• Published 16th Jul 2020
  • 3,222 Views, 19 Comments

So I’m A Ghost Fox in Equestria, So What? - Sky Lemonade

Kufufufu! When a mysterious encounter sends a youth into a new world with strong illusionary powers, he will have to find his place in this strange new world. Will he decide to use these new powers of his for personal gain or for betterment of others

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Chapter 1:A Displacement Con

I awoke to my alarm clock feeling a bit of excitement. When I realized what day it was.

“All right today’s the day for BronyCon.” I thought in excitement as I got up from my bed. I had been a bit late getting into the MLP Fandom having only joined when Season 8 of Friendship is Magic started but I was still a big fan nonetheless.

I had sadly missed being unable to attend BronyCon originally since I was unable to travel, but recently due to the release of Pony Life and it’s… reception to say the least, it gave a nostalgia push for the FiM fans and eventually have rise to another MLP convention, which some people were also calling Neo BronyCon.

“I hope the day goes well.” I muttered to myself as I began to cook myself a ham and cheese omelette for breakfast. Truthfully this was my first ever convention so I was a bit excited and nervous.

I felt a bit of hair rubbing on my ankles, I looked down and saw the black fur of Siren.

“Hey Girl.” I said picking up Siren and setting her on the part of the counter away from the food I keep clear for her to walk on.

“Meroww.” Siren yelled at me.

“Hungry?” I asked her.

Siren just seemed to give me a look.

I laughed a bit humorously as I grabbed her bowls from the window seal above the sink and filled them with clean water and a can of food.

Siren jumped up into her little next area and began to eat her breakfast.

I chuckled and scratched her behind the ears for a bit before I went to sit at the table and eat my own breakfast.

After I ate and got my dishes cleaned up I made sure Siren’s litter box was clean and that her back up food and water containers were filled enough to last her enough for the whole day.

“Looks like everything is good.” I said once I was content with everything.

I quickly grabbed a shower and brushed my teeth, I didn’t want to be one of those jerks who goes to a massive public event smelling like a dumpster and sweaty BO.

I was dressed in a long sleeve red hooded T Shirt with a black button up short sleeve shirt over top of that. A pair of black shorts with a gray belt.

I quickly went over my mental checklist one last time, once I was sure everything was 100 percent I grabbed my backpack which had Zorua’s face on it as I absolutely loved the tricky fox Pokemon, before locking the door.

I climbed down the stairs from the 5th floor of my apartment building, when I noticed the parcel box was full with the tab that signified my apartment being raised.

“A package?” I muttered before my eyes widened in realization, “Oh that Zorua life size doll I ordered.” I opened my mailbox and grabbed the key that was inside and opened the parcel box and pulled out a medium large square bog.

“Displacement Co?” I muttered when I saw who the return address was from, “Huh I could have sworn that wasn’t who I ordered this from.” then again this was a service I had done through Amazon.

I quickly slipped the package into my backpack as I didn’t feel like walking all the way back up to my apartment just to put the package down. I Went over to the corner of the apartment building where the storage lockers were and opened mine and pulled out my bike and helmet.

Once I was sure my helmet was on securely I got onto my back before getting on the book and pushing off pedaling towards the convention building.

After around a 45 minute bike ride I finally made it to the convention building. I put the bike into the bike rack, grabbed a pair of thick chains and lock and secured my ride.

“I’d like to buy a ticket please.” I say to the clerk managing the front counter.

“Of course sir, that’ll be $50.” The Clerk tells me.

“Here you go.” I say pulling out my wallet and handing them the bills.

“Thank you and here’s your ticket.” The Clerk says handing me a receipt and a ticket.

I entered the building ready for my first ever convention.

I noticed a few people around who were cosplaying as various MLP characters, while some wore the Canterlot High ears and tail.

“Darn I should have worn a cosplay as well, maybe I can find out where they sell the ears and tail.” I said to myself as I began to wander around, half exploring half looking for a place that might sell the pep outfit.

There were a few interesting booths as I walked around, Like a magic show that was run by Trixie, Fluttershy’s petting zoo, Discord’s Joke corner and many other character themed ones.

“That was fun.” I said as I left from the small segment of magic tricks that was done by an in character Trixie cosplayer, looking at the time I decided to get lunch at a Sugarcube corner booth.

I got myself a salad with “Hay fries” and a donut for lunch with a drink of chocolate milk.

