• Published 7th Jul 2020
  • 2,201 Views, 18 Comments

Equestria at War: The End of an Empire - Happy2343

When the Crystal Empire's Armies are ground down against the Solar Forces, what's there left to do?

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To End an Empire

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, better known as Cadance to her friends and family, was having a somewhat stressful night. The front lines were increasingly getting closer and closer to the Crystal City’s outskirts. Her husband, Shining Armor, has always insisted that the defenses would hold until a new strategy could be devised. But every day the lines were pushed back and more of her ponies were being killed on the snowy plains.

More and more bodies were coming back to the Capitol and the outlying villages. More than they could replace.

They were losing, and Cadance knew it. It would only be a matter of time before the Solar Army, before Daybreaker, would be marching through the Grand Avenue of the Crystal City straight up to the Palace. But Cadance refused to go down without a fight. That was a certain pride in the Crystal Empire that her ponies also followed.

Cadance looked out one of the Palace's many windows. She could hear the booming of artillery cannon’s firing in the distance. The flashing of their explosions lighting up the dark and smoke-filled clouds. The Princess looked down and sighed, How did it come to this? Was it Chrysalis? Stalliongrad? The thought went through her head as she looked back to the window, gone were the days of blue skies with white puffy clouds, all that remained was the war. Cadance’s body shivered as her mind grew dark.

A few weeks ago, she and her husband thought they struck gold when Twilight showed up on the borders. They were ecstatic, maybe the war could turn around with her on their side, but it was a ruse. What did Daybreaker do to her to make her so… sadistic? Her mind began to ramble, Torture? Brainwashing magic? Did she have no choice? As her mind raced, she realized something else, Luna, nopony had heard from her other aunt, let alone seen her since Daybreaker took over.

Luna would’ve fought tooth and hoof against her… to the bitter end… she shivered at the thought. Aunt Luna… I hope you're okay… The thought of Daybreaker killing her own sister made her feathers stick up. If she had truly gone that far, then she would do the same to Cadance, to Shining.

She grimaced.

To Flurry.

The Princess of the Crystal Empire broke her gaze and continued walking. The halls were empty, save a few remaining maids and butlers, the Crystal Palace Guard had long since been reassigned to the front lines. She sighed again as she stopped at her destination, her daughter’s room. She had just turned fifteen a few days ago. It was her first birthday without her family, without the Elements of Harmony, without Luna, without Celestia, without Twilight, and now, without her father.

When Twilight made her move and tried to foalnap Flurry Heart, both Shining Armor and Cadance were not prepared. The only reason Daybreaker isn’t the current occupant of the Crystal throne, and She and her family were not in some dungeon in Canterlot, was because of Flash Sentry. He and Twilight had become close friends during her frequent visits during The Great War. He had noticed Twilight’s odd behavior, most notably her lack of using her magic.

And when she finally did, that was when they figured out Twilight, wasn’t Twilight anymore, she was somepony else wearing Twilight’s face as a mask. Cadance rarely got angry, it was one of the reasons she was the Princess of Love. But that night… Cadance didn’t remember what she had done or said, but it was enough to scare off what had become of her sister in law and leave a crater in the hallway where they dueled.

That happened only a few days ago. They were so happy when Twilight showed up at the borders of the Empire. They welcomed her with open hooves and let her into the palace. They let her roam around the palace without guards. She could have done anything.

They never questioned her on how she escaped, on how she even managed to get this far north undetected.

They were careless. Cadance was careless. And Sunrise Sparkle nearly made off with her daughter.

Cadance shivered, No doubt to use her as a bargaining chip to force the Empire to surrender. Cadance speculated. And there was one thing that truly terrified her; She would’ve surrendered. She would have surrendered the world if it meant her daughter would be safe.

A few days later, Flurry had put on a smile and a show for her fifteenth birthday, but Cadance could tell that Flurry was sad, scarred, and scared. Scarred that her own family would try to foalnap her, to take her, to use her. Scared that they might try something like that again. And Sad. Sad because somepony she had trusted for her entire life, family, had betrayed her. The experience had left its mark on Flurry, even if she didn’t show it. Cadance didn’t know what to do either. She didn’t know how to comfort her daughter, how to console her about how her own aunt, who had humorous times laughed, played and joked with her, would try and foalnap her.

On the morning of Flurry’s Birthday, Daybreaker mockingly had sent Flurry a happy birthday message and a gift. The Empress’s gift being a one-day ceasefire to celebrate Flurry’s birthday and generous peace terms. Terms that would’ve reduced the Crystal Empire to a mere puppet state. Not to mention, Daybreaker wanted to split Cadance’s family apart, as to ‘better protect’ her family.

Cadance realized that she had been staring at the door in front of her. I need to talk to her about it… I have to… she finally knocked on the door, “Flurry?” She asked, “Can I come in, I’d like to talk to you.”

There was a bit of shuffling behind her daughter’s door. After a short burst of silence from the opposite side of the door, a quiet, “Yes,” was her daughter’s response. Cadance, breathed in and out, gripped the door handle and turned it.

Her daughter was sitting on a chair next to the giant rectangular window. Her wings wrapped around her as she stared out the window. The sounds and sights of war in the distance. “Are you sure you don’t want to-” Cadance saw a particularly bright flash from the front that lit up the room, “move to a different room?” She asked.

Flurry looked back to the explosions and blasts, “No,” she replied, her voice was tired, “Dad’s out there.” Flurry looked back to her mother, “I want to be closer to him…” Another explosion in the distance lights up the sky of the frontlines. Flurry’s mother barely heard her say, “I want him to be safe,” Under her daughter’s breath.

Cadance walked over and sat down on her daughter's bed, “Have you been having trouble sleeping?” Cadance could already tell she was, her normal happy demeanor was gone, replaced with a tired and depressed one. Cadance opened her wing, inviting Flurry to sit next to her.

“A bit…” Flurry replied, “ever since… aunt Twi…” Tears began to well up in her eyes, Flurry turned away from her mother, Cadance wanted to go up and hug, comfort her, but knowing her daughter, she would push her away, “Why… why would she-?” She couldn’t finish the question.

Cadance swallowed a lump in her throat, “Twilight is an amazing pony, Flurry.” Her daughter looked back up at her mom, “She’s smart, she’s funny, she always knows what to do, but... Twilight isn’t herself. The Twilight Sparkle you know would never do that to you, she loves you,” Cadance said, “Something happened to her, she just needs help.”

“Was it something that Daybreaker did?” Daybreaker, that name again, Cadance has been trying to say that name as little as possible. “Did Daybreaker… when she took over Equestria.”

Cadance nodded absentmindedly. “Y-yes.” She confirmed, “She turned Twilight so she would obey her. We need to get her back.” She put her hoof on her daughter’s back in a reassuring gesture, “We’ll get her back.” Eventually, She added in her mind, And if we win.

“A puppet?” Flurry turned back to her mother, “S-she turned Aunt Twi into a puppet?”

“Yes,” Cadance said grimly as she retracted her hoof, “That’s one way to think about it. She can’t say no to any of Daybreaker’s commands, even if she doesn’t want to.”

There was another large flash followed by a loud boom in the distance. Flurry stood up on four shaky hooves and walked over and sat next to her mother, sitting down on the comfortable and fluffy bed. Cadance wrapped a wing around her daughter and pulled her in close. The mother and daughter stayed like that for some time. Neither wanting to move out of their grasp.

“Mom,” Cadance looked down at her daughter. “Are we going to win?”

She has been expecting that question for some time now, she had been trying to think of what to say, how to respond to such a question. Cadance didn’t want to lie to her filly, but she also didn’t want to scare her any more than she already has been. So she chose the most logical course of action, tell the truth, “I don’t know, Flurry.” Flurry snuggled up closer to her mother. Cadance wrapped her hooves around her daughter.

“I don’t want what happened to Aunt Twilight to happen to you or dad.”

“Don’t worry Flurry,” Cadance reassured her daughter, “I won’t let it happen.”

If only I could believe those words.

Daybreaker was raising the moon, there was no other reason why it was in the sky every night. She would never allow Luna to use her magic, not willingly anyway, Cadance thought as she looked out across the sky. Unless she also did whatever she did to Twilight to Luna too. Cadance shivered again in the cold and bitter air. Is that what she plans to do to me? To my husband? To my daughter? She felt her stomach drop.

They would never be free, there would never be any hope.

“No.” She affirmed, “I won’t let that happen to her.” The ruler said aloud into the empty night. Then the sky lit up with bombs and explosions.

