• Published 27th Jun 2020
  • 1,342 Views, 19 Comments

A Long Mating Day - MlpHero

It just hits harder for some changelings.

  • ...

A Very Long Day

The birds chirped over the Hive. The sun had just begun to rise. Today was a very special day. The mating day of changelings (which is still called mating season for whatever reason). While most changelings are eager for it, there are some who are just not ready for it.


Blue Fang laid in bed, slowly opening his eyes. He looked around the room. It had been a while since he and his gang of (still) unreformed changelings had settled into the new reformed Hive. He looked over to his girlfriend, Kydra, who had still been asleep.

He smiled and slowly slid out of bed, trying not to wake up Ky. He walked over to a table and checked the calendar. “Hm… nothing, nothing, mating season, noth— wait, mating season?” He reread the calendar again. There it was! Changeling mating season.

He gasped quietly. He looked at Kydra, who was still asleep. He looked at the exit. If I’m super quiet, I can get to the exit.

He slowly tip-hooved over to the exit, trying to be as quiet as he could possibly be. He was almost free. He was almost at the exit.

“Ohh Blueyyy~”

Blue Fang froze like a deer in headlights. He slowly turned around to face Kydra, who had a grin plastered on her face. He had a sheepish smile on his face. “Uh… G-Good morning K-Kydra…” he stuttered.

She smiled at him and proceeded to stalk over to him. He tried to back up, but ended tripping and falling onto his rump. She stood over him. “Do you know what today is, Bluey?” she asked, the same grin still on her face.

He chuckled. “It’s… Thursday?”

She laughed and put her head on his belly. “Oh, you’re so silly, Bluey,” she said, before tapping him on the nose. “Today is mating day!”

Blue gulped heavily. “O-Oh… is it?” he stuttered again.

She rubbed his belly, something that always calmed him down. But now, it just felt… weird. He looked at Ky, who grabbed his hoof and began gently pulling him towards the bed.

He started sweating. For some reason, he had a fear of wanting to mate. He didn’t understand why he was so scared about it, he just was. He gently slid his hoof out of her grip. She looked at him. “Is something wrong Bluey?” she asked.

Blue Fang started noticing that Kydra wasn’t acting like herself. He looked at the exit and began trotting backwards. “I uhh…”

She gasped. “Am I not perfect enough?” she asked, worriedly.

Blue’s eyes widened. “What? N-No! It’s nothing like that! It’s just… I’m not sure if I’m ready for this…”

She waved a hoof, now getting frustrated. He just continued to back up. Then, she tackled him, pinning him down.

Blue’s heart beat increased by a mile.

Kydra stared at him. “Come on Blue! I’m in season, I need this!” she said, almost as if she was insane.

Blue shook his head. “I’m sorry Ky! I just can’t do this!” He pulled himself free and ran off.

She glared at him. “You’re not getting away that easy! Get back here!” she yelled, giving chase.

He looked behind him, and screamed realizing that Ky wasn’t letting him go anytime soon.

He turned and continued to run. After a while, he turned a corner and hid. He watched as Ky continued running down the halls. He sighed, sitting against the wall. He could finally relax and—

“Hi Bluey!”

He screamed again, before curling up. “Please Ky! I don’t wanna mate!” he cried, shaking a bit.

“Uh… Blue?”

Okay, that wasn’t Ky. Blue looked up to see two more unreformed changelings standing over him. He sighed with relief. “Oh, hey Zen, hey Hive.”

Zenex and Hivehunter stared at him. Zen walked over to him. “What’s wrong Blue?” he asked, crouching next to him.

Blue looked down. “It’s Ky! She’s gone crazy!” he said, now hyperventilating.

Zen gently nuzzled his belly, causing him to giggle. He smiled and rubbed the nymphs neckfin. He calmed down as Zen nuzzled his belly.

Hive looked at him. “Why?” he asked, a bit confused.

Blue looked up. “She’s ‘in season’.”

Hive tilted his head, trying to understand what Blue said. “In seas… Ohhh! She’s in he—”

“To put it bluntly, yes!” Blue said, cutting him off.

Hive chuckled. “So that’s why there’s hardly anyone out.” Blue nodded. “Well, why don’t you… Y’know.”

Blue blushed. “Well I uhh…” he swallowed. Zen continued to nuzzle him, calming him down and causing him to giggle a bit. “Okay, I’m... scared of mating.”

Hive and Zen stared. Blue nodded, now a bit flustered. Hive rubbed his shoulder. “Why?”

Blue shrugged. “I dunno. I just… don’t want to.” He sat back, letting out a heavy sigh. Then, he looked at Hive, and then got an idea. “Hey Hive! Maybe you could mate with Ky!”

Hive tilted his head, then shook it. “I can’t mate with my friend's girlfriend,” he said. “And besides, I have to watch Zen.”

Blue sighed. “Fine, I’ll go ask someone else.” Blue got up and walked off. As soon as he stepped out of the corner…


“AHHH!” He took off running.

Zen looked at Hive. “Was that really necessary?” he asked, raising a brow.

Hive shrugged, chuckling. “What? It’s funny.”

Zen rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”


Blue frantically kept running through the hallways of the Hive, looking over his shoulder, trying to see if Kydra was behind him. He then stopped at Pharynx’s room and knocked on the wall of it. Pharynx stepped out. “What’s going on Blue?”

“Pharynx, can you... mate with Kydra?” Blue asked frantically.

Pharynx tilted his head, obviously confused. “Uh... why?” he asked, as if thinking Blue was crazy.

Blue looked at him. “It’s mating season!” he reminded.

