• Published 26th Jun 2020
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Sonic The Hedgehog: The Blue Blur - APStories

Sonic and the Mane Six team up to save Equestria from a psychopathic warlord.

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Chapter Three: The Deadly Six Saga

In Cloudsdale, one of the portals opened. Rainbow Dash flew out. She checked on Tails, who was still asleep. She locked her bedroom door and window to make sure Zazz didn't try to get an unsuspecting Tails. Suddenly, the Moon Mech arrived through the portal. "I've been itching for a fight all day!", Zazz shouted. Rainbow Dash flew towards the Moon Mech and kicked it three times, sending Zazz flying out. She punched the villain twice in midair. Zazz used his magnetic powers to fly towards the Moon Mech. "I'm gonna enjoy ripping the flesh from your bones!" However, the Moon Mech received three more kicks. Zazz leaped out but got punched two more times in midair. The Moon Mech was sent plummeting to the ground. "Catch me if you can, little pony!" Zazz leaped from building to building until he made it to the Weather Factory. "Ooh, that rotten Rainbow Dash! I'm gonna take this pony down! Or the gang will harass me 'till I'M blue!" Rainbow Dash then arrived. "You're going home in a box!" He grabbed Rainbow Dash and repeatedly punched her in the face. "Not so fun, is it?!" He then smashed her into the ground and stomped on her. He then grabbed a box and stuffed her inside. He threw it out of the Weather Factory and it was sent plummeting to the ground. "Finally!" However, in midair, the box ripped open and Rainbow Dash flew upwards.

"Target lock!", she shouted as she flew towards Zazz, creating a Sonic Rainboom in the process. She relentlessly pummeled Zazz and tossed him into a cloud.

"I'm gonna skin you alive!", Zazz yelled. He used his long arms to grab Rainbow Dash's wings and pulled on them. Rainbow Dash screamed in pain. However, Zazz's arms weren't strong enough to rip Rainbow Dash's wings off. Rainbow Dash kicked Zazz, freeing herself. She flew high into the sky and then started plummeting towards Zazz, creating another Sonic Rainboom in the process. She relentlessly pummeled Zazz and smashed him into the ground, defeating him."I can't believe it! Me, a Zeti, losing to a pony! A PONY! A LITTLE GIRL'S TOY!" A portal appeared under him and he fell through. He landed in the castle. "Damn it!" Rainbow Dash followed.

"I'm no little girl's toy. I am Rainbow Dash, the fastest pony in Equestria!", Rainbow Dash said.

Near Fluttershy's cottage, Fluttershy ran out. She was being chased by Zomom. "I'll bet all that I can stomach you, nasty pest! I'm gonna eat you raw, and use your stupid feathers as toothpicks!", the gluttonous Zeti said. Fluttershy climbed up a tree. "Hey, get down from there!" He shook the tree, causing Fluttershy to fly off. She dove towards Zomom and punched him twice. However, Zomom swatted the Pegasus away. Suddenly, the Warrior of Inner Strength flew back towards Zomom and rammed into him. "Oh, man! I can't believe she's made it this far! She's gonna make me look bad... I mean worse! Is that even possible?!" Zomom ran off. Fluttershy followed. She found the Zeti eating a clownishly oversized sandwich. "Huh? What the- how'd you find me?! That's it! Time to perish!" He devoured his sandwich and jumped high into the air. He landed on the ground hard, shaking the ground. Fluttershy, still in the air, tackled the orange Zeti. Zomom grabbed Fluttershy and jumped high into the air. However, Fluttershy freed herself and tackled Zomom, sending them both falling to the ground. "If I'm not careful, I'm gonna be toast! Awww...toast! No! NO! I've gotta concentrate, or else he's gonna make mincemeat outta me! Ohhhh, mincemeat! Ugh, I need an intervention!"

"You're a very bad Zeti!", Fluttershy said with an angry look. Zomom ran off. A Yellow Wisp appeared and merged with Fluttershy, giving her the ability to drill. She drilled into the ground and secretly followed Zomom. She found the Zeti in Ponyville conjuring up a massive tornado, causing a town-wide panic. "This reminds me of the time that Whirling Mungtooth ran loose at the Appleloosa County Fair." She turned a vine into a lasso and lassoed the Zeti... sending the Pegasus spinning. Luckily, she was able to slow him down. The Zeti broke free of his restraint and started spinning again. However, after a while, he got dizzy. Fluttershy rammed into Zomom, angering the fat Zeti.

