• Published 9th Jul 2020
  • 1,400 Views, 51 Comments

Moondance Game - BattleCat311

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Party Time

‘Nock, Nock.’ Moon Dancer put down her book with her telekinesis and walked over to answer whoever was knocking.

She had been training her magic since she woke up this morning and now she was able to pick up most lightweight objects. If her stats kept improving like this she could start levitating the couch while sitting on it soon.

She didn’t really need to but the idea of reading while being rocked by her couch was too appealing a goal not to strive for. Keep your flying carpets she’ll make do with a whole flying couch.

‘Nock, Nock, Nock’ The knocking became louder and more frantic as she opened the door to see a manic and frantic lemon heart pounding on her door. Minuette and Twinkle shine were behind her and both looked rather nervous.

“Moony! You’ve got to help me. I have to plan and execute the Nightmare Moons welcome Party by tonight! All the other party planers are gone. I can’t find anyone to help me and i….i wahh..” Lemon's heart fell into Moony arms starting to tear up as she began to break down from expectations.

Moony wrapped her arms around Lemon Heart and looked to the others for some help with what was going on. She was entirely confused about what was going on.

Minuette elaborated. “ Princess Celestia’s asked Lemon to plan a welcome back party for Princess Luna AKA Nightmare Moon.”

“Ok, but why Lemon? She’s good and all but there are supposed to be senior staff for that kind of thing.” I asked. It didn’t make sense that the princess would ask her specifically. She was good but still new to the party planning gig. It would make far more sense to just have the senior staff handle it.

“Because the others are traitors!” Lemon Grumbled under her sweater. Still crying fat frustrated tears.

Minuette Glared at Lemon before rolling her eyes and explaining further. “They went on vacation during the summer sun festival and none of them will be back for another few days. Especially now that they heard the party is for nightmare moon.” Minuette explained what she heard about around the castle while doing her maid duties.

Twinkle shine looked just as nervous as Lemon as she spoke. “And if the party doesn’t go off without a hitch then Lemon could be blamed for it, then she’ll get a reputation for making bad parties and never get hired again!” Twinkle had to have her mouth clamped by Minuette before she made Lemon Heart burst into tears again.

“None of that now. I’m sure if we all pool our strengths and work together we can make the best party in all of Equestria. Moony will you help us. I know you're still recovering but any help would be preferable right now. ” Minuette was the leader of the little group. She had looked over the problem and figured that they would need Moonies help in the party since she was so knowledgeable on the old times and an extra horn never hurt.

She really would have preferred to have just let her rest this one out but they were desperate.

“Ok, what do you need me to do?” Moony asked them as lemon Heart finally let go.

“We need help deciding on a party theme, getting the party supplies, and distributing the Party invites. Twinkle said she’d chip in the food with a little help from her company and Minuette said she can run over to get the supplies.”
“What do you have in mind so far for a theme?” Moony asked. The idea of not helping never even crossed her mind.

Minuette said “Well I thought a night theme would be a no-brainer, but lemon shot it down. Twinkle thought a really old-time party would be best but Lemon said that might upset nightmare moon even more if people acted like they were from the old days and got it wrong. And a modern party would just confuse some pony that’s been trapped in the moon for years.”

Moony rolled the ideas over but she really was not a party planner. Some of the human's memories were helpful but human parties were a bit different compared to High-class parties. The human mainly preferred going to mosh pits and raves so his experience wasn’t useful here.

“Um, then why not compromise? Use darker themes for the princess and use some old styles with New games and refreshments. I’m not sure but Isn’t a gothic store by the castle that should have some dark oldy time things you could use?”

The Trio looked at Lemon heart who was now stuck in a ‘The thinker’ pose as the gears in her mind were running so fast that they were expecting steam soon. A small trail of smoke coming out of her ears as she contemplated color pallets and dining options.

She burst from her pose and grasped every pony in warm guys. “Thank you, girls. This means a lot to me. I know I was falling apart there for a moment. But I know that if we work together we can pull this off and not be sent to the moon if we fail.”

She looked so confident and strong at that moment that we didn’t have the heart to tell her that no pony just gets sent to the moon like that.


[Fete of the year.]

[Your friend Lemon Heart is in desperate need of party supplies and a good baker. Gather all the items.

{0/10 Party supplies]

Reward – Increased reputation with Lemon, Twinkle, and Minuette. 20 Bits. Stat crystal.

