• Published 16th Jul 2020
  • 23,728 Views, 222 Comments

Creativity can be Delightful. - Creative Delight

Wishes can be strong, Creativity can make miracles. It was for a solar Princess and a human. What will this wish entail? All I can say is It’s going to be a Delightful Creativity.

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Chapter 3: A Delightful Announcement.

Chapter 3: A Delightful Announcement.

Celestia was walking down to her champers. She is glad to be out of the castle’s medical wing. There is a lot of things that need to be done. First, she needs to find Raven Quill, so tell her that she needs to prepare a room for a little filly, as well as to get books on how to raise the said foal.

Second, she needs to tell the public and handle all the uproar that comes with it. She knew that is going to give her a headache.

Third, she needs to find both teachers and foalsitter, as she would not have time for the little foal because of her royal duties, this saddens her little, but she was still more than happy.

She was now in front of the door to her champers. Two guards were standing outside the door. She looked at one of them,
"What's your name, my little pony?" She said with her motherly tone and smiled at the soldier.

"Dark Strikes, your majesty," he said

She smiled at him with her well-known smile "well, Mr. Strikes, can you go and find Raven Quill and send her my way. she asked the guard pony

"Right away, Princess," said Strikes as he left the side of the door.

Celestia opened the door to her chambers. The first thing she notices was the book that was lying in the middle of the room, 'probably left from when I lost consciousness,' she thought to herself.

Though she has maids that clean her room, they don't move anything as it may or may not be important. She closed the door behind her and picked the book up. The first thing she notices is that the book looks cleaner than it did before. She could read the name of the book this time.

'This is ord,' she thought, confused. She lifted the book with her magic and placed the text on the desk, wanting to read it while waiting for Raven Quill. She needed to get ready for the upcoming events that will take place in a few months.

Celestia was reading. She was utterly confused about the context of the book but more like what it was telling. ' the pony that made this book must had some screws loose or something,' she mused.

Her reading was interrupted by a knock at the door. Celestia popped her head up from the book, closing it on the process while marking where she left off for the next time.

"come in."

The door creaked open slowly with a soft tone. Greyish-silver coat and a purple maned unicorn mare walked into the room. She has a black feather and a scroll on both sides of her flanks. This was Raven Quill Celestia's right-hoof mare.

"Sorry for the delay, princess, but I was a little busy with other duties,"

"It is quite alright, Raven. I did call for you on your day off. I hope it did not interrupt anything," asked Celestia with a calm smile.

"On the contrary, you saved me. The foals can be a hoofful sometimes," said quill with a tone that sounded intelligent. She was a calm and collected mare for her young age, that is.

"did I now" mused Celestia.

"Well, I have some wonderful news for you if you have not heard it already."

"I don't think I have. What is this wonderful news?" asked Raven, a little puzzled by what she said

"then you may need to sit down for this one."

Raven moved over to one of the empty cushions and sat down.

“Alright, princess, so what is this Wonderful news?” asked Raven, now curious to what the solar monarch wanted to say.

“I’m Pregnant.”

Raven Quill froze in surprise at what she was just told. ‘WHAT!?!’ she screamed internally. Though the only words she could muster “w-w-what... but i... but... what?” she was very confused by what the princess has just told her, but then she went normal.

“Good one, Princess *giggling* you got me there” she then looked up at the princess, hoping there was the smile of victory that the princess always wears after a prank, but all she got from said alicorn was a motherly smile, the one she always wears that makes ponies feel safe. This makes Raven Quill go wide-eyed.

“Is it true, your not pulling my leg here.”

“no, it is true I am now with a foal.”

“I... Eh... I mean, congratulations, princess, but I am just confused and sorry if I go over my boundaries, but how?”

“Last I knew, alicorns can’t or could not get pregnant,” said Raven Quill.

“Calm down, Raven Quill, there is nothing wrong with being curious, but even I don’t know how or why. Only a hypothesis.”

“I was on the balcony looking at the moon when I heard something fall behind me. That’s where I found this,” – Celestia is holding the book in her magic, floating it towards Raven Quill. Raven took ahold of the book with her magic looking it over.
– “When I looked it over, there was nothing magical about it until I open it that's when I lost conciseness, and that’s when I wake up and” – she points to her belly – “this has happened.”

Raven Quill, still holding the book, looked back at the white alicorn, then back at the book contemplating the things she was just told.

“so let me get this straight... you just got pregnant from a *pff* a book,” Raven Quill burst into laughter.