"Ugh! You're the worst meal ever!", Zomom said. He started spinning again, repeatedly punching Fluttershy. However, after a while, he got dizzy again. Fluttershy rammed into Zomom, defeating him. "Does this mean no dessert?"

"All you talk about is food!", Fluttershy annoyingly said. The portal appeared and Fluttershy kicked Zomom through. She followed. Zomom was put in a cage alongside Zazz.

"Two down, four more to go!", Sonic said.

"You too, huh?", Zomom asked.

"That blue Pegasus eradicated me!", Zazz complained. "How in the world did you get defeated by a Pegasus like Fluttershy?!"

"I don't know. I thought she would be an easy target", Zomom answered. "She looked weak and pathetic."

"Well, Master Zik may be old, but he can kick all our asses! He should be able to defeat the meddling princess!", Zazz said with confidence.

"I wouldn't think so", Rainbow Dash said to the purple Zeti. "Twilight will destroy your puny little master!"

"You dare call our master puny?!", Zazz replied. "He raised all of us! He's basically our father! If that's not an accomplishment, I don't know what is!"

"Accomplishment, my ass! You're monsters with no sense of compassion!", Rainbow Dash retorted.

"I'm pretty sure all Zeti are like that", Sonic said.

"See? The blue hedgehog is smarter than you!", Zazz retorted. An angered Rainbow Dash attempted to punch Zazz in the face. Sonic, Shadow, and Gadget had to hold Rainbow Dash back before she could do so.

"There's a kid in the room, dummy!", Shadow said to the enraged Pegasus.

"Not even Fluttershy could tame us with her Stare!" Accepting the challenge, Fluttershy attempted to use the Stare on Zazz and Zomom, but failed.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight flew out of a portal. Master Zik (on a giant apple) chased the Princess as she continually blasted the oversized fruit. Master Zik used his cane to telekinetically choke Twilight. He tossed her around the farm. Twilight, however, managed to escape. She blasted magic at Master Zik, but he simply deflected it with his cane. Suddenly, she used the power of the sun to supercharge her horn. She blasted the apple with a beam of heat, destroying it. "Your moves are unique. Who's your master?", Master Zik asked.

"Princess Celestia!", Twilight answered. "Now... it's time to squash you like the bug you are!"

"My skills are sharper than your words, brash one! Your insults cannot penetrate my thick, wrinkled skin! Of course not unlike light, water, certain moisturizers...", Master Zik rambled as he got blasted by Twilight, sending him flying. "You have disrespected your elders, arrogant stripling! Now you shall reap what you have sown!"

"I may look young, but my youth is what makes me more agile and stronger!", Twilight retorted as she used the power of the moon to supercharge her horn again. She blasted her opponent with a beam of darkness. An angered Master Zik kicked Twilight, but the Princess of Equestria wasn't even fazed. She blasted the Zeti once more. She then used the power of the sun and the moon to ultra-charge her horn. She blasted Master Zik, sending him flying into oblivion. Twilight, determined to finish off her opponent, flew after him to make sure he was dead. He wasn't.

"Your time is almost over, brash Princess. I shall prepare for you a lesson in respect. A painful lesson", Master Zik said as he whacked Twilight with his cane, critically injuring her. Suddenly, an Orange Wisp flew over and merged with Twilight. She now had the ability to fly as fast as a rocket. She rammed into Master Zik and relentlessly pummeled him. The villain landed on a cloud. Twilight repeated her previous attack, critically injuring the Zeti. Twilight then used her ultra-charged horn to blast her opponent again. "You think your puny magic can..." Twilight unleashed one final blast of magic, finally defeating Master Zik.

Back at the castle, Twilight threw Master Zik into the cage alongside Zazz and Zomom. "Maybe next time you'll think about how tough your opponent is before you fight them!", Twilight said. Master Zik responded by whacking Twilight with his cane. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Zazz and Zomom cowered in fear as the enraged Princess readied another blast of ultra-charged magic. A dark energy drained from Sonic's body and entered Twilight's body, causing her to transform into Dark Twilight.

