• Published 14th Jul 2020
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Extra Character Edition) [Season 6] - Mister E-Nonymous

The Adventures of the Mane 6 during season 6, with some extra characters.

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Episode 2: The Crystalling - Part 2

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Extra Character Edition) [Season 6]

Episode 2: The Crystalling - Part 2

The cry of the baby mixed with the Royal Canterlot Voice destroyed the Crystal Heart. Everyone was upset that soon the Crystal Empire would be lost in snow. Except for the baby, M.C. and Mutt. Mainly because the baby was just a baby, and M.C. and Mutt were trying to recover from the ringing in their ears.

"So... not only can we not take part in a fabulous ancient ceremony, but we're also about to be frozen solid!" said Rarity, nervously.

"Without the Crystal Heart's magical protection, the entire city's about to become a winter wasteland!" said Twilight in worry.

"But what about when King Sombra ruled the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Heart was missin'?" Applejack asked. "The city wasn't covered in snow then!"

"The Heart wasn't missing," Twilight said. "It was still in the castle. King Sombra had just hidden it."

"I'm afraid Twilight is correct, and the storm clouds are already forming," said Princess Celestia. She then used her magic to open the curtain, showing the storm coming in.

" I can totally fly up there and bust those puppies! No problem!" Rainbow Dash said, kicking and posing. Then she was about to fly out. But was stopped when the curtains closed.

"I wouldn't advise it, Rainbow Dash," said Princess Celestia. "Those storm clouds are not like the ones you know."

"This far north, the weather has a will of its own, and now it will only grow stronger, enveloping everything in its path," said Princess Luna.

"Including the Crystal Empire!" said Princess Cadance.

"And us along with it!" said Twilight. Everyone else got worried.

Nyx looked over at M.C. and Mutt and asked, "Are you two alright?"

M.C. and Mutt had their hands to their ears. M.C. then looked at Nyx and asked, "What?! I can't hear ya! The Crystal Heart wasn't the only thing damaged by the baby's sonic cry!"

"The baby's cry must've damaged their eardrums," said Shining Armor.

"Of course," said Fluttershy. "Foxes and dogs have one of the strongest sets of hearing out of all of the animals. They're sensitive hearing must've made it worse when hearing the Royal Canterlot Voice."

"WHAT?!" shouted M.C. and Mutt in unison.

Twilight rolled her eyes and said, "H'oh, boy."

Back in Sunburst's house, Spike was looking through the checklist while hearing the conversation of Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst.

"There's gotta be somethin'..." Spike mumbled, looking through the list.

I know Princess Twilight is keen on the two of us rekindling our friendship, but... it's been so long," said Sunburst to Starlight. " I don't see how anything on that list is going to help."

"I know, right?" Starlight asked, waving a hoof. "It's not like there's some spell that would magically compel us to pick up where we left off."

"Well, actually, there's several," said Sunburst. He then walked over to his personal library, pulling out a couple books. "Mistmane's Material Amity, Rockhoof's Rapport, Flash Prance's Fellow... ship..." He stopped when he looked at Starlight, giving her the fact that he was too focused on his studies. He then cleared his throat and said, "But I-I get the feeling the princess isn't looking for a spell."

Starlight chuckled and said, "Definitely not."

"Got it!" Spike said, getting the attention of both ponies. He then started reading that one thing on the list. ""And if all else fails, ask them to share an embarrassing moment from their past, maybe even something they regret!""

Both Starlight and Sunburst with shocked looks. Both of them gulped and then Sunburst said, "Uh, I don't see how that would help."

"Uh, yeah!" said Starlight, nervously. "We should just get out of your mane. It's pretty obvious this isn't going how Twilight hoped, and I'm sure you have plenty of important work to do..." She was heading towards the door.

"What?" Sunburst asked confusedly. But then he remembered that he had to keep up his cover for his long lost friend because that's what she thinks he is. "Oh! Right, yes, heh-heh! Uh, no rest for the wizardly." He picked up a book trying to keep his cover.

Starlight then picked up Spike, who was wrapped in the list, and said, "Come on, Spike." She then closed the door, and part of the list got caught under the door.

