• Published 5th Jul 2020
  • 1,899 Views, 13 Comments

ButtonBelle: A Collection of Oneshots - Eevee-Lover

The Cutie Mark Crusaders finds themselves meeting a strange unique brown colt named Button Mash. Sweetie Belle on the other hoof starts getting feelings about the young colt. Join them as they have all kinds of adventures together!

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Story 4: Valentine's Day!

Story 4: Valentine's Day!

Universe: (Equestria Girls)

“Okay, now you wanna place the obsidian in this exact way!”

“But how am I supposed to know, I’ve never gone to the Nether before!”

“Well today’s going to be the day!”

Before anything could happen, the two “lovebirds” were spending the evening together yet again! Button Mash and Sweetie Belle occasionally decided to hangout and play some Minecraft! Although tomorrow was a very very special day! One that could easily be forgotten about if you didn’t celebrate it. Especially with a special someone, it made the holiday more romantic!

“Ohh! Okay now I know how to do it! Thanks Button!” Sweetie took a look at the image her friend showed her from his smartphone.

Moments later, she moved her fingers on the buttons of the Xbox controller, and followed the pattern.

“Four obsidian blocks as the base! Five obsidian going up on both sides and close it off! Now what?” She was jumping up and down excitedly, looking at Button once more with her emerald green colored eyes.

“J-Just use Flint and Steel and light it up!” Button stuttered at first when he saw the look on her face, she was super happy!

The smile that was placed on her lips, her eyes widening in surprise as she finally lit the portal, opening the gateway to the Nether world! Button’s heart skipped a beat when she shouted out,


“You did it! See I told you it wasn’t that hard!” He congratulated her, patting her on the back to celebrate.

“And I didn’t even die once this time! I wonder why?” She rubbed her chin in question, earning a glare from Button.

“Yeah... While we were trying to find diamonds I ended up dying just so I could protect her from monsters. Never doing that ever again!” He muttered underneath his breath, it wasn’t loud enough for her to hear though.

“What was that?” She turned and faced him directly again.

“Nothing, OH YEAH ALSO! You’re definitely not ready to go into the Nether.” He Warned her and crossed his arms in disapproval.

Sweetie Belle looked on the tv screen and saw herself in game, she only had a diamond pickaxe and a diamond tiara on her head to go with the look. She puffed out her chest and confidently stated,

“Of course I’m ready! Let’s goo!” She cheered, making her character run into the portal!

“Sweetie Belle! Button Mash! Dinner's ready, come and get it!” Love Tap, Button’s mother interrupted their gaming moment.

Button smiled seeing as he didn’t have to worry about Sweetie going into certain doom just yet, but it would eventually come. The two of them paused the game and started heading out of his room. Once they finally reached downstairs and entered the dining room, Their bowls were already served! Love Tap was already ahead of the two, eating her own bowl across the table.

"Sweetie, I made your favorite! Spaghetti and Meatballs!" Button's Mother saw her son's excited expression.

"Gee, than-" Sweetie went to thank her, but Button cut her off.

"Aw cool! Thanks mom!" Button shouted, hopping onto a seat.

At first Sweetie Belle thought she was talking to her, but after realizing Button's mom didn't, she felt embarrassed. She shrugged it off and sat beside Button, grabbing a fork and started eating her meal. Unlike Button, she had gained polite manners at the dinner table. He stuffed his face into the bowl and started chowing down, Sweetie stopped eating to look at him and gave him an odd look.

"Button! We have a guest here, eat with proper table manners!" His mother disciplined, forcing the young boy to gulp.

"Moooom!" Button whined and let out a groan.

"Hehe!" Sweetie giggled, covering her mouth to hide it.

"So Sweetie Belle, how is it?" Love Tap asked, looking over to her next.

"It's really good Mrs. Mash, thank you so much!" Sweetie thanked her.

"Please just call me Love Tap dear, no need to be so polite all the time." Love Tap grinned, closing her eyes and savoring the dish she made.

Within a moments time, Button dropped his fork back into the bowl making a light metal banging sound, his mother gazing at him in surprise.

“You’re already done?” She asked in shock, seeing as her and Sweetie just started.

“Yes! It was great! Sweetie Belle I’ll wait for you upstairs!” Button shouted happily, getting up from his seat to run upstairs, but his mother called for him.

“Button put your plate where it belongs and wash it for me please.”

“Fine mom.” Button responded, turning around and grabbing his bowl.

While Sweetie Belle smiled at him, she heard her phone beep from her pocket. She pulled it out real quick to see who texted her. It was her sister Rarity, she quickly opened the text to read it.