"Prepare to perish", she said in a dark demonic voice. Kokiri started crying because of what she was seeing. "SONIC, CONTROL YOUR DAUGHTER!" Suddenly, Dark Twilight was electrocuted by Gadget's Wispon. Sonic reabsorbed the dark energy. Spike flew into the castle. When the members of the Legion of Doom all reformed, he fled because he knew he wouldn't have stood a chance against Infinite's clones. Zazz and Zomom were huddled in a corner shaking in fear and holding onto each other.

"Well, at least I gave them a good scare", Twilight said. Kokiri calmed down.

"Three down, three more to go!", Sonic said as he revealed another cage. "It's probably best to keep them separated."

In Yakyakistan, Rarity ran out of a portal to face Zeena (who was on a snowy cliff). "You will be so five minutes ago in about one minute! I won't even have to mess with my hair! You'd BETTER not make me mess up my hair!", Zeena said. Multiple snowmen appeared. One absorbed Zeena. The snowmen all attacked Rarity... with snowballs. Using her magic, she blasted the snowmen, reducing them to useless snow. She blasted Zeena. "Are you seriously still here?! Why won't you die?! Ugh! You're like a cockroach with horrible fashion sense!" That quote was enough to send Rarity off the deep end. She continuously blasted Zeena, but the Zeti was agile enough to dodge the attacks. However, one blast hit Zeena's hair. "Do you know how long it took to do my hair?!" More snowmen appeared, some with bombs. One absorbed Zeena. The snowmen all attacked Rarity... with snowballs. Using her magic, she blasted the snowmen, reducing them to useless snow. However, she didn't blast the snowmen with the bombs. She blasted Zeena. The Zeti retaliated with a giant snowball. It consumed Rarity as more snowmen appeared, some with bombs. One absorbed Zeena. Suddenly, the snowball ran over the snowmen. Rarity flew out of the snowball, somersaulted in the air, and blasted Zeena into the cliff, causing it to crumble.

"Just because I'm a lady doesn't mean I cannot handle myself in a snowy situation", Rarity said as she landed in a heroic pose.

"You're gonna pay for that!", Zeena screamed as she leaped out of the rubble with a mace. She swung it at Rarity, who dodged it. Rarity roundhouse kicked Zeena. Zeena retaliated by hitting Rarity with her mace, leaving a mark on the unicorn's face. Rarity blasted Zeena, who reflected the attack with her mace. She threw her mace, but Rarity somersaulted and blasted her foe. She then tornado-slammed Zeena, drilling her into the ground. "That's it! I'm going to turn you into a white snow-cone and feed you to that glutton Zomom, 'cause I'm on a diet and can't eat snow-cones!" She grabbed two more maces and leaped out of the crater. Rarity used her horn like a sword to parry the two maces. She managed to roundhouse kick Zeena, but the Zeti was able to gain the upper hand pretty quickly. However, Rarity disarmed Zeena and blasted her once again. She then performed an uppercut, sending Zeena flying. Gravity took its toll and a defeated Zeena was sent plummeting to the ground.

Back at the castle, Rarity threw Zeena into the second cage. "Hmph! I may be a fashionista, but I can handle myself in combat!", Rarity said.

"If these stains don't come out, you're dead!", Zeena retorted. Her hair was messed up VERY badly.

"I think you look fine", Sonic sarcastically replied. "Don't you have anything better to do with your life?"

"SHUT UP!", Zeena snarled. "Or else your child is DEAD MEAT when I get out of here!"

In the Everfree Forest, a portal opened and Pinkie Pie ran out. She was being chased by Zor in his Owl Mech. "Maybe I will finish you, maybe I won't. Does it really matter in the cosmic scheme of things? We're all gonna die eventually...", Zor said. A rocket shot out of the Owl Mech, but Pinkie deflected it and it hit the Owl Mech instead. "Ow." Two more rockets shot out from the Owl Mech, but Pinkie easily deflected them and they hit the Owl Mech instead. "Ow." Two more rockets shot out from the Owl Mech, but Pinkie easily deflected them and they hit the Owl Mech instead. "You're doomed anyway." Zor ran off as the Owl Mech blew up.

"Hey! Get back here!", Pinkie said. She chased Zor into a cave. Suddenly, multiple Shadow Zor clones appeared.

