• Member Since 17th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago


I'm am an autistic brony, looking to write fantasy and everyday life novels for my kind. I became a brony when I related well with applejack and twlight, and I love the show.


This story is a sequel to SonTavia, A Chance Musical Encounter

Today’s date was supposed to have just been Octavia taking Sonata to get some tacos from lunch, and go from there. From there...

Cover art and possibly proof reading provided by TheSleeplesBeholder.

Somewhat a sequel, but not required reading

If you’ve enjoyed, consider supporting me on Kofi$

*Dramatic readings are allowed, but please (can’t believe I have to say this, but you’d be surprised) please let me know at least when it is finished and where I can view it

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

I'll admit that this is overall somewhat difficult to assess. I think it's fair to say that not a lot happens here. What's different about any of these characters, by the end, compared to where they started? I don't see much of anything. Maybe Sonata's keen on switching up her diet, but the impression I got is that she's doing that more because the new diet involves doing stuff with Octavia, which is something Sonata clearly already does.

The point of that is that, to me, there's no particularly interesting journey or development happening here. Which isn't to say that there needs to be, but when you don't have something like that, the point of the story becomes more nebulous, because it isn't actually making much of a point.

So my guess is that the intended appeal of this story is the relationship between the characters. If this story were executed perfectly, it would be something to recommend to anyone who just wants to see two characters they like having a good time. Which is a fine enough thing to aim for.

Speaking subjectively, the characters don't do a whole lot for me. Sonata having a taco obsession, I think is tired and stale and was never all that funny to begin with, nor does it have any real basis in canon unless you consider her second and third appearances--which I found rather atrocious, so I prefer not to do that. So Sonata bringing them up, and that being a key impetus for the story's most important conversation, I found rather off-putting.

But, looking past that, I don't mind all of it. There was this exchange, for instance:

“Oh stop it, you!” Octavia giggled. “Anyways, if I know my girlfriend as well as I do, which I do! I’d say maybe-

“I am hurt!” Sonata put a hand to her chest. “That you would assume that just because my favorite thing to eat is a taco, that’s what I’d want!”

“So,” Octavia hummed, “you rather we go somewhere else!”

Sonata tried to protest, but with a huff, and growling stomach, she relented.


Putting aside the grammatical errors, I think this is a nice bit of banter. I wouldn't call it enormously original, but it's fine.

This line also stood to me.

“Sillier than dating a hundred year old fish who tried to take over the world?” Sonata deadpanned.

I liked it. Felt like it had more personality than most of the rest of the story.

But then, curiously, the story skips over a lot of conversation. Here, for instance:

Secondly, it was nice just the two of them alone, together, holding hands over the radio as they talked or shared whatever was on their minds or wanted to know if each other.

Again, my guess is that the biggest appeal to this story is the relationship and how Sonata and Octavia interact with each other. This moment comes across to me like this story wanted a particular conversation to start, but didn't know how to make it happen naturally, so it sort of handwaved all the buildup and just said that it happens. The strange part to me is that the conversation it wants to get to is about tacos and they were just talking about tacos a few paragraphs earlier.

And the basis for Octavia's question feels a little flimsy. This is subjective, I suppose; I do agree with her, that sometimes one particular instance of having a certain kind of food sticks with you for a while and makes you think of that food fondly. But, for me, I don't think of that as being the norm. Most of the food that I like is just... stuff that I like.

So Octavia wondering if there's a more sentimental reason for Sonata's liking of tacos felt like it came out of nowhere. And I can't help but feel like this story could have gotten a lot more out of the conversation it arrives at if it'd shown more care in getting there. As it is, we never even find out if Sonata does have anything like that; as soon as Octavia raises the question, we abruptly jump to Sonata turning the question around.

Then we have Octavia actually recalling some fond memories and it's... one paragraph of flat, bland dialogue.

“Well,” Octavia began, “I guess it was because it was served after my first concert recital.” She fawned over the memories. “It was part of a package deal with the concert along with all the other band kids. Of course, being a school recital, it meant the main course was little more than cafeteria food. So I guess the salad stood out more in my memory as my favorite part.”

And then we get Sonata's reaction to it, which is... strange?

Sonata looked to the ground. “You know, if you’re in the mood for a bit of preparation, maybe we could instead swing by the supermarket and pick up some salad making kits? I mean, it would also something we could do together when we get home?” For added effect, she rubbed Octavia’s hand.

