• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 1,479 Views, 42 Comments

Widget - funkyferret

A strange recluse named Widget is starting a life for herself in Everfree forest.

  • ...

Hearth's Warming Eve

Hearth's Warming Eve

Winter had arrived in Ponyville. The buildings were sheathed in blankets of white, muting the sounds from within. Here and there, paths had been cleared in the snow so the town’s residents could make their rounds, despite the weather. The streets were decorated with colorful strings of lights, which would stand witness to the many holiday traditions that would occur that night. Few of the town’s denizens were out and about; most preferred to stay indoors, where hearths worked hard to keep the chill at bay. Those who were out and about were dressed warmly in multiple layers of clothing; all save one. A green wyrmkin hopped around in the deepest drifts, wearing nothing despite the cold weather.

Widget rolled in the snow, snorting with delight. She knew she would regret her actions later, when the cold slush coating her wings refroze, and she would be forced to spend hours drying them by the fire. Right now though, she was too happy to care about the consequences. The snow here was so different from that which fell near the cave back home. The stuff there was a dull grey, smelling faintly of ash. Mama had said this was due to the active volcano nearby. Whatever the cause, it wasn't much fun to play in. The snow in Ponyville was very different. It was light and fluffy, melting on the tongue and hissing quietly when it fell. Since winter had arrived about a month ago, she had taken time to enjoy herself whenever she could.

Finally, after she had reduced the snow bank to a trampled mess that spilled onto the nearby pathway, Widget rose to her feet. She shook the snow from her body and trotted happily towards the library. The owner of the shop she had been amusing herself in front of stared after her, scowling. “He must not like snow,” she thought. “It doesn't really matter, though. I have important business to attend to.”

Widget stopped before the library door. Sitting back on her haunches, she knocked politely. Though she heard some scuffling behind the door, it would likely be a while before somepony got around to answering the door. She started to chew gently at her frozen wings while she waited, hoping to get the worst of the ice off of them. Finally the door opened. The librarian, whom had opened the door with her magic, peered out at the figure sitting on her doorstep.

“Hello, Widget,” Twilight said. “I didn't expect to see you here.”

Widget looked down at the ground. “I-I can come back later if you're too busy right now” she said hesitantly.

The unicorn waved off her excuse. “No,” she said. “It’s alright. Come on in, we were just packing.” She led the wyrmkin inside.

“Why are you packing?” Widget asked. She cocked her head and frowned as she looked at the sizable pile of luggage in the middle of the library.

“Well, we were about to—“ Twilight began. She was interrupted by Spike, who had appeared out of nowhere. He tackled Widget, knocking her down. She sighed and watched the two of them wrestle on the floor; they rolled about, releasing mock growls as they played. The unicorn no longer tried to interfere with what had become their normal greeting.

Widget had worked hard to teach him how to “play” properly. He seemed to get the hang of it rather quickly; she had to admit, he was quite good at jumping out and surprising her. Finally the two broke apart. They giggled breathlessly, sprawled out side-by-side on the floor.

“Hey Widget, what’s up?” Spike asked as the two of them rose to their feet.

She ruffled the spines on his head. “Not much, nestling. Is Twilight working you into the ground again?” she asked him with an impish grin.

The dragon's face flushed with embarrassment. “N-no, of course not,” he stammered. “At least, she’s not working me any more than she usually does.”

The two of them chuckled, while the librarian cleared her throat and glared at her assistant.

Widget turned back to the unicorn, feeling slightly guilty. “So, where were we?” she asked, smiling sheepishly.

“As I was saying, we were about to head off to the train station to meet the other Elements of Harmony. The six of us—well seven with Spike.” She glanced at the dragon apologetically. “We’re all headed to Canterlot.”

Widget’s smile froze. Her heart plummeted. “B-but what about Hearth’s Warming Eve?” she asked.

“We’re spending it there,” Twilight replied. She glanced at Widget, taking in her forlorn expression. “Do you want to come along? I’m sure the princess can find a spot for you in the play.”

“P-play… P-princess?” Widget stuttered.

“Of course,” Twilight said. “Every year the ponies put on a play about the first Hearth’s Warming Eve. We participated in it last year. It was such a huge success that the princess asked us to do it again this year! Can you believe it?” The purple mare started bouncing around the room with her eyes shut.

Spike rolled his eyes. “Uh, Twilight?” he said.