Pharynx’s eyes widened in realization. “Ohhh.”

Blue nodded. “Yeah. And Ky’s gone crazy!”

Pharynx chuckled. “Sorry, but I’m with Tempest, who thankfully isn’t in season just yet,” he said, smiling.

Then, he felt a hoof on his shoulder. He turned to see Tempest staring at him. He looked at him. “Uh... what?”

She stared at him. “I am in season.”

Pharynx’s eyes widened. “Oh shoot...”

He looked at Blue, who waved at him. “Good luck.”

“Wait, wha— Ahh!” Pharynx was suddenly pulled back into his room by Tempest.

Blue sighed and walked off.


Blue looked at the Hive infirmary. He walked in, hoping he could hide here. He looked around, then saw his friend, Stinger walking by. He ran over. “Hey Sting!” he called out.

The medic looked over. He waved at his friend. “Hey Blue. What’s going on?”

Blue wiped some sweat from his head. He looked around at the weird design of the infirmary. “What’s going on?”

“Oh, we’re just setting up for the new eggs. Y’know, since it’s mating season.” He pointed around. “We’re just getting ready to help the females lay their eggs.”

“Oh. Also, ew,” Blue said, looking at the nurses and doctors.

Stinger nodded. “Yeah. This isn’t a pretty job,” he said. He sat his clipboard on a nearby table. “So, is there something you need?”

Blue blushed. “Well, I wanted to know if you could…” he swallowed heavily.

Stinger raised a brow. “Yes?”

Blow sighed. “Can you mate with Kydra?” he asked, still blushing.

“Oh? Why?” he asked.

“Well, I don’t feel like I’m ready to mate just yet,” he admitted, sheepishly sliding a hoof across the floor. “So… can you do it?” Stinger shook his head. “Why?”

The medic sighed. “Y’know how Ky was Chrysails’ heir?” Blue nodded. “Well, there’s something in her blood that makes her instinctively refuse to mate with anyone else besides her lover.”

Blue’s eyes widened. “Wait… so you mean that…”

Stinger nodded. “Yep. She’ll hunt you down for the rest of the day.”

Blue sighed. “I’m screwed,” he said, sliding down the infirmary wall.

Stinger rubbed his back. “It’s okay Blue. Just stay hidden until twelve a.m. and she should be back to normal.”

Blue smiled and hugged him. “Thanks Sting! You’re a lifesaver!”

“Yeah, yeah, I know I am.” He patted Blue’s head. “Now, it’s eleven thirty, you only got a few more minutes until twelve.”

Blue nodded. “Okay.” The changeling stood you and left. He smiled as he looked at the night sky, letting the cold air wash over him. He calmed down. Stinger was right. It would only be a few more minutes. After then, he would be safe. He could finally rela—”


“AHHHH!” Blue screamed at the top of his lungs. He began running again.


Blue Fang barricaded their room entrance. He sighed, looking at the bookshelf. “Okay, there’s no way she can get through that.”


As the dust cleared, he noticed an all too familiar changeling staring at him, a grin still plastered on her face.

“I really should’ve seen that coming…” Blue said, unamused. He began to back up, trying to keep his distance. “C-Come on Ky… quit playing…”

She slowly stalked over to him. “Come on Bluey.” She got closer. “Just this once.”

He shook his head. He continued to back up. “Ky, you’re not yourself!” He tried in vain to plead with her. He kept backing up, until he tripped and landed carapace first onto the bed. He tried getting up, but she pinned him.

“Sorry Bluey, but you can’t run from me anymore.” She caressed his face, the grin still on her face.

“Please! I’m too young for this!” The dramatic music paused. “Well, technically I’m not cause I’m eighteen, but still.” The dramatic music resumes.

She smiled at him, still caressing his face.

He blushed, before shaking his head and pushing her hoof away. “Okay… okay… just get it over with…” he looked away. He shut his eyes, waiting for it when…


He took a peek at her. Kydra was staring at him like she was confused. She stared at him, blinking. “Uh… what happened?”

He stared at her. “You don’t remember anything from today?” She shook her head, looking around. Blue sighed with relief. “Okay.”

She looked over to the calendar. “Oh, I missed mating day?” she asked.

Blue nodded. “Yeah. You slept through the whole day.”

Kydra scratched her head. “Then, why do I feel so tired?”

Blue shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe you were tossing and turning?” he said, sheepishly.

She shrugged and walked back to the bed, burying herself under the blankets. Blue smiled and followed suit. Now this was the Kydra he knew. Calm, gentle, and nice. He began to shut his eyes.

She wrapped him in a warm embrace, which he leaned into. “Oh well, there’s always next year,” she muttered before falling asleep.

Blue’s eyes shot open. “N-Next year?” He looked at Ky, who was already asleep; smiling. He sighed. “Oh no.”

Comments ( 19 )

D'aww. This was an adorable story, and really funny. I wonder if Blue will be ready "next year" as Ky said...


Save me...

Heh, no way Blue, all changelings must go through this...anyway, great story Hero!

My favorite scene from Zorro, the Gay Blade


Well, Blue, die before next mating day and you'll be separated from having to mate with a love freak... 😬

Heh, don’t worry, it’s only like this for one day

Looking back… I’m honestly really confused now.

The ending where it turns out that Ky slept through Mating Day. Was it a dream that Blue had or something? Or was Kydra in some sort of sex craze?

I honestly don’t even know

Whenever I write something like this, it’s not supposed to make sense


Hell, most of my “comedy” one shots rely on how random I write them

I see.

I always try to focus on punchlines and stuff, such as quirky dialogue and gags and things like that. I can understand that it’s not easy, though.

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