The storm surrounding the Crystal Empire was getting worse. The wind was blowing in cold air to where the Mane 6, the princesses, and the others were at the moment.

"There must be a spell that can restore the Crystal Heart!" Twilight said.

"Perhaps," said Princess Celestia.

"But it isn't something that either of us know," said Princess Luna.

"The library here at the castle is nearly as extensive as the one in Canterlot," said Cadance as she handed off the baby to Shining Armor. "There's a good chance we can find something there!"

Twilight then asked the other two princesses, "Can you hold off the storm?"

"Yes, for a time, but even our magic will eventually succumb to the power of the Frozen North," said Princess Luna.

"We will do what we can, but you must hurry," said Princess Celestia, starting to fly. Princess Luna followed, then the two of them headed out and into the sky, using their magic to push back the storm.

Twilight was watching them fight the storm. She then turned her head back to the others and said, "I don't know how long it will take to find the right spell, but you should probably tell the crowd outside to get somewhere warm!"

"And try not to mention the Crystal Heart," said Cadance. "We don't want to start a panic."

"Yes, ma'am. C'mon, girls!" said Applejack. Then she, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy left.

"WHAT?!" said both M.C. and Mutt.

Twilight then got in front of M.C. and asked, "Can you hear me?!"

"Barely!" shouted M.C. "But I can read lips! What should I do?!"

"We need help on trying to find a way to fix the Crystal Heart," said Twilight. "I'm gonna need all of your help. The crystal library is enormous!"

"You can count on us, Twylie!" said Shining. The baby giggled in his grasp, and then teleported out of it, and onto Pinkie's face. She started freaking out, and trying to pull the baby off of her face, and accidentally throwing her. That surprised the rest of them, especially the parents. Nyx ran up to catch the baby, but the baby teleported away before contact. Shining then asked, "Where'd she go?!" Then the sound of the baby giggling could be heard.

"Sound wike she inside," said Guard.

"This way!" said Cadance, pointing towards the door. Then Twilight, M.C., Mutt, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Shining Armor, Cadance, Nyx, Joshua and Guard started running inside. Not only to find the baby, but to find a way to fix the Crystal Heart in the library.

Not noticing the storm, Starlight and Spike were walking towards the castle. Starlight was upset that her reunion with Sunburst didn't go so well.

"Well, Spike, looks like my biggest fears came true," said Starlight. "I wouldn't be surprised if Twilight decides to give up on me entirely."

"Aw, it's not your fault," said Spike, rubbing the back of his head. "I'm the one who said all we needed was this list." He then blew on the list with his fire breath. Let's just hope that the list doesn't go to Princess Celestia. Like this.

"It's not the list, Spike. Or you. Or Twilight," said Starlight, more upset. "I'm the one Sunburst doesn't want to be friends with."

"I don't remember him saying he didn't want to be friends," said Spike.

"He didn't have to say it," said Starlight, bowing her head in shame.

Spike thought of something to say to her, then he got an idea on what to say. "Well, Twilight obviously thinks you're worth being friends with! And I do too! Along with M.C., Mutt, Nyx and Joshua!" Spike then hugged Starlight, making her feel better.

That made Starlight feel better, and say, "Thanks, Spike. At least I have six friends, even if one of them has dragon breath."

Spike then blew out a puff of air and then he said, "Uh, that's not dragon breath. It's freezing!"

"Oh, you're right!" said Starlight, noticing that it was snowing. "But I thought the Crystal Heart was supposed to keep the cold weather out."

"It is..." said Spike. Then he got a worrying thought. "...unless something's happened! Come on!" Then the two of them headed towards the castle at a quicker pace.

Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy were trying to get the ponies to evacuate the Crystal Empire, but they weren't listening, and they don't know what's at stake.

"We're just saying that it might not be the best idea to stay outside!" Rainbow Dash announced.

" I camped out all night for this spot!" said an old crystal mare. "I'm not about to just give it up!" All the other ponies agreed with her.

"Still, when you think about it, the view is just as good a little further back, like... inside your house?" Fluttershy asked, but in response, the crystal ponies were complaining.