The unicorn paused mid-leap. Her eyes snapped open and a blush spread across her muzzle. She returned to where she had been standing before her outburst. “W-well, as I was saying... ” she said, continuing with the conversation as if nothing had happened.

Spike snorted.

“I’m sure the Princess could find a place in the play for you. She’d probably love to meet you anyway, since I mentioned you in my friendship reports,” the unicorn concluded.

“No-thanks-I-got-to-go-bye!” Widget said quickly. She left as fast as she could; leaving two very confused purple creatures behind her.

Widget did not stop running until she was on the outskirts of town. She sighed. Twilight’s announcement explained why Fluttershy had not answered her door when Widget had visited the pegasus’s house earlier. The wyrmkin sighed again, flopping on her back in the snow. She imagined that Twilight had meant well when she invited Widget to come with them. The unicorn didn't realize that standing on a stage and being gawked at by an enormous group of ponies was one of the last things she wanted to do on her first Hearth’s Warming Eve away from her family. She didn't like the idea of being alone tonight.

As for the princesses… Widget shuddered. “As if the glorious rulers of Equestria would want to talk to ME,” she muttered. “I’d be lucky if they didn't call me an abomination and smite me on the spot.” She stared up at the grey sky, feeling lonely. “Will I really have to spend the holiday alone?” she wondered. She couldn't bring herself to bother Miss Doo and her family. Though she had fun playing with Dinky when she got the chance, she had yet to meet this mysterious “Doctor” that Ditzy would go on about. Intruding on their family get together, merely because she had no family around of her own, seemed awfully selfish.

I might as well head home,” she thought. The wyrmkin glanced in the direction of the Everfree forest. Widget blinked, and then bolted upright as an idea hit her like a hammer. “How could I have been so stupid?” she muttered, berating herself. “I forgot about the first friend I ever made when I came to this place.” She dashed into the forest. “If anypony else needs someone to spend time with on Hearth’s Warming Eve, it’s her,” she thought.

The Everfree forest was cold, but the thick branches overhead prevented the falling snow from reaching the forest floor. The tree branches groaned under their heavy load of snow and ice. It was this time of year that the weakest branches gave way under the pressure. After nearly being clobbered by one, the wyrmkin moved with caution towards the tree-house deep within the woods. Widget approached the house, and knocked on the door quietly. The house’s inhabitant sometimes liked to meditate, and she did not want to interrupt the mystic’s concentration. It seemed her concerns were unfounded, as the door swung open, revealing a black-and-white-striped creature.

“Hello there, Zecora,” Widget said. “I hope I didn't interrupt anything.”

“Widget, you gave me quite a shock! But fear not, for I have no plans today that a visit could rot,” Zecora replied.

“That’s good,” Widget said. “I’m sorry I haven’t visited you as often recently.”

“Please, have no concern for such things. I am sure your new friends make your heart sing. Now come inside and let us talk, for even a filly could see you are distraught,” the zebra said, ushering Widget inside.

Widget followed the zebra into her home, shutting the door carefully behind them. She glanced around. Nothing much has changed since her last visit. Zecora still had an interesting taste in décor.

“I hope we are to talk at length, and I find tea my thirst to quench. Now tell me how much tea to brew; should I make just one cup, or two?” Zecora asked.

“Yes please, I’d love to have a cup,” Widget replied, nodding vigorously. Zecora always made the best tea.

The zebra placed a pot of water on the fire to heat, and then wandered over to the side of the room where she began mixing together various plants in a furious manner. Soon she had two steaming cups of liquid placed before them at the little table in the next room. Widget sniffed the brew and then took a sip. She sighed as she felt the muscles in her wings relaxing. “You always know just what I need, Zecora,” she said.

“Tell me Widget; what has brought you here, with not even a message reaching my ear?” the zebra asked.

“Well, you know about the holiday the ponies around here celebrate, don’t you?” Widget replied.

“A strange concept this was to me. A day in winter, reserved for glee? But to joy my heart was swift, when last year Apple Bloom brought me a gift.” Zecora smiled happily.

“That’s exactly what I want to talk to you about,” Widget said. “This is my first Hearth’s Warming Eve alone, and I thought… maybe we could spend it together.”

“Hearth's Warming Eve is new to me, and so I have no memory of what traditions ponies like to see. But this means I have no gift for you! I feel like such a total fool...” the zebra trailed off.

