• Published 26th Jun 2020
  • 4,008 Views, 259 Comments

Blink Again - Amarandream

After teleporting, Twilight is trapped, devoid of magic, in a pocket dimension full of corpses. At least she has a friend though. Twilight, meet Twilight.

  • ...

9 - Morning at Midnight

Light gaped at the scene before her, watching Fluttershy nervously shift her gaze between the other ponies. Had her yellow friend asked a question? She already couldn’t remember what it was, just that it definitely had been asked. Even Sweetie Belle, still atop the pegasus, merely sat there, soundlessly working her mouth.

Light gave herself a good shake of the head, then opened her mouth to respond, only for Rarity to beat her to it.

“Fluttershy, darling, how are you feeling? You were... well, a bit absent. Do you remember?”

"Um..." Fluttershy nervously glanced between Rarity, Light, and Sweetie Belle, then slowly nodded, squeaking out, “yes. I’m sorry. I... I didn’t mean to go. I just couldn’t... just couldn’t...” She trailed off, withdrawing more behind her mane every second. She wouldn't even meet Light's eyes.

Was she truly that ashamed of her recent state? Of having to be cared for? Light would have to disabuse her of that notion, if she could think of how. After all, Fluttershy's somewhat delicate mind was one of the things they loved most about her, and helping in rough times was just what friends did. Fluttershy should know that as well as any of their friends, having been on the other side of that numerous times.

Light cracked a warm smile. "It’s okay. We’re just glad to have you here.” She grimaced, eyeing their surroundings. “Well, not here, per se, but with us—disregarding the location, I mean. Yes, that's better.” She gave a weak chuckle, clicking her front hooves together nervously.

She almost groaned. That went just swimmingly. Had she gotten worse at this kind of thing in her time with only Twi for company? She wanted to jump for joy at having her friend back, but she instead found herself helpless, unsure of just how to approach the sudden change in situation. She certainly didn't want to make Fluttershy uncomfortable, and she wasn't sure just how mentally fit her friend was or if she might return to her recent state should Light mess things up.

Rarity glanced back and forth between the two awkward ponies, then rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Oh, come here, you two lovable fools." She reached her forelegs out wide, grabbing Fluttershy with one and Light with the other, then pulled them together into a group hug, half squishing Sweetie Belle between them. “Whatever the circumstances, I think we can all be glad to have each other. Yes?”

“Yes, Rarity.” Light and Fluttershy both dutifully nodded before breaking out into giggles, both from relief and at the absurdity of the situation—even if said giggles trailed off rather quickly when their minds returned to the environment.

“Perfect.” Rarity returned their nods with her own, then focused in on Fluttershy. “But, I do need a promise from you, my dear.”

Fluttershy gulped, returning Rarity's stare with a hint of nervousness. “Oh, um, okay. What is it?”

“You must promise to never scare us like that again. I was worried I would never hear your wonderful voice anymore, and poor Twilight—er, Light—fretted over you for a whole week!”

"Oh, of course. I promise." Fluttershy began nodding vigorously. "I'm so, so sorry. I really didn't mean to worry you. I—"

Rarity finally released the three ponies from the hug so she could raise a hoof to silence the pegasus. No longer squished, Sweetie Belle took a deep breath and scrambled out from between them while Rarity lectured their friend with an even, "Now, Fluttershy, I simply will not have you apologizing to me. What happened was regrettable, but not anypony’s fault. You understand." She finished with what could normally have been construed as a question, had it not been uttered in an even, insistent tone. Not a query, but an order.

Judging by Fluttershy's renewed nodding, she did understand—or at least, she pretended to.

"Careful," Rarity said airily. "You nod too much and you might just nod yourself right off to sleep."

Sweetie Belle stifled a giggle at her sister's tease, bringing all three of the older ponies' attention back to her.

"Um, Sweetie," Fluttershy began, "you never did answer my question earlier. Was something wrong? You were screaming, and galloped right into me." She gave the filly a worried look, which was quickly matched by those of Light and Rarity.

Light had been so glad to have Fluttershy back that she'd completely forgotten what had interrupted her sleep in the first place. Given the guilty grimace Rarity suddenly adopted, she had found herself similarly caught up in the moment. Except, of course, this was her potentially endangered sister that she'd not been paying attention to. Maybe that wasn't so bad though. After all, even Sweetie Belle herself had lost her fear rather suddenly at Fluttershy's return.

"Ah, right." Sweetie stared down at her hooves for a moment in contemplation, then looked back up, eyeing Light in particular. "I think that other version of you, Twi, might need our help. You see..."

Sweetie Belle went on to describe her entire encounter with Twi, sparing no detail. She told them of the hovel made out of skeletons, being "introduced" to the smiling corpse of Sparkle, and of how Twi tried to give her a past Twilight's journal. Most disturbingly, she reported that Twi not only tried to offer her a chance at assisted suicide, but did everything in her power to convince Sweetie Belle to take said offer. Apparently, Sparkle and the book were meant to do exactly that. When asked whether or not she thought Twi might have simply attacked her had she remained, Sweetie Belle couldn't answer. Whether or not Twi was telling the truth, that it would have been purely optional, was still in question. And that was a very dangerous question to leave hanging.

Throughout the entire story, the three grown mares stood horrified. Rarity effusively apologized for not being there for her sister, while simultaneously chastising her for going off alone, and worse, not shouting out for help the moment Twi approached her. Fluttershy was just glad the filly was okay, and agreed immediately to try and help Twi overcome whatever personal demons had clearly been affecting her.

For Light's part, she merely worried. She worried for Sweetie Belle, she worried that her newfound rivalry with Twi might get in the way of helping her, and she worried about what would happen if they couldn't help Twi get better. Would they have to fight her? Herself and Rarity—assuming Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle would stay out of it—could easily defeat one crippled pony. The practicality of it was not in question, but the ethics of doing so were another matter entirely.

Of course, most of all, Light worried about what it meant that a version of herself could so quickly become like that. How soon until she too could no longer be trusted around the others? Would one of them succumb first, and if so, would they pose a threat to those still sane? According to everything she had seen so far, it was only a matter of time.