*Boom Boom Boom*

The frontlines were pushed closer to the city again before the Crystal Army managed to stop the advance. Cadance looked at the casualty report for those days. Seventy-three thousand. That’s how many of her ponies who were killed, captured or went missing during the battle. She spent much of that day crying in her room.

Another series of large flashes, followed by the sounds of explosions.

Cadance received a report from one of her remaining spies in the Solar Army, Daybreaker was there, leading them. She’ll be here soon, Cadance thought grimly, I just thought I’d have more time.

“Your majesty?”

She turned around, it was one of her hoofmaidens, Scarlet Vine. She wore a worried expression on her face.

“Yes Scarlet, what is it?” She fully turned around to face her.

“Two letters for you,” Scarlet replied, “from the Griffonian Republic’s and Griffonian Imperial embassies.” She offered the Princess the sealed envelopes. The papers felt like it weighed ten times more than a regular letter. And why wouldn’t it, her daughter’s life depended on it. No other country on the Equestrian continent would allow her in their borders for fear of Daybreaker. New Mareland seemed like an optimal choice, Jet Set, the President of the Republic of the former Equestrian Colony had made it clear he would shelter Cadance and her family, but she’d need to travel through the now war torn Griffon continent.

“Thank you, Scarlet,” she thanked her servant, “Go home, spend some time with your family,” Cadance offered. The princess saw her about to object. “It’s an order, tell the other maids and servants as well.”

“O-of course, Princess,” she started to walk away before turning around, “Princess?”

“Yes?” Cadance asked.

“It has been a privilege and an honor to serve you.” She finished her statement with a bow. Please stay safe.”

“Thank you, you as well,” Cadance turned back around as the mare walked off, ‘I don’t want anypony else caught up in this war.’ She thought. Cadance looked down at the letter she held in her forehoof. ‘Please. Please say yes.’ She tore off the Griffonian imperial seal. She held her breath as she read the contents of the letter.

Dear Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire,

You will be pleased to hear that we accept your request. Your daughter will not be impeded or put in danger by our soldiers, however, we will also not be able to provide an armed escort for your daughter. We wish the best of luck.

Duchess Gabriella EagleClaw, Regent of the Griffonian Empire

Cadance smiled at the letter. She knew the Duchess Eagleclaw, she had visited Griffenheim several times on diplomatic missions and the two had often spoken to eachother. She picked up the second one and tore it open. This one though… Please… Please…

The plane was ready to leave at a moments notice, but it only had the range of the Crystal City to Cloudbury, where it would then be surrendered to the Republican authorities. She’d need permission to move her daughter through the Republican territory.

To HRH Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of the Crystal Empire,

We have received your request to allow your daughter, Princess Flurry Heart, to travel to the Republic of New Mareland through the Griffonian Republic’s territory, and, after much consideration, we must, unfortunately, decline your request. We do not wish to risk an altercation with the Solar Empire and its subjects.

President-Marshal Alexander Kemerskai of the Griffonian Republic

The letter fell from Cadance’s grasp as she read every line of that accursed paper. She should’ve seen this coming. That Griffon had hated everything that has to do with the nobility or monarchy. He would die before he was caught helping any King, Queen, Prince or Princess.

So that’s it then, Cadance thought for a moment of putting her daughter on their fastest plane and having her flown straight to New Mareland, She’d just be intercepted and forced to land, she thought, Or shot down like the last one. A vision of her daughter in a burning plane shot through her mind, It won’t happen! She told herself in her head. I won’t allow it. I’ll figure something out.

I always do.

They were fighting on the outskirts and suburbs of the city now. The Solar Empire broke through last night and pushed them to the breaking point. The Crystal army, her husband’s army, won’t be able to protect her capitol much longer. Maybe a day at best. They could already be inside the city, last she had heard, the army was trying to regroup in the north.

The Crystal Airforce hadn’t fared much better than her army. The Solar Empire was in complete control of the skies, and bombing the city around the clock.

To put it plainly, they were losing. Badly.

Cadance sprinted around the castle to her daughter’s room. It couldn’t have taken her more than five minutes at full sprint, but, to her, each step seemed like it was taking hours. It was agonizingly painful to the Princess. Each second it took to get to her daughter was a second longer than it should’ve been. She would’ve just teleported to her room, but Cadance had personally seen the creation of a magical shield, one that blocks all teleportation inside the Crystal Palace.

As she rounded the corner, she saw two Solar soldiers walking down the hall. They were laughing and joking around, probably not even realizing they were next to Flurry Heart’s room. That was until they saw her, they each raised their rifles as a terrified look dawned on both of their faces. But Cadance was working on overdrive, before they could even fire off a shot, they were knocked unconscious by her sky blue magic. She stopped in front of the door and rammed it open.

Her daughter was at her window, which had been since blown out due to all the bombings and gunfire. “Flurry!” She yelled, gaining her daughter’s attention. Her daughter catapulted herself into her mother’s hooves in a tight hug.

“M-mom? What’s happening?” She asked as Cadance returned the hug.

“We need to leave, Flurry,” Cadance said, she looked back out of the door. She looked back at her daughter, “Listen, Follow me, and if I tell you to run, you run. Do you understand?”

“I-I understand Mom,” Flurry said, “is dad okay?”

She doesn’t want to be thinking about that right now, she wants to be thinking about her daughter and her daughter’s safety. “I’m sure he is, just… just follow me.”

Flurry nodded.

Cadance stuck her head around the corner and looked both up and down the hallway. Other than the two unconscious Solar soldiers, there was nopony there. “Let’s go,” she looked back at her daughter, “We’re going to run, fast, so try to keep up.”

“Got it,” her daughter said with new-founded seriousness.

With no time to lose, Cadance ran down the way she came. She quickly looked back and saw her daughter following closely behind her. “There is an escape tunnel under the throne,” she told Flurry, “I am going to knock it aside, then you are going to go down it, I’ll be right behind you.” They came to a stop as they reached a corner. Cadance heard voices.

“Did you see the Empress?”

“Yeah, she was the first of one in the city if I remember correctly.”

“Yeah, pretty cool-“

Cadance rushes around the corner and quickly stunned them with her magic. They hadn’t even seen her coming. Cadance only registered their words after she had knocked them out unconscious. She’s here, she thought as she took off running down the hallway, Flurry in close pursuit, She’ll want to capture Flurry and I personally, no doubt. Cadance continued running to the throne room.

They reached another corner. Cadance peered around the corner and saw another patrol of Solar Soldiers. We don’t have time for this! She jumped out and struck the two with her magic, knocking them out instantly.

“It’s the Princesses!” She turned around and saw a dozen or so soldiers closing in on them from the way that she and Flurry came.

“Princess!” on the other end of the hallway, she recognized a few ponies wearing the uniforms of the Crystal Army, they raised their rifles, “Run Princess!” one of them yelled. Flurry and Cadance ran past the squad of Crystal ponies, they could hear gunfire behind them.

She looked at the wall, I think this is the throne room.The wall blew open as she blasted it with her magic. She saw her blue and crystalline throne. “Flurry, inside. Now!” Her daughter obeyed her and jumped through the hole in the wall. Cadance turned around to look at the soldiers, she managed to catch the last one falling to the ground, blood pooling at his hooves. Cadance followed her daughter, shooting magic to the ceiling, collapsing it on her pursuers. Thank you.

Cadance galloped up to her throne, and, without a moment of hesitation, demolished it. The debris went all over the throne room, shards of blue crystal and rocks went everywhere like glitter being dropped into a fan.

“My my,” Cadance stopped in her tracks, “Cadance, my dearest niece, I never thought you’d have the gall to do destroy your own throne.” The ruler of the Crystal Empire turned around and came face to face with the tyrant who had waged war on her and her family.

“Flurry, get behind me,” her daughter did so immediately, Cadance kept her eyes on her corrupted aunt. When Cadance was sure her daughter was out of the line of Fire, Cadance replied, “Daybreaker,” she narrowed her eyes.

“Cadenza,” Daybreaker replied, she smirked, “I must commend you and your husband on your efforts, your armies lasted much longer than expected. My congratulations. You truly have rebuilt the Crystal Empire.”

Cadance charged her horn with magic as her response. “My aren’t you defensive today?” Daybreaker mocked, “perhaps you are wondering where your husband is my dear niece.” She began to walk towards the pair. Solar guards began to pour in behind her.

“Mom,” Flurry tried to get her mother’s attention. Cadance ignored it, instead, she stayed focused on Daybreaker.

“We dueled, he gave me a run for my bits, that’s for sure,” she continued to walk towards Cadance and Flurry.