Then one pony wearing a vest and cap covered in pins came up. One of the pins looked like Twilight. Then he said, "The Crystalling ceremony is one of our most sacred traditions! And when that foal is held before the Crystal Heart, I plan to be as close to the action as possible!"

"Honestly, Ah don't know if there's gonna be a Crystallin'," said Applejack. "The truth is, the baby's an Alicorn and her magic's plum crazy, so you might not wanna be that close after all."

" A baby Alicorn? Wow, I can't wait to see that!" said the old crystal mare.

"Oh, those little wings are probably so cute!" said the pony wearing the vest.

" I know, right?" asked a pony that looks like he has two handlebar mustaches.

"Look, I am a hundred percent sure the Crystalling isn't happening," announced Rainbow Dash. Then beams of light from the baby were shooting out from the castle at random points.

"No Crystalling, huh?" asked the mustached pony. "Then why are they starting the fireworks show?" The crowd of ponies started cheering, making Rainbow Dash facehoof and going down to the floor in defeat.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Cadance, M.C., Mutt and Nyx were looking through the books while Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Shining Armor, Joshua and Guard were trying to catch the baby. The baby was giggling throughout the chase.

M.C. rubbed his ears, saying, "Hey, I think my hearing's coming back."

"Mine, too," said Mutt.

"That's good," said Twilight. "Keep searching for a way to fix the Crystal Heart."

"Young filly..." Shining said to the baby. "...come back here!"

"Come to your Auntie Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie called out to the baby.

Bridle Buck's Boat Chants, Hayhoof's Intonements, Mystic Maps and Mazes..." Twilight read the books that possibly didn't have the answer. She then groaned and asked, "Anything up there?"

"Nothing I can find, Mom," said Nyx.

"So, she finally started calling you Mom," said M.C. "At least she's now getting comfortable with it."

Twilight nodded.

"Sheesh," said Cadance, looking at the books. "I'm not even sure how these are organized!" Then the baby appeared on a shelf. Then the baby started to sneeze, blowing a beam from her horn to some bookshelves that was over Nyx's head. Nyx saw it, and Pinkie Pie grabbed her before she could be buried in books.

"Thanks, Pinkie," said Nyx.

"No problem, Nyxie," said Pinkie Pie.

"Shining Armor, I thought you were taking care of the baby!" said Cadance.

"I'm trying!" Shining called out, chasing the baby. He chased the baby into a corner, but the baby teleported to another path, getting away from Shining. Then she noticed Rarity and Joshua with a butterfly net.

"Gotcha!" said Rarity. But the baby teleported out of the way of the net, and continued flying in that path. "Oh! Or not..."

At that moment, Starlight and Spike came in to see the commotion. The ponies chasing the baby either slipped or tripped when trying to get her. Then a beam headed straight for Starlight and Spike, but they ducked just in time.

"What is going on?!" Starlight asked.

The baby was pulling Pinkie Pie as she asked, "You want the long or the short version?"

"Short?" Starlight said, unsure of herself.

Then quickly, Pinkie said, "The baby's an Alicorn and she accidentally destroyed the Crystal Heart, so Twilight and Cadance are looking for a spell to put it back together and save the Crystal Empire from turning into a giant wasteland of ice and snow."

"Oh," Starlight said, unsure as she and Spike got up from the ground.

Shining Armor was getting ready to grab the baby, but jumped too late because the baby flew up, and Shining crashed into Pinkie Pie, making both of them dizzy.

"That's gotta hurt," said Mutt.

Then Cadance found a book with gold outlines and symbol. Even had a keyhole. She gasped, flew down to Twilight and said, "What about this? Trotter's Tome of Reliquary?"

Twilight then took the book in her magic, started reading it, and said, "I think this is it!"

""Spell of Relic Reconstitution"! I can't believe we found it!" said Cadance, excitedly.

"It's a good thing, too!" said Twilight. "Without this, I don't know what we'd do!"

