• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 9,526 Views, 857 Comments

Blueblooded Bluebell - David Silver

That Prince Blueblood treats mares terribly. Luna takes matters into her own hoof to teach him a lesson, but it is she that learns something instead.

  • ...

33 - Situation Normal

And so their little adventure ended. They returned to Canterlot, where they belonged.

But that did not mean all was well behind them. Starlight was alone at last. Well, Night Gleam. Starlight? They frowned at their reflection in the dimly lit room. "That was fun..."

But was it who they were? They turned to head into the closet, thumping their head against a hanger that normally was over it. "Damned alternate bodies." They rubbed the sore spot lightly and sat. "What are you doing with yourself, Star?"

They had been rude too, to Twilight, to Spike... Even to Trixie if one thought about it, but Trixie wanted to be ruded to in that moment, so that was already forgiven.

"You saw a spell and you ran off with it..." Story of their life, really. "And now, look, the consequences of my actions." They gestured in the air despite nopony there to see it but themselves. "And... Wait..." They stood up and trotted from the room in a bit of a hurry. "Twilight?!"

Twilight looked up from her breakfast. "Hm?" She watched at the new stallion descended the stairs, almost tripping over themselves. "Are you alright?"

"No!" They rubbed behind their head, eyes darting fitfully. "I just realized, you don't have a stallion to mare spell, do you?"

"Not a spell I thought I'd need." It clicked. "Oh."

"Oh!" echoed the unicorn that was looking more frazzled. "Tell me Blue is still around."

Twilight pointed off into the distance. "Well on her way home."

Starlight or Night Gleam, they sank miserably to their belly. "Ya really goofed up this time," they beat themselves up with. "And you don't even have a single person to blame."

Twilight hurried over to her friend, setting a hoof on their back. "You're not alone. We'll handle this like any other crisis."

"This isn't a random monster, or a friendship problem." The confused unicorn got back to their hooves. "This is entirely a magic problem, and one I made up myself, go me."

Twilight nodded at that. "And one we will fix." A little smirk there. "Also, not the first magic problem we've run into. First step is not panicking."

"Not panicking... right." They let out a slow breath. "I'm... sorry, really. I saw a shiny new ball and had to play with it... Even when it was attached to me. I had a new toy and got right into it... and I was a lousy friend. I was a lousy pony. Sorry!"

It was a curious thing, hearing the stallion speaking otherwise just as Starlight would. That was Starlight, in the end. "Allow me to ask, am I speaking to Starlight, or Night Gleam? Both are welcome here, just want to be sure."

They slumped to their haunches. "I think I'm ready to go back to Starlight now. Not gonna lie... it was fun... but it's not me."

"We'll get you back." Twilight pointed to a door that hid the stairs going down. "We'll contact Blue when they get home and they can share the spell with me. You will, without trying to do so directly, force me to use the more complex version of the spell." She laughed a bit tensely. "I'll get to prove I'm just as good at least."

"Am I allowed to be Starlight?"

Twilight raised a brow, quiet a moment, but a smile came back. "According to Rainbow Dash, you, Starlight, are now trans."


"You are a boy, who would rather be a girl." Twilight gestured vaguely. "That's, wait, no. You're a boy externally who is very certain they, on the inside, are a girl."

"Because I am?"

"Then we're in agreement." Twilight nodded firmly. "And it is not unusual for trans ponies, I have recently learned, to take on the name of their aspiring gender. So, Starlight, I welcome you. Night Gleam is gone."

Starlight smiled faintly, looking so very unsure. "Thank... you, really... That is a little encouraging. Ugh, sorry!"

"Stop saying that." Twilight bumped against Starlight on the way past. "I'll get the spell from Blue as soon as they're home."

Fire cycled her hooves in the air, relaxing on the soft bed. "I can't wait until he gets here!"

Blue smiled at her clearly pleased servant. "You've taken quite a liking to him, I see. I trust the feelings are mutual."