“Mom?” Flurry whispered from behind her.

Keeping her eyes on Daybreaker, Cadance quickly responded, “Not now Flurry.”

“And now,” she took another step forward, “He’s on a train to Ponyville where his sister will see to his rehabilitation.” She stopped, “You have nowhere to go Cadance, you're surrounded, your forces have surrendered-“

“Mom,” Flurry said, “Listen. Please!” Flurry pleaded with Cadance.

“What?” Cadance hissed, “We are not in the best of spots right now.”

“It’s her horn, she’s masking it,” Flurry said, “Twilight taught me how to do it too.”

Cadance’s eyes looked at Daybreaker’s horn, it was radiating heat. She is… Cadance acted on impulse, and channeled her magic in her horn into an explosive spell, then fired it.

The spell exploded at Daybreaker’s forehooves, making her lose her concentration. Daybreaker coughed and hacked at the small particles of dust in her throat. As her concentration fell, she released the spell she was channeling at and it hit just to the right of Cadance and Flurry, sending the smaller Alicorn flying into a pillar and creating another massive Crystal dust cloud in the throne room.


Cadance rushed over to her daughter, “Flurry? Are you hurt?”

Flurry’s chest rose and fell. ‘Thank Faust…’ Cadance thought, ‘You’re Alive.’

“Well played Cadance,” Daybreaker’s voice cut through the Crystal Princesses relief like a hot knife and butter. “But there is no way out for you or your daughter, surrender now, and I might just let you live in peace.”

Cadance laid her unconscious daughter back into the ground, “Peace!” Cadance screamed, “I’ll show you your Peace!” Cadance lit her horn again.

Flurry hurt.

All over.

Like everywhere. It was as if somepony had hit a hammer her body, or being shot by one of Pinkie Pie’s party cannons. Flurry stirred.


Ugh… another artillery explosion? She groaned internally. They’re still weeks away I thought? Flurry cracked one of her eyes open and saw… nothing? She closed her eye, No that can’t be right.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Crack.*

Flurry’s eyes opened slowly. There was smoke in the way, but she could see the colors. Orange and Blue magic clashing. ”Ugh… *hack* What… *Cough*...” she tried to get up, but her hooves gave out and she fell back to the ground, hacking and wheezing. She tried again this time she tried using her wings to steady herself, but she couldn’t move them. My wings feel… she tried to flap her right-wing, no problem, stiff… She tried to move her left wing.

Pain. It hurt so much. Flurry slowly put it back against her side, letting the pain subside.

Ow… she looked up, the orange and blue magic were still clashing. Mom… this time she found enough strength to rise on all of her hooves. She needs help. She trudged through the room, much of the dust had settled, so she could see the fight.

Flurry gasped, she had never seen her mother in such a state before. Her Mom’s wings were hanging limp at her sides, dislocated most likely. She also looked tired, exhausted actually, probably from the amount of magic she had expended.

But Daybreaker wasn't looking too good herself. Despite her armor, there were a lot of small cuts and scrapes, not to mention burns from her mother’s attacks. She also looked like she was on the edge of collapsing.

The two of them were panting heavily and staring at each other.

Flurry took a step forward, then Daybreaker’s eyes locked on. “Ah look who’s decided to join us.” Cadance immediately turned and looked at Flurry. Daybreaker’s was radiating heat again, She’s masking again! Flurry barely had time to get out a warning.

“Mom, behind yo-“

It was like slow motion, where every agonizing moment was like torture. Flurry was helpless as Daybreaker’s released a spell. She saw the orange mass of magic collide with the back of her mom, sending Cadance to the floor. Then the world rushed back to her at super speed. She was left with her mouth agape, and unable to move.

“Well,” Daybreaker said with a sigh that almost sounded sad, “that ends that problem,” Soldiers rushed in behind Daybreaker as she glided down and landed in between the now unconscious Princess and Flurry. “Hello Flurry Heart,” she said, “Truthfully, I’m sorry that your mother chose violence, I really wished she would have surrendered peacefully.” She gazed down at Cadance.

Daybreaker looked back at some of her troops, “Take her.” They began to move forward.

“NO!” Flurry jumped in between Daybreaker and her troops and her mother.

Daybreaker didn’t seem impressed, but also didn’t seem surprised, “I do not wish to fight you Flurry Heart.”

Flurry broke out of her paralytic state. “I’ll f-fight i-if I h-have to,” Flurry said as she stared into Daybreaker’s yellow eyes.

“Of course you will,” Daybreaker began to walk towards her. “But, perhaps you don’t have to. How about a deal, Flurry?” Daybreaker stopped her approach. “Leave.” The few soldiers behind the Empress quickly left after a brief hesitation.

“A deal?” Flurry repeated, “what kind of deal?”

The Empress smiled, “A deal where we don’t have to fight, one where we can live as one family, down in Canterlot,” Daybreaker stated, “One where you can be happy. All you need to do is just say yes.”

Flurry put her head down for a second to think, “Th-that… you… ” The young Alicorn stammered as she got ready to cast a shield. “You’re just saying things!”

“I am going to help you and your family, you will be better,” Daybreaker said with a smile, “That is if-”

“NO!” Flurry yelled, at Daybreaker, “You’re just going to turn us into your puppets, like what you did to Twilight!” Flurry Shook her head, tears began to stream from her eyes, “I-I can’t let that happen, it’s… it’s just wrong! Even you have to see that!” Flurry could feel her legs about to give out, but she couldn’t, especially now. “Please,” Flurry Heart pleaded, “Don’t do… that… please.”

The Empress stared at the young Alicorn standing against her. Daybreaker knew she could obliterate her in an instant, she knew she could disregard the pleadings of the defeated Princess and simply knock her unconscious like her mother, but instead, “It’s not like you have much say in the matter Flurry Heart,” Daybreaker stated plainly, “Though, I may be… persuaded… to… neglect that certain point. If you agree to certain things,”

What… She…? “H-how?” Flurry asked, looking up at the Empress, “Wh-what do you want?”

“The Crystal Heart. Your mother,” Daybreaker glanced back at Cadance, who was still unconscious, “Has hidden it, or given it to somepony else,” She turned back to Flurry Heart, “Certainly you must know where?” Daybreaker asked in a mocking tone.

“If I tell you… you won’t…” Flurry’s hooves began to shake underneath her.

“No,” Daybreaker responded, “I won’t send you to reeducation, you and your family can live with me in Canterlot, where I can keep an eye on you, I give you my word.” Daybreaker took a step forward. Flurry answered with a step backward.

The Empress sighed, “It’s over, Flurry, I may be many things, but a liar I am not. Trust me when I say that you and your family will be in the same condition they are in now when we return to Canterlot.” Daybreaker took another step toward Flurry Heart. “It is not like you have much choice.”

Flurry, just closed her eyes, she could feel the world ending around her. “It’s…” She had no idea if Daybreaker would actually keep her word. “It’s…” And even if she did, she and her family would be under her hoof for the rest of their lives, unless some miracle happens. “It’s at the bottom of the ocean…”

“Where?” Flurry could feel the gaze of Daybreaker narrow on her.

“I don’t Know!” Flurry Shut her eyes tighter, “She was sending it to New Mareland for safekeeping a few days after the war started,” Flurry answered with pain in her voice, “your planes shot it down! All I heard was it was somewhere off the coast of the Dragonlands!”

“Well,” Daybreaker walked closer to the smaller princess, “I suppose that will have to suffice for now. I’ll just need to pay Ember a visit sooner than I expected.”

Flurry felt the larger Alicorn’s wing go over her back, she whimpered and hung her head. The tips of the Alicorn’s feathers felt their way across her back, “We can discuss more when we are back in Canterlot.” Daybreaker continued, “I can probably find the flight plan from Shining Armor or your Mother.”

Flurry shuddered, the tips of Daybreaker’s wings stopped at Flurry’s wings.

“Oh, don’t worry my dear niece, we will have plenty of time to talk back in Canterlot.” Daybreaker’s voice was right next to her ear, She retracted her own wing and moved away. “Hmm, that wing doesn’t look good, let me give you something… for the pain.” Flurry kept her eyes closed, she knew what Daybreaker was doing or more specifically, what she was going to do, she could feel the heat radiating off of her horn as Daybreaker’s magic gathered, the darkness of her closed eyes was lit up with a bright orange glow, then she went out.

Flurry was moving, like she was being carried on a car or train. Or maybe on a stretcher or gurney. All she knew was that she was moving and felt gentle vibrations as she was. And she didn’t want to wake up. Wherever she was, it was warm, and the air was cold.

