• Published 10th Jul 2020
  • 1,414 Views, 4 Comments

Jealousy - kamijeceleek

  • ...

Doesn't It Burn?

Author's Note:

In which Sunburst is jealous and flustered, Starlight is seemingly oblivious, Maud is best wing-mare, and Trixie is greatly entertained.

In all honesty, even after he got his cutie mark back, Double Diamond made me uncomfortable, more so than anybody else from Our Town. I think it's because he was Starlight's enforcer when she was in charge. So when I wanted to write jealous Sunburst (because we get enough jealous Starlight), he was the natural choice for our nerd's rival. Not only that but he's something of an antithesis to Sunburst. Double Diamond isn't too bright, he's more athletic and extroverted, and he has much more experience with interaction. This is my personal opinion and you are free to disagree. I'm just saying he's a type of character who makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable and that's a type of character I tend to villainize in my stories. So forgive my treatment of him throughout this story but I really need to get this out of my system.

Also this started as a story where Stellar Flare not-so-subtly hints at wanting grandfoals. This definitely went in a completely different direction.

I rambled long enough. Enjoy this!

Adjusting to Ponyville was easy. It was a lot like Sire's Hollow in that it had a charmingly-rustic style with a hint of modern flair. Unlike there, however, there wasn't anybody trying to turn it into a museum or a shopping mall. Instead things were live and let be. Not to mention the fact that there were so many interesting things to see and do despite its small size. And Starlight was there. That was a huge bonus for him, not that he'd admit it. Why would he?

Come to think of it, where was Starlight? He hadn't seen her since breakfast with her and Trixie that morning. The three of them had a lot of time on their hooves with summer break right now and he'd wanted to do something with her.

"You're pacing and it's making Trixie dizzy."

He jumped a bit at the sudden intrusion into his thoughts. Trixie was sitting at the table in the library, eating a bag of cinnamon nuts.

"S-sorry. Do you know where Starlight is?"



Crunch crunch


"Can you tell me where she is?"

"She went to the train station. Somebody from her old village is coming for a visit or something. She told us during breakfast."

Okay, no more reading books during breakfast or you'll miss important conversations.

"I was hoping to spend time with her." Trixie gave him that smirk again. The one she gave him whenever he mentioned spending time with Starlight.

"Trixie knows. Trixie also knows that you need to buck up and kiss Starlight already."

Sunburst glared at the unicorn mare, who was unfazed and continued eating her snack.

"Any idea when she'll be back?"

As if to answer his question, the door opened and Starlight entered, followed by a white earth pony stallion that Sunburst didn't recognize. His mane swooped in that stupid style that had for some reason taken over younger stallions in Equestria and he had an air of... something.

"Welcome back, Starlight," Trixie greeted her. "Hi, Double Diamond."

"Trixie! Great to see you!"

Okay, his voice was so grating. What even was that speech pattern?

"Who are you?" the stallion asked.

"Sunburst. Starlight's right-hoof-pony."

"Vice head-mare," Trixie snickered.

"He's both," Starlight corrected with a smile. "He's also my oldest friend. Sunburst, this is—"

"Double Diamond. Nice to meet you, Sunburst."

He stuck out his hoof to shake and Sunburst reciprocated.

"I'm so glad to be in Ponyville again. I was here for Sugar Belle's wedding but I didn't spend that much time here."

"Well, there's a big party tonight to celebrate the first anniversary of Twilight ruling Equestria and she'll be coming back to Ponyville. I can't wait to see her again!" Starlight's smile made Sunburst just want to melt. Double Diamond's smile back at her made him freeze right back up.

"That sounds awesome. In the meantime you can show me around!"

"I'll come along, too," Sunburst volunteered.

"Trixie, too." He gave her a look of suspicion and she just giggled. "It'll be fun."

Trixie, you are the worst wing-mare in the world.

Maud wasn't at all surprised when Starlight, Sunburst, and Trixie came to visit her.

She was slightly put off by the stallion she didn't recognize, however. He was the color of chalk dust and he was standing by Starlight's side that was usually occupied by Sunburst. Not only that but Sunburst appeared... hostile. Hostile was not a word she like to associate with her friends, but the look the unicorn was giving the newcomer couldn't be described any other way.

"This place is great," Double Diamond (what an odd name if his talent wasn't with rocks) stated.

"I like it too. Starlight helped me set it up when I moved here." She tilted her head. "How do you know her?"