Failure -Broken hearts. Massive Decreased reputation with Lemon, twinkle, and Minuette.

Bonus Objective- Sweet treats.

[Finish with enough time to make it back to the castle to help out with the baking.]

[Increased reputation with???]

[1 Gatcha token]

[Cake recipe]

While Moon Dancer wanted to stop for a moment to process the fact that she now had a reputation system and that her game was far more precognitive than before. She simply didn’t have the time.

By her calculations, she only just had enough time to get all the supplies she would need and make it back to the castle. If she ran that is.

Moon Dance hated running. Given the choice, she’d rather walk or take a cab to wherever she needed to go. She was selected lazy like that.

But all the cabs were busy this time of night and running was the only way to get to where she needed to go. She supposed that as a silver lining she could gain a stat point in VIT. At first, she had assumed that running would improve her dexterity. However, it seems that the constant pace she was running at was more of a vitality enhancer.

Moon Dancer nearly ran past the Shop she was heading for. She sheepishly turned around and entered the shop.

The Gothic Pony

Moon dancer wasn't proud of that phase of her life. Dying her hair purple and black, donning deep eye shadow, and wearing leather had done nothing more than giving her friends a laugh. It had been ridiculous in hindsight. Only wasting her time and money on acting out in such a bad way it could be called Cliché.

Still, she had been a metalhead for long enough to get to know some of the people that ran the Gothic Pony.

At the sound of the doorbell ringing, the bored receptionist at the front counter looked up. She was a gray pegasus with a black mane and even darker lipstick and eye shadow. All Dyed and coated like almost everypony else in the shop. She even had a few small strands of pink in her tail that she had not yet dyed yet.

“As I live and breath? Little Moony? Is that you?” The mare at the counter said as she excitedly hopped out of the counter and up to her.

“Hi, Cotton Jin. It’s been a while.”

“A while she says. Filly you up and disappeared one day. We’ve been really worried something had happened to you. Why Spirit Song’s done no less than ten divinations trying to check on you. So far my favorite prediction was the one where you were executed for smuggling away some of princess Celstias cake.”

Moon Dancer's apology stalled in her mouth as she burst into a fit of giggles.

“OK, OK. I’m really sorry I didn’t come around. I was….dealing with some stuff. Didn’t have a lot of time to come to the concerts or the shop. But I’m here now and I need your help.” Moon dancer pleased.

Cotton raised a brow in surprise but quickly hopped back behind the counter of the shop. “Alright Moony, what do you need?”

“I need a wagon load of party supplies. One of my friends is hosting a party for a…. well, I can’t really say who it is just that they're really old and really into the whole night thing. So I had the idea that I could use some of the gothic decore you have around here for decorations.”

“Hmm, not a bad idea Kido. Let me get you our typical party supplies and maybe I’ll throw in the latest album by the Barbed Horn if you're still interesteeeddd.” Cotton said with a smirk, knowing that the band had been one of Moonie's favorite when she used to come around the shop. The sweet draw of melodic metal a tempting offer.

Biting her lit Moon dancer sheepishly nodded her head as they walked around the shop and picked out the various things they would need for the party. She bought deep violet table sheets, Crystal Cups, Lights that glowed with a dim but far-reaching light, Torches, flanges, and anything else that caught her eye.

She wasn’t exactly sure what Princess Luna would like a party so she mostly stuck to Cotton’s suggestions as the gray-ish pony filled her cart full of things to spice up the party.

[9/10 Party supplies]

Glancing around the show with a detailed eye moon dancer tried to come up with anything else that might make the princess feel just a little more welcome.

Out of the corner of her eye, Moon dancer spotted an old tapestry filled with depictions of a village under the night sky. Vague shadowy pony-shaped wisps flew around the dimply lit village that was illuminated by the moon.

[Tapestry of Dim Shade – This tapestry depicts the village of Dim Shade as it was a millennium ago. A populated Thestral village whose main staple was mushrooms and hunney.]

I was perfect. Moony was sure that either Lemon or Minuette would know the perfect place to hand this.

Moon dancer and Cotton loaded everything up onto her cart. Struggling a little as there were too many items bulging out. But they managed to try them all down with some work.

Cotton rang up Moonies bill and moony had to stop herself from flinching at the 800-bit price tag. That was a lot of money. Especially for her misery sensibilities. But she unhitched her pouch anyway to pay for it all.