“Sweetie I hope you’re having a good time at Button’s place, I won’t be home tonight because the girls and I are having a sleepover at Pinkie’s. See you in the morning!”

She sighed in relief, at least when she got home she’d have the whole house to herself! That was until an idea popped up into her mind, tomorrow was a special day! She got two other texts from a group chat, and they were from Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

“Soo how’s your date with Button?” Apple Bloom texted first.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes and tried to hide the blush forming on her cheeks.

“It’s not a date! We’re just friends hanging out!” Sweetie texted back, immediately getting a response from Scootaloo.

“That’s what they all say, did he ask you yet?”

“Not not yet, but Rarity’s at a sleepover. I think I’ll ask to spend the night.” Sweetie replied.

“Oooo!” Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo texted the same response, throwing heart emojis all over the screen.

“You and him are gonna get some action later! Dang Sweets!” Scootaloo teased around, giving her a wink emoji.

Without the need to reply, Sweetie got tired of all the teasing they were doing. She put her phone back into her pocket and decided to ignore them. Luckily Button’s mother didn’t see her blush, but she wanted to ask if she could spend the night.

“Mrs. Mas- I mean... Love Tap?” Sweetie asked, feeling a bit nervous as to how his mother would respond to the idea.

“Yes dear?” Love Tap wondered.

“Would it be alright if I spent the night?” Sweetie tapped her fingers on the table, looking over to Button on the left who was at the sink.

“Ah I see, you wanna spend more time with my son huh? That’s cute!” Love Tap smiled wide, making Sweetie a bit nervous.

“W-What? No! It’s not like that!” Sweetie replied.

“Yes dear it’s alright!” Love chuckled at the teen’s response.

Sweetie played it off, finally going back to her dinner. Once she finished eating, she got up from her seat to put the plate away.

“At least tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day... I’ve gotta get a date for tomorrow!” Sweetie thought to herself, looking at Button.

She blushed lightly and brushed her hair back to the side of her face.

“This’ll be a peace of cake. Those two are gonna be so shocked, I’m gonna have a date and they’ll be all alone.” She thought confidently, shuffling closer to Button.

“Here Button, I got-WHA!” All of a sudden from the slippery kitchen floor, she tripped forward!

“Sweetie!” Love Tap realized and quickly got up from the chair.

Button immediately turned around and leaned forward ready to catch her just in time! As soon as she felt him lightly catch her, she felt embarrassed in front of him and his mom. Unfortunately... He lost his balance from trying to help her back up to her feet, only to fall back down!

“Waah!” Button Mash yelped, tumbling down onto his back.

He ended up breaking her fall as she fell onto his chest.

“Oh my! Are you two okay?!” Love Tap ran over to help the two up, until she momentarily stopped to look at them.

They seemed alright, they didn’t show any sign of pain or whatnot. Once they realized what was really happening, Sweetie lifted herself up and looked at Button’s red face. She looked down and saw the position she was in, panic immediately taking over. Love Tap on the other hand found it cute, she wanted to grab her phone to take a picture, but she knew she’d be doing a little too much.

“Button I told you to wipe the floor earlier, looks like you missed some spots!” She examined the floor and noticed some water spots from the mop.

“I-I I’m sorry!” Sweetie finally got off of Button and stood up straight, fixing her attire.

She brushed off some dust and pushed a strand of hair back.

“In front of his mom too! How much more awkward can it get!” She felt flushed, her cheeks obviously giving away her emotion.

“Sorry Sweetie, I shouldn’t have rushed my chores earlier.” Button chuckled nervously, his mother giving him a raised eyebrow.

“Button you had plenty of time to do chores before she came over.” Love smiled, knowing her son.

While they were having their part of the conversation, Sweetie pulled her phone out and saw the group chat with the other Crusaders. All she saw was Scoots and Bloom spamming her home screen with kissy emoji’s and hearts, especially “B+S” written all over. She frowned and made an angry face, quickly taking a picture of herself to send to the group chat. When the picture got through, Scootaloo replied within seconds!

“I can’t tell if you’re mad, or if you’re blushing!”

“Oh that’s obviously a blush!” Apple Bloom joined in.

“UGH, YOU GIRLS!” Sweetie Belle shouted out loud, catching her friend and his mom’s attention.

“What was that?” Button asked, wondering why she screamed.

“Nothing, c’mon, the night’s going to get late and we won’t have any time to play Minecraft, you told me you’d teach me how to survive in the Nether.” She crossed her arms.

“I have to finish cleaning up-“ Button proceeded to speak, but his mother cut in,

“Nono! Sweetie Belle’s right, you two go have fun! I’ll clean up down here honey.” Love smiled wide, heading to the sink.

“Thanks mom!! Let’s go Sweetie!” Button replied, zooming past her.