"I live in her old village. I have for a long time, ever since the whole cutie-mark thing started." Starlight bit her lip a little and Sunburst's glare at Double Diamond intensified.

I don't like him, either.

"Well, you should know it's partially my fault. I told her where to find that rock. But we're the best of friends now."

"Good to know!"

He was chipper, but not in the same way as Pinkie. This didn't feel earnest or like a love for life in general. It felt like a front that he was putting on. And more than any other trait, that kind of thing made her dislike someone. She had a dislike for dishonesty, you could say. Double Diamond was setting off her Maud Sense in the worst way and she wanted him away from Starlight as soon as possible. But if she was choosing to spend the day with him, it was her choice. Still, that didn't mean she was going to let the stallion get away with whatever he was planning.

"If you all don't mind, I'd like to join you for the day. Before we leave, though, Sunburst, Trixie, I need a hoof. You two stay here and they'll help me."

The two unicorns followed Maud, the former being incredibly reluctant to leave Starlight alone with the newcomer. However, once they were deep into Maud's home, she turned to face the two of them.

"Sunburst, I can tell you don't like Double Diamond. I don't, either."

"Really?" He seemed surprised.

"I'm not as obvious about it as you but it's not for the same reason."

"He's jealous!" chirped Trixie with a giggle. Sunburst's face turned red.

"N-no, I'm not!"

"You are," Maud confirmed. "I can tell. I prefer you for Starlight anyway. You really care about her."

"I do. And it's more than jealousy—something in his voice just grates on me."

"Good. We had better go join them."

If it weren't for Starlight, Sunburst would swear Maud was his best friend.

Unlike Trixie (who was treating all this as her personal romantic drama), Maud didn't mock him for feeling a teensy bit jealous. Instead, she helped reign him in when he started getting a little too aggressive. It helped that the entire town was preparing for Twilight's arrival and several residents asked for Starlight's opinion on things since she had been Twilight's pupil and the rest of the Friendship Council was away in Canterlot until evening. Double Diamond followed her like a lost puppy and overtook the conversation when he could.

When evening came and the guest of honor arrived, Starlight excused herself from the group and Double Diamond turned to Sunburst and Maud.

"I'm getting the feeling that you don't like me."

"You're right," Maud affirmed. "I don't."

"You don't seem... how do I put this... like you have the best intentions," Sunburst tried, keeping his jealousy tamped down for now.

"Listen, I knew her a lot longer than you did. Besides, aren't you the reason she went like that in the first place?"

"That's not—she's a different pony now. More like what she was when we were foals."

"I know, but I was her most loyal follower. I stuck by her until I found out about... you know."

"That she didn't remove her cutie mark?" Maud finished.

"Sunburst, you might be her right-hoof-pony now, but I'm looking to move to Ponyville. Maybe down the street from the castle."

No. Nope. Not happening.

Music came from the square as DJ Pon-3 began her set for the dance portion of the evening. Sunburst noticed Starlight had finished her chat with Twilight and was walking back over. This was his chance to talk to her. Unfortunately it appeared Double Diamond had a different idea in mind.

"Starlight, let's hit the dance floor!" he told her, taking her by the hoof.

"U-um, I don't... dance. I'm not comfortable with it." He turned to her in surprise.


"It's been a long time. I prefer to creature-watch."

"Or talk," Sunburst added with a smile. He saw out of the corner of his eye that Trixie had bought a bag of popcorn... and she was sharing with Maud as the two watched them.

"That's fine, then. I was hoping to be alone with you for a little while, anyway." Starlight let out one of her adorable giggles and Sunburst wanted to just hug her and never let go. "What's so funny?"

"I think you need to work on being more subtle about your intentions is all. I invited you because I wanted to become better friends, but obviously you thought I wanted to be more than that."

"Why wouldn't I want to be more than that? You're an amazing pony that anybody would be lucky to be with. I've liked you for a long time because you're beautiful and smart and I really want you to be my mare-friend."

Trixie gasped and Maud just blinked.

"Double Diamond... I don't feel the same way. You say you've liked me for a long time but you've never really gotten to know me. I'm not the same pony I was when we met. I've grown since then and we've barely interacted. So how can you say you like me that way?"

He opened and closed his mouth before turning quickly and heading to where Sugar Belle was talking happily with her husband. Starlight rolled her eyes, but before she could say anything to Sunburst she heard Ember call her name.