"You're so upbeat, I wanna beat you up! It won't make me happy... but to be fair, nothing makes me happy", the clones said in unison. "Another pointless conflict is about to begin." The clones all attacked Pinkie and relentlessly pummeled her. However, she noticed that one of the Shadow Zor clones wasn't attacking her.

"That must be the real Zor", Pinkie thought. She roundhouse kicked all the clones, taking damage in the process. She punched the real Zor, who began ricocheting off the walls, celing and floor. He eventually fell into a body of water, defeated.

"Only the Reaper wins in the end", Zor said as he shook himself dry.

Back at the castle, Zor was put into Zeena's cage. "That guy was EASY!", Pinkie said with a grin.

"Happiness brings me pain", Zor said.

"All that's left... is Zavok", Sonic said.

At Las Pegasus, Applejack ran out of a portal. Zavok (the leader of the Deadly Six) followed on his Mech Dragon, ready to fight. "I will show you my full strength", Zavok said. The townsponies ran. The Mech Dragon charged at Applejack, but she somersaulted away. She managed to latch onto the tail, causing the Mech Dragon to go berserk, sending her flying. However, she punched Zavok in midair. "That's right. Enrage me further!" The Mech Dragon chomped it’s teeth as it nearly devoured Applejack. However, she managed to tackle the villain, the force sending him falling through the Mech Dragon, destroying it. However, the Mech Dragon's fuel gave Zavok more strength. "Playtime is over, pony!"

"I don't think so!", Applejack retorted. She leaped at the villain and delivered a flurry of punches and kicks. However, Zavok grabbed her and threw her. Fortunately, Applejack used her lasso to latch onto a ledge. She leaped at the villain and delivered a flurry of punches and kicks. However, Zavok grabbed her and threw her. Fortunately, Applejack used her lasso to latch onto a ledge. She leaped at the villain and delivered a flurry of punches and kicks. However, Zavok grabbed her and threw her. Fortunately, Applejack used her lasso to latch onto a ledge. The villain ran. "Get back here, coward!" Applejack chased Zavok through the casino. Suddenly, he shot lasers from his hands. Applejack dodged the lasers and delivered a flurry of punches and kicks. However, Zavok grabbed her and threw her. Fortunately, Applejack used her lasso to latch onto a ledge. Zavok continued to shoot lasers from his hands. Applejack dodged the lasers and delivered a flurry of punches and kicks. However, Zavok grabbed her and threw her. Fortunately, Applejack used her lasso to latch onto a ledge. Zavok continued to shoot lasers from his hands. Applejack dodged the lasers and delivered a flurry of punches and kicks. However, Zavok grabbed her and threw her. Fortunately, Applejack used her lasso to latch onto a ledge. Zavok ran off again and Applejack chased him. They eventually made it to the edge of Las Pegasus. Applejack relentlessly pummeled Zavok until he fell off the edge.

"NOOOOOO!", Zavok screamed as he fell, flailing his arms. Suddenly, Applejack used her lasso to capture a defeated Zavok. Zavok looked it terror at the long drop. "Maybe it's too early to kill you...

Back at the castle, Zavok was put in the same cage Zeena and Zor were in. "Damn it", Zavok said. Tails flew into the castle. Sonic embraced him tightly as tears ran down his face.

"Thank God you're alright!", Sonic said in relief.

"Zazz, Zomom, Master Zik, Zeena, Zor, Zavok. You couldn't beat us because you don't have the magic of friendship. You may be a family, but evil never wins. You're all inherently malicious, sadistic, and violent. Zazz, your relentless determination ultimately led to your downfall. Zomom, your gluttony made you slower. Master Zik, you were too overconfident. Zeena, your rage was unchecked. Zor, you can't send clones to do your dirty work. Zavok, you may be the leader and you may have a heart of love, but you're still a ballistic heat-seeking piece of evil", Twilight explained.

"Alright. Time to send these suckers home", Tails said.

"I'm impressed, girls. You managed to defeat the Deadly Six", Sonic said. Suddenly, the cages broke. Sonic and Shadow stood back to back and assumed fighting stances. Shadow faced Zazz, Zomom, and Master Zik while Sonic faced Zeena, Zor, and Zavok. "You girls have fought enough. Let us handle this." Two portals appeared. Shadow, Zazz, Zomom, and Master Zik went through one while Sonic, Zeena, Zor, and Zavok went through the other one. The Mane Six, Tails, Kokiri, and Gadget remained in the castle.