“I just want to spend time with you,” the wyrmkin reassured her. “That’s enough for me.”

Zecora paused for a moment to think it over. She stared into space, rubbing her chin while she thought. Widget waited quietly, trying to hide her impatience. It was not a good idea to rush the herbalist. Finally, Zecora turned to her and smiled. “I certainly like to spend time with you. And company soothes the soul, it's true. I think we'll have a wonderful time, even with no mistletoe or wine,” she said.

“R-Really?” Widget asked breathlessly. “That’s wonderful! We’ll have to go into town and buy one of those holiday cakes; the trees burn too easily to be worth worrying about.”

“I'm not quite sure of what you mean, speaking of flames among leaves of green?” Zecora asked, puzzled.

“W-well, one dragon-sized sneeze and the tree is dust,” the wyrmkin said, feeling slightly embarrassed. “It’s also hard for a dragon to decorate the little tree without breaking the ornaments, so my family never bothered with that particular holiday tradition.”

Zecora nodded. “I see your fears of fire and flame. But don't worry; we'll celebrate just the same.”

“Let’s go,” Widget said. “I’m sure Sugarcube Corner will have what we’re looking for.”

The bell on the door jingled cheerfully as Widget and Zecora entered Sugarcube Corner. Mrs. Cake was waiting at the counter. “Hello dearie,” she said to Widget, “I’m surprised not to see Derpy with you. Are you here for more muffins?”

Widget shook her head. “No thank you,” she said, “Zecora and I are here to see if you have any Holiday cakes left that we could buy.”

The baker glanced at the zebra. “Hello there!” she said brightly. “ I've seen you around town before, but I never had the chance to meet you properly. Sorry about all the craziness when you first came to town, I still don’t know where my head was.” She offered her hoof to the zebra to shake.

“I'm used to ponies running past. I'm simply glad to know you at last.” The zebra took the offered hoof and shook it gently.

Mrs. Cake smiled, and then turned back to Widget. “Now then,” she said. “As for holiday cakes, we still have one left.” She reached down behind the counter. “Without Pinkie around to eat most of them, we have more left over than usual.” The baker placed a festive looking box on the counter-top.

Widget sniffed it and smiled brightly. “Thanks, Mrs. Cake, It smells wonderful. How much do I owe you?” The wyrmkin reached for her pouch of bits.

Mrs. Cake shook her head. “Don’t worry about it dearie,” she said. “We still owe you for fixing the stove last month. We never would have finished that catering order in time if you hadn't been there to help.”

“T-thanks,” Widget said, blushing. “I didn't do much though. You would have done better with a real repair pony. We’re just lucky I didn't make it any worse.”

Mrs. Cake smiled. They had been through this same argument before. “Well, I hope you enjoy your holiday,” she said.

“Thank you, Mrs. Cake” Widget replied. “I hope you have a nice holiday too.”

“Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve!” the baker called as they left the shop.

“What should we do now?” Widget asked her companion as they made their way down the shoveled pathways. Before the zebra could respond, a grey blur crashed into the snow nearby. Widget recognized that particular streak of color. She had seen it so many times before. Widget passed the cake to Zecora, then dashed over to where the blur had hit. “Miss Doo?” she called into the pony-shaped hole in the snow bank, “Are you alright?” The snow shifted. A wall-eyed grey pegasus extracted herself from the drift, shaking the snow out of her mane.

“Hi, Widget! I didn't see you there,” the pegasus said.

The wyrmkin smiled. “Where are you headed in such a hurry?” she asked. “I thought there wasn't going to be any mail deliveries today.”

“I’m going to Sugarcube Corner to get a cake,” she said. The mare’s pupils grew larger, and she began to drool a little. “Those holiday cakes are almost as good as muffins! Almost…”

A lump formed in Widget’s stomach. “I’m sorry, Miss Doo, I bought the last one,” she said sadly, pointing to the box Zecora was carrying.

“Aww…” The grey mare’s face fell. A mere moment later she was smiling again. “I guess you will have to come over for dinner then, there’s enough cake here to share.” She poked the box.

“R-really?” Widget asked. “I don’t want to disrupt your family time.”

“Don’t be silly!” the pegasus declared. “You’re my friend, and Dinky likes you too. I’m sure the Doctor will like you as well!”

The wyrmkin’s heart swelled with joy. Then she frowned. “What about Zecora?” she asked.

