• Published 14th Jul 2020
  • 4,729 Views, 30 Comments

You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile - WhalenJP

During the Pilot episode of Season 1, Something else happens instead of the Elements being used on Nightmare Moon; What if Twilight accidentally summoned a powerful demon from the depths of Hell, one that acts as a radio show host; and ALWAYS Smiles?

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Chapter 1

In the land of Equestria, in the light of the moon, was a forest…

It wasn’t a normal forest, mind you; but a forest nonetheless…

Inside the dense forest, the weather runs out of control without any assistance or manipulation by Pegasi; the woodland creatures that resided in it’s leafy embrace were larger and more predatorial than others…

But in the middle of the Everfree Forest stood the Castle of the Two Sisters; former home to Princesses Celestia and Luna, the rulers of Equestria.

The Sisters were a mixed race of Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Pony alike; dubbly named Alicorns.

They were immortal and lived throughout history from the very beginning.

But one night, the two Sisters had a massive fight that turned into an all-out battle…

For you see, one of the sisters; named Luna, felt neglected when her subjects began to sleep through the nights she created; and began looking towards her older sister like SHE was a goddess, leaving her behind and her nights forgotten.

Getting sick and tired of being in her sister’s shadow, Luna turned to dark magic while her sister’s back was turned…

She began applying the strongest magic she could into her body; growing more powerful with each spell.

But what she didn’t think about; was that it all came with a price…

The magic began affecting Luna’s psyche and making her go powermad.

During an argument with Celestia, Luna has had enough of hiding her power, of pretending that she was weak…

With a simple rune that was engraved in her chestplate; The midnight blue Alicorn transformed into a darker sense of self…

Nightmare Moon...

I guess you could say… the rest is history…

Ending in banishment by her sister using the Elements Of Harmony against Nightmare Moon; Luna’s new moniker, She was sent to her own moon for a thousand years…

And Celestia was left to rule Equestria… Alone…

Until now…

-------------- Present Day-----

Nightmare Moon materialised in front of Twilight Sparkle; cackling with mania as she smashed the Elements Of Harmony to rubble; feeling a great satisfaction that she was finally getting what she was owed by fate.

“ Your precious Elements Of Harmony are now useless!” The midnight alicorn began stalking forward towards the lavender Unicorn, “ I suggest that you give up. Lest you suffer the wrath of your Queen!”

Twilight Sparkle; student of Princess Celestia, snorted at the insane Alicorn; and lowered her own horn directed at the mare.

Nightmare saw this, and merely raised an eyebrow at the younger mare’s stubbornness.

“ You’re kidding… You’re kidding, right?” She said in slight disbelief.

This foal is gonna get herself killed! She thought to herself.

The Alicorn sneered and lowered her head with her longer horn pointed towards Twilight.

The atmosphere was tense in the Castle throne room; the two Equestrians stared each other down, not taking eyes off the other…

Then Twilight charged…

Nightmare’s eyes widened slightly in shock at the younger mare’s act of bravery before narrowing; then began doing the same.

The two got closer and closer to each other, and mere inches Twilight activated a spell…

With a bright flash, she disappeared, and then reappeared behind Nightmare; trying to reach the broken shards of the Elements Of Harmony.

Nightmare skidded to a stop and growled at herself for being fooled by a filly.

“ Come on, come on!” Twilight muttered under her breath in desperation as she tried to find the Spark that activated the magical artifacts.

Nightmare watched with slight amusement and slight dread; wondering if what the lavender filly was doing was worth all this.

A pity that she’s Celestia’s student, she would’ve made a fine apprentice. She thought to herself.

She began stalking forward towards the panting mare, Her lips turning upwards in a smug smile.

“ You are foolish!” The Alicorn declared, before lighting up her horn to fire a beam of concentrated magic.

Twilight whirled around, her heart leaping into her throat; fear filling her as she spotted what may be her imminent doom.

When Nightmare released the spell from her horn; Twilight’s eyes widened before her own horn activated.

She began thinking fast on what spell she may try to get out of the way of the Alicorn’s magic…

Twilight calculated the time and distance Nightmare Moon’s magic was covering, and realised she didn’t have enough to risk a teleport.

