• Member Since 16th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Deus Foalt

Part-time foalcon enthusiast. I also enjoy editing stuff sometimes. I appreciate any support you can give me!

Comments ( 12 )

Nicely done! I love stories where Berry's a caring parent

Too you in make facesitting

Really nice to see such a wholesome story of mother/daughter bonding. It was a great read.


Thank you! This was my primary motivation for this one, aside from the whole wine-based concept. Wholesome filly lewds are what make the world go 'round, I say. Or at least mine. :rainbowwild:

I didn't know I wanted this so much until right now. I thought for sure the title was just referring to wine :rainbowwild:

Those are some good dreams for a filly to have.

“Ruby would have sweet dreams…but instead of dreams about cuddling and fluffy clouds, Ruby would dream of strap-ons and filly juice.”

So as I was reading I was trying to think about why I like your writing so much, and it’s because you capture the experience of sexy time, as well as the chemistry between characters, so well. And to me, those are the two most important qualities of a clop. The plot and characters generally pretty simple, but that ends up leaving room for these short bursts of character development, which somehow makes the interactions between the characters so much more intimate and memorable, and believable.

You also nail point of view. The stream of thought writing is narratively very well done, and always manages to pull me right into the characters minds, almost as if I was experiencing what they were experiencing. Which I realize is exactly the point haha

In SFJ specifically, I love the relationship between Berry and Ruby. At first, you kind of get the impression that Berry is kind of a creep (but like, in the clop sense, where it’s okay) but then as the story goes, you start to really feel the special bond she shares with her daughter, and her love for her as well, and of course, Ruby’s love for her mother. You get these glimpses of character that tell you just enough to get the most out of the action, so that it never feels cheap, or like clop for the sake of clop. I personally believe that this attention to the characters and their chemistry sets you apart from your peers. The sexual acts never feel like… like the characters are just randomly really slutty out of nowhere, and like there’s actual meaning to the sex. Like, everybody does cute, and sexy, but only you seem to do cute, sexy and meaningful. If that makes any sense.

The only weak points I would say are the general lack of setting, aside from a few props and general descriptions… but it doesn’t matter because those details aren’t relevant to the story being told, and honestly would only serve to pad it out. I’m honestly having a hard time finding anything to criticize about it, tbh. There was one sentence that I found a bit awkward, but I didn’t copy it like a smart girl and I couldn’t find it again so :rdshrug: . I think it was a word that I felt should have been italicized, for all the good that does you :P

So yeah. Tl; Dr it was pretty good ^^

By the way this is from someone who couldn’t get into lesbian porn like, at all, only two/three months ago

part 2: berry ties up ruby and gives her a fuck ton of "special ingredient" and leaves her there to fill up a bucket

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