Then the baby teleported right to the pile of books between Twilight and Mutt, startling them both. She giggled, and the continued flying away, with Pinkie Pie on her tail. Then Pinkie Pie jumped on top of the baby, and pinned her. Then the baby fired a beam, heading right to Rarity. She deflected the beam with a hand mirror. Then the beam headed straight for Shining Armor. He deflected it with a magical shield. Then the beam headed for Starlight. She deflected it with a barrier, and it headed straight for the book, and burned a hole right through, making the others worry.

"Oops," Pinkie Pie said nervously.

Twilight then looked at the book and shouted, "That spell was the only thing we found in the whole library that was even close to what we needed!"

Starlight walked up to the group, saying, "I'm so sorry, Twilight!"

"It's not your fault, Starlight," said Twilight. "None of us were expecting any of this."

"Do you think you can remember the spell?" Cadance asked.

"I only read it through once!" said Twilight.

"Well, if anypony can exactly remember something she read for the first time two minutes ago, it's you, Twilight," Rarity pointed out.

"M.C. can do that, too," said Mutt. "He can remember everything, and never forget what he sees or reads."

"Sorry, Mutt, but I can't," said M.C. "I didn't have a chance to read that spell. This one is all up to Sparkles."

"I'll try. But I'm not sure how long it'll take," said Twilight. Then the wind started blowing through the hole that the baby made.

"Is quickly an option?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I'll help if I can," Cadance said to Twilight, then she turned to Shining Armor, saying, "but we should evacuate the city just in case! You need to lead everypony to the train station before the tracks freeze over!" She then levitated the baby onto her back.

"We will," said Shining. "But between you and Twilight, I'm sure you'll remember the spell." Then the two of them rubbed foreheads, and then Shining, Pinkie, Rarity, M.C. and Mutt ran out of the library.

Twilight then got out a piece of parchment and started writing what she could remember from the spell. She said to herself, "I only hope this spell is the one we need." Nyx and Joshua came up to her in worry.

"Is there anything I can do?" Starlight asked.

"I don't think so. I'm just sorry about your lesson," said Twilight, feeling sorry for Starlight.

"Oh, that doesn't matter now," said Starlight. "Sunburst and I don't have anything in common anyway. He's a big important wizard! And I'm re-learning everything I ever thought I knew." Starlight then put her head in her hooves and her elbows on the table.

"Sunburst?" Cadance asked. "I don't recognize the name, but if he's an important wizard, you should bring him here. Maybe he'll know what to do if the spell fails." Then she remembered. "Oh, wait. He was that one pony we met when he mistook M.C., Mutt and Joshua for new creatures. He needs to get out of that house more."

Starlight gasped and said, "Of course!" She then ran for the door to go and find Sunburst.

"You better go with her, Spike," Twilight said. Spike bowed, and followed Starlight. Meanwhile, outside, Celestia and Luna continued fighting the storm with their magic.

Starlight and Spike returned to Sunburst's house, and slammed the door shut.

"Sunburst!" Starlight shouted to the pony she called. "Haven't you looked outside?"

Sunburst turned his head towards a window and saw the storm. He then asked, "Snow? That's... not right. The Crystal Heart—"

"Is gone!" Starlight interrupted. "The baby – Shining Armor and Cadance's baby – it's another Alicorn!"

"Really?" Sunburst asked, getting excited.

"Really!" said Starlight. "And her magic is a little berserk, and well, I guess she destroyed the Heart! But Twilight thinks she can fix it and Princess Cadance thought you could help!"

Sunburst froze up in shock and then asked, "Me?"

"Of course!" said Starlight. You're an important wizard in the Crystal Empire! It just makes sense!"

"Right... right... right right right," Sunburst said, trying to stall. He walked over to his bookshelves and said, "You know, I'd like to help, I-I really would. I-I just have so much, um, important wizard work to do around here."

"Huh?" Starlight and Spike said in unison.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were still trying to convince the ponies to evacuate, but they were being really stubborn.

"Y'all can't stay here!" Applejack called out.

" Did I mention this was a Royal Crystalling?" asked the pony with a mustached. "When the crystaller holds the young one aloft, all of the Empire will share their joy and light, and the Crystal Heart will beat stronger than it ever has before!"

"It really is a moving ceremony!" said the pony with the vest.

"I really don't think it's going to happen," Fluttershy said.