"Better be," growled the demon, but her more gentle smile returned quickly. "He likes me, as me. No lies. No tricks. He likes little demon me..." She cocked a brow suddenly. "Technically that makes him quite the infernalist. Really, one ready to... Yeah, they would have burned a pony like him on the nearest stake they could find in the old days."

Blue recoiled at the idea. "Let us be grateful that this is not the 'old days' then. Unless you desire your paramour to be assaulted?"

"Nah." Fire flopped over to her side, then up onto her belly, scooching closer to Blue. "By the way, thanks."

"You are quite welcome." Blue dipped her head. "But what are you thanking me for?"

"This." Fire brought her tail around, waving the ribbon dangling from it. "He loves it, the tail and the accessory."

"Jolly good." Blue's magic plucked at the ribbon, causing the tail so attached to dart away. "I am sincerely pleased that you have found somepony that can appreciate you as you are. Is that not what we all would want, hm?"


Blue inclined her head at that blunt denial. "No? Whatever do you mean?"

She pointed at Blue. "You didn't want someone who wanted you as you are, back then." She gestured her head as if to the past. "And what you are right now is still a work in progress."

Blue tapped a hoof against the ground. "I cannot rightfully argue that. I am in a period of growth and refinement, but that is still a state of being. Fancy enjoys what I am, and what I am moving towards, and is that not ideal?"

"You still didn't want that, back then. There were plenty of ponies who wanted you, back then. You sent them all packing." Fire smirked viciously, perhaps enjoying how uncomfortable the conversation made Blue.

"I did not know what I wanted," decided Blue, confidence rebuilding. "In myself, or anypony else. I was a foal, literally one could argue." She raised a hoof to her chin. "But I am growing..." Her ears twitched an instant before the mirror began buzzing and chiming far more audibly. "Whoever could that be?"

"Twilight Sparkle," helpfully announced the mirror, though it would have done that without being asked.

"Oh, do put her on." Blue hurried up to the mirror, her magic working to straighten herself out as best she could in the short warning.

Twilight appeared. "Hello. Sorry for intruding."

"Think nothing of it." Ah, the future ruler already had business with her. Good. Good! "How can I help?"

Twilight sighed, deflating a little. "Starlight, and she is Starlight again, has realized how foalish she was being and wants to get back to her normal self. I don't have that spell."

Blue resisted the urge to apply a hoof to her face or otherwise show her frustration. She should have seen that through to the end! How thoughtless of her... "Do you need the name of the book? I know you're permitted in the wing it's stored in."

Her expression rebounded, Twilight smiling brightly. "That would be quite helpful! Any tips you wish to share would be appreciated as well. I know you've cast it at least once."

"So far just once," agreed Blue. "But you have reminded me of that other project I had in mind... Let's put that aside for now. Get the book, and I will gladly offer what assistance I may." Her eyes darted past Twilight. "What is that behind you?"

Twilight looked over her shoulder at the odd contraption. "Oh! That... That is a, well... A portal to another world, as implausible as that sounds. A very curious one. I have a student there--"

"--You do have a habit of collecting those." Blue's expression was not unkind. "And here I am with only one. You're showing me up."

"Consider it a calling," weakly defended Twilight. "I like showing what I have learned, to others, so they don't have to learn it the hard way."

"Then perhaps we have something in common, hm?" Blue leaned towards the mirror. "Go on and fetch that book, my dear. We'll go over its specifics and get Starlight back to her usual self."

Blue gave the name and where she had last seen the tome. Twilight thanked her and vanished from view, presumably to go hurry off to grab the book.

"What was the other thing?" asked Fire behind Blue, sitting on the bed.

"Hm? Oh!" Blue turned back to Fire. "An idea came to us, during our visit. I can help other ponies who wish to be something other than what their body was built as. It's hardly fair that I keep it all to myself." She put a hoof on her chest. "So if a mare is trying to be a stallion, or a stallion a mare, I could help them."

"There's a demand for that?" Fire shrugged lightly. "I shouldn't be surprised. So, what do you need?"

