• Published 20th Jul 2020
  • 1,270 Views, 25 Comments

An ANGERY Journey to become King (Title WIP) - Nightmare723764

A spin-off/sorta-kinda-not-really-rewrite of "Of Boredome and Co-Conspirators" only with just my OC/SI Shifting Space.

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<<<Shifting Space>>>

“Man, this is one part of the tabletop scene that I never enjoyed...” I thought as I manually designed my character, regularly referencing all the O&O books to keep her balanced.

While O&O is an almost direct D&D copy there are slight differences, like the traditional races were replaced with well… yeah. I try not to give it much thought and focus on designing Omelette Stonesmasher, a Dwar- err Earthan Barbarian.

Equipment wise she’ll have a Greatclub, a pair of handaxes, some basic hide armor, and an explorer pack with a few javelins. Her mane is wild and in rough braids, and she has this wild look about her that is fitting her status as a Barbarian.

Around her neck is an amulet showing her worship of the Celestial Sister-Gods Solis and Luna.

“Now, how do I want Omelette to act?” I mused as I laid back in thought.

Eventually I just huffed in irritation and decided to go for a walk, maybe some fresh air would help me think. And if anything I am curious about this place and it’s not like I was told to stay in the room.

Rolling over and getting up I stretched out, which is somewhat awkward given my extra legs, and I trotted to the door and opened it. Looking up and down the hallway I saw no one around and after mentally flipping a coin I picked a random direction and started walking.

Though after passing a few maids and the occasional guard I do wonder why they’re so… deferential, honestly some of the servants stopped and bowed to me! Seriously, is there some sort of prophecy about a multi legged horse coming and save them or something?

“What a freaky looking statue.”

It was clearly a chimera of some sort with mismatched limbs and antlers with a serpentine base, hell I bet even the eyes were mismatched as well. Maybe it was some sort of abstract personification of what chaos would look like if it was a being and not an abstract concept?

“Man, wonder what the artist was smoking to make this?”

It’s a good carving despite how odd it looks however, though I can’t escape the feeling that it’s looking at me and cackling for some reason.

“Oh! This is a pleasant surprise.” I turned and saw Celestia trotting into the stone garden or whatever its called, “I’d thought you would be with Luna or still in the guest room reading.”

“Eh, I felt like I needed some fresh air.” I said with a shrug before looking back at the statue, “Why does it feel like it’s cackling about everything?”

“Probably because he is.” Celestia answered much to my confusion, “Discord is the God of Chaos and generally found amusement in every little thing.”

I looked at Celestia blinking, this was a person!? And he got petrified. And Celestia (and I assume Luna) decided that he’d make an interesting conversational piece? That is… very disturbing in all honesty.

“So… you have the petrified remains of this Discord guy as a conversational piece.” I said wrinkling my nose, “That’s kinda disturbing.”

Celestia laughed faintly, “No, no Discord isn’t dead. Just petrified.”

“That… doesn’t make it less messed up. How long has he been stoned? And is he aware or asleep?” I asked curiously.

Seeing Celestia giving me a curious look I decided to get a move on and resume my wonderings.

“Well I guess it doesn’t matter. Just a random thought.” I said, “I’m going to wander around for a little while longer.”

And with that I left.

<<<Princess Celestia Solar>>>

“Well… he’s an interesting one… if I wasn’t ‘stoned’ as he put it I’d be throbbing in excitement over the chaos that little one will bring~”

Celestia looked at the Madgod suspiciously over how excited he was over the colt. He was definitely an odd one, what with his multiple affinities as well as his extra legs and ridiculous amounts of strength, but… why would Discord be so excited?

And why did she get a strange chill run down her spine?

“What do you know Dissy?” Celestia asked telepathically with narrow eyes, “He’s a bit odd but the colt is a good pony, which is surprising given his Primary Affinity, so what’s got you all eager?”

“Oh, now that’d be telling my dear Tia!~ But I promise you one thing… that colt will bring about Change! But will it be for the better? Or worse I wonder?”

“What do you know, Discord!? I don’t have the patience for your usual games now!” Celestia telepathically exclaimed with a faint scowl marring her usual serene expression.

The madgod just cackled in delight and Celestia huffed, knowing she wouldn’t get anything out of Discord unless he wanted to share. Grumbling some to herself she decided to head back inside, and maybe observe the colt subtly.

“Your Molestia is showing my Weaker half.” Daybreaker taunted.

“Shut up! That was only one time and it was Lulu and my first time drinking!” Celestia snapped at Daybreaker making the tyrant laugh.