“When you put it like that, then I guess so,” mussed the solar alicorn.

“Now, I least hope you know what I need you to do,”

“Sorry, sorry, princess, but it just sounded funny, but yes, I believe I know what you need. You would need books on how to take care of foals. I will also find a nanny for the little one for when you are doing your duties. Is there anything else you need?”

“Yes, I would also like to get a full magical scan from the mages. I need to be 100% sure that I am okay, so if you can set up a meeting, that would be nice. A nanny is a good idea did not think about that. We should also set up a time for a public announcement for this too.

“Right away, princess.” Raven Quill sat up from her cushion, bowed to the solar alicorn, and left the room.

The door closed behind Raven Quill with that Celestia was now alone in her champers with her thoughts. She looked at the clock. It was 2:00 PM ‘I guess an early lunch is in order. Now that I also have two mouths to feed, I guess I can eat a little more cake. That way, the little one can get an early taste for it’ She giggled at herself from the last part.

Celestia was walking down to the kitchen with a spring in her step, humming happily to herself. Then she stopped. She Stopped in front of a painting. Then a tear fell from the princess's cheek. This was the only painting of her sister after the incident.

“One day... One day, Luna, Then we can be even more of a family... I wish you could be here to watch the little one grow up. I guess I just have to take a lot of pictures and films too.” Celestia was now tearing up even more, but a growl from her stomach interrupts her. Sniffling a little, she uses her hoof to dry off her tears.

She was giggling a little. “What about that cake then,” she says to her stomach.

Celestia was walking down to the dining room, still a little winded of it all. She is both sad for her sister not being here and even more now that she is coming up with the little one, but also really happy that she can finally be a mother to little Creative Delight.

She was now in front of the door to the dining room. With a deep sigh, she entered the room, putting on her well-knowing smile. She sat down at the table, and immediately a waiter with a menu came out and gave it to her.

“Waiter, can you bring out the chef? I need to talk to him,” Said the white alicorn.

“as you wish, princess,” said the waiter. He then walked out to the kitchen not long after the waiter came back with the chef.

“is something the matter, your majesty?” said the chef.

“Nothing is wrong, Cheese Kettle. In these coming months, I would like some food that is best suited for ponies that are with foal.”

“as you wish, Princess. I will go and make a new menu fast, and I already have something I can make for you now. Should I make the dessert extra this time while I am at it?”

“Yes, please, and thank you.”

“No problem, your majesty,” said Cheese while bowing, leaving to the kitchen.

Celestia did not have to wait long for the waiters to come with a lot of silver platters. On them was a bunch of different food that she could take from.

After eating most of the food on the table, the waiters came back with new platters that obviously had her dessert on them and left, taking the other platters with them.

Celestia was in a bright mood looking at the sugary treats on the table. She was always a big fan of cake and other sweet goodness. Taking a big slice from the cakes and the other baked goods, she started to devour all the sweetness that now was in the room.

After a little while, she finished all the treats that were placed before her mercy but got non. She felt full and left the room but not before complimenting the chef for the excellent food he had made.

But as the alicorn was leaving, the door opened up for Raven Quill. “Princess, I am done with making arrangements with you Announcement. And they are ready for you now if you are. That and one of our mages are ready to do your deep magic scan as well.”

“Oh, thank you as always, you are too good for this job, but I am more than happy to have you here. that you got this ready so fast.”

Celestia meets with the mage outside the door, where he started doing his deep magic scan while walking down one of the hallways to the balcony. Just outside the door of the balcony.

“I do not seem to see anything wrong with you, your highness.” said the mage

“Well, that's a least one of my worries gone. Thank you, High Spark.” ‘Well, at least that is one of my worries now on to the next one,’ thought the white alicorn.

Celestia stepped out onto the balcony. She smiled, seeing the crowd of all the little ponies looking back at her. Though with a small sadness to her, she still smiled her best.

“Ponies of Equestria. I have some Joyish news. For you see, my little ponies, I am now pregnant with Equestria newest princess. I am happy to say this to you all, but it also means that I may not be able to do court in the same way as before, so in these coming months, I hope that you would think about what is more important for me to hear or what other authorities can help you with.”

After the shocking news got absorbed by the masses, most ponies started to cheer and scream. You could hear the different cries of the ponies. The likes of “Long live the princesses.” and “What joyish day to be alive,” “We all wish you both well Princesses,” and so many more.

Of course, there were some that were skeptical. And others that did not like this news, but also some that plans of how this filly could be used as a piece for their wealth.