"First, to talk." Blue turned back to the mirror and tapped it. "Fancy Pants, if you would." Not that the mirror needed, or even noticed, niceties.

Soon a pony appeared, but it wasn't Fancy Pants. "Ma petite soeur!" The pretty unicorn leaned in, smiling brightly at Blue. "I hear you had quite the journey away. Mon frère would not stop talking about it. I am only upset I wasn't there too." She clopped her hooves. "But I know there are places where only couples should go. Did you enjoy yourself?"

Blue colored. Fire laughed. "We did nothing as you are implying, my sister."

Fluer leaned in. "You didn't? Whyever not? You know he is entirely smitten with you, do you not?" Another thought seemed to strike her. "Do you not know how to... approach that, as a jument?" Her cheeks colored faintly. "So quickly I forget that ever you were but a stallion."

Blue's coloring grew worse by the moment. "Thank you for your concern..." She wasn't sure how to even properly address any of that. "Is Fancy at home?"

"Non." She pointed away. "At a function. You know how he is. But perhaps your big sister can help?"

Well... "We had plans to begin a new venture. I would offer ponies a chance to become the mare or stallion they are sure they should be, just as I did for myself."

"Cela semble excellent!" She did like to splatter more Prench on things when she got excited. "Not for moi, of course." She shook her head. "I am pleased as I am, oui. But to help others, this is a good thing." She frowned with obvious thought. "I could serve as a model. Oui! My brother and I cut telling figures. We could be the examples." She giggled with growing enjoyment of the idea. "Become a proper mare or stallion, like nous." She spread her hooves wide even as she stood up fully, balancing on her hind legs a moment before all four struck the ground. "That will draw attention n'est-ce pas?"

Blue considered that a moment. "Hm. Not a bad idea." She smiled at the eager unicorn. "Not that you are known for poor judgements. I will bring it up to Fancy, when next we speak. Turning to that--" She turned in place, though still facing the mirror. "You'll let him know I wish to speak to him.... oui?"

Fluer launched into a new series of giggles. "Petite soeur loufoque, you do not need to try to copy me." She leaned in and smooched the mirror, leaving an imprint of her lipstick floating there. "I know Prench is not the normal language. An oddness of mine, but it need not be yours."

"Wherever did you learn it? Did you visit Prance?" The most logical place she could think of for a pony to pick it up. Even if it was a place she'd only recently learned was actually a thing!

"A foalish obsession." Fluer waved it away. "But it led to my cutie mark, n'est-ce pas? Oh, how I studied without end, back then, picking up every little scrap of la langue." She inclined her head. "If I may admit."

"Of course." It was Blue's turn to lean in a little. "Your secret is safe with me."

"Oui..." Her eyes darted. She could see Fire there, watching and listening. She would have to trust in the decorum of servants... "As much as I loved it, I never learned it properly... Were an actual Prench pony before me, I would look very much the fool." Her blush returned, actual shame covering her features. "One day, it will catch up with me, and I will be made the... well, I already said fool, did I not... Twice so, perhaps."

Blue inclined an ear off. She had not... expected that. "Your secret is safe with me," she repeated a bit stiffly. "Have you... considered fixing that?"

Fleur inclined her head without word.

"I mean, learning the language." Blue Belle cycled her hooves in the air. "It's not too late. They said I was too old to learn magic, and I proved that wrong, now didn't I?"

"Oui," she sang with an unsure smile. "This you did. Perhaps I am being a foalish mare... But you had a tutor." Her eyes went again to Fire. "Who I am guessing is not a Prench instructor."

"Nope," quickly replied Fire. "I would if that was my thing. You look like a fun student."

Fleur tittered at the compliment. "Then that is my first challenge, n'est-ce pas? But I am a connected mare, and mon frère, he is too. Between us, we can accomplish this, oui." She sounded more confident as she went. "Oui... I was just being silly. Of course I can do this!" She sat up tall. "Oui!" Her favorite word of the day. "I will allow nothing to stop me."

