• Published 30th Jun 2020
  • 821 Views, 2 Comments

Rarity's Rough Day - WittyNameTFM

Things just don't seem to be going right...until a friend helps out.

  • ...

Bad day

Author's Note:

A cute little one shot. I really wanna write more rarijack. I tried to change up some of my mistakes that I continue to fall into, and even made an attempt to describe more, let me know if I did better!

The late afternoon had finally reared its ugly head. The sun dipping low, bathing the workroom in a rather gorgeous orange hue. The fashionista sighed tiredly, her normally flawless hair was disheveled from hours of her pristine nails running through it in frustration. Nothing seemed to go right for her today.

She had knocked her coffee onto her blouse and had to quickly change and clean that, having resorted to wearing an oversized CHS sweater. With that sorted out, her air conditioner simply wouldn't shut off and a work order was put in for that, but that meant she had to cover her legs and change from the lovely skirt she'd chosen for the day. By then, her sandals didn't fit the outfit anymore so she threw on some socks to keep her feet warm.

The purple haired girl then spent hours scribbling designs that ultimately went nowhere, tearing out the sheet and tossing it to the trash can. Rarity rolled her shoulder and brought pencil to paper again, 'Maybe I need a base to start. Rainbow Dash will do. Thin and fit, lithe and muscular.' She began to draw a base body from memory. She could always appreciate her friend's figures and they made wonderful defaults to work from.

As the lead tip made it down the base's hip, she'd noticed this drawing had more in that area than Rainbow Dash's model normally did and upon looking over the design again, it reminded her more of Applejack, the rough and tumble farm girl who'd been one of the most supportive people to her work.

Rarity sat back, smiling down at the picture. 'Such a wonderful person and figure, how on earth is this girl still single?' She asked herself, 'I feel like I'm forgetting something.' The artist mused, looking to the window.

"Raaaaarity! Applejack's here!" The voice of her younger sister called from down the hall.

"Good heavens!" She jolted up, almost falling out of her chair. "Sweetie! What have we discussed about inside voices?" She asked, opening the door to find the farm girl, arm raised to knock.

"Uhh howdy Rares." Applejack chuckled, taking note of the girl's state. "Land sakes darlin', y'all think better in the cold?" Her arms raised to cross themselves at the sudden blast of cold air.

She wore an open red flannel button up over her usual white t-shirt with green sleeves and an apple across her chest, her denim skirt was traded out for a pair of jeans and her cowboy boots, then of course her hat. Rarity wondered which one this was. She had multiple, and had the habit of naming them, though the fashionista only knew of one of their names. Talulah. It was an oddly cute quirk for the generally straightforward and serious young woman.

"Oh, the air conditioner wouldn't," She groaned. "Let's just, go to my room." The tired girl suggested, leading her down the hall. "How was your day, darling?"

"It was rough. Been up since four this morning gettin' the farm ready for seeding, but I made sure I didn't forget." The blonde chuckled as Rarity opened the door for her. She passed by, the scent of body wash and her shampoo was all that followed. "Didn't wanna come over here smelling like I'd been workin' all morning. I know y'all aint the biggest fan of strong smells, an' workin' a farm all day just does that to ya."

"Oh, thank you darling. You're so considerate." Rarity smiled as she moved to her stack of notebooks. "Okay, let me see," She opened the first and flipped through a few pages. "Hmm, no." Then the next and one more after that before she found her target. "Ah! Here we are, my farm girl chic designs."

"Y'all have a folder just for that?"

"But of course, I have one for each of you. Rebel gamer artist, athletic tomboy prankster, I'm quite fond of the name I gave Pinkie Pie's folder." She said, looking to Applejack expectantly for her to ask.

"Go ahead."

"The Confectioner's Dreeeeeam~." She sang as she held one arm out. "Perfect for our bubbly baker."

"Kinda cute, I'll admit." The farm girl shrugged.

"What do you mean 'kinda'?" She crossed her arms with a pout, but was only met with a cocked eyebrow.

Rarity rolled her eyes, knowing she wasn't going to get a rise out of the farmgirl. "Come now, darling. I'm only joking."

"Oh. I knew that." She took a seat on the computer chair near her desk. "So, we finally got some time to hang out. What did y'all wanna do?"

Rarity pursed her lips in thought as she began to pace. "Hrmm, the go to answer is what we usually do." She noted. "Plus, I do believe my brain is positively fried at the moment."

"Y'all have a rough day too?" A hint of concern slipped into her tone as the taller girl leaned forward in her chair.

"Today was so frustrating Applejack, darling." She whined, falling onto a conveniently placed couch. The farm girl rolled her eyes, but still felt herself ask.

"What happened, Rare?"

"Well, it began when," The dramatic young woman began to list off the inconveniences of her day. From her favorite mug cracking to her air conditioner breaking, from the hours of failed drawings and lost productivity to the abomination of an outfit she had to throw on just to manage working longer.

"Ya know, I was curious about the outfit." Applejack shrugged. "But wow, y'all just had a run of bad luck."

"It was awful."

"Well, taking some time away to relax is gonna help. How 'bout we watch a movie?" She suggested. "Get some snacks and just spend the night in?"

Rarity sniffled, looking over to her. "Mmmokay."

"Great. Now, get dolled up if'n ya want. I'll be back." She stood, rolling her shoulder as she exited the room.


A good romcom and a close friend, it really did wonders for one's mood. Rarity and Applejack sat together on the overly plush bed. It was comfortable, but just way too soft for the cowgirl.

"Thank you dear, this really did help me feel better." The fashionista sighed happily as she leaned back against the pillows.

"Anytime Rare, y'all know I don't mind."

The pale girl leaned against her longtime friend, smiling up at her. "You're such a sweetheart under that serious face you wear."

"H-Huh? I'm not that serious, am I?" She pouted.

"Well, not typically. You're a wonderful voice of reason." Rarity noted before looking up at her. "I just seem to notice that whenever I need a hand, you're the first to reach out. I really appreciate it."

"You know you've always got me if you need me." Applejack said, putting her arm around her in a side hug. She hadn't expected the artist to return it, wrapping her arms around the girl's body.

"I know. It's just nice to be reminded from time to time." She said, resting against her.

Applejack blushed lightly, resting her cheek on the shorter girl's crown as they watched the rest of the movie, though her racing heart didn't go unnoticed by the fashionista.

Rarity smiled as the movie played, the warmth of the room and the girl beside her, maybe today wasn't as bad as she thought.

Comments ( 2 )

Had a bad bay myself today but fortunately it get better. Kinda

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