As moony realized that she didn’t’ have many bits her mind flashed to her inventory screen where she realized that she still had money there. Moon dancer discreetly used the system to withdraw another 500 bits and smiled at the happy sound of coins in her pouch.

Mabey all that time grinding hadn’t been for nothing after all?

Satisfied with her purchase and promising to see Cotton again Moon Dancer began the long uphill climb to the castle.

[Due to a strenuous and exhaustive activity you're raised your VIT by 1]

[Due to a strenuous and exhaustive activity you're raised your STR by 1]

[Due to a strenuous and exhaustive activity you're raised your VIT by 1]

[Due to a strenuous and exhaustive activity you're raised your STR by 1]

Huffing and puffing as she cleared the servant's pathway through the castle and into the courtyard where the party was going to be Moon Dancer beelined to a pitcher of water and drank down the whole thing.

She wasn’t really all that exhausted thanks to her new gains. Plus it was nothing in comparison to the hard track from yesterday. But there’s nothing quite like a tall glass of cold water after some hard work.

Moments later Lemon Drop zoomed-in beside her wearing a light gray business suit and It was a professional style but whoever tailored It certainly knew what they were doing since it fit her figure to a T.

“Moony thank goodness you’re here. Twinkle needs some help with the baking can you give her a hand?” Lemon checked props from her list and looked over the party supplies. “ Oh, dear. Where did you find such oddities? I especially love this old silken tapestry it’s positively medieval. Great job Girl.”

Mooned dancer blushed at the praise and turned her head away to hopefully hide it under her main. The smirk on lemons head told her she had failed.

“Thanks. I’ll just go and help Twinkle then, Do you need any help setting any of this up?” Moon Dancer asked as she started to pull gothic tablecloths and bright silverware from the cart.

Only to have lemon drop shoo her away, “Dear heaven no love. I feel bad enough asking for your help only a day after you collapsed. I just feel awful about it. So let me hand the preparations here. Minuette should be back soon from delivering the letters soon so I will have some help soon. Now shoo. Shoo, I say.” Lemon playfully shoved her away from the cart and towards the kitchens.

The Canterlot kitchens were said to be some of the best in the world. They were also fairly large due to the sheer number of people that it needed to feed every day.

According to ‘Canterlot Castle builders eye’ and ‘Greatest architecture of the last millennium Canterlot castle didn’t originally have a kitchen like this. It had a small wood-burning furnace that was used mainly for the princess's use and some employees. However, as more and more people started to work in the castle and plans were being drawn to add a wing for visiting dignitaries to stay in. A new Kitchen needed to be designed to feed all the new traffic.

So it was decided that one of the smaller ballrooms closer to the ground level would be designed into a kitchen. The planers spared no expense and designed the best kitchen they could, Latter chefs adding in new Cooking gadgets such as microwaves and stoves. Everything you could need to feed a castle full of people.

When it was fully active Moon dancer was sure it would be a sight to behold.

But with all the chefs gone and no one in the room, it felt hollow and slightly creepy.

The sound of pans clanging and chopping drew Moonie over to the sight of Twinkle Shine rushing around from table to table, grabbing, preparing, and cooking at an exhaustive pace.

“Do you need any help?” Twinkle shot up off the floor with a shrill yell that bounced around the empty room. Tossing the bowl of whipped egg whites into the air. Moonie caught the bowl in her telekinetic grip before it could hit the ground, placing it gently down onto the counter.

“Oh Moon Daner, don’t scare me like that. You know I startle easily.” Twinkle said as she held a hand over her racing heart.

“Sorry, couldn’t resist. But do you require assistance?” Moony repeated.

She bit her lip and looked behind her at all the irradiance that still needed to be prepared. She was a pastry baker so baking a lot of food wasn’t an issue for her. But the time crunch and scale of it all was starting to make her a little frantic. She nodded her head and motioned for her to come over.

“I need all those eggs serenaded, the whites beet. The chocolate and flour separated, The vegetables chopped and the sugars and spices measured. While I deal with this can you get all those ready? I already have the recipe cards on the table just group them up please.”

Nodding moon dancer picked up a knife and the first vegetable to chop.

[Side quest- Measure the ingrediance]

[Help Twinkle by correctly measuring and preparing all the ingredients she needs]

[Reward- Bonus to cooking speed and Cooking buffs]

Agreeing to the quest Moon Dancer got to work sorting out all of the ingredients on the table.

