• Published 22nd Jul 2020
  • 4,802 Views, 123 Comments

Spike's Family Journey - frenettek314

*An AU extended ending to Season 8 - "Father Knows Beast"* When Spike goes and tells each of the Mane 6 what happened with Sludge, he discovers he may have already had a family after all.

  • ...

Applejack: "The Dragon Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree"

As a light gentle breeze echoed throughout the rustling leaves of the orchards of trees, the warm glimmer of the morning sun cascaded down through the treetops and onto the delectable natural beauties that were apples.

Sweet Apple Acres was truly a wonder of nature to behold. The soft grassy shady floor offered a cool escape from the glistening sun up above, yet still allowing the daylight to paint the landscape as a majestic canvas. The graceful melody of the birds flying overhead gave the land a warm, somber tone as many other smaller creatures such as the squirrels skipped quietly throughout the woods like an enchanted dance.

The famed apples themselves were the real prize of the orchards. A wide variety of all different shapes and sizes of the aforementioned fruit - from big juicy red ones to the rare exotic yellow specimens - decorated the sea of trees. Soon, these apples would be plucked from their hightop homes and harvested into a collection of various apple themed properties and baked goods that were said to be the heart and soul of cuisine to many of the folks in Ponyville and beyond. Perhaps what was most shocking however was that the animals respected the sources of food in a sort of symbiosis - almost as if they knew they could take enough for themselves, yet wanted to give plenty left for the fine family of Apple ponies that the creatures throughout the orchards had grown accustomed to. And here painted the overall portrait of what Sweet Apple Acres was all about - a wonderland that showcased the simple, yet profound beauty of nature and all the living organisms that accompanied it. The Apple family farms were a source of love and hard work that never ceased to amaze anyone passing through.

What did cease however was the whereabouts of a certain family of ponies who called this land their home and joy. A certain dragon and cyan pegasus walked through the various fields of the property, desperately searching for any sign of the earth ponies they were hoping to come across.

"Where are they? They should be around here somewhere." asked an annoyed Rainbow Dash.

Spike, who practically scouted every nook and cranny on the grass and dirt path, glanced at the pegasus pony currently accompanying him.

"You know if you have to get going, I can find them." he offered, hoping he wouldn't get the pony in trouble with her fellow Wonderbolts for being late.

Rainbow dismissively shook her head as she allowed a small grin to join her.

"Nah, it's cool. I made us leave plenty early so I could join you. I have a little bit of time." she coolly replied.

Though her grin faltered somewhat as she continued to find nothing but trees with the bright and shiny apples still latched on to the bushes and branches.

"Not a lot of time though..."

As the duo continued their search, Spike began thinking about one of the Apple family ponies in particular he was hoping to talk to today - a pony who he deeply admired for her good-leveled head and devotion to both her work and her family.

Applejack - the famed Element of Honesty. While to some, she may be seen as nothing more than your typical simple cowpony - grazing the lands of Sweet Apple Acres from dusk til dawn with no focus other than the safety of her home and the quality of her harvest - they'd be dead wrong in many ways.

The earth pony in many ways was a more simple creature, but the values she carried in herself and in others everyday was nothing short of amazing. She truly believed in the value of hard, yet honest work that proved to everyone she could go toe-to-toe with Rainbow Dash in grit and determination if she really wanted to. Although Applejack would never be one to brag or place herself in the spotlight, those who knew her knew she would never abandon her family or her friends, all while carrying around a cart full of apples for sale or simply helping another pony out with a project or favor wherever she went. She would always be right there in Ponyville, working on the farm with her beloved family by her side or tagging right alongside her friends no matter what crazy adventure they went on. For many ponies, it was a simple, yet oddly reliable comfort that drove its way into their hearts. No matter what happened, they took solace in that Applejack would always be around with her typical stetson hat, yee-hawing in the distance.

She prided herself everyday in displaying a good, honest style of living that showcased her as a dependable, caring, and yet humble being - not just for her own benefit, but for her family's. If there was one thing Applejack was more passionate about than...well apples...it was the well-being of her precious family. Ever since the founding of Ponyville, the Apple Family seemed to always uphold the spirits of hospitality and maintaining a good heart; however nopony seemed to carry those values more than her. The earth pony practically treated all her neighbors and close friends like they were family and she would kindly offer any available services without hesitation for them. She could practically give the hat off her back for anyone and do it all with a humble smile upon her face.

While she did what she could to help those around her, she never failed to be honest - even if the truth can hurt at points. No one could ever accuse Applejack of being anyone but her true self and that was what drove Spike's admiration for the beloved pony - she was a down-to-honest, sincere, hard working pony who carried with her a big heart wherever she went. It was weird for Spike though, he felt he could say everything and yet nothing about Applejack at the same time; she was so hard to articulate besides rambling on about her personality or devotion to family. She was so hard to pinpoint to a specific degree, yet she carried with her a simple, warming charm to her that he wouldn't ever change. The earth pony would always welcome a kindred soul with open hooves and knowing that made Spike's smile grow.

