• Published 9th Jul 2020
  • 384 Views, 4 Comments

Elysium's Shepherd - TheWingman

Luna was commonly known as the princess of dreams. But, she also has another charge: guiding souls to the afterlife. The latter wasn't easy for her.

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In the aether

Eyes hurting, form shivering, head spinning, a young filly started to wake up from what felt like a long nap. She struggled to get up as she still felt weak and her vision was still a blur. As her sight became more lucid, her mind would’ve welcomed clarity as to where she was. However, it only led to more confusion as her young mind tried to comprehend where she was.

It was an undulating void of varying forms of gray, like a thick cloud of fog and smoke. There were no discernable landmarks, no foliage, and not a single living soul to be seen anywhere. Roaming around, her panicking began to escalate. She desperately wanted to know where she was but found no answer. The only thing she could remember was falling through something wet.

“He-hello?!” The earth filly cried out, “Mommy? Daddy? Where are you?!”

Her breathing began to quicken and her heart began to beat at a pace unknown to her. She had no idea where she was and it made her scared. Where was she and where were her parents? None of what was before her made sense. No matter which direction she ran, she couldn’t escape, even as she heard voices calling her name.

Realizing there was nothing she could do, a feeling of despair and fear consumed her. Laying down, she began to cry for help from anypony. No matter how loud her sobs were, they went unanswered, not even a whisper. Soon, the voices became louder and more numerous in a maddening cacophony of words.

Then, a new presence started to become known. The filly didn’t know who or what it was, save for it resembling a deep shadow. It grew in size around her before it receded to a faint blue glow. Though the light felt mild and welcoming, the fear of the unknown still gripped her. Was it all a nightmare she’ll wake from?

“Fear not, young Honeydew,” A feminine voice called out, “I assure you that my intentions are benevolent.”

Honeydew turned around and her eyes were met with a deep blue figure, taller than she was, with a horn and wings. On her hooves and neck were obsidian jewelry that gave off an elegant aura. Yet, her tone was gentle in nature with the warmest of smiles.

“Is there something wrong, little one?” Luna asked, “There’s nothing for you to be afraid of.”

Still sensing Honeydew’s tension, Luna walked in front of her and sat down and removed one of her shoes. She reached her bare forehoof out for the filly to grasp. To her surprise, it felt warm with life. For a while, it put her at ease.

“Wha-what’s going on?” asked Honeydew, “Who are you?”

“Fret not, young one,” Luna smiled, “I’m Luna, princess of the night and dreams. I’ve heard your cries and I came to help.”

“Where am I?” asked Honeydew, “Is this a bad dream? Where’s my mommy and daddy?”

Luna’s smile grew to a frown as she rubbed her temples. She knew where she and Honeydew were and why. She had little idea of how to explain it all to a filly. With a sigh, Luna decided to explain as slowly as she could and with the truth, no matter how it’ll hurt. To her, it was better than a little white lie.

“Young one,” Luna sighed, “You are in the aether, a place between the living world and the spirit plane. It is a temporary stop for those who want to move on.”

“What do you mean?!” Honeydew panicked, “What happened to me?”

“I’m afraid that… you’ve been in a terrible accident,” Luna sighed, “You were camping with your parents and you wanted to go watch the river. When you lost your balance trying to cross it, the currents swept you away. I’m sorry, young one, I truly am. But, you didn’t make it.”

Confused, Honeydew took a few steps back as she nodded. What did all of it mean? She couldn’t understand what the moon goddess spoke about. Though she remembered the part with the river, nothing could be recalled afterward. Looking side to side, fear and desperation consumed her.

“Mommy! Daddy!” Honeydew cried out with teary eyes, “Please, help me! HELP!!! Where are you?! No!”

“I’m sorry, I truly am,” Luna approached the crying filly, “I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do. Much like your pet rabbit, Daisy… you have passed away. There’s no way for you to see your parents, I’m sorry.”

Still in disbelief, Honeydew’s sorrow grew as she collapsed to the floor a sobbing mess. In her mind, there had to have been some way to see her parents but her desperation pulled her away from the reality of her situation.

Attention pulled away by a blinding light, Honeydew’s eyes were fixed to a small cloud with light. It undulated for a time before a picture steadily came into focus. Her parents were huddled around a small wooden box with an open portion. In it was Honeydew, motionless, eyes closed, and smiling blissfully. That was it, Honeydew lost all hope and began crying harder.