"I'll be back," she promised. "Sorry."

He suddenly felt a nudge and saw Maud behind him.

"I doubt he was the only pony to feel that way. If you really care you'll tell her. I'm going to go distract anybody who might interfere. Trixie, you'll help me."

"But I don't wanna miss it!"

"You won't."

The finality in Maud's tone sent a shiver up Sunburst's spine but he ignored it as Starlight trotted back over.

You can do this...

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" he blurted.

"Yeah, it is."

Good. Good start. Just don't put your hoof in your mouth.

"So, uh, that was awkward just now with... um... him."

What did I just say?

"A little." She gave him a confused look.

"I mean, he's been following you all day."

"It's kind of annoying, actually. Like I said, I wanted to try and make friends but he wanted a mare-friend instead."

"Well, he's not wrong about you being an amazing pony." Her cheeks turned a little pink.

"I'm not that great."

(He wouldn't notice them until later, but Maud and Trixie returned with Pinkie and Rarity and more popcorn to watch.)

"Starlight, you're the most amazing pony I've ever met, really. You have a big heart, and you're so smart and talented and beautiful that I can't believe I'm able to know you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean that I'm a nobody. Before the Crystalling I never accomplished anything noteworthy and even then I was a washed-up magic-school flunk-out who became a glorified foalsitter. Now I'm the vice-head-stallion of the School of Friendship, which I would never have been able to do without you. I almost lost you once and I don't want it to happen again because... because I love you. Even if I'm not nearly amazing enough to be with you at all."


"You don't have to say it." His eyes were on the ground. "I know you don't..."

"Who said I don't?" Sunburst snapped his head up, eyes wide as he stared at her.


"You are not a nobody. You're Sunburst, my oldest friend and somebody I've had a crush on for a long time. You're the royal Crystaller, a researcher, and somebody I can't imagine my life without. I love you, too."

His body moved of its own accord as he threw his forelegs around her neck and hugged her. She hugged him back just as tightly and then the fireworks show started. In the light of the exploding colors he could see her face and eyes, beautifully illuminated and creating just the perfect moment.

Do it. Now.

Leaning forward, his lips met hers.

A perfect night.

"So, wait, Momma fell in love with somebody else before you?"

"No, Dawnie, I didn't say that. I said somebody besides me fell in love with her."

Luster Dawn rolled her eyes in a perfect imitation of her mother.

"Did you ever love anybody other than Momma?"

"Nope. I fell for her as a foal and I never loved anybody else. At least, not romantically."


"What are you telling her?" Starlight giggled as she came into the room. Their filly (only five years old now) rushed over and climbed onto her mother's back.

"Papa said that he's loved you forever and ever and that another stallion tried to take you away."

"He tried, but have you ever seen anybody who can take me?"

"Princess Twilight."

"Anybody else who isn't a princess?"

"Nope!" Luster smiled brightly and Starlight laughed.

"All right, then, it's bedtime for little fillies."

"But I'm not tired!"

"Go to bed and I'll tell you about your aunt Sunset."


Luster ran off down the hall and Starlight turned to her husband.

"I would never have picked him over you. You know that, right?"

"Of course. You prefer the nerdy type anyway." He smirked and she snorted.

"That I do, honey. That I do. I'll put our child to bed and then we can go for some late-night research in the library with the new books from Twilight if you want."

"Yes. I want to."

"See you later, then. Love you."

"Wait, Starlight?" She turned and he quickly gave her a kiss. "Just one last one."

"I'll get you back for that."

With that, she was off to put their child to bed and he was off to start picking books.

Comments ( 4 )

This was a fun read! I don't think I've read a fic with Sunburst expressing any kind of jealousy before, so this was a breath of fresh air. Good job!

You know, part of me wants to screech "SENPAI NOTICED ME" but all I can really say is thank you. I do try to be unique from time to time, and I feel like we got enough jealous Starlight in Uncommon Bond.

Well this was a very interesting story and I've always loved the shipping between Sunburst and starlight they're very adorable with each other and I really like how maud and even Trixie try to help Sunburst to admit to Starlight that he is in love with her which he did and I do like that theory about luster Dawn is the daughter of Starlight and sunburst this was a pretty nice story keep up the good work

"He tried , but have you ever seen anybody who can take me?"

“Princess Twilight.”

Never knew Starlight had a backup crush. LOL.

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