But then there was the feeling of being watched. It was uncanny, it was like somepony was just… staring at her. Not watching, like a guard guarding her, but staring. So reluctantly, Flurry opened up her eyes with a yawn. She was in a fairly average bed.

“Oh, I was wondering when you’d wake up!” Flurry knew that voice. But it was… off, too much of a sing-song tone. She turned to the mare who had spoken, who was currently on the opposite side of the room, looking at her.

Aunt Twi…

The other mare cleared her throat, “Are you hurting at all?” She asked, “Do you need anything?”

Flurry tried to speak, but her throat was dry as the Appolosan Desert. “W-water, please.” She spoke in a hoarse voice.

Sunrise Sparkle walked over to the bed, grabbing a metal canteen from her saddlebags, “Here,” Flurry took the tin in her hooves and began to greedily drink from it. “Wow, um, I was told you might be thirsty, but,” Flurry offered her the now empty canteen, which she took with her hoof and put it back in her saddlebag, “I didn’t expect you to be that thirsty,” Sunrise gave a half-hearted chuckle. They stayed like that for some time, with Flurry just looking out the window at the snowy landscape, and Sunrise trying not to look at, but also obviously looking at her niece.

“I umm... “ Flurry idly turned her head to her aunt, “I just wanted to talk to you…” Sunrise, continued on talking, “About what happened before your birthday.”

Flurry felt something coming off of her aunt. She knew what it was, her emotions. She had had a lot of practice with her Special talent over the past few months. Especially with sensing negative emotions. Sunrise was nervous, or at least some combination of nervousness with any other emotion.

Flurry nodded, “Okay,” She replied, not looking at Sunrise, “Then let’s talk…”

Flurry Heart began to pull the covers off of her. *rattle* She looked down to her right hind hoof, there was a metal manacle secured to her hoof. A chain attached to a metal cuff welded to the manacle. Flurry looked at her Aunt.

“Sorry about that,” Sunrise continued to speak, “The Empress just didn’t want you getting any ideas about escaping.” Flurry looked at her aunt, only just now realizing how much she had changed. Her mane was much bluer with a red highlight instead of a pink one running through it. Her cutie mark had also changed cold, from a magenta to a yellow. Then there were her eyes. They were a lighter shade of purple instead of their usual purple.

Whatever Daybreaker’s rehabilitation is, it changed her aunt. “It’s… fine.” Flurry said as she hopped off the bed, the chain rattled behind her as she went over to an armchair and sat down. She looked back at the chain, it was connected to a cuff in the middle of the floor, Flurry sighed, “I wasn't planning on trying to leave anyway.”

“Yeah,” Sunrise replies as she sits down in an armchair opposite of her, “I didn’t think you would,” Flurry could feel relief from her aunt, but Sunrise was still nervous, “I’d like to… apologize, for trying to… foalnap you… I was just… I just didn’t want any more ponies to die.” She was shaking, “I just hope you still… that you don’t think any less of me for doing what I did.”

“Twilight’s just not herself,” she recalled her mother’s words, “She just needs help.”

“Can I still call you… you know?” Flurry asked, “It just doesn’t feel… right.

Sunrise smiled, “Of course, it’s fine, just not in public.”

“Thanks, Twilight,” Flurry replied. She shifted in her seat, “You didn’t… want to, did you?” Flurry asked her aunt. Her aunt blinked. “To foalnap me? You didn’t want to, right?”

Of course not!” Twilight responded, her back straightened, “I did it to hopefully save the lives of ponies,” she slouched back down, “And I failed.”

Flurry kept looking at her aunt for a while, she was sad and scared; of her, Why are scared though? It’s not like I can do anything. “How are your friends?” Twilight looked down at the floor.

“I haven’t heard from them since the Empress ascended,” Her aunt replied, “I’ve been using the IIS to try and track them, but…” Twilight sighed, “There hasn’t even been a sighting of them in the past year!” Twilight sighed, “I’ve been sending letters to them through magic, ones that I am not even tracing; asking them, begging them to send one back so I can at least know they are okay! But, nothing.” Twilight shook her head, “Nothing.”

So that’s why she is so sad, Flurry realized, She’s depressed, and she’s fearing that I might reject her apology. Flurry gulped down a lump in her throat, “I… uh… accept your apology, Twilight.”

Twilight got up out of her chair and walked over to her niece, “Thank you, Flurry Heart,” Twilight buried her head in Flurry’s shoulder. Flurry returned the hug, “Really, you don’t know what it means to me.” Twilight broke off the hug, ”Now, you must be pretty hungry, seeing as you’ve been sleeping for about thirteen hours.” Twilight began walking to the door of the train car, “You still like daffodil sandwiches right?”

Flurry nodded, “Yeah.”

“Okay good, I’ll also get us some tea, I’ll be back soon,” Twilight turned back to Flurry, “alright?”

“Okay.” Flurry replied. Twilight’s now yellow magic opened the door to the next train car and walked through. The door then slid shut, leaving the youngest Alicorn alone in the train car. Flurry got out of the armchair and walked to the window. They weren’t in the Crystal Empire anymore, that’s for certain. There was grass everywhere. Green everywhere. If anything, they were probably in Northern Equestria.

I guess there’s nothing else I can do? Flurry thought, we’re prisoners now… Flurry continued to walk around the spacious train car to stretch her legs. Then she saw something on one of the beds’ nightstands, a newspaper. With nothing else to do, she reached out with her magic to grab the paper, only to find it didn’t answer, in fact, it nearly gave her a headache. That’s odd, she tried again, “Ahh!” She gasped as her head began to spin.

She reached up with her hooves to find her horn, Yep, it’s still there, she thought as she felt the tip of her horn, her hoof hit a mass as she traced down the length of the appendage. What’s that? She felt it go around the base of her horn, A magic blocking ring. She concluded, “I guess Daybreaker doesn’t want me using my magic.” She said out loud. She looked back at her wings, her left one was in a splint and in bandages, but her right one, it was wrapped up in something, “Or want me flying…” she concluded.

The Princess, if she even was one anymore, walked over to the paper and picked it up in her hooves.


Well, the headline gets straight to the point, Flurry Heart thought.

Reports indicate that the last Crystal Forces surrendered just past one in the morning when a ceasefire was signed between Empress Daybreaker and Cloudie, who represented the Crystal Army High Command.

Flurry met with Cloudie many times, and, despite the war, they always brought a positive and happy attitude.

The current state and location of Princess Cadance and Flurry Heart are unknown, and the Military public liaison has offered no comment on the matter, but Prince Shining Armor was seen in Ponyville yesterday and it is speculated that he is being moved to Canterlot today. An official statement from our Empress said, “My niece Princess mi Amore Cadenza, her Husband Prince Shining Armor and their daughter Princess Flurry Heart are in safe hooves. Rest assured, they will not be harmed.”

The final remnants of the Crystal Army led by General Flash Sentry have been seen in the Crystal Mountains on the Yakyakistani Border. They are expected to surrender later today.

The future is uncertain for our new brothers and sisters in the north, but for now, this reporter believes that peace and harmony have finally returned to the continent.

Flurry walked back to the window, suddenly finding the reading material, not to her liking. But it did prompt her with one question, Where are my parents?

Flurry looked back at the door as it slid open, “I’m back, Flurry.” Sunrise said levitating a silver platter and teapot in her magic as she walked through the door. “I also brought you some medicine for your wing.” She levitated a few pills into view, Sunrise stopped as she looked at Flurry. “Is something wrong?” She Levitated the tea and platter down to the table in between the armchair’s they were sitting in earlier.

“Y-yeah…” Flurry answered, “Where’re my parents? Are they okay?”

“Well,” Sunrise said as she sat down in the seat, “Your mother is still in the Crystal City in the Palace infirmary. The Empress is personally watching over her to make sure nopony tries to hurt her as she recovers from her wounds,” Flurry walked over and sat down in the other chair, the chain rattling as she walked to the chair, “And your father is currently in Ponyville at my H.Q, but he’ll be transported to Canterlot by the time we get there.”

So we are going to Canterlot, Flurry thought, “Can I um… take this thing off?” Flurry said, gesturing to the ring around her horn.

“Oh, sorry, I almost forgot!” Sunrise said, her horn lit up with yellow magic, “There, try now.”

Flurry looked at her aunt quizzically but reached out to the sandwich with her magic. This time there was no headache or migraine, but instead, the food was wrapped in her blue magic. “It was an invention by the Empress, instead of completely blocking somepony’s magic, she can selectively turn it on and off,” She boasted, “It really is something, doncha think?”