However, now that he thought about it - there was one very specific time he knew when the pony was anything but honest.

"That time when I tried to..."

"What's wrong? What'cha thinking about?" a voice had snapped him out of his thoughts as he turned around to gaze at an inquisitive Wonderbolt who had slowed down her pace so that she could walk with him side-by-side in order to judge his appearance.

"Wh-what?" he squeaked in a stupor, as if he had been struck suddenly in the gut.

"I know that look." warned Rainbow Dash.

"You get into these deep, spaced out thinking periods, and from what I saw yesterday, they typically brought you to bad thoughts or worries about me. And considering we're walking through Sweet Apple Acres and you're here to see Applejack, I'm assuming you're doing the same about her - so why don't you let it off your chest immediately for a first and I can try to help you?"

Spike blinked in bewilderment as he had never expected to be caught and read like an open book so easily.

He blinked rapidly for another moment before he had his response. "You sure you're not Pinkie Pie in a Wonderbolts uniform?"

Rainbow gave an ear-splitting smirk. "I've been hanging around her too much. So, you gonna spill?"

Spike sighed as he took a moment, collecting his thoughts to be properly vocalized.

"Well, you know how Applejack is the most honest pony around?"


"And she loves us like we're family, always helping us and standing by us?"


"Well, you remember my Dragon Code and when I kept trying to help Applejack as a form of a life debt?"


"But then she tried to turn me away by faking a timberwolf attack just so I wouldn't have to help her anymore?"

"Yeah? But what does that have to... oh."

"Yeah." Spike finally sighed. "I know I went way too overboard with the whole 'life debt' thing, but I've never seen Applejack lie like that under her own will.

"Just to be rid of me." he whispered dejectedly.

Rainbow quickly drew him right by her side with a wing as she sympathetically attempted to ease the dragon's mind.

"Hey, hey. I know she didn't mean it like that. I think she just didn't realize you really wanted to be of help to her deep down as well. I'm sure if you talk to her about it - just like you did to me - I'm sure she'll apologize for making you feel like that."

"You think so?" Spike beamed up at the pegasus with a curious smile on her face.

Rainbow did her typical noggin hoof rub to confirm her sincerity. "Of course. Besides, I think she has a real shining for you kid."

Spike smiled at that comment. Before his journey, if he had to say who he was closest to out of the five elements - Applejack would be second (behind Rarity obviously). She truly was a sincere, dependable pony who always made the dragon's spirits rise in earnest. If they could bond as well as the others he had met with so far on his mission, it would be a clear win.

Spike chuckled as he removed himself from the cyan pony's wing, walking a few feet side-by-side once again.

"Thanks, Rainbow. Now come on, let's see..."

"Dragon!" a shrill voice, called out - stopping the two creatures in their place with a slight panic as they wondered who issued that war cry.

Spike was about to turn around and look behind him to see if anyone was there before a cane had walloped him in the head. The poor drake let out a cry of pain as he fell to the ground, the cane repeatedly pelting him as Rainbow hovered several feet in the air in a mixture of surprise and concern.

"Don't worry, I'll get him!" the voice called out as it continued to punish the innocent creature on the ground.

Just then, a multitude of hooves came racing as four ponies - three earth ponies and one unicorn rushed to the dragon and pegasus in fear.

When they had gotten close enough, the pair realized who the group of ponies were:

Apple Bloom - the younger sister of Applejack and one of the three main members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders (the others being Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo). The earth pony prided herself in helping out around the farm with her siblings while also sporting a love for helping other fillies discover their talents. Despite a potential for trouble and mischief, she's a miniature version of her honest, reliable sister in almost every way.

Big Macintosh (or Big Mac for short) - the older brother of the three Apple siblings. While he was seen as a tall and buff stallion - his strength a force to be reckoned with in carrying cart loads of apples or offering physical labor around Ponyville - he's typically a quiet and laid-back creature, usually believing in the idea that words were more meaningful if they were quoted less. Regardless, he's a modest farmpony through and through - always doing what's best for the family. He's also known to be quite the Ogres and Oubliettes player alongside Spike whenever they have guys night, the two having a decently close bond.

Sugar Belle - The unicorn who's currently Big Mac's marefriend. Despite being relatively new to the family, she often visits to help or just to hang out, quickly capturing the hearts of the family around her. She's known to be an excellent baker who just so happens to love cooking with apples, as discovered when Big Mac first met her on a delivery.

And of course, the mare of the hour, Applejack herself. The orange mare with a blonde mane quickly galloping over towards the scene.