Blue clopped her hooves in applaud against the ground. "Jolly good! Sister mine, please, go with my blessings. I look forward to not understanding more of what you say." She chortled at her own joke. "Seriously, best of luck. If I can help, let me know."

Fleur thrust her tongue out at Blue. "Mean. Méchante." She tapped at the mirror. "Just you wait and see." And things went dark.

Fire whistled from the bed. "You stuck a nerve there."

"It was in good spirit." Blue trotted back towards the bed and Fire. "She was not truly angered." Doubt. "Was she?"

"Better hope," giggled out Fire, sitting up. "But that's not our problem right now, is it? You want to get into a whole lot of magic, and I'm signing up for that. I want to be involved in corrupting the forms of the innocents with magic they don't comprehend." She brought her hooves together with a sharp clap. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Blue raised an ear at her eager servant. "You would cast the spells too?"

"Why so surprised?" She cradled her head in her hooves. "I taught you. I know how to do magic."

"Certainly... of course." Blue inclined her head. "But, truth told, I haven't seen you do any... major bits of magic."

Fire hopped up suddenly, bouncing against the bed as she jumped to her hooves. "Well, time to fix that then. Get permission from Luna so I'm allowed to do this and we'll get right on it." She leaned in, a grin worn. "Unless this is a secret? I won't tell if you don't."

"Not today." Blue turned instead to trot for the door. "I will speak to auntie properly."

Fire sank to her belly, extending her tongue. That was the safer way forward. Boring, but safer.

"Blue Belle." There was Luna, smiling, and barely out of her room. "It's a fine evening. How are you?"

Blue nodded in kind to Luna. "Any evening with you in it is a fine one." That got a snort from Luna. "I only speak the truth." The two met, touching noses briefly before backing up. "I have a project I plan to start."

Luna quirked up an ear. "Do you want my help? What is it?"

"Nothing directly, auntie dear." She turned, vision sweeping over that lunar guard. Was it the same one? She wasn't sure and suddenly wanted to know, but they were mid-conversation. "Fire Paradox has offered to help in some advanced spellcasting that I plan to do. Having a second set of hooves that could do it would take quite a bit of stress off my shoulders, if you would allow it."

Luna frowned at that, emerging into the hallway properly. Blue followed without word, being led through the hallways. "What magic, exactly, do you have in mind?" Luna circled in front of Blue, stopping the motion. "While I am glad you two are getting along, she does remain... worrisome. And that worry is for you." She pointed at Blue directly. "I would not see you harmed, physically or your reputation."

Blue nodded at that. "Thank you for your due consideration." She lifted an ear at Luna. "But this is in the greater service. I plan to make use of the magic I learned to allow other ponies who wish it to change as I have." She waved a hoof at herself. "Be it this way or mares who would be stallions. I have learned there are more out there than just I who do the best they can with what limited resources they have."

Luna sat at that. "This... will impact your reputation, for the better... for the worse... You will... You invite controversy most heated on yourself, Blue Belle. Do you understand that?"

That had not been the answer she expected, left ear quivering. "Because I plan to use Fire Paradox?"

"Most have no idea who, or what, she is." Luna shook her head slowly. "Neigh. The controversy lies in what you mean to offer. It will make some uncomfortable.... Uncomfortable ponies sometimes act irrationally, and speak unkind words..." Luna leaned an inch forward before returning to her usual stance, seated as she was. "It will not be easy."

"If everypony gave up when things became other than easy, then think of how little would be done." Blue clopped the floor, head raised in pride. "I have what others need. As a..." She was no longer a prince, and she was not a princess. Damnable rules. "Baroness." Yes, she was that. A fine title... "It is my duty to use my privileged position for the betterment of those beneath me."

Luna set a hoof suddenly on Blue's head. "How did your meeting of Sweetie Belle go?"

Blue jumped at that. What a pivot! "She was, and is, a darling filly, full of potential. I am happy to report that she is on a good path."

