• Member Since 8th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen 29 minutes ago

King Rose

Just your friendly neighborhood interdimensional being, whose got a love for Fanfictions, Anime, and Energy Drinks

Comments ( 45 )

I know that this might sound too much for you but why don't you just write a One Piece fanfiction where Twilight and her friends gets sent to the OP World during the time of Romance Dawn where Luffy fights Alvida and saves Coby whos dream was to become a marine?

Dude, you only really own using the character you did, and even then he's probably been used before somewhere else. I can't say for sure.

Because that would require more effort than most Displaced writers ever put into these kinds of stories.

Your idea sounds awesome though.

If your passionate about writing One Piece Fanfiction then i know that there would be alot of ideas for you from Romance Dawn Arc, Syrup Village Arc, Baratie Arc, Arlong Park, Alabasta Arc etc up to Wano Arc! It would be epic to see a One Piece Fanfic chapter about the Mane 6 and the Straw Hat pirates face off against Kaido in the Wano Arc.

Monkey D. Dragon is the most wanted man in the world, Whitebeard is the strongest man in the world and Kaido is the strongest creature ever. Correction.

This is equestria

Keep that in mind

Okay then but how does Equestria connect with the One Piece World Map? I don't get it.. And i also want to know what led to this war. How did it come to this?

The latter will be explained later in the story and the way it connects will as well, but keep in mind that this is a Displaced story and not a lot of One Piece characters will even be in the story.

You have potential as a writer man, For that i'll Upvote this and wait for the next chapter. I'm also gonna follow you.

Man imagine if Kaido were to make an appearance in Equestria like this against all the ponies and the creatures around.

Shanks how would you fight someone like that? Princess Celestia? Princess Luna? :pinkiegasp:

...Mmmk, I was interested, but my interest kind of turned off as you're using a timeskip, which also keeps alot of character growth. It's as equally bad as being turned to stone just to have the character ready to take on the present world and not show the readers his struggles of how he handled the sudden shift of both world and body.

Hey I'm pretty interested in this story hope to see more

My thought also. The setups are almost the same. While I don't mind another One Piece crossover, I don't like people blatantly copy others' work. Let's hope the similarity in this prologue is just coincidence.

I have to ask how are you going to write about his power level since we do not know everything about shank in the one piece universe except his powerful haki.

That's why I chose shanks. Free reign, but still a bit of limitations.

An interesting concept, but anthro just kinda turns me off a story like this unfortunately.

The only difference between this story and the sword of Equestria This the part that he wanted to talk first

Except this isn't Shanks. It's some random Joe Schmoe in the body of Shanks.

Still overpowered going to be overpowered though, I mean he's one of the Four Emperors and the only one of both the current and new lineups to be a (relatively) normal human with no Devi Fruit powers. Its says a lot about how powerful he is when the seriously OP Blackbeard turns do a fight with him, and Teach was ready to throw down with the entirety of the Navy's forces.

~The Red-Haired Pirate is back everyone!~ I thought to myself.


Good excited for the next chapter

Nice I love One Piece Crossovers and yours just caught my Immediate attention because it is the first I have seen of Shanks.

I don't know much about Shank's abilities in the manga. Let's see how he use them here.

Shank's Haki is so strong that he could go toe to toe with Whitebeard and the heavens literally split apart just like how Gol D. Roger fought Whitebeard! I would not even be surprised that his sword would ignite black and red lightning just because how strong his haki is. Do you remember when Luffy fought Doflamingo that their haki was strong black and red lightning was igniting between them? Shank's Haki is much more powerful than that, It would change the weather and make the ground shake. Thats the power of a Yonko.

I'm assuming Shanks likely already knows the haki technique for bypassing defenses that Luffy's recently been learning as well, as a guess here.^_^

You don't stop Shanks, at best he took a nap while in that tomb and decided to leave

We best see some good old fashioned foot to ass kicking.

There will be, both metaphorically and literally

This seems interesting and I can’t wait to see more chapters for me to read through.

Please update soon dis very good so far

It was confirmed that his attack moveset in PW3 is canon, so we have some modicum of his strength.

So uhh are you still working on this story?

Yes I am, it's just that personal things have begun to get in the way of getting chapters done

Well it Celestia so he certainly has alot of ass for that foot. Maybe she shouldn't have gotten addicted to cakes.

is this story dead or is the chapter just taking a LONG time?

I've just got a whole load of stuff going on and school is currently kicking me in the balls. Hopefully I'll be able to get a chapter out over the summer. Sorry for the wait

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