“What about her?” Ditzy asked with a frown. “I thought she was coming too… Do you have to leave?”

“I thank you for the invitation, and will declare my proclamation, of giving a very heartfelt yes. I would love to be your guest,” Zecora replied with a small smile.

“Oh boy, this will be fun!” Ditzy said, clapping her hooves together. “Dinner is at six o’ clock, don’t be late.” The mare flew off.

“It seems like we’re in for a lot more excitement than I thought,” Widget said.

The zebra nodded in agreement.

At six on the dot, Widget knocked on the Doo family’s door. She waited nervously. “Why am I acting like such a nestling?” she thought. “It’s not like I've never met anypony new before. Why can’t I be collected like Zecora?” She glanced over at the Zebra, who was waiting patiently beside her. The zebra had stopped at her home to put on another layer of clothing. It seemed she didn't do well in cold weather. Already the tip of her nose had turned pink. Widget would have been more concerned, had the zebra not assured her that she had also used a potion specifically designed to protect herself from the cold.

The door in front of them opened. Widget turned, ready to greet the wall-eyed pegasus. The words died on her tongue, as she found herself faced not with the mare she knew, but an unknown stallion. She eyed him warily. He was an earth pony, with a brown coat and a dark brown mane.

“Hello there, you must be the guests Ditzy told me about,” he greeted them cheerfully. He gestured for them to follow him inside. Shutting the door behind them, he took the cake from Widget and showed Zecora where to put her winter clothing. “Ditzy! They’re here!” he called as he carried the cake into the kitchen.

Ditzy Doo flew up to them. “Yay, you made it on time! Hi, Widget! Hi, Zecora!” she said happily.

“Hello, Miss Doo,” Widget said.

“Good evening, Mrs. Doo. I am very happy to see you,” Zecora added.

The mailmare smiled. She produced a tiny, grey-violet unicorn filly from behind her back. “Say hi to Widget, Dinky!”

“Hi, Miss Widget,” Dinky said, “I’m glad you came to visit.”

Widget smiled at the filly. “I’m happy to be here,” she replied. “Maybe we’ll even have time to play later.”

The filly clapped her hooves together and smiled.

Ditzy grinned, and then spun the filly to face Zecora. “Now say hi to Zecora!” she said.

“Hi, miss Zecora,” Dinky said. “Apple Bloom told me about you. I like your bracelets.”

Zecora smiled. “Thank you little one. They're not just for show; they've traveled with me from my homeland, you know.”

“Wow, that’s cool,” Dinky said with a grin.

Ditzy smiled and put her daughter down.

“Ditzy, the table is all set,” the stallion said, walking into the room.

Ditzy grabbed him and held him out to Widget. “Say hi to Widget, Doctor!” she said happily.

“Oof! This is highly irregular,” the Doctor muttered. “Ah well, hello there… Widget was it? I’m the Doctor.”

“Nice to meet you,” Widget replied.

“Now say hi to Zecora,” Ditzy said.

“Hello, Zecora,” the Doctor said, humoring her.

“We did not meet properly before; I am a zebra, and my name is Zecora. I see you have a lively filly; when I was her age, I was just as silly,” the zebra said.

Ditzy dropped the Doctor on the ground.

“Ouch!” The stallion grunted in pain.

“Sorry, Doctor,” she said. “You’re really heavy.”

“Now that the introductions are out of the way, it’s time to eat,” Ditzy said. “Dinner is on the table.” She led them into the dining room. Widget’s mouth fell open. She had never such a big holiday feast before. Usually, her Mama had a few gems set aside for “special occasions”, and Papa would bring what he could carry. Ditzy motioned for the two to sit, plunked Dinky down in a chair, before seating herself next to the brown stallion. “Let’s eat,” she said simply. For a while, all that could be heard were the sounds of the five of them eating.

“This is really good,” Widget said.

Ditzy beamed happily. “Thanks, I did most of the cooking. The Doctor helped out where he could.”

“I helped too,” Dinky piped up.

The mare nuzzled her filly. “Of course you did.” She turned to Widget. “Plus, I finally got to introduce you to the Doctor! He’s been so busy lately.”

“Well now, you can’t expect the world to save itself,” he replied.

Ditzy and the Doctor laughed, while Zecora and Widget glanced at each other in confusion.