After I ate I saw a nearby directory that said where the general location of every booth was, so looking up the area of the booths in the area marked Ponyville Market I grabbed my bag and cleaned up my trash from lunch and began making my way over there.

I saw a few interesting “Shops” like apple goodies run by Granny Smith, a Herbal Shop ran by Zecora and a costume shop that was ran a bit ironically by a Chrysalis cosplayer, but one shop in the corner stood out to me the most as it was a simple table with a cloth on it being manned by a person in a hooded cloak making it hard to judge their gender.

“What is that booth?” I muttered, looking around I noticed that no one else was even sparing the eerie booth even a passing glance.

I felt myself being drawn to it so I walked over to the booth.

“Good evening.” The voice of the cloaked merchant came out in a bit of a raspy tone, I noticed they had a mask on that was like Death Gun from SAO.

“What are you selling over here.” I asked looking at the table seeing a bunch of items from various fandoms like anime, DC, Marvel and video games that I was sure had not been on the table before.

“Please feel free to look around.” The merchant says with a hiss.

I nodded at the merchant browsing the nicnacs, I saw Roxas’ Oblivion and Oathkeeper Keyblades, Ben Ten’s Omnitrix, Cloud’s Buster Sword, a Green Lantern Ring, a Devil Fruit.

“Wow you got quite the collection here.” I commented as my eyes browsed the selection before something caught my eye.

It was a set of silver earrings with a square tip with a circular sphere at the base that was connected to four prongs.

“The Vongola Mist Earrings.” I said picking them up.

“Ahh I see you're a fan of the classic Mafia anime.” The Merchant says.

I looked at the earrings inspecting them, “This would be good for my Mukuro Cosplay I was thinking about doing for my next convention cosplay.” I muttered to myself before speaking aloud. “How much for the earrings.” I asked.

“That will be $120.” The merchant says.

“A Hundred and twenty?!” I was a bit shocked at how pricey that’ll be.

The merchant stares at me for a bit, “Tell you what kid, since I like you I’ll make you a deal.”

“Really?” I said a bit hopefully.

The Merchant gave a hiss, “Since you are the first person to buy from me and you seem like a big fan of Reborn I’ll give you a small discount for $100 what do you say.”

I bit my lip a bit, it was still a bit pricey but I doubt I was gonna get any better than that, plus the ear rings were very high quality almost as if they were the real thing ripped straight out of the series itself.

“Deal.” I said handing him the money.

“Thank you for your patronage.” The Merchant said, handing me the earrings.

“And thank you for the earrings.” I say taking them

I went to put them on when I stopped.

“What’s wrong?” The Merchant asked in a tone that almost seemed eager.

I was struck with an Idea, I set my bag down and pulled out the package with the Zorua doll and ripped it open pulling out the plushie.

“Wait what are you doing?” The merchant said in a bit of panic.
Not noticing his tone I put the Mist Earrings on the ears of the plushie.

“Wait Stop!” The Merchant yelled in fear before my world was enveloped in a bright explosion.

My body felt like it was burning in agony, my eyes were still stinging from the bright flash of light.

“Oh, Oh dear what happened to you.” a soft spoken voice speaks through the haze.

“W-Who.” I weakly tried to speak before going unconscious fully.


I groaned as I felt myself regain consciousness sitting up in a bed that was extremely fluffy.

“Where am I?” I muttered looking around at the huge room.

Suddenly the door to the room opened and in walked a teenage girl with bright yellow skin and long flowing pink hair wearing a white blouse and green skirt who was carrying a tray with some fruits on it.

My eyes widened in recognition as I knew very well who this person was, “Fluttershy?” I muttered seeing the EG counterpart of the shy element of kindness.

“Hmm.” Fluttershy says as my murmuring gains her attention, “Oh you’re awake young one how are you feeling.”

I cracked a kink in my neck, “Can’t complain.”

“Oh you can talk.” Fluttershy squeaked in surprise.

I raised an eyebrow, “I’m xx years old, Is talking really that surprising?”

“Oh my mistake sorry, I just assumed you were young due to how tall you were.” Fluttershy mutters out trailing off at the end but for some reason I could hear her perfectly.

“What do you mean I’m 6’ 4’’ I tell her.

“Really, not that I want to call you a liar or anything but” Fluttershy mutters holding out a mirror to me.

My curiosity was piqued so I leaned forward to look at it and my eyes widened, reflected in the mirror was a young boy standing at about 2’ 4’’ with black spiky hair with the appearance of fox ears with red highlights and red eyebrows, green eyes and a black fox tail.