Meanwhile, the Legion of Doom reverted back to their original forms and turned back into a statue. The reason why is unknown, but one could presume it's because they're finished with their reign of terror. They fought the Mane Six and the Cavalry of United Equestria and lost. Whatever the reason may be, Equestria has three less villains to worry about. Evil never rests, however, as Sonic and his friends have learned.

At the Dragon Lands, Zazz, Zomom, and Master Zik leaped out of their portal and scared the dragons away. Shadow (who was already there thanks to his teleportation powers) faced the evil trio. "Time for some REVENGE!!! Hoo-hah! Right, master?", Zazz asked.

"Correct! Revenge is a dish best served cold!", Master Zik answered.

"Aw, man, now you made me hungry. Let's hurry up and destroy him!", Zomom added.

"Zazz, you're up!", Master Zik shouted.

"Gonna beat you like a drum!", Zazz shouted as he leaped down from the throne and swung his arms at Shadow, who dodged the attacks with ease. He kicked Zazz, sending him flying towards a large lava pool.

"I'm gonna kill ya!", he yelled as he leaped at Shadow. However, the hero punched Zazz in the stomach, sending the Zeti flying into the lava pool, killing him.

"Zomom, you're up!", Master Zik shouted.

"Black, my least favorite flavor!", Zomom bellowed as he leaped down from the throne and belched. Shadow roundhouse kicked Zomom in the face, causing him to stumble.

"Gonna tenderize you, meat!", he roared. He tornado-slammed Shadow, but the black hedgehog performed an uppercut, sending the Zeti flying upwards. Shadow leaped after him and punched him in the stomach. Zomom belched, causing him to fly into the lava pool, killing him.

"This time, I will hold nothing back!", Master Zik shouted as he leaped down from the throne and whacked Shadow with his cane. However, Shadow used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to turn into SuperShadow. He grabbed Master Zik and they both plunged into the lava pool. Only SuperShadow survived the lava pool, meaning that Master Zik was dead.

"That's three members of the Deadly Six killed. I hope Sonic's alright", SuperShadow said as he reverted back to his original form.

Meanwhile, in another part of the Dragon Lands, Zeena, Zor, and Zavok walked out of their portal. They glared at Sonic. "I'm getting tired of you guys", Sonic said.

"Don't be so whiny, man. That's MY deal", Zor replied.

"Give up now and join us", Zavok said.

"We promise you will be happy in our service", Zeena added.

"I'll never serve you", Sonic replied.

"I was hoping you'd say that. Zeena, you're up!", Zavok shouted. Zeena faced Sonic.

"What, no flowers?", Zeena asked.

"Nope!", Sonic answered as he roundhouse kicked Zeena. He then punched her in the face twice in anger. "THIS IS FOR THREATENING MY DAUGHTER!" Sonic threw Zeena into the lava, killing her.

"Zor, you're up!", Zavok said.

"Do you realize how meaningless we all are? Well, mostly you", Zor said to Sonic as he punched the blue hedgehog. He relentlessly pummeled the alien hedgehog. Suddenly, Sonic grabbed Zor and threw him into the lava pool, killing him.

"Let's put an end to this!" Zavok bellowed as he and Sonic fought through the Dragon Lands, neither one of them backing down. Eventually, Sonic pushed Zavok into the lava. Suddenly, a supersized Zavok appeared from the lava. "This is my full strength!" He attempted to step on Sonic, but the blue hedgehog was too fast, so Zavok grabbed him and crushed him in his fist. "You should've ran when you had the chance. Now I will destroy everything you've ever loved!" However, Sonic used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to turn into SuperSonic. He managed to free himself and pushed Zavok into the lava. This time, the lava killed Zavok, putting an end to the Deadly Six. Sonic reverted back to his original form.

Back at the castle, Sonic and Shadow reunited with their allies.

Suddenly, Metal Sonic appeared and brandished his claws. "I'm impressed, Sonic. You and your meddling friends managed to take down my small army", Metal said. He assumed a fighting stance, but the hedgehog (who was already very tired from fighting Zeena, Zor, and Zavok) simply punched the Badnik out of the castle.

"What a metalhead", Sonic said.