As a for thought, she began to use [Focused meditation] to keep her centered on her work and make it go buy just a bit faster. It was a fine line since she wanted to get this all done quickly, but spreading her attention between too many tasks would lead to mistakes.

So while she measured out the ingredients in scales she was also magickly levitating the knife to chop the vegetables while also sitting flour into small Bowles needed for each dish.

The rest of the world faded away until she was done with all the chopping, sifting, mixing, and measuring.

[Due to a strenuous mental activity you gain + 1 Int]

[Quest complete- All ingredients measured with 99% accuracy]

[All cooking skills will be boosted and Food buffs will be more powerful]

Getting that extra little but made Moon dancer smile as she read over the skill.

With the amount of food, she now had to eat to compensate for the extra mass and energy consumption from her evolution, nutritiously dense but palatable cuisine would be preferable over her common oats. The tase of the Buffed foods was infinitesimally better than her common oats.

Running a hand through her head Moon Dancer pulled back her hair again as it escaped her ponytail and tied it into a high bun at the back of her head. Casting a quick spell to make sure she didn’t leave any hair left behind.

“Hey Twinkle, what's next?” she asked as she placed the last dish in place.

“Oh, oh, Um. Can you make a couple of brownies, please? I’ll handle the lava cake the cookies. I’m just finishing up these Fruit Crepes now. And great job Moon Dancer.”

Moon Dancer nodded and got to work preparing the Brownies. With her ability, these should be a breeze.

[Quest – Fete of the year – Complete]

[You’ve not only helped get this party together but helped out your friends when they needed you.]

[Increased reputation with the Candy Heared]

[1 Gatcha Token added to inventory.]

[Rare Cake recipe added to inventory.]

[+5 Stat point crystal]

[Level up]

Moon Dancer smiled at her quest screen before dismissing it. She could distribute her points later. For now, she had a handful of freshly baked brownies dusted lightly in powdered sugar and overlayed with caramel.

It would be a true wase if she dropped it since [observe] told her that this dish boosed a ponies running speed by a whole 10%. Mabey not much to someone like her but to anypony else who was a runner it would give them an excellent day.

Using her magic to hold two other dishes Moon Dancer placed them onto the set table.

“Waw Leamon Heart. You’ve really outdone yourself here. This Party looks beautiful.” The whole party gave off a soft calming aura. It was still festive and fancy but it wasn’t nearly as rambunctious as most daytime parties. The soft glow of the many lamps in the area made the whole thing really come together.

There were still a couple other ponies walking around, helping with the decorating and moving thing. Lemon heart came over, not even looking away from her list. She looked a bit tired from the stress but pulled through easily.

“Thank you Moony. This is all so very last minute but Minuette managed to convince some of her maid friends to help out with the party as well. It’s really helped. How is the baking coming along?”

“We should be done soon. Twinkle just needs to take a few things out of the oven.”

“Already? You two work fast. Again Thank you for all your help Moony. With all of us working together, then I’m sure we can pull this off without a hitch.”

“I know we can, Still, let's never do this again. Short notice parties are far too stressful to repeatedly atemp.” Lemon agreed wholeheartedly. They had managed to put together a good party at the last minute. She really hoped the princess liked it because if she didn’t her career would be down the toilet.

Moon Dancer saw that Lemon Heart was feeling a little down and worried. She didn’t know what to do. Should she give a pep talk? No, she was horrible at those. Should she try to help more? Nah everything already worked out great.

So instead she settled for wrapping Lemon heart in her arms and giving her as helpful a hug as she could.

Hugs, they don’t solve anything but they do make things better.

“Don’t worry Lemon heart, you put together this awesome party on a shoestring budget and on the fly. Celestia would have to be a complete idiot to overlook how much work you’ve put into this shindig. Your amazing Lemon Heart and don’t let anyone ever tell your otherwise, Even yourself.”

Lemon blushed at the praise, pretending to look over her list and notes to hide her blush.

But someone else noticed her blush.

“Tee, Hee, Don’t go hiding behind those notes of yours again Lemon. This whole thing would have been impossible without you.” Minuette said as she jumped onto Lemons back and hugged her from behind.