"I agree entirely." Luna leaned in, remaining so close. "I taught her once myself, when she was lost. A good filly, certainly, her and her friends. They faced similar troubles, but you will outdo them for controversy, dear daughter." She ran a hoof down from the top of Blue's head towards her cheek. "I would see you spared such things."

Blue smiled gently. The intentions were kind. The touch was kind... but... "Then you will, as many parents do, I fear, watch their child stride forward. Not always in the direction you would prefer... I would do so with your blessings, if I can... but I will walk the path that feels right."

Thump. Luna crashed her forehead against Blue's, their horns jostling for space. "Stubborn mare. But this is the mare I decided to mother." A little smile returned. "And I knew that before I set a hoof in it, an advantage most mothers lack."

"Do you regret it?"

Their eyes locked, she could see the emotions at play. "I do not... I will have faith in you." Luna sat up tall. "You and Fire both. Go, and do well." She offered her hooves out and soon Blue was between them, getting a gentle hug. "If it proves too difficult, don't let pride stop you from seeking help, even if just for comfort."

"You are too good." Blue detached, starting away, but only a few steps. "Miss Paradox will be pleased to know you trust her to aid in this task."

"Well." Luna nodded at Blue. "Tell me. Is she a creature gentle, or terrible? Should we be concerned of her?"

"Yes." Blue smiled as she said it. "But she means well, in the end, I think. As her employer, I will keep an eye on her, but she is a creature that knows joy, and even love. I would encourage it."

"A wise answer." Luna rose to all four. "I should begin my day, and yours nears its end perhaps. It was nice to speak with you, niece."

That title was far more accurate than to call her a daughter. "As always a pleasure, aunt."

Starlight flopped forward onto her belly with a miserable groan.

Twilight blinked opened her eyes. "Did it? It did!" She hurried around her prone former-student. "Welcome back, Starlight." She set a hoof on Starlight's side. "You alright?"

"That is one heck of a spell." Starlight slowly sat up, rubbing a fetlock across her face a moment. "Knocks it out of you even more when you go this way. Why is that?"

Twilight considered that a moment. "Perhaps because your magic channels are being spread and diversified? You have the same amount of magic in more space. You... have low blood pressure, but it's magic, until you get used to it again."

Understanding seemed to form. "Oh, yeah... That makes sense." She blinked. "Oh! Ohhhh!" She swatted her forehead with a hoof. "That's why I went nuts."

Twilight inclined her head. "Pardon?"

"My magic spiked, the opposite of this." Starlight waved at herself. "I got a high, and Trixie was there to encourage me right along, and, well, I ran with it..."

"That you certainly did." Twilight offered a hoof. "Come on. It's good to have you back. And I did it!"

Starlight smirked at Twilight's goofy grin. "Yes, you did it. You cast the spell you had only faked before. Good on you." She got to her slightly-shaky legs. "I feel like I need a good lunch. Spike!" And off she went to beg of Spike's cooking.

Twilight considered a moment. "I should warn her." She reached for the mirror. "Blue Belle."

Soon enough the aristocrat was there. "Princess. Did the spell go well? Is Starlight back to her usual self?"

"A complete success. Thank you for your help with that." Twilight nodded at the image of her fellow wizard. "But it brought a possibility to light. Mares that become stallions may become a bit emotionally unstable." She pointed up at her head. "As the magic channels are focused, the experience can cause euphoria and if you're not careful, you could end up with a pony doing something they'll regret afterwards."

Blue gasped with alarm. "Truly?" She had only gone the other way. "Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Becoming a mare was more... draining, but liberating. A fine experience in the end."

"That aligns with the theory." Twilight tapped at her chin softly. "Just thought you should know, since you plan to be involved in that and..."

"--I can imagine! Very good of you to inform me. I will advance with due consideration." Hm, how to ensure the safe and comfortable transition of stallions... "I will weigh on that matter. Was there anything else you had in mind?"

"That was it." Twilight was smiling brightly. "Good luck!"

And the call ended.

Author's Note:

Blue has plans! But this may not be an easy path to trot upon.

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