certainly not going to be able to do it today.” Cheese replied. “I’m already too stressed out to finish what I had planned. It’s no use continuing.”

“Perhaps you were rushing things a bit, dear?” Mrs. Cake asked. “I was starting to wonder if you’d be able to get it all done in time without any problems.”


Mr. and Mrs. Cake sat down in the chairs next to Cheese. Pound and Pumpkin stayed behind with Flurry and watched from a distance.

“You know, when Carrot proposed to me, he didn’t have much planned, but I said ‘yes’ anyway.”

“That’s right, Cheese. I didn’t know how I’d do it outside of just the proposal itself. I didn’t have a big set or props or music or a TV screen or anything.”

“You didn’t?”

“Nope. We were at a dance one night and I was walking her back home when I took her aside and we talked for a few minutes, and that’s when I finally popped the question. No spectacle needed to be made. All I had to do was ask.”

“Wow. See, being a party pony, I can’t really see myself doing anything ordinary for Pinkie. She and I are all about throwing parties and having a grand old time. I want her proposal to be super special.”

“Cheese, all that’s special right now is that you and Pinkie are in love and you want to spend the rest of your life with her.” Mrs. Cake said, putting her hoof on top of his. “When Carrot proposed, that was all I was thinking about.”

“Does Pinkie love you, Cheese?” Mr. Cake asked.

“Oh, definitely! I’ve made her happier than she’s been in ages. I have no doubt she’d say yes.”

“Well then there you go. If Pinkie loves you, you don’t need to make some big presentation or sing a song right on the spot or throw in any other bells and whistles.”

“You can still propose to her today, you know. All you need is that little box and the right words to say.”

Cheese sat still for a moment and pushed his eyebrows down as he though hard. The realization finally hit him.

“You know what…you guys are right!” he said. “I don’t need any of that stuff we brought over. Pinkie won’t care if I don’t use any of it. She and I have spent time in the quaintest of places before and she was still happy to be around me. She knows how to stay positive, and she’ll be happier than ever if I propose to her, even if it means not making a big deal out of it. Forget Plan B! I now have a Plan C!”

“So what are you going to do now?” Mrs. Cake asked.


Cheese stood up on the table in a heroic pose, accompanied rays of light emanating from him and some random pop music for some reason. He looked over and saw Pumpkin, holding a boom box in the air with her magic. She realized she was playing unfitting music.

“Whoops! Wrong track. My bad.” she said as she switched it over to play some more triumphant music.

Cheese posed again with the new music. He then jumped down from the table, reached into his mane and pulled out the box with the proposal necklace for Pinkie.

“This is all I need! I’ll just sit around and wait for her to come to me! Flurry?”

“Yeah, Cheese?” Flurry said, rushing over to him.

“Tell Spike we don’t need anymore time at all! I’m ready!”

“…ready to go back to Sugarcube Corner!” Pinkie squealed with excitement.

“WAIT!” Spike called.

“Wait.” Maud said.

“We…um…haven’t shown you…the uh…” Spike said, trying to find an excuse to keep Pinkie away from home.

“The rock plushies over by the pop rocks stand.” Maud added.

“Yeah, they’re adorable! You’d love one!”

“But we already bought one, guys.” Pinkie said, pulling out a small stuffed animal in the shape of a rock with googly eyes.

“Oh…yeah, you’re right.” Spike said, nervously. “Well, uh…did you get to taste any of those rock candy-coated apples? Oh, wait, we just did that too. Okay well…uh…uh…”

Spike and Maud looked at each other, trying to find something to say that would keep Pinkie at the rock fair longer. They still needed her there for another hour, but they had already visited the entire fair by now. Pinkie dropped her smile and looked suspicious.

“I see what’s going on here…” she said, closing her eyes halfway and staring deeply at them with her face scrunching up.

Spike started chomping on his fingernails at high speeds as purple clippings flew off in all directions.

“Uh oh.” Maud said.

Pinkie continued staring and then suddenly her face went back to looking smiley and joyful.

“You guys forgot to help me name my new pet rock that Maud got me earlier!” she said, taking out a small heart-shaped rock.

“YES!!! Yes, that’s exactly what I was going to say!” Spike said.

“I think we should name her Pebble.” Maud said, carefully eying the rock in her sister’s hoof.

“PEBBLE IT IS!! Pebble, you’re going to be such a great addition to the family! Just wait till Cheese sees you!” Pinkie said as she snuggled Pebble up against her cheek and then put her back into her tote bag. “Alright, now you guys ready to go home?”

“One more thing, Pinkie!” Spike said, looking around nervously.

“Yeeees?” Pinkie said, slowly stretching her neck in next to Spike.

“Uh…well…I…I wanted to…uh…JUST WANTED TO DO THIS!”

Spike then picked her up and held her in his arms with her facing him. He pressed his lips onto her large, round belly and and blew against it like she did to him earlier.

“AHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!! NOOO, STOP!! AHAHAAAAA!!!” she said, laughing uncontrollably.

“Revenge is sweet, Pinkie!” he said before blowing again.


Maud stood motionless and looked around to see a few random ponies giggling at what they were seeing. It was awkward, but at least they were still keeping Pinkie distracted. Spike finally let Pinkie down, but the awkwardness was not over yet.

“Alright, now do Maud!” Pinkie demanded.

“What?” Maud said with her eyes widening a little.

“Uh…Maud?” Spike said, cautiously.

“Yeah! Do Maud! Come on Maud, you’ll love it!”

“Please don’t.” Maud said to Spike.

“Uh…Pinkie, I dunno if I should…”

“Pleeeeeease?” Pinkie said as her pupils grew and she whimpered like a puppy.

Maud rolled her eyes and Spike carefully lifted her up. He slowly pressed his lips onto her belly and blew, though not quite as hard as he did with Pinkie.

“Hahahaha.” Maud said, closing her eyes and smiling a bit. “Alright, stop Spike. Seriously, that’s enough.”

“HAHAHA! Do it again!” Pinkie said, rolling over on the floor and laughing.

“No, Pinkie, please.” Maud begged her sister.

Spike continued to blow on Maud’s belly as the other ponies around them continued enjoying the spectacle. Maud did not look very impressed, but she could not help laughing and smiling as he did it. Suddenly, his cheeks began to puff up and his belly grumbled. Spike quickly let her down and barfed up green fire that contained a scroll once again.

“EEEEH! More mail! Somepony loves us today!” Pinkie giggled.

Spike grabbed the scroll quickly and read it to himself. His eyes widened at what he saw and then he rolled it back up.

“Oh…uh, that was Flurry saying we can…come back now?” he said, quizzically.

“Omigosh, that’s right! Flurry must be worried!” Pinkie said, shocked.

“Good rhyme, Sis.” Maud replied.

“Hehe, thanks!”

“Alright guys, I think we’ve spent more than enough time here. Yeah, we’d better get back to Sugarcube Corner so we can spend some time with Cheese, Flurry and the Cakes.” Spike said, putting the scroll in his bag.

“Alrighty! Let’s go!” Pinkie said, bouncing off.

“I’m guessing everything is fine?” Maud whispered to Spike.

“She didn’t say.” Spike replied.