“Y-yeah,” Flurry Heart said as she took a bite of the sandwich, “Hmm thish ish really mooood!” Flurry tried to speak with her mouth full of food.

“Flurry,” Twilight chuckled with a small smile on her face, “where are your manners?” Twilight poured Flurry a cup of hot tea and levitated it over to her along with the medicine she got.

She swallowed the bite she took, “Sorry, I just said this is a really good sandwich.” She scarfed down the rest of her food with ease and a noticeable lack of manners. “Seriously, who made this?” She asked her aunt.

“Oh, I did,” Twilight smiled at her niece, “I just asked the chef for the ingredients.” She levitated the teapot over and filled her cup. “No that you’re done, I need you to take these, they’ll make you sleepy, but they’ll also heal your wing.”

“I never thought of you as a cook, Twilight,” Flurry said, “When did you learn?”

“Oh,” Her aunt waved her hoof, “I’ve had a lot of spare time to pick up hobbies since the end of the war.” Despite the smile, her aunt wore on her face, Flurry could tell she was sad. Spike… he always cooked for Twilight… I hope he’s alright.

Flurry magically grabbed the pills and swallowed them, then drank some tea. A few seconds later, she could already feel them starting to take effect. “Is there anything else you want to talk about?” Twilight asked her niece, “Anything you want to know?”

Flurry took another swig of the tea, she found her eyes starting to get heavy, “Um… I know this might be a stupid question-“

“There are no stupid questions, Flurry Heart,” Twilight answered with a smile, “Now what is it?”

“What’s going to happen to me?” Flurry asked, gesturing one of her forehooves to herself, “Daybreaker said that I and my parents would live in Canterlot, but, what are we going to do?” Flurry blinked rapidly, trying to maintain eyesight with her aunt.

Flurry looked to her aunt and found Sunrise looking back at her with narrowed eyes and a frown, the emotions she was emanating before had completely changed, a small amount of rage had replaced the nervousness and fear. “I’ll let it slide for now Flurry, but you need to start referring to the Empress as the Empress.” Her gaze softened, “As for what you’ll do,” Sunrise sighed and shrugged, “It is entirely up to the Empress.”

Flurry found it increasingly hard to keep her eyes open. “Here you should get back in bed before you pass out,” Flurry heard Twilight say as she felt a hoof under her. Flurry got up and stood on wobbly hooves, “Here, lean on me and I’ll help you get into bed,” Flurry couldn’t really argue, so she did, it made her feel… safe, warm, and protected.

Flurry felt herself back in the comfortable bed. “Lady Inquisitor,” a male voice said, “There is a telephone call from the Empress, she wishes to speak to you.” Flurry couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer.

“Of course,” Sunrise Sparkle replied. The last thing she heard was the clopping of hooves as she left the room. Though she couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched.

Sunrise Sparkle walked out of her niece’s car and she walked past rows upon rows of her inquisitors, like-minded Unicorns, Pegasi and Earth Ponies who had seen the light of their Empress. They were there just in case her niece couldn’t see reason. Though I’m glad she did, at least partially, Sunrise thought as she took the phone from the lieutenant, At least there will no longer have to be any fighting between family!

“My Empress,” Sunrise cheerfully said into the telephone, “You wanted to speak to me?”

“Yes my faithful student,” The Empress replied, “I just want to get your report on your niece,” Each word the Empress spoke made Sunrise’s heart flutter, “How did it go?”

Sunrise smiled, “I am pleased to report that Princess Flurry Heart will not be a problem, she has even forgiven me for -“

“She needn’t forgive you for anything,” her Empress interrupted Sunrise, “though, I suppose it is good that she views you in good graces. Did you give the medicine to her?”

“She took it with no problem.” Sunrise replied, “and she fell asleep again right after.”

“Good,” The Empress replied, “Now we must discuss the slight you have perpetrated against me.”

Sunrise’s smile shattered, “My Empress,” she quickly responded, “I would do nothing of the-“

Untraced letters, Sunrise?”

Sunrise’s pupils shrunk, “I- I…”

“Know my faithful student, that I am always listening, and that I am always watching. We will discuss this when I return to Canterlot,” Sunrise’s heart skipped a beat.

“O-of course, my Empress,” Sunrise responded, “Is there anything else you request me to do?”

There was a pause in the Empress’s voice, “No,” Sunrise heard her close the line, and she hung up the phone. Sunrise swallowed a lump in her throat as she walked back to the car where her niece was being kept, she looked at the guards who were at the door, “I wish not to be disturbed.”

“Of course, Grand Inquisitor.” The guard responded.

Sunrise spent the next several hours sitting through paperwork as she watched her niece rest. Occasionally looking out the window at the countryside, thinking of the future. Maybe after I find my friends, it can all go back to the days before the war, she smiled hopefully, I just hope they also see the light of our Empress.

It had been a long time since Flurry had been in Canterlot, and she could tell it had changed. It was night by the time the train arrived in the capital, which prompted another question from Flurry Heart, “Is D-“ she caught herself as her aunt looked at her, “Is the Empress raising the moon?” She asked, “I thought she wanted an eternal day?”

Sunrise chuckled a bit, “Flurry,” she said, “The Empress knows that Eternal day would spell doom for not just the Empire, but the whole world,” she explained as she walked down the empty streets of Canterlot, accompanied only by her aunt and her guards. “All she did was extend the day.”

“And is she raising the moon?”

Sunrise turned to her as they reached the castle, two Thestrals in golden armor were at the entrance, “She is,” Sunrise answered, “at least until her sister sees the light of our Empress.” Flurry looked at the Thestral guards, their eyes were yellow. “Come, I’ll show you to your room.” Sunrise beckoned her niece to follow.

The castle had been completely redone since the last time she saw it. All traces of the moon were gone, replaced with depictions of the sun, or the sun rising. The calming blues that showed Princess Luna’s picture was gone, replaced with depictions of vibrant oranges and yellows. Murals that had previously shown Princess Luna and even Princess Twilight were gone, replaced with Daybreaker standing over Griffons, Changelings, Zebra, Deer, and Yaks.

“Here’s your room, Flurry,” Sunrise said as she stopped in front of a room. It showed Flurry’s Cutie Mark, the Crystal Heart on top of a purple shield. “I actually stay in this hallway too whenever I am in Canterlot, so if you need me,” she gestured with her hoof further down the hallway, “I’ll be there, for the time being.”

“Okay,” Flurry replied, “What should I do?”

“Well,” Sunrise responded, “I don’t know, I can have some reading material brought up for you, is that okay?”

“Um, yeah… that sounds good.” Flurry Heart rubbed the back of her head nervously. She could feel the joy radiating off of her aunt, but there was something else, “Are you okay, Auntie?”

“Yeah, there are just a few… things the Empress and I need to discuss,” she replied, “Oh! Speaking of the Empress, she’ll be in later tonight! She said she wants you to be ready for dinner by eleven.”

“A bit late for dinner? Don’t you think so?” Flurry asked.

“Oh, and you’re not hungry? The last time you ate was at one,” her aunt replied, “There are some things on the bed, she’ll want you to wear them.”

Flurry nodded, “and my dad?” Her father, she hadn’t seen him since he left for the front, which was right after she was nearly foalnapped by the same pony she was currently talking to.

“The Empress called and wanted him back up in the Empire, something to do with your mother, I’m sure.”

“Oh… Okay.”

“Now there are some things that I need to take care of,” Sunrise said, “We’ll talk later.” Sunrise hugged her with one of her purple wings, being careful to avoid Flurry’s left-wing, which was still in a splint.

Flurry entered the room. There was an empty bookshelf, a window that gave a view of the city, with Ponyville in the distance, and a bed with orange and yellow bed sheets. I guess she really likes orange and yellow. Flurry thought. She looked on top of the bed. It was her silver regalia from the Crystal Empire or a really impressive replica of her regalia.

Her silver shoes, the necklace, and even her tiara. The only difference was in the Crystals on her necklace and tiara. They were normally teal crystals, but they’ve been changed to orange ones.

Flurry looked at a clock on the wall. It’s Nine O’clock, she read, only two more hours. She tried to reach out to her magic, but only gave herself a headache. Great, she thought, No magic. She was going to have to put them on by hoof.

Flurry walked over to the window and tentatively tapped it with her hoof. A previously unseen magical barrier sprung into existence, blocking and stinging the Princess from moving any closer to the glass. “It was worth a try, I guess,” she sighed.