“Honeydew,” Luna reached forward and gently pulled her in a comforting embrace, “I know you feel hopeless but I couldn’t bring myself to lie to you. I’m so sorry. What happened to you was an unfortunate accident that you were swept in. I wish I could do more to ease your pain.”

“I want my mommy and daddy!” Honeydew cried as she buried her tear-soaked face into Luna’s barrel, “I don’t want to be alone! I’m scared!”

“I know you do, dear,” Luna shed a small tear as she rubbed the back of Honeydew’s head, “But, some things simply cannot be changed. Even I’m powerless to change your fate. I wish I could.”

As she cradled the filly in her hooves, Luna felt a familiar emotion she knew during the vast years of her life, empathy. Even before her banishment, she grew an understanding of the emotions of others through her innumerable ventures into the dreamscape.

“Honeydew, I feel your pain,” whispered Luna as she rocked the crying filly. Honeydew’s sobs began to quiet down, “I wish to do my best to comfort you before I help you to the… last stop on your journey.”

“Wha-” Honeydew stuttered as she lifted her head to meet Luna’s, “What do you mean?”

“Well, I am the princess of the moon and dreams,” Luna said “However, those aren’t the only things I have control over. You see, in the times before yours, I was called by many a ‘shepherd of the dead’. Whenever one has perished, I help guide them to a better place untouched by sadness and strife.”

With a glow of her horn, Luna gestured to another cloud of light. A brief blinding flash gave way to a pristine landscape within an arch. Birds flying overhead, the clearest of blue skies, and the greenest of grass, it was like the most beautiful of paintings that came to life.

“This… is Elysium,” Luna smiled, “It is a place where those of good nature reside when it’s their time. It’s what some ponies refer to as a ‘paradise’, pure and unfettered by the strife of the living world. It’s a realm of peace. It’s nothing for you to fear.”

Honeydew, with sorrow steadily replaced by curiosity, approached the arch. Her eyes lit up at the sight of a world so pure, similar to the area near her home. As she reached forward, she was stopped in her tracks by a sense of apprehension as the portal fizzled out. Though she found the Elysian fields to be beautiful and pleasant, she was afraid to go.

“No.” Honeydew shuddered as she took a step back, “No, I don’t wanna go.”

“Why not?” Luna asked with worry, “Don’t you wish to go to a better place?”

“I don’t wanna go, Luna!” Honeydew buried her face in her hooves, “No!”

“Dear, I’m afraid you must,” pleaded Luna, “There’s nowhere else for you to go. All souls must move on.”

“No! I don’t want to be alone!” Honeydew began to cry, “My friends, family, I don’t wanna be without them!”

“Dear, I know you feel sadness for your loss, to leave those you love behind,” Luna reached out with a wing, “But you must understand tha-”

“NOOOO! Please, I don’t wanna go!”

Seeing the filly break down in such a manner struck something in Luna. Rooted in empathy, she too was reminded of her own loss over the years. Be it friends or family of her own, the pain was different yet familiar. Taking a few brief moments, Luna thought of a way to get her to calm down, even if it meant digging up old memories.

“Honeydew,” Luna sat down next to the distressed filly, “I speak the truth when I say that I feel your pain,” She draped a wing over her, “Much like ponies in a similar situation as you, they too felt scared to cross over. Some of them were even my own friends and family. Whenever I helped them cross, I felt heartbroken but I knew they would be in a better place. Sometimes, we all must let go.”

“What?” Honeydew stopped crying and looked at Luna.

“Yes,” Luna sighed, “Once upon a time, I had the bestest of friends and even a family of my own. Every single one of them, I’ve loved very much. As a princess, I knew I would outlive them and thought myself prepared. I… I was not. Not a day goes by where I don’t want them back.”

Seeing the lunar princess shed a tear had a profound impact on Honeydew. Though she only saw her a few times in parades, she came to know her as a stoic figure, one who was strong. To see her feel sorrow, expressing emotions, was unheard of. Slowly, her barriers withered away and she warmed up to Luna.

“Miss Luna,” said Honeydew, “can I ask a question?”

“What would that be?” Luna replied

“Did you have children?”

For a moment, Luna paused in place as the memories of her sons and daughters flickered in her mind. Being a nigh immortal being came with a curse of outliving those she held dear. Having lived out a vicious cycle of marrying and remarrying after losing her spouses before her banishment, it became too much for her to try it all again.

“Yes,” Luna wiped away a tear, “A long time ago, before you were born, I brought my children into the world. I loved them all very much as a mother would. As time went on, they became some of the greatest heroes in Equestria. They made me the proudest mother."