A purple missile soon found another pair of arms wrapped around lemon as well. Twinkle Shine humming to herself as she squeezed more air out of Lemon. “I don’t know what's going on but I’m not getting left out of a hug. Is this a Hug circle? Did we decide to become hippies? Oh, I should get my bongo drums?”

The trio laughed and giggled as they disentangled themselves from the hug. “Nah Twinkle, Where just showing Lemon Heart some much-needed appreciation. Princess….Whatever her name is should be grateful that we have such an awesome party planner for a friend.” Minuette said. Setting up most of the décor had been easy for her and her maids who handled cleaning around the castle. But it was Lemons touch that really pulled it together.

“Ehem,” The four of them turned their heads over to the seed a nervous-looking guard. He was shaking in his armor and looked rather pale, even with his snow-white coat. “I have a… I mean I was sent to …Um… I’m here to say that…”

Celestia POV.

I admit I might have been a bit over-eager when I asked Lemon Heart this morning to plan out a whole party for my bab…little sister luna. When I initially went to ask her I had assumed that the entire Party planning committee was still in the castle. It wasn’t till one of my regular maids had let it slip that one of the other maids had taken the day off so that they could help the understaffed planning committee that she had realized my mistake.

A staff of one mare.

I winced as ideas of what must have been going on in that pony’s mind when I asked her to plan the whole thing without the others. I knew she was a good up and comer who I wanted to give a chance to but this was too much to put on one ponies shoulders. I just hoped she didn’t have a Twilight Freak-out moment (Trademark Celestia).

I opened the doors to the party hall assigned for the evening expecting things to be in chaos. Mabey a few tables ready and a bit of decoration. But the actual reality floored me.

The Room was gorgeous.

The softer colors of the lavender lights offset the darker flowers perfectly. The table, cloths, and chairs looked like they were picked up straight out of Lunas coming of age party. With three rows of long tables followed by bench-like chairs surrounding a food table piled high with tempting treats.

The varnishing’s the tapestries, even the songs were old ones but updated for the current generation’s tastes.

“Remind me to give that pony a promotion.” She mumbled to herself. The guards next to her expertly not hearing anything.

I walked out into the party room and spotted Lemon heart who looked rather distressed as a Light-yellow Mare who looked so much like twilight for a moment, I mistook her for twilight before noting the small changes. The mare looked like she was mad about something and stormed off and out the door.

“Is everything alright my little pony?’ I smirked as Lemon Heart jumped a good foot in the air before twirling around and facing me with a surprised look on her face. That little nickname circling around the staff did have some merit to it after all. But how they derived Trollestia was still a pleasant mystery.

“OH, Hello your highness.’ Lemon placed a hand upon her heart and tried to control her heartbeat from the sudden shock. I smiled my kind motherly smile and spread my arms to sweep across the room.

“I must say I am impressed with your work. Even more so now that I realized that I assigned you to this without the help of your fellow planners. You have gone well beyond what I have expected. I am sure my sister is going to love it.”

“Um, that might be a tinny problem with that your highness.” She moved her thumb and pointer finger to indicate a small issue. Then burst back into motion as she said, “Princess Luna doesn’t want to come to the party.” She exclaimed while falling backward into a chair. A look of total exhaustion on her face.

I mentally shook my head at Luna's antics. She wasn’t the most social of ponies at the best of times and canceling her own party because she was feeling self-conscious was a rather typical Luna thing to do. If I wasn’t so happy that she was here at all I might have been annoyed at her. But just having her back was an immense relief.

“I’m sorry Lemon Heart. My sister can be a bit…shy. I know you worked hard to prepare for the party. Perhaps I can go talk to her and get her to show up anyway?” It was a bit of a long shot but if she dusted off some of her old blackmail (I.E baby photos) then she could get Luna out of her room.

Lemon Heart sighed with relief at the idea. “Thank you, your majesty. But I’m more concerned with all the work my friends put into helping me hear. Minuette and Twinkle needed to take the day off to help me and Moon Dancer ran herself into the ground getting all the party supplies and helping with the cooking just a day after collapsing herself. It would be a shame to just cancel the party and have all their hard work go to waste.”

The name Moon Dancer vaguely ran a bell, but she could not remember why. But even more impressive was the bond of friendship between these girls. They were such good friends that they went above and beyond to help Lemon Heart with her problem. But then her thoughts were derailed by what Lemon Heart said next.