She looked to the door off to the side of the room, I guess I could use a shower… or maybe a bath. She nodded, Definitely a bath, she concluded, a nice relaxing ba-

*knock knock knock*

She looked at the wooden door, “Uh… Come in?” She answered back,

The door opened, and somepony, a mare walked in, she had a white coat and a brown mane and wore a pair of red glasses. “Good evening Princess Flurry Heart.” She said, despite her demeanor, Flurry could feel that she was scared, “My name is Raven Inkwell,” she said, Raven turned to reveal a stack of books on her back, “I brought you some books.”

“Oh uh, thanks, just put them on the desk for now,” Flurry Heart motioned at the desk in the corner of the room. Raven did as the Princess told.

“Is there anything else you require Princess?” Raven asked.

Flurry turned away, “Um,” she looked back at the Earth Pony, “Advice?”

“About what to do?” Raven asked back, which earned a nod from Flurry, “Ah,” she said, “Just… do whatever the Empress requires of you, if you do that, you will stay in her good graces.” Flurry looked at the gray mare, she wore a smile, but could feel the fear on her.

Flurry looked back at Raven, “Anything else?”

Flurry felt Raven’s heart drop, “No, just… don’t disappoint her.” Raven glared at her for a moment, then turned and left without saying anything else.

Flurry walked over to the desk and looked over the selection of books. Daring do, Huh, she thought, It has been a while since I’ve read these last. She grabbed the top one off the stack and made her way to the bathtub.

Despite soaking and losing herself in water and the book, she was still scared, or at least nervous. Her pacing gave that way to her. Why does she want to talk to me? Is she going to do something? What did she do to dad? He was here earlier? These questions passed through her mind as she continued walking back and forth in her room. Flurry glances at the clock, the minutes passing fast.

At ten forty-five, she finally steadied herself enough to put the necklace, tiara, and shoes on. It had been a while since she had to wear her regalia, there hadn’t been a grand galloping gala in years, and the Crystal Fair had been postponed during the wars against the Changelings, Stalliongrad and the Solar Empire. Not even on her birthday could she put them on, instead opting to just wear a simple silver and blue dress. It was odd wearing them again, it felt alien, unnatural.

The door swung open and Flurry looked down the hallway. Besides the two guards at her room’s entrance, both clad in their golden armor, there was nopony else in the hallway. She started to walk down the hallway, the guards who were at the door fell in at her sides behind her. As she walked down the hallway, she found herself looking at the doors, or more specifically, the cutie marks on the doors. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie. Flurry stopped walking and turned back and looked at her room. There’s more? She wanted to look at the other rooms, and see who else she had planned on keeping here, Or who else is already here? But she turned back and started walking again.

She reached the dining room a few minutes before she needed to be there. Raven was waiting outside the door, staring at the pocket watch she was holding in her hoof, “Ah, Princess!” She put the watch up in her shirt pocket, “You’re just in time,” She said, feeling relieved, “The Empress and Grand Inquisitor are waiting for you.”

Flurry nodded at the mare, then entered the dining room.

It was an extravagant dining room, the table was clearly made to seat dozens of ponies or creatures. The chairs looked like they were hoof carved, adorned with gold and red velvety cushions. The table was similarly decorated, adorned with red and gold colors. Then there were the other ponies in the room.

Sunrise and Daybreaker were sitting next to each other, with Sunrise in her right, when Flurry walked in, they were already in the midst of a conversation, but both stopped and looked at Flurry. Sunrise gave her a pleasant smile as Flurry walked toward her and Flurry felt a surge of happiness coming from her aunt. The Empress was also smiling at her, but not in the same way, it was a more oppressive smile and then there were her feelings, there were none, she couldn’t get anything off of her.

“Ah, Princess Flurry Heart,” The Empress said, “Come, sit, and join us.” She motioned with a wing to sit next to her on her left. “We have much to discuss.”

Flurry hesitated for a few moments, looking at her aunt for guidance, but she just kept smiling at Flurry. “Yes…” she finally said as Flurry began to walk to her. Daybreaker’s magic took hold of the chair as she grew close and pulled the chair back. “Thank you,” Flurry said as she sat down on the chair.

A servant brought out the first course of the meal, a salad, for all three mares. “Now Princess,” Daybreaker said to Flurry Heart as she took a bite, “I’d like to, renegotiate, our previous deal.” Daybreaker levitated a fork with some salad on it to her mouth, “Specifically, the part about your parents coming down here to live here in Canterlot.”

Flurry put the fork in her hoof down, “W-what about it?” She asked nervously.

Daybreaker took another bite of the Salad. “Well, I think we can let them stay up there,” she said, “Having them remain in the Crystal Empire will allow for greater stability in the region.” She turned to Sunrise, “Wouldn’t you agree, my faithful student?”

“Oh yes my Empress,” Sunrise said, “The IIS reported that having Cadance and Shiny up there will put the Crystal Ponies at ease.”

Daybreaker turned back to Flurry Heart, “I hope you aren’t upset at this change,” Daybreaker said condescendingly.

“I um…” Flurry began to say before Daybreaker cut her off.

“And of course you will stay here in Canterlot,” The Empress said, “your aunt will help continue your education.”

Flurry blinked, “B-but… what about my parents?” She asked, “They’ll be worried.”

“Oh Flurry, you’re taking this way out of proportion, you and they will be fine, you’ll see.” Sunrise said with a smile, “Oh there are so many things that I’m sure Sunburst didn’t teach you.” She beamed.

“And as for your parents,” Daybreaker said, “I’ll allow them to come down for a visit every once in a while,” she said, her eyes looking down at Flurry, “If that is okay with you?”

“I…” she shook, the change hitting her like a hammer, Flurry lowered her head, There’s nothing I can do… She thought, “Okay,” she whispered, “Empress…” Flurry Heart said as she took another bite of her salad.

A few moments of silence passed. “How is your wing Flurry?” Sunrise asked as she looked past the Empress, “Do you need any medicine?”

Flurry looked back at her wing that was still in a splint. “It’s beginning to hurt a bit, but I’ll be fine until tomorrow.” Flurry replied.

The servants came back and replaced their salads with hot and steaming soups. Flurry grasped the spoon she was given and took a sip. Her mouth told her it was delicious, but she felt like she was eating ash. “So Flurry,” Daybreaker said, gaining the mare’s attention, “I am curious, are you wondering where my sister is?”

“I guess?” Flurry replied, “I saw the Thestral guards out front when I got here, but I…” she looked up at the Empress, “You didn’t kill her, did you?” She asked grimly.

Daybreaker stared at Flurry Heart, “No,” she replied, “Despite what you might think, I would never kill her.” Daybreaker turned to Sunrise and whispered something in her ear. Sunrise immediately got up and left the room, leaving Flurry Heart alone with Daybreaker.

Daybreaker continued to occasionally glance at the mare to her left while they both took sips of their soup. The servants came back and quickly took the dishes away, replacing them with plates of rice and fruits.

Flurry noticed there wasn’t one for her aunt, She must not be coming back, Flurry thought to herself, and, without thinking, she asked “Where’s Twilight?” immediately after, her eyes went wide as she realized what she had asked. She turned to the larger Alicorn in the room.

Daybreaker’s eyes were narrowed at Flurry, “I expect you to use her proper name, Flurry,” she responded, “Is that understood?”

Flurry nodded, “Yes, sorry,” she replied, “It’s just been a long day.”

“Two days actually,” Daybreaker corrected matter of factly, “And as for my student, I asked her to leave us to talk.”

“About what?”

“You,” she replied, “I know you don’t want to go through re-education, and will probably do anything you can to avoid it,” Flurry nodded, “But there are some things that must be addressed.”

“Yes?” Flurry Heart asked, her heart beginning to beat “What?”

“Your attitude, your speech, your demeanor,” Daybreaker listed, “And I need to be certain that you are loyal to me,” Daybreaker took a sip of wine, “Normally, I would personally re-educate you, but,” she glanced her eyes at Flurry, “Your parents, as well as your little speech at the Crystal Empire, have convinced me to give you a second chance.” Daybreaker stood up from her chair, “And I have a solution to our little problem.”

“What is it?” Flurry for the first time, felt her own emotions exploding out of her, “What are you going to do to me?” She was scared, not having a single idea of what Daybreaker could do to her.

“I have a spell, one that will force you to follow every command I give to you, and anypony I deem to be over you,” Flurry shivered at the thought, her own will was going to be taken from her, “But, it will also keep yourself and your personality untouched, you will still be you in a matter of speaking.” I’ll be a prisoner in my own body…

Flurry kept shivering and shaking, “And if I say no?”