After a little time, Celestia left the balcony and so started ponies to scatter.

With a tired smile, Celestia left the balcony. She was happy she both gets a family, but she also becomes the mother she wanted to be so many years ago. But as she already knows, alicorns can’t get pregnant, or if they can, no one knows how.

One month later

Celestia was sitting on her throne and was listening to ponies who either complained or needed help.

“I need your help, princess, with this very significant problem. You see, I need to get something built, and I do have money, but there is a building in the way. This building is an orphanage called playful. it is very much in the way for the extension to my house, and I would –”

“I need to stop you there. It is only a month since I said that you should think of something important if you have anything for court. Have you already forgotten that?” Asked the Alicorn with an irritated tone, it did not help with her morning sickness and her getting heavier from her stomach.

“But your majesty, it is very much important for –”

“SILENCE! This is not important at all. Actually, it is, as I now know, that you are not worthy of your title or riches. but are only a greedy and incompetent little fool.” She was getting angry. She could see that the guy must now be in a cold sweat.

“GET OUT NOW, OR I WILL THROW YOU IN THE PLACE WHERE YOU BELONG!” Celestia was angry at the audacity of somepony, even ignoring what she said even if a month had passed.

“Are there others that have matters like that?” asked the solar alicorn.

At least ten other ponies left the room. While the rest stayed hoping to get the much-needed advice while some also came to congratulate the solar monarch. This, on the other hoof, did make Celestia smile. Until the last pony.

As day court was at its final hour, the last pony came up and said something she would not tolerate.

“Congratulation, your highness. It is a very joyish occasion to live in this time where I hear the news of you getting a foal. And a filly non-the-less” – Celestia raised her eyebrow. – “And I would like to say that maybe we could arrange someone like your daughter to marry into some noble families. somepony like mine.”

this made Celestia angry than before and with her new hormones from her pregnancy.

“so you want to marry my daughter to your family before she is even born, even before she gets a chance to say yes or know, is that what you are asking?”

“y- yes, your highness, that is what I mean, yes” he felt like to room just got hotter.

“then I will say no. you want to take freedom away for somepony not even born. Are you even worthy of me, then who do you think your family is? They are not even worthy of my daughter other than when she chooses you. The court is done goodbye. I have tea and food ready for me, so have a natural day today.” she said.

After this day, non of the nobles would ask for an arranged marriage and even less for incompetent things. As they did not want to feel the wrath of not an alicorn princess, neither a mare, but because she was a mare that was with foal and was an alicorn. A combination that sounds like the worst monster of Tartarus.

Days went by with less trouble from the ponies. The court was held less and less with Celestia as the host and more with some trusted associates. As Celestia, though, was an alicorn so was stronger and could walk around longer, even in her late stage of pregnancy. Are still getting harder for even her.

Now with less than a month left. Both the strain from her physical condition but also from the anticipation of holding her daughter.

And so Celestia used her times to read in a room near the castle’s medical wing for emergencies.

3:26 PM 20/10/980 CE.

Loud screaming could be heard throughout the castle from its medical wing. In there was the solar alicorn giving her all. Doctors and nurses were there to help if anything went wrong. Outside the room was a pink alicorn just waiting for it all to end. And then the screaming stopped, and in its stead came the crying of a newborn foal.

The door opened up, and Cadence went over to Celestia, who was now holding the foal in her hoofs with a happy smile and tears down her cheeks.

“I never thought I would ever hold my own foal in my hoofs.” the white alicorn sniffled. Trying to get her tears out of her eyes.

the pink alicorn looked at the foal tucked in a little blanket, sleeping. “She is beautiful. Can I hold her?” asked the little alicorn.

Celestia smiled “of course, you can hold her like this” Celestia showed her how and gave her new daughter over to her adopted niece.

The foal opened her eyes, looking up at Cadence, then over to her mother and back to the pink alicorn. She then started giggling and making baby noises. “aren’t you just a cute little cousin.”

“that she is. She is my little Delight,“ – Celestia looked at her foal and smiled, tears starting building up ”aren’t you? My little Creative Delight.”

Author's Note:

I am so sorry for the delay of this story but I have been very sick and under high stress so this type of story was really hard to write on. But thanks To Star Sparkle talking with her I have now so much more inspiration for what I want to make for this story.

I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do writing it.

There is a difference between a nanny and a foalsitter. a nanny will also feed it with her own milk. while a foalsitter only looks after the kid.