"Come on, it's freezing out here!" Rainbow Dash said, trying to keep her body warm with her forelegs.

"Uh, this is the Crystal Empire. We've seen snow before," said the old mare.

"Not like this!" came Shining Armor's voice. Everypony looked onto the stage, and standing there was Shining Armor and M.C. "We don't have time to argue! Princess Cadance has decided to evacuate the city!"

The crowd gasped. Then the mustached pony said, "But the Crystalling...!"

"The Crystal Heart has been shattered," said M.C. That made the crowd gasp. "The baby used the Royal Canterlot voice when it cried out, and it broke the Crystal Heart to bits. Now there's no way to stop this storm and prevent the Crystal Empire to from being buried."

"It's not safe here!" said the old mare.

Applejack groaned and said, "That's what we've been tryin' to tell you!" Then all of them started running to the train station, trying to get out of the Crystal Empire before the storm buries it.

Then it went back to Sunburst's house. Starlight was trying to persuade Sunburst to come and help the Crystal Empire before the disaster succeeds.

"Sunburst, I know you're busy," said Starlight, "but did you hear what I said?"

"Oh, I heard you," said Sunburst, getting nervous, "but-but like I said, when you're an important wizard, the work just piles up."

"Sunburst!" shouted Starlight. Then Sunburst looked back at Starlight with a defeated expression, and sighed.

He took off his glasses, cleaned them with a handkerchief and said, "Look, Starlight, I want to help. I do. But I can't. I wish I could."

"What do you mean?!" Starlight asked, starting to get worried, and putting a hoof on Sunburst's shoulder.

Sunburst got upset, and said, "Fixing an ancient relic? I-I can't even come close to doing something like that!"

"But I thought you were an important wizard!" said Starlight.

That's when Sunburst snapped, "Well, you were wrong, okay?! I'm not an important wizard! I'm not even a wizard at all!" That made Starlight's and Spike's eyes shrink to pinpricks and Spike biting his claws.

Later, Mutt ran into Sunburst's house, his hat had snow on it.

"Starlight, things are getting hairy out there," said Mutt. "Everypony's evacuating the empire as we speak."

"We were wrong about Sunburst," said Starlight. "He's not even a wizard at all."

Mutt tilted his head and said, "Makes sense. I was guessing that he flunked out of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns when his sister, Sunset Shimmer, exiled herself into the other dimension."

"Wait," said Spike, confusingly. "How do you know that he's Sunset Shimmer's sister?"

"Family photo," said Mutt, pointing at Sunburst's family photo. Then Spike saw Sunset in the picture.

"Oh, okay," said Spike.

Then Mutt peeked his head into Sunburst's study, along with Starlight and Spike. Sunburst was still depressed that he revealed that he was a big failure.

"I know it's hard for you to understand, but not all of us end up achieving greatness," said Sunburst.

"What?" Starlight asked, confused. "Why wouldn't I understand that?" She sat on the stool on the opposite side of the table where Sunburst was sitting.

"Really? You're the protégé of the Princess of Friendship!" said Sunburst, starting to get angry. "I don't think she picks just anypony for that!"

Spike and Mutt leaned on the table, and Spike said. "Technically, she's more of a student than a protégé." Mutt then slapped the back of Spike's head. "Ow." He then saw Starlight's glare, and he backed up from the table.

"Whatever," said Sunburst. "I'm sorry I'm not the big important wizard you were expecting."

"Sunburst, I don't care if you're a wizard or not," said Starlight, sounding a little upset. "I'm just surprised. You always knew so much about magic. I mean, look at all these books!"

"Yeah, well, reading about magic is one thing," said Sunburst, getting angry, "but you don't know what it was like at magic school! To know so much and not be able to do any of it!" He slammed his left hoof on the table.

Starlight was trying to hold in her anger. But failed. She then shouted, "Well, you don't know what it was like to be left behind! And then getting so bitter that you steal the cutie marks from an entire village and then get defeated by Twilight and her friends, so you travel through time to get back at them, but they beat you again and teach you about friendship, but you're so terrified ponies will find out what you did that you can't make any friends!" She was crying at the end.