“Well,” Daybreaker said, “Should you refuse, you will not leave this dining room alive. That, and your parents will be found to have committed suicide tomorrow morning.” Flurry felt herself collapse into the chair hitting her hurt left-wing, Daybreaker now stood behind her, “Your Aunt, who has just fallen asleep, will have her memory purged by me. She will not know of your existence or even her own brother or sister in law.” Flurry looked away, “I would never kill my Sister, she is too precious to me and her re-education is almost complete and my student is too valuable to go to waste, but you,” Flurry felt a wing on her mane, “are expendable.”

“Your mother, your father, they are expendable,” Flurry couldn’t process this, her mind was reeling, “I require an answer Flurry Heart, a simple nod will do,” Daybreaker cooed, “Otherwise…” she let the statement hang.

Flurry closed her eyes, It’s not permanent, my mom will be able to remove it, she told herself, This is only a temporary thing… She didn't believe it.

“Now Flurry,” Daybreaker’s voice was right behind her, “Yes or no? I require an answer.”

Flurry felt her head move up and down on its own accord, or maybe it was her own self-preservation instincts. Anyway, it was done, and there was no going back. “Good, Flurry, I knew you’d make the right choice.” Flurry felt the ring in her horn slide off, “Now stay still, and do not try anything,” she felt The Empress’s horn touch her own. “And you won’t feel a thing.”

One Month Later

Flurry Heart stared at the ceiling of her room as she lay in her bed. As she had since the Empress had ‘fixed’ her as she put it. It was past midnight, and, despite how tired she felt, her mind refused to shut off. It had been like that for the past few weeks, her body refusing to sleep. Maybe it was that spell the Empress put on me? She thought, then felt surprised as the spell the Empress had put on her now began to affect her thoughts, she had tried to think of ‘Daybreaker’ instead of ‘The Empress.’

She put a hoof to her forehead, her brain still felt numb and pounding in pain at the same time. “Ugh…” she sat up in the bed, using one of her forehooves to steady herself, and the other to rub her eyes, she looked at the clock above her bathroom door, “One in the morning…” she groaned as she grabbed the covers in her magic and threw them off. One of the few plus sides of Having Daybreaker in her head, she was trusted enough to have her magic and her wings back, “Perfect time for some tea,” she mused as she flared her wings in a stretch. The left one was still a bit stiff, but at least the pain had stopped.

Flurry opened the door to her room, the two guards snapped to attention as she walked out and began to trot behind the Princess. The walk to the kitchen was short and uneventful. What was eventful was the fact that her aunt was there, sipping on a cup of hot tea. Flurry knew that the kitchen operated 24/7 staff from her and Sunrise’s frequent late-night lessons, and she received sympathy from much of the staff.

Sunrise’s eyes found Flurry and gave a concerned look, “What are you doing up, Flurry?” She asked, “You should be asleep.”

“I could say the same to you,” Flurry sat down at the table with her aunt. A servant walked up to her and she turned to him “Can I have some Chamomile tea please?”

“Of course, Princess.” He walked into the doors of the kitchens.

Flurry turned to her aunt. “Why are you up anyway, auntie?”

“Oh, just trying to find out where they might be,” She replied, taking another sip of tea. “My agents have been getting reports of ponies near Bales causing a bit of a…” she twirled her hoof, “incident.

“Was anypony hurt?” Flurry asked.

“Fortunately, not many civilians were hurt,” Sunrise said, “But a pony matching Rainbow Dash’s description was spotted by several Solar Guards,” she looked back down at the paper, tapping the pen against the table, “I am going to depart in a few hours and search for them personally.”

The servant came back, a teapot levitating in his magic along with a small cup. “Your tea, Princess.” Flurry took the cup and took a sip. The tea was warmed to perfection. The warm and soothing tea warmed up the Princess.

“Thank you,” she said as she took the teapot in her magic, “I’ll take it from here.”

“Of course, Princess.” He turned and went back inside the kitchens.

Sunrise looked at Flurry, concerned, “Are you having trouble sleeping?” She asked her niece as Flurry took another sip of the warm tea. Flurry nodded.

“Yeah,” she replied sheepishly, “It’s been happening ever since I got here.” She took another sip from the mug, finishing all the liquid, “Are there any happenings in the world?” She asked Sunrise.

“Well, the Griffonian Empire has forced the Republican forces to surrender along with the River coalition,” Sunrise said, “That Eagleclaw Griffoness really knows what she is doing.”

“Yeah…” Flurry said, If only it had happened a month earlier, Flurry thought, “I think, I am going to go take a bath while I drink this tea.”

Her aunt laughed, “Now that,” Sunrise put down her paper, “Sounds relaxing,” She went back to the paper, “I’ll let you get right to it, goodnight Flurry.”

“Night Aunt Sunrise,” she said, cringing slightly as her mouth said the word ‘Sunrise.’ Flurry walked out of the parlor still levitating the teapot and the empty mug in her magic, and maybe a nice book too, with some of those candles Mom sent me.

As she walked back down the hallway, she barely noticed the guards behind her and their rifles ready to shoot her if she tried to run, if she even could run.

She put the teapot, with its still steaming liquid down on the bathroom counter, she mixed some soap in the warm bathtub water, Now where did I put that book? She thought as she turned around.

She spotted it on her dresser, There you are, she reached out with her magic and levitated it over to her.

She shuddered as she dipped a hoof into the water of the bathtub. Everything, all her stress, anxiety, melted away as she laid back she reached out to the mug and took a sip of the smooth and calming tea. She breathed in the air and aroma of the scented candles. She began to reach out to her book with her magic, but found it unresponsive.

Flurry was about to question it when she heard a, “Hmph,” at her side. Flurry’s eyes burst open at the unexpected sound. They were both drawn to the fiery Empress currently looking at the Flurry Heart.

“E-Empress!” She stuttered, “I Uh… wasn’t expecting you,” Flurry kept on stuttering as she tried to speak and cover herself.

“Oh spare me niece,” Flurry’s mouth shut on its own accord, “I have found your mother in more-“ she stopped herself, “Are you having trouble sleeping?” She asked the mare in the bathtub.

Flurry nodded meekly. “I ran into Sunrise and she told me,” she took a step forward towards the mare in the tub, “You should’ve told me,” her horn lit up for a brief second, then Flurry felt tired, really tired. “I have removed the block in your mind, and I apologize for that, I must’ve placed it there by mistake,” Daybreaker smiled, “Now you might want to get out before you fall asleep from exhaustion.”

Flurry collapsed in her bed as the Empress waved goodnight to Flurry. After getting out, drying off, and cleaning up the bathroom, she was on the cusp of passing out. The door then shut behind the Empress, who had stayed to help her. Flurry closed her eyes, the last thought passing through her brain before falling into a deep sleep being, I guess she’s not so bad.

Hearth’s Warming Eve, later that Year

Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor breathed a sigh as they entered the empty dining room in Canterlot Castle. They’ve both been mentally preparing for the worst possibilities since the Fall of The Crystal Empire. Cadance looked at her husband, “Remember, whatever happens, stay calm.”

The first few days after the war had been the hardest. Her injuries she sustained in her duel against Daybreaker were numerous; she was drained of magic, had both of her wings dislocated, and had broken various bones along with three of her ribs.

As Cadance was bedridden, Shining Armor led the Empire to the best of his ability, under the constant surveillance of his own Sister’s agents. If he was actually permitted to make any decisions that is. He and his wife knew that their independence had been quashed under Daybreaker’s hoof. Any decision must go through either Sunrise Sparkle, or the Empress herself. The Crystal Guard and army had been disbanded, and much of the senior military staff had been placed under house arrest, replaced with solar loyalists. Various Statesponies were also either imprisoned or forced to join the Solar ranks. But what could they do? The alternative, if they were to refuse? Their ponies would be worse off under the direct rule of Daybreaker. The only thing they can do now was to make the best of a bad situation.

But then there was the matter of their daughter.

They both agreed, long before receiving permission to visit their daughter, that the most likely possibility was that she had been turned into something akin to Sunrise. It was hard to imagine their daughter, the heir to the Crystal Empire, a loyal drone to Daybreaker, and her Empire. There was nothing else that terrified them more.

“It’s our daughter Cadance,” Her husband replied in a hushed tone, “She should’ve been with us. Not her.” The royal couple looked around the empty room before Shining Armor looked back at his wife, “How’re your injuries, are any of them acting up.”