“Ah young love.” Love Tap smiled watching the two young teenagers go up the stairs together.

She thought about the idea of them being together, satisfied with the idea of Sweetie potentially being a future daughter in law.

“Oh I’m getting too ahead of myself! Though they’re perfect for each other!” She started talking to herself.

Meanwhile, back to the two gamers (or mostly one) they finally arrived back at Button’s room.

His bed took up half of the room, it was practically king sized, and his PC was setup right beside it. Along with a TV right in front of the bed in perfect view to play while lying down.

“Gee, sun’s going down already?” Button looked at the window and saw the change in color outside.

The sky was a beautiful fiery orange color, and since it was February, the dark came quicker.

“Already? Shoot it’s like... six o’clock!” Sweetie joined him at the window, standing right beside him to see the sun in perfect view.

The two stood there motionless, their shoulders barely touching. The sun was already setting down and it added a pinkish hue to the sky’s color. It was a beautiful sight to take in! The two’s eyes glistened as the sun shone bright dead ahead.

“It’s so beautiful!” Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but lean forward against the windowsill, raising her arms and resting her head on her hands.

“Y-Yeah! It is!” Button couldn’t agree more, wanting to lean forward, but Sweetie was already taking up all of the space.

Sweetie Belle noticed his action and scooter over just a tad bit for him to join her, to which he happily gave a goofy smirk. Copying her exact stance, both of their shoulders were now touching, with the side of their heads barely inches away. Despite the almost contact, there was still the thought of not having a valentine for tomorrow’s holiday. One of the biggest holidays of the year, not for everyone... But definitely something you could celebrate with friends or family. Feeling the courage building up inside of him, he thought carefully about how he was going to say it. One wrong move or mistake and he could kiss any normal friendship with her goodbye. It’d be forever awkward between the two if one thought the other. Taking a slight breath of air, he finally turned to face her much to her surprise.

“S-Sweetie Belle?” He started off, trying his best not to shake.

She sat up straight from the windowsill and looked directly into his eyes, the confused look on her face was just too adorable to resist.

“Yes Button?” She asked back, eyes filled with plea as she expected what he was going to ask.

At that moment the world just stopped spinning around him, he was locked in a trance deep into her emerald eyes. That casual look on her face, her slight smile, and how the side of her hair swept over. She tucked it back with one hand and she ended up making his cheeks burn pink.

“I uh... Uh!” Button finally regained his senses, unable to collect himself from the deep long trance.

“Um, Button are y-“ She proceeded to ask if he was feeling alright, but he blurted out his response.

“SWEETIEBELLEWILLYOUBEMYVALENTINE!” He shrieked the words out with his voice squeaking from the sheer embarrassment.

His pink cheeks flushed to a blood red, not even paying attention to her reaction. He just closed his eyes slightly and pretended she wasn’t there, but it was no use. Sweetie Belle just stood there, her hand over her mouth as she gasped silently in shock.

“D-Did he, DID HE JUST!?” She thought to herself, thinking the impossible happened.

Her cheeks shared the same color as his, she wanted to stare back into his orange colored eyes, but she looked down instead.

“J-Just say yes! SAY YES!” She started panicking on the inside, noticing the everlasting awkward silence slowly growing between them.

Until she finally got sick of her own humiliation, she lifted her hand up underneath his chin, raising his head a bit.

“YES!” Sweetie cheerfully answered, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him into the biggest bear hug.

Their immediate blushes were shared, as Button stumbled back onto his bed. Sweetie fell right beside him as her arms were still around him. The two teens shared a small laugh before staring up at the ceiling. Their nervous feelings now replaced by something bigger.

“At least I don’t have to worry about finding a date for tomorrow!” Sweetie showed the brightest smile Button had ever seen.

He stared at her smile and let out a sigh of relief, thinking she was going to react differently.

“Heh yeah! Speaking of which, I uhh... I don’t have...” Button suddenly realized his own mistake, the biggest thing of all to get for a girl on Valentines.

“Huh? Don’t have what?” She wondered, raising an eyebrow.

Thinking of several things to do, he didn’t want to burst out a random promise. He didn’t even get chocolates or an arrangement of flowers for tomorrow. With his heart starting to pound quicker by the second, his brother’s voice played back in his head like a record player.

“Listen squirt, it’s not all about the gifts you give to a girl, it’s about how you spend time with her.”

“THATS IT!” Button shrieked, startling Sweetie.

She gave him an odd look, scooting a few meters away from the boy.

“Tomorrow we’re going to the Valentines Fair at the pier!” He shouted his answer, making her blush lightly.

“Ooo! Sounds like fun!” Sweetie cheered, moving back closer to him.

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