“Wait what?!” I yelped out in shock looking over my own body now realizing it was true my body had changed into something else completely, but it was weird it was like a weird amalgamation of Zorua and the Arcobaleno from Reborn.

I froze...Oh

“How could I be so stupid.” I muttered facepalming.

I had read hundreds of displacement fics of Fimfiction each with the scenario of buying something from The Merchant where they all got displaced as the character who held the item they bought.

“Maybe there’s some kind of perception filter around them so you don’t realize they’re dangerous until it’s too late. But if I got the Vongola Earrings why did I not turn into Mukuro or Chrome at least since that was what I bought from the merchant. Then again the package I got the Zorua from was called Displacement Co. Maybe that was another cursed item as well, since I didn’t open it at first it delayed the trigger on the doll so when I put the earrings on the doll it affected the curse of both which is why that explosion happened.” I muttered to myself in one breath sitting down on the bed grasping my head in panic

I felt myself get wrapped up in a warm hug, blushing a bit as my head was slightly pushed into fluttershy’s chest, “It’s alright.” she says in a kind voice.

I looked up at her in surprise

Fluttershy looks down at me with her kind eyes, “I may not fully understand what’s going on here but you looked like you needed some kindness.” she tells me.

I smiled in genuine greatness, “Thanks…..” I trailed off as it would be weird to know her name.

“I’m Fluttershy.” Fluttershy says smiling.

I was a bit shocked Fluttershy was talking to me for as long as she was in a tone that didn’t stutter and go extremely soft, perhaps my new…. Let's call it arcobaleno form as well as the fox like features from Zorua were close enough to an animal that she was more at ease around me.

“Pleased to meet you Fluttershy I’m..” My words choked in my throat I physically could not say my name, oh I could still remember my true name but it was like the access to it was buried deep in the darkness of my mind, I gave a mental sigh of defeat knowing that I would have to go by a different name then my true one, but did I go my Zorua or Mukuro, after thinking it over for a second I came to a decision.

“Zorua Dokuro, call me Rua for short .” I tell her.

“Pleased to meet you Rua.” Fluttershy says giving me a bop on the nose before I felt an additional weight on the bed and got a face full of white fur.

“Mpgh.” I muffle out.

“Oh Angel Bunny.” Fluttershy says pulling the bunny off of me and setting him down beside me.

“Oh aren’t you cute.” I tell the bunny as it sniffs me.

“I’m glad Angel Bunny seems to like you.” Fluttershy says.

“You seem like a big fan of Animals.” I compliment her.

“Oh yes, I absolutely adore animals of all shapes and sizes, I just find them so cute and cuddly. In fact I spend most of my time volunteering at the Animal Shelter to take care of the Animals there.” Fluttershy tells me.

I sat there in thought for a moment, “Would you like some help.” I offered her.

Fluttershy looked at me in surprise, “Are you sure?” she asked.

I nodded, “Consider it a thank you for watching over me.” I tell her

Fluttershy waves her arms, “Oh that was nothing really.”

I smiled at her, “I insist plus all the animals deserve a good home don’t they.” I say playing to her weakness.

Fluttershy pauses for a bit in hesitation before nodding, “Your right Rua those little ones do deserve a good home, would you be willing to help me out when I pass out fliers at school?” she asks me.

“School?” I asked curiously.

“Yes Canterlot High.” Fluttershy states.

I nodded, “Sure I’d be glad to help.” I tell her.

I gave a small fanged grin, perfect by sticking with Fluttershy I could hopefully learn when I exactly was in terms of the Equestria Girls timeline.

Fluttershy grabbed her backpack sticking in a small stack of posters and some school supplies before she had Angel Bunny and two other animals jump inside, “Are you ready to go?” she asks me.

‘Kufufufu.’ I chuckled in amusement before hopping up onto Fluttershy’s shoulder.

“Eep.” Fluttershy squeaks out from the unexpected weight on her shoulder before quickly adjusting.

“Right then Fluttershy Allons-Y.” I tell her with a fanged smirk.

“Allons-Y?” Fluttershy asks looking at me.

I blushed a bit, “Sorry it means Let’s Go I just have sort of a habit to say that.

Fluttershy smiles, “Don’t worry I Find it Kind of Cute, Allons-Y Rua.” she says back

I gave her a smile as the two of us left Fluttershy’s home heading towards Canterlot High and the beginning of my new life as a Displaced Mist Guardian of Equestria.


Next Time: Enter the Princess Magic Mirror Right