“But you might want to hurry. Moon Dancer was kind of mad that Princess Luna wasn’t showing and kind of marched off to drag her here.” Lemon ended with a whisper and a wince.

That could be a problem. Luna was temperamental at the best of times and even in her present state she still terrified the staff. I tried to quell the information that she was nightmare moon incarnate but with Luna sequestering herself in her room since she got here it had been a hard rumor to squash. If a mare just walked into her room and demanded anything of her she would react….



Hanging my head in resignation that tonight was going to be ruined I marched myself through the castle and up towards Luna's room. Hoping that the side of the castle would still be left standing.

She really had hoped her sister had mellowed out. But It was too much to ask for. I didn’t like to think badly about my sister. I really didn’t but she could be such a melodrama queen at times. Her siter was all but blind to the fact she overreacted to things.

It would be a small miracle if Luna came out of her room now.

But what I saw as I peeked around the corner to Lunas room was so much more shocking and amusing than I could have hoped.

First, I noticed that the door to Lunas room was ripped off of its hinges and placed to one side. I’d have to make a note to enchant our doors to not have this happen again. The second thing I noted was that A screaming and still smallish Luna was in the middle of a temper tantrum as she was hauled into the air ass first as the yellow mare with the Purple and red hair lifted her with east over her shoulder.

The fact this mare was a Unicorn and not an earth pony as I had assumed was able to rip open a steel door and overpower Luna was impressive. Even if her baby sister was still in her teenage form she could still pack quite a wallop. That mares back would defiantly be feeling those thumps tomorrow.

I tried to suppress my laughter to keep them from hearing me as they passed by. Leaning against my Sun staff a little to the side as to not fall over from giggles.

“Unhand me you brute. I am your princess and I Command your respect.” Strangely Luna's shouting was only audible at the normal volume. I had expected that she would be using the full power of the Canterlot voice. A dull shimmer of energy near her lips was the only clue I needed to know that Moon Dancer must have cast a muffling Spell over my sisters’ lips. An impressive feat considering our magical resistance.

“No, you demand my attention. Now you are going to go to this party and mingle with the brown nosers for at least the next two hours. Lemon Heart worked hard to set this up and it will not be ruined by ……” As they walked away it got harder to hear them. But the unmistakable sound of an ass being slapped still reached my ears.

Oh were was a camera when I needed one? This was blackmail gold!

Sure, it was a bit concerning to see some pony dragging my little sister down the corridors. But I had enough planners, assistance, and guards who did the same thing over the years to myself. Seeing it happen to some pony else was fun on this end.

After I regained my composure I walked back towards the party. The sound of soft techno music made the walk pleasant and comfortable in the early night. I really should have started to head to bed but with my sister being back there was no way I was missing the party.

I didn’t need to be awake to move the sun. Being awake just meant I could optimize the sun's path over the equator to provide the maximum about of solar energy the world needed. But the sun would still do so If I slept. It would only be a lot more random where the full energies of the sun would go. I’d made a spell that allowed the sun to move on its own ages ago. It wasn’t perfect or anything but it kept me from needing to constantly move it.

The party hall already had dozens of party-goers moving to and fro as they mingled. A few date night couples were dancing on the dance floor already and those that had skipped dinner were enjoying the Buffet spread.

At one table in the room, Luna sat with a couple of her solar guards flanking her to keep any trouble down. Even with the mellow atmosphere of the party, it was still possible for some upstart to cause trouble. Mother knows it happened at least once a night for her own parties.

However, unexpectedly Luna was smiling as she talked with various ponies around her. From what I could hear she was explaining the origins of the music and the significance of the tapestry on the wall. Not the most interesting of topics but it was enough to break the ice as it were.

“Lemon Really deserves that promotion now.” The party didn’t go off without a hitch or two with her sister but all things considered, it was still a success in getting Luna out of her shell.

Name: Moon Dancer/ Da#$#
Tier 2
Level 5
Race: Unicorn/Bicorn
Occupation: The Gamer
Title: Stupid Genius.
STR: 10
VIT: 11
DEX: 7
INT: 15
WIS: 8

Author's Note:

I noticed that i made moony harp on twilight a bit to forceful, I'll tone down the "notice me senpai" vibes a bit. Thankfully their should be less angst in my story going forward and more leveling.
I'm currently planning out arks for each of Moon Dancers friends. This ark was a small Lemon heart ark.
I'm also considering having her interact with the princesses but that may be further down the line.