• Published 25th Aug 2012
  • 3,559 Views, 32 Comments

The Monster in Me - Scarves

What does your name mean to you? What do you do when your name has been taken away?

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The Madness in Me

The Madness In Me

As storm clouds gathered pegasai flew about frantically trying to contain the rampaging storm that seemingly came from nowhere. After a few futile tries they gave up and began to fly around town to issue warnings and to stay indoors or go down to cellars.

Then all at once lightning began to strike the ground. But these were not regular lightning strikes, they were all striking the same place continuously and with increasing speed. To anypony who was watching it seemed almost like a tornado of lightning with how rapid and vast the lightning was. And with no warning multiple bolts struck at once and a great shockwave blew over the town blowing away anything that wasn’t tied down.

As quickly as it had begun it was over the only sign that there had ever been a storm at all was the damage and a giant smoking crater. With their knowledge and experience the Elements of Harmony quickly gathered at the smoking crater. As the six bearers of Harmony stood at the edge of the smoke they all jumped back in surprise as two glowing red eyes cut through the haze and into their heads, they all fell to the ground grasping their heads as a force only describable as pure evil washed over them. As they writhed in pain a figure emerged from the smoking crater, a human being to be exact. The only difference from a normal one being the glowing red eyes.

With a single bound the human was at the small country town and everypony that was outside suffered the same pain as the Elements did. With no warning the human chose a random building and with strength unheard of uprooted it and threw it into another. The sound of the crash finally snapping ponies out of their pained struggling and into a fear induced stampede of scared and confused ponies, running about with getting away being the only destination of their running.

In this time the Element bearers had recovered and now stood gaping at the destruction before them. With a nod from Twilight Sparkle the lined up and aimed themselves at the possessed human and prepared to fire, only for them to find Twilight now being held up by her throat in one of the humans hands.

As the others cried out for their friend the human spoke with an unnatural voice that echoed with the sound of many others. “This creature before you is capable of untold destruction, through mere words and small actions. I brought it here so that you might suffer, knowing that your perfect way of life would be forever tainted with his presence. He will try and make peace with you, tell you he is different, these are lies. Humans grew from lies just as equally as they thrive on them. Go and tend to you pitiful village and this human will stay in the forest you live so close to. You may ask who I am or why I’m doing this? I am a part of this form you see before only I am his more, you might say, perfect form and I do this…” He paused and grinned at them all before dropping Twilight and leaning down to her face as she shivered in fear, grinning wider than might have been possible he whispered his parting words, “…for fun.”
With a single leap he was gone.

The human woke in the forest with no memory of what he had done, however he could see the smoke in the distance so he made his way towards it. But when he tried to go near Ponyville or any civilization he was driven away with the cruel words they cast upon him.

Demon, Beast, Freak, Destroyer and many more that all hurt. But he could never remember what he done to deserve such treatment. Yet no matter what names they called there was one that always cut a little deeper, stung a little more and always left a little scar.

It was when they called him…


After 2 years and multiple failed suicides the insanity was beginning to set in deeper. Unable to remember his name but still remember the rest of his life had left him questioning himself every day, trying to figure out what or even who he really was. Eventually he gave up trying to change or even trying to talk to the ponies. He left them alone and accepted his title. Silently hoping that one day he might just be able to change it or die trying.
After all, call me a monster long enough and I’ll become one.
Until he decided it was time enough to just give it all up. He only knew of a few possible ways to end his painful existence and since they had put him through so much pain it was high time that he gave some back, even if it would be short lived at best.

But little did he know that his demise might just also be his chance at a new beginning.

But whether or not he could live with it was another matter entirely.

Author's Note:

Dun dun duuuuuuunn!!!!