During Starlight's rant, Mutt was walking back into the living room where Spike was. And all of that was when Sunburst got dumbstruck. Sunburst then asked, "Did you really travel through time?"

Spike walked back into the room, elbowed Starlight and said, "See? I told you he'd be impressed."

Sunburst got out of his seat and said, "I'm sorry we lost touch. Maybe if I had reached out, you could have helped me at magic school, and I could have helped you to..."

"Not become totally evil?" Starlight asked, finishing his sentence. She then sighed and he chuckled. "Let's just say I know what it's like to have something you're not exactly proud of."

"When you showed up thinking I was some big wizard... I'm sorry," Sunburst apologized. "I should have told you the truth."

"It's fine," Starlight said putting a hoof to Sunburst's shoulder. "At least we worked it all out. I think Twilight would be proud of us."

"Well," Spike said, getting the attention of Starlight and Sunburst. He and Mutt were looking out the window where the storm was getting worse. He then said, "if you ever want to tell her about it, we should probably leave now!"

Starlight gasped in remembrance and said, "I forgot to tell you! They're evacuating the city! You need to get to the train station, unless you've got a spell here that will drive back the Frozen North and fix the Crystal Heart so the baby can have her Crystalling?"

Sunburst thought about it. Then he got an idea and said, "Crystalling...! Of course!" He then went over to his bookshelves and started looking through some books.

Mutt then got confused and said, "Why would the Crystalling... fix the..." Then he got a realization. "Oh, wait a minute. The Crystalling strengthens the Crystal Heart to protect it from the storm. So, if we do the Crystalling..."

"Then the Crystal Heart will be restored, and the Crystal Empire will be safe from the storm!" said Sunburst, finishing Mutt's statement.

"That's brilliant!" said Mutt. "I'll tell M.C. about this."

Back in the sky, both of the princesses were failing to hold back the storm. They were getting covered in ice.

"Push them back, my sister!" Celestia called out to Luna.

On the ground, Shining Armor and the ponies in the Crystal Empire were trying to get to the train station. He called out, "This way!"

Some ponies fell down, but the Mane 6 put them back onto their hooves. Rainbow Dash was trying to fly above them, but her wings were getting covered in ice. So she had no choice but to land and run with the others.

Applejack called out, "Just a little bit further, y'all! The station's just ahead!"

Then M.C.'s glove started beeping. He answered it, "What is it, Mutt?"

"We found a way to fix the Crystal Heart!" said Mutt on the communicator.

"You have?" asked M.C. "What's the solution?"

"You have to get all of the ponies back to the castle," said Mutt. "Sunburst said that the only way to fix the Crystal Heart is to do the Crystalling."

Then M.C. stopped, and then he faced towards the crowd, which all stopped.

"M.C.!" Shining said. "What are you doing?!"

"According to Mutt from this pony named Sunburst, the only way to save the Crystal Empire is to do the Crystalling!" said M.C. "We have to go back!"

Then both of the Princesses came down with a smile coming from Celestia's face. She then said, "I know of this Sunburst. He was an old student of mine."

Twilight was doing her best to rewrite the spell she was looking for, and Cadance was patiently pacing back and forth. Nyx, Joshua and Guard were watching Twilight rewrite the spell. Nyx and Joshua were keeping their hooves on the baby so she wouldn't fly away.

Twilight then said, "Uh, I think that's everything?"

Cadance took it in her magic, and read it over. She then said, "It looks right to me, but... there's only one way to find out!"

Twilight then used her magic to bring the Crystal Heart into the air, and then Cadance used her magic to help restore the heart. It was still cracked when they stopped, but it then broke apart.

Twilight was sad, and said, "The spell failed. I don't know what else to do."

Then the voice of Princess Celestia came in, saying, "An old student of mine believes he does." Twilight, Cadance, Nyx, Joshua, and Guard saw the rest of the Mane 6, Shining Armor, M.C., Mutt, Spike, Starlight, Sunburst, and the other two princesses walking back in.

Sunburst looked over at the Crystal Heart shards and asked, "The baby did this?!"