Instead; she did something else...

She fired a tiny beam of light magenta-colored magic, and the smaller line of magic collided with Nightmare’s head on.

In a large flash of light and air full of static, Nightmare Moon blinked her eyes to get rid of the spots in her eyes.

Twilight flew back and hit the ground with an ‘oomph’, her mane tousled and messy with ends smoking slightly.

Nightmare narrowed her eyes, spying a shape in the large cloud of dust...

Then she froze; her eyes widened in shock and a bit of fear at the sight before her.

Sitting on an old rickety table, was a large antique radio; it’s wood finish shining in the moonlight.

Twilight stared at whatever she did with confusion, and was wondering why the Mare In The Moon was staring at an old antique artifact with slight fear…

Then, as if on cue, the radio switched on; it’s vacuum grill letting out static as the mechanisms warmed up.

Slow jazz music began playing through the radio, causing the two mares to tense up as the atmosphere in the decrepit throne room grew heavy.

Twilight stepped back and away from both Nightmare and the radio, her gut feeling telling her that whatever she did wasn’t gonna be pleasant.

The midnight Alicorn’s pupils narrowed to slits as a voice came out of the speaker; the voice full of energy and upbeat personality.

“ Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I hope you are having a fantastic night on this glorious cesspool of ENTERTAINING Ponies!~”

Twilight tilted her head at the stallion’s voice coming from the radio; muffled slightly and staticky, but full of exciting energy.

" Tonight, for the first time in what may be the most entertaining show for CENTURIES!~”

Then the radio started shaking and sending off red static symbols that Twilight AND Nightmare recognised.

Satanic Runes…

The air around the shaking vintage radio shimmered and glitched like a broken screen in a five foot radius; and the two mares backed up slowly; one full of anger and dread, the other with curiosity and confusion.

The jazz music began to grow louder and louder, the grill speaker just about cracking due to the high amount of decibels.

Then… KABOOM!!!

The radio that was on the table exploded in a red fiery explosion, the shimmering air containing the detonation from spreading outside the 5 foot area.

Nightmare Moon felt her wings quiver and the fur at the back of her neck raised, and she began to slowly back away from the orb; her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

The orb of red energy began to shrink till it was the size of a softball, before it suddenly spread all around the throne room; obscuring the twos’ vision.

Then… in the middle of the room, was a 7ft tall lithe figure wearing a coat that went down to their knees; the figure’s eyes glowing a red brighter than the mist of energy.

Then the voice that came out of the radio, came out of the tall figure.

“ Well my darlings… I guess you could say...~” The stallion’s voice said, but more… CLEARER…

Twilight tilted her head up, and her violet eyes locked on to the blood red irises of the figure standing in front of her; looming over her shaking form.

He was wearing a dark red pinstripe coat that was unbuttoned to reveal the bright red dress shirt with a black bowtie sitting neatly beneath his neck.

A pair of red pinstripe pants covering his lower half; covering his feet were a pair of black dress shoes that were slightly pointed at the tip.

Twilight’s pinprick irises traced the bipedal’s facial structure, catching the deer ears and small antlers just about poking up through his red and black hair; as well as the oval monocle placed under his right eye.

The creature leaned over her, his red eyes darting all over her body as his grin grew wider; locking on to her fearful expression.

In his right hand was a microphone that looked straight out of the 920’s of CR, and it was glowing slightly with a menacing light red aura.

Nightmare stood behind and slightly away from Twilight and the lithe figure, her draconic eyes glowing slightly.

The Alicorn didn’t know what this feeling swelling up in her chest was… but after a quick search through her memories, Nightmare remembered what the word for it was...


She didn’t know how to deal with this emotion, since she never actually experienced it.

But now… She’s gonna get a crash course in it…

“ That we are gonna have a HELL of a time!” Said the Radio Demon, his permanent grin growing wider.

What Happens Next?...

Author's Note:

A/N: Hey Folks! I am back once again with ANOTHER FANFIC! This time I am making a short story about two of the greatest shows ( in my opinion) on Earth! Hazbin Hotel... And My Little Pony... I think I will enjoy this one...