"What happened to them?" The filly's question made Luna shed a small tear.

"They're in a better place now," Luna frowned, "They're all in the lush fields of Elysium. Now and then, I do wish to go visit because I still miss them.”

“You don’t look so sad.” Honeydew remarked, “Why?”

“Because of my memories of them, they’ll never be truly gone,” Luna said with a growing smile, “It’s part of the reason why you should move on because as long as you remember those you love, they’ll always be with you no matter where you go. No pony is ever truly gone, not even you.”

Honeydew did her best to understand what was said as far as her thoughts could go. In her heart, she felt that Luna had a point. She began to fear her perceived loneliness less than she used to. As she smiled, a small bit of doubt kept her from going further, moving onto paradise. It didn’t escape Luna’s notice and she knew what to do.

“Honeydew,” Luna placed a wing on her shoulder, “I can sense you still feel uneasy but I’ll make you a deal.”

“What is it?” answered Honeydew.

“If you promise to cross over to Elysium, I’ll read you a bedtime story.” Luna answered back, “I know a great many of them.”

“You will?” With a glow of her horn, Luna levitated Honeydew and cradled her in her hooves, “Which one?”

“One about a brave young filly,” Luna answered as Honeydew got comfortable, “If you ever feel sleepy, feel free to shut your eyes. I promise by the time you open them, you’ll feel right as rain.”

With a smile and a yawn, Honeydew curled up in Luna’s hooves. The sight of which made luna crack a brighter smile. It was a cute sight that made her nigh-immortal heart skip, reminding her for holding her foals in her hooves. However, she had a responsibility to help guide the soul to the other side.

“Here we go,” Luna sighed, “There once was a little filly that lived in a small village. The village was beset by an evil enchantress. Day by day, night by night, she would emerge from a mountain nearby and bring misery and hardship upon the villagers, stealing their love. All lived in fear of her… except for the little filly. She stayed strong and positive through and through. Eventually, the other villagers looked to her as a beacon of hope.”

“What did she do to the enchantress?” asked Honeydew.

“Soon, the filly grew tired of the enchantress tormenting her village,” Luna answered, “With her courage, resolve, and the love of her village strong, she confronted the evil enchantress alone. Soon, they were face to face. The enchantress wore an amulet that gave her immense strength and allowed her to steal love. Despite her being more powerful, the filly never backed down, nor did she show the slightest amount of fear.”

“Did she win?” Honeydew yawned.

“The amulet worn by the enchantress had an effect on the filly,” nodded Luna, “Due to the love for her people, the amulet amplified her love and allowed her to defeat the enchantress and show her the error of her ways. Immediately after, she was approached by the great guardian who was impressed with her bravery. As a reward, she was given immense magical powers to protect all she held dear. She returned to her village and became their leader, protector of all under her wings.”

Looking down, Luna saw Honeydew, fast asleep and snoring quietly. She couldn’t help but smirk at something she saw as cute. With Honeydew pacified, she had an opportunity to take her to Elysium.

With a glow of her horn, the arch’s portal reopened, revealing the green fields of Elysium once more. Lifting Honeydew onto her back, Luna walked through the portal as she felt a calm breeze brush against her fur. Eyes closed, she sighed at a pleasant feeling.

Looking around, she found a solitary tree near the most colorful of flower fields that rivaled Canterlot. Taking a second to marvel at its beauty, Luna walked under the tree and gently set a sleeping Honeydew on a soft patch of grass, gingerly brushing her mane with a wing.

As she hummed, she thought about how one’s life was cut short, never being able to live it out and grow. Many times she had helped guide such souls to the afterlife and it was never emotionally easy. But, with the knowledge they’d be in a realm free of suffering, it wasn’t as painful.

“Such a tragedy that one so young won’t be able to experience life.” Luna sniffed, wiping away a tear, “Sleep peacefully, young one. You didn’t deserve this fate.”

Author's Note:

Well, I thought this was a rather emotional tale. Had to take a break from writing this at some point to collect myself. Anyways, I hope you like this and if you like it enough, I can make it into a series where Luna starts back on that duty when she returns from her lunar banishment.

Comments ( 4 )

Beautiful story!

This was beautiful

This story fucked me up in the same sort of way Jenny Jinya's "The Loving Reaper" comics did. The breaking and building... inspires tremendous sorrow and bittersweet joy.

It's weird not having to blink due to a constant stream of tears.

I only discovered her work sometime after writing it. Her works are beautifully tragic.

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