Octavia turned to her. “You sure? I wouldn’t mind-

Sonata held up a hand. “You’re right. I think I am starting to turn into a taco. You better hurry and save me?”

This feels like a weird leap for Sonata to be making. Because Octavia's memory was about eating a salad; since the plan had been to go out for lunch somewhere, Sonata going straight to "let's make one at home" feels like it's missing a step to me. The justification of it being something they can do together makes sense, I suppose, but still rings a little hollow when they've done nothing but be together the whole story.

Then we get to another part where it just sort of skims over what sounds fairly fun.

The rest of their day was spent in Octavia’s kitchen, chopping, mixing, baking, laughing, smiling, and occasionally throwing food at each other. Although they kept the ladder to just the lettuce leaves so as to not have to waste time cleaning up.

I just find it sort of ironic that the story takes time to emphasize that the best part of the salad was making it together, and then it doesn't actually think that part's important enough to show in much detail.

So in conclusion, I just don't think there's a whole lot going on here. There's not much of a plot, so I think it'd be dependent on character, personality, atmosphere, things like that to make it interesting and memorable. And I just don't think there's much of it here. The dialogue and narration is quite bland, so there's comparatively little atmosphere or personality, and the characters make odd leaps that made their interactions come across as stilted and forced. On paper, I suppose the chain of events here is fairly endearing, but I think their depiction was fairly unremarkable.

Ah thank you 😊
And need to read through it all, but honestly, no. This isn’t meant to be a big story, just more of a slice of life, meant to happen, super short story that maybe some YouTuber would take a shot at reading.
Which is why, even if it was longer than the 3k word thing, I also recommend Taking Criticism, which dose have a lot more going on. Although, in a way, this was more of a warm up to my other Sonatavia stories (funny enough also, wrote this more to play around and do more with the ‘sonata tacos’ trope which, I admit, as much as I plan to still use it, irks me too 😓) And this bit of critique will definitely go a long way into making my future writings better, thank you very much for taking the time to go over this
If you’d like, I’ll give you an editors credit in the description ⭐️ 👍

This was some decent fluff for a follow-up. Hopefully, more stories with these two will pop up in the future.

“I was thinking,” Octavia said as she pulled away. “Lunch, then we could just hang out at my house. Parents are out for most of the day”

Period is missing at the end.

Sonata smirked. “Lady? Lady Sonata… Has a nice ring to it.

Missing a " at the end.

“Oh stop it, you!” Octavia giggled. “Anyways, if I know my girlfriend as well as I do, which I do! I’d say maybe-

Another " is missing at the end.

Octavia smiled. “Still,” she said as she made the necessary turns to the drive through Mexican restaurant. “One of these days, you’re going to turn into a taco.”

Lmao :rainbowlaugh:

With a shrug, they pulled up into the parking lot, and got behind the cars. It wasn’t necessarily a busy day, although the line was long enough where, if you had the choice, you’d much rather go inside to order. However, the two girls much preferred this way as, one, decreased the states from anyone who either knew Octavia’s parents, or anyone else that may have had issues with their relationship. Secondly, it was nice just the two of them alone, together, holding hands over the radio as they talked or shared whatever was on their minds or wanted to know if each other.

I think 'if' should be removed in that last sentence. Doesn't make sense with it there. :applejackconfused:

Octavia tapped on the steering wheel and looked away. “Um, well, it may sound silly-

" is missing once again.

Octavia raised an eyebrow. “You don’t think it’s strange I like some “vegetables’ over a greasy burger?” She cringed. “Then again, when you have an experience of telling Vinyl that and she calls it, ‘‘rabbit food’...

Another " is missing.

Sonata looked to the ground. “You know, if you’re in the mood for a bit of preparation, maybe we could instead swing by the supermarket and pick up some salad making kits? I mean, it would also something we could do together when we get home?” For added effect, she rubbed Octavia’s hand.

'be' should be added after also.

Octavia turned to her. “You sure? I wouldn’t mind-

Once again, a " is missing... :ajbemused:

“Not bad.” Sonata admitted after a third bite. “We should do this more often. Maybe next time, we can try making something like a taco salad if such a thing exists.”

It does. :ajsmug:

Mistakes aside, I enjoyed the story. :twilightsmile:

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