The Doctor looked at Widget. “I must say, I've never seen a creature like you before. Ditzy tells me you’re a dragon-pony hybrid. Simply fascinating! Tell me, do you lay eggs, or…”

Widget choked on her food.

Dinky giggled at the face the wyrmkin was making.

Zecora focused on her food, not saying anything.

“D-Doctor! That's not appropriate,” Ditzy scolded him, her face red with embarrassment.

“Right, sorry about that,” her replied sheepishly.

Widget had managed to dislodge the chunk of bread from her windpipe. She nodded, eyes watering. Luckily, they managed to make it through the rest of the meal without further incident.

“I think I’m too full to eat cake right now,” Widget said.

The five of them were sitting in the living room, thoroughly stuffed. “Well, it’s too late to head home now, so you can stay here and we’ll have it for breakfast!” Ditzy declared.

“I wouldn't want to impose…” Widget began.

The pegasus shook her head. “I want you to stay. This will be fun!”

Widget laughed. “I guess I can’t say no to that,” she said. "What do you think, Zecora?"

The zebra thought for a moment before responding. “Of walking home, I was feeling glum. A sleepover sounds like marvelous fun!”

Dinky hopped up and down in excitement. “Yay slumber party, we’re having a slumber party!” she chanted. Her mother joined in, and the two of them bounced around the room.

“How can they do that on a full stomach?” Widget wondered aloud.

“I don’t know,” the Doctor replied. He smiled as he watched the antics of his wife and stepdaughter. “I've seen a whole lot of things, but nothing quite like her.”

Widget smiled at him.

He glanced at her, and then flushed with embarrassment. “Why don’t I show you to your rooms?” he said hastily.

Widget chuckled softly as she followed him upstairs to the guest bedroom, with Zecora close behind.

The morning sunlight poured through the curtains, landing in Widget’s eyes. She yawned and stretched. “Maybe these ponies have the right idea with these beds after all,” she thought.

Ditzy poked her head in the room. “Oh good, you’re awake! You must have been tired; you’re the last one up. I've been waiting for quite a while,” she declared happily.

“I take it you’re eager to get to that cake?” Widget asked with a grin.

“Well yeah, that too,” the pegasus replied. “But mostly it’s because there’s somepony downstairs asking for you. He seems really nice.”

Widget frowned. “Who could it be?” she wondered. “I’ll be down in a minute,” she told the grey mare.

The pegasus nodded and left the wyrmkin to finish getting ready for the day.

Cautiously, Widget descended the stairs. She was very tense, as she had spent the past ten minutes driving herself bonkers trying to figure out why some stallion would be asking for her.

“So you’re an explorer? That’s so exciting, can I come with you?” Dinky was asking.

“No little one, I think you are a little young for that sort of adventure,” somepony responded with a chuckle.

Widget froze. She knew that voice. She dashed down the steps, heart fluttering, gasping for breath.

A pegasus was standing in the living room. He had a silver coat and a golden mane. His cutie mark was a piece of parchment, with a compass rose at the center. He smiled at her. “Hello, nestling,” he said. “Did you miss me?”

Widget charged. She crashed into the visitor, knocking him to the ground. She wrapped her paws around him. “P-Papa! Papa!” she cried. She sat there, sobbing; occasionally stopping to breathe in his scent, to confirm it was really him.

A gentle hoof stroked her mane. “I take it you missed me then?” he said, voice thick with emotion.

She giggled and looked at him. “Of course I missed you!” she said. She stared at him for a long moment. Then reality came crashing in. “But what are you doing here? How did you find me?”

He laughed. “I came here to spend time with you. Your mother would have come too, but she was worried the ponies would be frightened by her. I must say, you gave me quite a scare. I went over to your cave and found it empty. I spent a fair bit of time combing the forest for you. Then I asked the townsfolk. Imagine my surprise when they sent me here! You've certainly grown a lot haven’t you?” He rubbed her head. “You’re not a nestling anymore.”

She hugged him. “I’m sorry I worried you, Papa,” she said.

“That’s alright, I’m just glad you’re safe,” he said. He looked at the other four ponies in the room. “And it seems like you've made some good friends.”

Widget nodded. “I sure have,” she stated with a smile. Straightening up, she looked him in the eye. “So when is Mama coming to visit?” she asked.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” her father asked.

“Sure! I’m sure the ponies here will just love her!” his daughter replied.