Twilight showed the spell she was trying to rewrite and said, "I tried putting it back together with—"

"The spell of Relic Reconstitution," said Sunburst, finishing Twilight's sentence. He then crumpled it up and said, "No, that won't do it." He then pulled out a book, "The Crystal Heart's been around for millennia. Restoring a relic like this is way beyond one spell. You need to combine it with something else. Something unique to the relic itself. Something that strengthens it and provides it with power...?" Twilight read the book, being confused by what Sunburst was getting at. Then she realized something.

"The Crystalling!" Twilight said.

"Combining that spell with the light and love of everypony gathered for the ceremony together with... Somnambula's Weather Abjuration to clear away the snow... ," Sunburst said, giving Starlight a book to read a certain spell on that page. "...and a little Fledgling's Forbearance for the parents..." he gave Shining Armor and Cadance a couple scrolls Cadance was holding the baby in her right foreleg. He then looked at the baby and said, "Heh. That should curb the little one's power fluctuations." The baby giggled and grabbed Sunburst's muzzle.

"When we first met, I didn't know you were a powerful wizard," said Cadance.

"Oh, I'm no wizard," said Sunburst.

That made Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity gasp in shock and Rainbow Dash asking, "What?"

"Kinda figured that when we met," said M.C. "You might dress like one, but a true wizard gets out of the house more and helps anyone with anything he can do."

"Yeah, that kinda makes sense," said Sunburst.

"But he studied magic his whole life!" said Starlight, supporting Sunburst. "You should see his house! And since nopony has any better ideas, what do we have to lose?!"

"Well, when all else fails," said M.C., "ya gotta work with what you got."

"I had planned on asking Twilight to be our crystaller, but since it seems like she'll be busy..." Shining said, levitating the baby into Sunburst's grasp.

"I'd be honored!" said Sunburst. The baby tried playing with Sunburst's glasses.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Twilight asked.

Sunburst looked over at M.C. and asked, "Do you think you can use your powers to hold the Crystal Heart in place until I install the next crystal?"

"Can, and will," said M.C.

Then most of the ponies left from under the castle, leaving only Twilight, Starlight, M.C., Princess Celestia and Princess Luna underneath. Twilight then used her magic to help bring the Crystal Heart back into it's normal form. Twilight was sweating during the process. Then Princess Celestia and Princess Luna used their magic to help support the Crystal Heart. Starlight read the spell she was reading, and started casting it at the Crystal Heart. Then M.C.'s hands started glowing with it's golden aura, and then he grabbed the sides of the Crystal Heart, helping keeping it in place, and the Crystal Heart was being held in the same golden aura as M.C.'s.

Outside, the crowd was excited for the Crystalling. The baby was giggling, and then Shining Armor and Cadance kissed the baby on the cheeks. Then the three of them connected the tips of their horns, all glowing, and then the baby was levitated into the sky in Sunburst's aura. Rarity then showed Sunburst the box of crystals, and Sunburst took the one on the far right in his magic aura.

He then announced, "Citizens! May I present the newest member of the Crystal Empire!"

The baby spread her wings, and laughed. The crowd cheered and all of the ponies were getting excited. Mutt, Spike, Nyx, Joshua and Guard were watching from the sidelines, watching the baby get a lot more love.

"Wow," said Mutt. "I'm feeling a lot of power from all of this."

"That's the Crystal Empire for ya," said Spike.

Then all of the Crystal Ponies released their love into the ground, like when they helped stop King Sombra the first time, and then Sunburst put the Crystal to the ground and then the Crystal absorbed the love. Then Sunburst ran back under the castle, and connected the crystal to the Crystal Heart. Then a huge burst of light started spreading across the Crystal Empire, giving all of those there give a crystal, yet Greek look. M.C.'s hair wasn't messy anymore, but looked more like he had the hair of Morpheus, the Greek God of Dreams. Even had a headband.

Then Starlight looked over at Sunburst and said, "For a pony who isn't great at magic, you did pretty well."

Then Princess Celestia said, "Indeed. I'm glad to see you've found a way to share your unique gift, Sunburst. You may be more of a wizard than you think."

Then Starlight and Sunburst looked at each other, and then laughed.

