• Member Since 24th Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen May 21st


Comments ( 24 )

I haven't even read it and I love it

Huh, I’ve been playing a lot of Predator Hunting Grounds recently so this is nice!

Who will win, a colorful Pony or a predator

So Chrysalis appears briefly only to be horribly killed off again?
Thats.. really disappointing. Why does that keep happening?

Kind of just reading this due to interest but I have a few questions/thoughts.
Like what are the Mane 6 wearing since they are anthros. Same with Spike, like is he an anthro too or just a regular dragon he is in the show?
Felt like there could be more details there.

And I wonder how would Spike be handled in this fic. Same with the Royal Sisters like Luna, since well.. what happened to them in this finale really.. left a bad mark on them. Like on their last days as rulers they ended up "failing" again, its jarring that the writers didn't have either sister beginning to have issues with how they kept getting taken out. Luna would have definitely not handle that well..

I wonder do you have something against Chrysalis since I keep seeing her brieftly-ish appearing in your fics only to be horribly killed off.
In fact I should be asking about the Terrible Trio in general since they seem to be kept getting killed off when all 3 or so appeared in said fics.

Sorry if I seem pretty bothersome but.. it just irks me in seeing Chrysalis there only to just get killed off like that.

In Predator War of Planets, Chrysalis will come back to life, but there will be a little surprise

(Hint: Aliens Resurrection reference.)

You mean by cloning?
I prefer the real Chrysalis to be alive, not some clone taking her place like that.
I mean, it would not truly be Chrysalis there but a freaking fake, like its not the same character technically.
That's not bringing Chrysalis back to life but replacing her with a FAKE.
Unless the REAL Chrysalis's soul happens to be plucked from where it was lingering and put into a new body or her corpse restored for her to be actually revived in, then Chrysalis is resurrected(By that I mean not like some mindless zombie, certainly not letting "be careful what you wish for" thing biting me there).
Sorry if I was making a big deal about that but it just irks me if a character is killed off and they just clone/alternate timeline/alternate universe to bring said character back. That's not resurrecting the character but literally replacing them with a fake, it just feels like I am not looking at that same character anymore since its technically a different one.
Since Chrysalis is "coming back" in that fic, what about this fic and the other fic where she got quickly killed off the moment-ish she appeared in?
Sorry if this is just bothersome..
I loved how you handle Spike in your fics there(especially in that harem one my friend shown me) but it just irks me in seeing another character I love a bunch just appearing in there only to be quickly killed off like that after said character appeared. Especially if it kept happening to said character in most of your fics, it just makes it look like you have something against Chrysalis there(Like.. what makes you want to kill her off alot like that the moment-ish she appears in a fic?)
Like I said, sorry if I am making a big deal about this..
But I like to know why does it keep happening?

The Crucified Predator must have earned his Rite of Passage mark to take the form of an Alicorn in this story like Drake in the other one. Hopefully the Jungle Hunter Warrior will explain everything after he and the Mane Six seek an audience with the Princesses. And it seems there's gonna be some hunting going on in the Everfree Forest, just like on the Game Preserve Planet

What other Predators and threats is our Crucified hero gonna face besides the already slain Berserker Predator to protect his new home and its people?

I wonder how did Luna and Celestia got here?
Since Twilight only teleported them while she was about to fire the rainbow laser but here, she didn't get to due to the Terrible Trio were killed.

If fact I wonder how the Royal Sisters would act/feel after this part, after all.. well.. they basically ended up "failing" once again due to the terrible trio beating them, on their very last days as rulers. Luna would certainly take it worse than Celestia would do(and its all Discord's fault because of his dumb Grogar plan)..
In fact did Luna and Celestia even got their magic back yet?

I hope he's able to run very fast and uses camouflage technology hide from the mares when Heat season comes cuz they're going to go after him

"Yes and No. Yes...my....people...do, but for tradition and hunt BAD creatures. No...As...Bad-Bloods....like him....do..to...hurt...living or precious living creatures...like....all...of you."

"Bad" Creatures? With the Yautja, its not good or bad, its strong or weak, either its something dangerous or its no challenge.

I should go search up Bad Blood Predators. That's what they call it.

Plus Berserker is pure evil compared to Chrysalis, Cozy and Tirek

Curious on what happens next there.

Wonder how are things going with the Royal Sisters?

As Megatron from Transformers Prime Beast Hunters said: Let the hunt begin. Keep up the good work on this crossover

I pay to read this good shit! :rainbowdetermined2:


Thank you. I like your Cyber Ninja story too.

Oh my God! We're complimenting each other’s stories.

Mind blown.

Pretty curious on what happens next in the story there.

Any luck on ideas for the next chapter, or are u still caught in a roadblock?

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