Daybreaker just laughed even more “The lady doth protest too much.”

Celetisa just growled before she used an invisibility spell along with a slew of other spells to hide her presence and decided to observe the colt.

“... Actually what is his name? I can’t just keep calling him colt… but I don’t think he ever shared… huh.”

Shaking it off Celestia set off to spy on the colt.

<<<Shifting Space>>>

“Damn, I’ve gotten ballsy as hell. Criticizing what’s basically the God-Queen of the nation.” I thought.

Granted I’ve always been blunt in my thoughts, which has gotten me in trouble more often than not, that might not have been my most intelligent moment. Granted Celestia seems like a pretty level headed lady, perhaps a tiny bit trollish but… I dunno. Mouthing off to her doesn’t seem real smart.

I was pulled from my inner-monologue by a quiet voice, “You look like Sleipnir. Well, if he shrunk and lost two of his legs.”

I didn’t jump or yelp in surprise, but I did give a start and look to who had surprised me. And she looks a bit… odd. Not freakish, in fact I found her rather cute actually. Her coat was purple and her mane was purple as well with a band of white. Perched atop her head was a cute little propeller hat and her pupils looked like purple swirls.

“Err? Thank you? I’m sorry… my name’s… Shifting Space.” Why did that name come to me so naturally, “And… you are?”

“I’m Screwball.” The filly said with a ditzy smile, “Daddy thinks you’re interesting.”

“Thanks?” I just looked at her oddly hoping that she would expand on that comment.

She didn’t. If anything she just got real close and looked at my mane, which had started flickering to life (having been hanging limp and magicless) and she… sniffed it? Honestly I was caught so flatfooted (hooved?) I didn’t react to the sniffing. Which turned into her nuzzling my mane.

“I love the smell of explosions and chaos.” Screwball murmured, “It reminds me of Daddy....”

Who the hell is this Daddy and why does he smell like explosions and how does chaos have a smell??

Despite Screwball weirding me out a little she’s the first horse that didn’t bow or seem diferencial to me so I sure as hell wasn’t going to run her off. Besides she seems friendly enough.

“Err, thanks I guess.” I said, “So um… you like O&O?”

“Oh! I’ve always wanted to play but never got the chance.” Screwball said with an excited grin, through her eyes made it hard to tell if she was looking at me or through me.

“I could teach you?” I offered, “I’m actually making my own character. So I could help you learn the game.”

“Thank you!” Screwball said with an honest to god squee and nuzzled me.

“Well, come on. I have all the stuff up where I’m staying.” I said, “Also you wouldn’t happen to know the deal with everyone being respectful to me?”

“Oh. That’s cause while it hasn’t been made public Princess Luna is adopting you and taking you on as a student.” She said in a very nonchalant manner.

“Wait. What!?” I exclaimed in surprise, my voice breaking slightly much to my embarrassment.

Screwball just giggled and… led me to my room? How does she know where I’ve been staying? I just trotted off after her determined to ask some more questions about this whole adoption thing.

<<<Princess Celestia Solar>>>


Celestia and Daybreaker just watched as Shifting Space (a rather cute name Celestia would later think) and Discord’s Little Abomination made their way back to Shifting’s room. To talk about a tabletop roleplaying game.

“Should I… do anything?” Celestia was rarely at a complete loss and the sudden appearance and apparent befriending of Screwball left her flabbergasted for the first time in centuries.

“Do nothing!” Daybreaker hissed, “You are well aware of just how protective Discord is of Screwball. And as confident as I am in my power I have no desire to test the Madgod if he gets serious.”

Daybreaker’s piece said the tyrant retreated into Celestia’s subconscious to brood over this odd turn of events.

“Well… at least he isn’t consumed by his affinity…” Celestia muttered weakly still very off balance, “I think I need some cake… and maybe some wine to settle my mind. Yes that sounds like a good idea…”

Shaking her head Celestia teleported away to get her cake and wine.


Discord’s statue remained unmoving, but if anyone had even the slightest talent towards Mind magic they could hear the Madgod. Usually he didn’t do much of nothing, telling himself impossible riddles to pass the time. Occasionally he would spook ponies having salacious randivues by his statue.

But now? If anyone had the talent they could hear the Madgod howling with laughter, it wasn’t deranged laughter one would normally attribute to one titled Madgod but laughter of genuine amusement.

So strong was his laughter the birds that normally rested in the Statue garden had all flown off, each of them sensing Discord’s mood.

“My Little Abomination is growing up! Oh my dear former human… May You Live in Interesting Times indeed!”