At the train station, the Mane 6, Starlight, M.C., Mutt, Spike, Nyx, and Joshua were getting ready to leave. Shining Armor, Cadance, Guard Armor, the new baby and Sunburst were there to see them off. But before they were going to get on the train, Twilight's and Shining Armor's parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, were there to see the new baby.

"You would not believe the crazy weather that delayed our train," said Night Light. "Came out of nowhere."

"But it was all worth it to see this peaceful little angel!" said Velvet, getting close to the baby. "Awww, so sweet! Come to your grandmare!" Then the baby reached over to her, giggling and wanting a hug from her.

"Yeah, peaceful now, anyway," said Applejack.

"I suppose that spell really did the trick!" said Twilight. Then the baby started inhaling for a sneeze, making the Mane 6, Mutt and the kids duck for cover from the sneeze. M.C. prepared to meet the blast, but the baby sneezed and nothing happened. Then everyone got back up.

"We have Sunburst to thank for that," said Shining Armor.

"I hope he takes his role as crystaller seriously," said Cadance. "Something tells me the baby will need a pony like him to look to for magical advice."

"Cadance, darling," said Velvet, "aren't we gonna name the poor little dear, or are we gonna spend our entire visit just calling her "the baby"?"

"We were thinking... "Flurry Heart"," said Cadance.

"You know, to remember the occasion," said Shining.

"Oh, goodness, how could anypony forget?" asked Rarity.

Then Twilight walked up to the baby, now known as Flurry Heart, and said, "I think it's lovely." She then kissed Flurry Heart's cheek. She giggled and wanted more.

Then it went to the conversation between Starlight and Sunburst.

"Well, I think you're the Crystal Empire's big important wizard, whether you like it or not," said Starlight.

"I don't know if I'll have time for any wizarding," said Sunburst. "I'm a crystaller now. That's a big responsibility."

"I can't think of anypony more qualified," said Starlight. "Just... promise you'll stay in touch?"

"Hm, like I'd ever lose touch with my oldest friend," said Sunburst. Then the two of them hugged. Twilight was watching them from inside the train car. She then went back inside, and gave off a sad face.

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Spike asked, getting her attention.

"I don't know, Spike," said Twilight, a little upset. "I think I have a lot to learn about being a teacher."

"What are you talking about?" Spike asked, confusedly. "Your lesson went perfectly! Starlight and Sunburst got over their past and rekindled their friendship!"

"No thanks to me," said Twilight. "I know a lot happened. I just wish I could have given my pupil the attention she deserves." She then looked at the seats behind her, and saw Starlight getting into a seat across from Fluttershy, who was sitting right behind Twilight.

"Well, I know she needed to be put on the right path," said Spike, reminding Twilight on what she needs to focus on, "but giving her the space to make her own decisions worked pretty well. Isn't that how Celestia taught you?"

Twilight though about that, smiled, and said, "You know, I never thought about it! But I guess it is!" Twilight looked back at Starlight, and saw her waving at Sunburst just as the train was pulling out of the station.

Then it went to M.C. and Mutt sitting across from Nyx and Joshua.

"That was a pretty interesting event," said Nyx. She then pulled a picture of her crystallized self, saying, "I still can't believe I got changed like everypony else. I mean, look how I turned out." She held out the picture.

"Yeah," said Joshua. "That was a good look for you. I wonder how the other Crusaders will react."

M.C. chuckled. But then he got a strange feeling, and he looked out the window. Mutt noticed M.C.'s strange behavior and asked, "M.C.? Are you okay?"

M.C. turned back to the others, and said, "I... I don't know. I just... felt something. Something strange."

"What is it?" asked Pinkie Pie, coming up to them with Rarity.

"It's not Sombra, is it?" asked Rarity.

"No," said M.C. "It feels... different. Sorta like the sirens, but different still." He then shrugged it off and said, "I guess we'll find out later."

Then it showed the outside of the train as it was heading away from the Crystal Empire. But unknown to those, there was a small, black speck heading towards the Crystal Empire.

Author's Note:

This was an interesting ending. M.C. sensed Thorax. Hopefully, this all turns out interesting for the group.