Cadance shook her head, “No, not right now anyway,” she sighed, “I just want to see our daughter.”

They waited in silence for the next hour or so, they had arrived early, according to the palace guards, and were quickly ushered into the dining room. I was hoping we would be able to see our daughter, Cadance thought, But I guess that won’t be happening. Cadance leaned into her husband as they sat at the table. Closing her eyes.

“Hello my dear,” Cadance opened her voice and looked at Daybreaker. “I hope I am not interrupting anything?” She said with a sarcastic smile.

“No,” Cadance sat back up, as did her husband, “my Empress,” She forced out of her muzzle. “We were just waiting for you to arrive.”

“Ah, I see,” she went to the chair in the middle of the table, directly next to Cadance, and sat down. “Your daughter and my student should be arriving shortly,” Daybreaker smirked in return.

Behind her were both Sunrise and Flurry. Sunrise gave a wry smile to Flurry. Flurry, for her part, looked completely surprised and dumbfounded, “Flurry…” Cadance and her husband stood up from their chairs. Her eyes… Cadance thought, They’re still normal, She felt elated, ecstatic, and completely relieved, She’s still my daughter…

“Mom! Dad!” Flurry practically jumped into her parents and pulled them into a hug, “When did you guys get here?”

“Flurry…” her dad sputtered.

“Can’t… breathe…” Cadance said in between grunts.

“Flurry,” The Empress said, “Please release your parents, I would hate it if they pass out before the meal is served.”

Her daughter immediately let go of her and her husband, “Uh… sorry, mom… sorry, dad.” She said sheepishly, “I just… wasn’t expecting you guys to be here…” she made her way to her seat across from her parents and next to her aunt, “seriously, you guys should write more.”

“We um…” Cadance turned to Daybreaker.

“What,” she said as if she was being accused, “I didn’t want to ruin the surprise.”

Flurry’s aunt gave a small laugh, “Perhaps you should have told them that Flurry didn't know,” Sunrise looked at Flurry, “Maybe they would’ve had a chance to prepare.” Flurry also chuckled a bit.

Sunrise Made her way to her seat at the right of the Empress and sat down. “How’s the North?” She asked, “Good I hope.”

“It is still in reconstruction,” Cadance replied, “But we are grateful for the supplies that have been sent to us.” Cadance looked at her daughter, “How’s Canterlot?”

“Oh…” Flurry said with a wave of her hoof, “It took some getting used to, but I think I got the hang of it.”

“Ah,” Daybreaker said as the servants walked in with platters, “it seems our food is here.” Daybreaker lit her horn, all the glasses in front of the ponies filled up with wine, save for Flurry’s which filled up with cider. “I would like to propose a toast.” She picked up the glass with her magic, as did everypony else at the table.

“To your family,” Daybreaker nodded at her niece, who nodded back in return. “Finally reunited.”

Cadance couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t help but think there was something wrong with her daughter. But she couldn’t put her hoof on what was wrong. Maybe it was the fact that everything was just so right.

She knocked on the door in front of her. “Come in,” was the immediate reply.

“Ah, dear Cadance,” Daybreaker said as she put down her book, “I had a feeling you might show up. Is there something you would like to discuss?”

Cadance walked into Daybreaker’s, formerly Celestia’s, chambers, not much had changed, “Yes, about my daughter,” Cadance answered.

“You wish for her to return with you to the Crystal Empire?”

“You… you’ll allow it?”

Daybreaker smirked, “No,” she levitated the boom away, “Her being here ensures your loyalty to me.” Daybreaker watched as Hope faded from Cadance’s face, “But you already knew that.”

Cadance‘s head fell as her hope fell, “I just want to know what you did to her,” She walked closer to the Empress, “I know you did something to T-... Sunrise,” She quickly corrected herself, “But I can’t tell what you did to my daughter.”

“Have you tried asking her?” Daybreaker raised an eyebrow, “Perhaps she has an answer?” Cadance could tell that Daybreaker was being sarcastic.

“I already asked,” Cadance replies, “but she refused to answer”

Daybreaker smirked, “I was wondering what the spell would do,” she said to Cadance, “the spell isn’t as complex as what I did with Twilight Sparkle,” Daybreaker stood up, “But it is just as permanent.”

“What did you do?”

“Oh,” Daybreaker mused, “I just put a set of rules in her mind, rules that she must always follow.” Cadance felt rage building up in her, “Oh don’t worry though, her personality is untouched. She is the same filly from a year ago.” Daybreaker smirked, showing off her sharp teeth, “But should you rebel against me, she’ll be compelled to kill herself.

The rage was replaced by fear. Cadance’s expression hardened as to not show any emotion, “We won’t rebel. I’ll give you my word.”

“Good my dear niece,” Daybreaker cooed, “then we won’t have a problem.” Cadance grit her teeth.

“Can I or my husband stay down here at least?” She asked, “To be a part of her life, more than just a few days out of the year?”

“Perhaps,” Daybreaker put her hoof to her chin, “If you behave, that is.”

Cadance was numb as she hugged her daughter for the eighth time that minute. “Hey,” Flurry said, “You’re starting to make it hard to breathe mom,” Flurry said with a smile, “Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll get to see each other soon.”

Cadance let go of her daughter, tears welling up in the mother’s eyes. “I know, it’s just that… well… everything…”

Flurry rubbed the back of her head and laughed a bit, “Yeah, well… huh… yeah…” Flurry stepped forward and hugged her mom, “I love you, mom.”

“We love you too, Flurry.” Shining Armor replied as he walked up behind his daughter. Flurry turned around and embraced him with her hooves.

The train’s whistle went off.

“Well, Looks like we have to go,” Cadance looked back to her daughter. “We’ll see you soon,” Cadance said as she boarded the train, her husband wasn’t far behind. Cadance turned back and saw Daybreaker and Sunrise both at Flurry’s sides. Cadance turned back and went inside her and her husband’s private train car.

“So,” Shining said, “What now?” Cadance turned back to her husband.

She looked down at the floor of the train car, “We do the best we.” Cadance said grimly, “We have no other choice.”

“And Flurry?” Shining Armor asked his wife, “What about her?”

Cadance sighed as the train lurched forward, “I… talked to the Empress last night,” She looked at her husband, “Flurry will not be harmed as long as we stay subservient.”

“That doesn’t sound like a life,” Shining sighed.

“But it’s all we have.”

Author's Note:

This story is actually based off of an Equestria at war playthrough I did a while back, so I am using its timeline to the best of my memory, if an event is impossible in the mod that occurs in the story, please tell me so I can fix it.

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Edit 5/22/2023
Just went back through and added some stuff, fixed some minor mistakes and some other inconsistencies.

If there are any more errors, let me know in the comments!

Comments ( 18 )

Why do I torture myself with stories with bad ending stories?

Anyways, nice story, favourited

When your story has a dislike 10 minutes after posting, like, really? How can you read that fast?

Thank You!

What path did you went with Daybreaker?

The Middle one (Empress-Mother)

Ok, never played the mod(no pc so no hoi4 and no eaw :( ) but know some of it. It was a nice story like how Daybreaker was evil yet still had some good in her

This should be much longer but is still great

You wanted more?!?!

Of course, this could be fleshed out into a much longer story following the various perspectives and good or bad ending shown the continuation of the fight after the fall of the Crystal empire. But no worries, well done

I am thinking of doing one with Luna, Jet Set and Grover VI

I really enjoyed this. I liked how Sunrise still has some parts of Twilight inside her. Also Flurry and Cadence's dilemma, having to choose between following Daybreaker or dying for the cause was really well written.

Do you plan on making a sequel?

It's been up for months, and no one told me that I had accidentally left the description at the bottom of the story! Geez, I feel embarrassed!

Equestria at War is dear to my heart because it was what introduced me to My Little Pony and inspired me to start watching the show.

And i don't know why, but I'm really fascinated by stories like this. Where the bad guy wins and there is just an atmosphere of utter hopelessness looming over everyone. I can't explain it.

Awesome job. Goes to the favs. :)

Bad Guys winning, is my specialty...

Well that was depressing

this is really amazing, I want to know what happened to Luna.

This is the type of villain that I like, she's really intimidating, cruel and ruthless but not completely insufferable bastard, she still saw the benefits In granting mercy and showing benevolence to her victim.

The fact that she decided to re-educate Luna, allow Thestral to stay around and spare Candace's family is my favorite, she does 'evil' not because she simply evil but rather because she thinks she is doing the right thing for her ponies.

Oh twilight...
Let the day no longer have its hold on you
let imagination's grace guide you to your true self

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