"GRANNY SMITH!" Applejack exclaimed as she saw Spike mercilessly being stricken with the older pony's cane.

Granny Smith - Said to have lived long enough to witness the founding of Ponyville (which just so happened to be with the use of these very fields). While she typically has plenty of wisdom and experience to offer her three grandchildren and anyone else willing to listen, she sometimes...wasn't all there in her old age.

"Granny, what are ya doing to Spike?!" Applejack yelled horrified as the three newcomers behind her stared on, eyes widened and mouths gasped in concern for the poor dragon.

"Whazzat? Spike?" Granny muttered as she seemed to come to her senses, realizing who the creature in front of her was as she ceased the rapid swinging of her cane.

Rainbow and the others could only watch in silence as they saw Spike slowly get up, rubbing his now sore head.

"I think we found her..." he muttered as he winced in pain.

After a few agonizing minutes of tending to the dragon and making sure his injuries weren't too severe, Applejack quickly brought herself back to the obviously not-so-frail elder pony who appeared to have developed a slight grimace, feeling sorry for what she did.

"Sorry young feller." Granny said, "Ah'm not used to seeing friendly dragons 'round these parts."

"Granny!" Applejack scorned as Apple Bloom and Sugar Belle gasped at the comment, while Big Mac and Rainbow glanced at each other with shocked looks.

"It's ok" Spike shrugged off, no longer feeling a pounding headache after Applejack had apparently gave him some form of aspirin, "You're not the only one."

At that comment, Rainbow glanced at him with a sympathetic look, while Applejack furrowed her brow in confusion.

"Long story. I'll explain later." he assured.

The younger Apple Bloom suddenly realized the unusual appearance of the dragon and the pegasus being here... well more so him than her, Rainbow had a few napping spots lying around.

"Wait a minute, what're ya'll doing here?" she asked curiously.

Rainbow decided to take the initiative this time. "Spike will explain why he's here soon enough I'm sure, but I was just dropping him off. I have to get going to HQ, so AJ, can you please make sure he's alive by the time I get back?" she warningly glared at her best friend and rival.

Applejack rolled her eyes at the comment.

"Ah'm not going to let him get hurt, don't y'all worry. Ya can get going if ya need to."

"Alright." she nodded seriously before glancing back at the dragon as she began taking off.

"See ya, cousin!"

"Bye!" Spike said as he waved happily in reply. The sentiment, while sweet, ultimately confused everyone around him as the five ponies all stared at him with questioning looks while also noticing the backpack he was carrying.

"Relates to the long story." he waved off, seeming to have appeased everyone's questions for the moment.

"Well, glad ya decided to visit us." Applejack replied with a warm smile on her face. "We were planning on doing some harvesting today and havin' a big dinner in the evening. Yer more than welcome to join us." she kindly offered.

Spike's eyes brightened up with glee, excited at getting to spend time with the family while also partaking in what would no doubt be a spectacular meal by the very talented cooks.

"Well, let's get a move on. Ah want to feel my gloots singin' with glee!" Granny Smith exclaimed.

Spike just stared at Applejack with a look of disbelief, who shook her head as if to say 'don't ask'.

"Let's get back to the house and ya'll can tell us the story before we work." she stated, bringing the conversation back on point, as to which everyone agreed.

As they began walking however, Spike's thoughts began to make their usual appearance.

"Guess it's better to get it over with."

As the group of ponies and dragon made it back to the mainlands of the acres, they all stepped inside the open and cozy living room as they all sat in a circle on the warm, cozy rug in the room. Spike had just finished his recap of all the events that transpired - the discovery that Sludge was a fake, the feelings of a loss of family, and the request by Twilight to visit each of the elements, along with the inclusion of the three ponies he had previously visited.

To say everyone in the room was shocked was an understatement as they all listened on, their expressions turning into shock and deep-seeded sympathy gradually over time. Everyone was horrified at what the small, innocent dragon had either recently gone through or had been feeling for such a long time; he could even see Apple Bloom and Sugar Belle had both started crying sometime throughout his tale.

The only part Spike dropped out was the incident with Applejack and the 'Dragon Code', but he honestly planned on telling her this later - preferably in private. If the dragon's experiences so far have taught him anything, it's that these personal situations concerning a specific pony came out afterwards.

"So, you've been wandering out this last week or so releasin' your emotions while tryin' to find yourself semblances of a family?" asked a gaping Apple Bloom.

Spike nodded with a look of reflection in his eyes. "That sums it up pretty well, yes."

Granny Smith decided to ponder. "An' this jerk... Sludge? He just up and left?"

"Yeah. Pretty much." Spike nodded again.

"That's terrible!" gasped an emotional Sugar Belle as she placed a hoof over her mouth in shock, her eyes still watering.

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed, wrapping a hoof around Sugar Belle in a comforting hug while staring at Spike with an apologetic expression.

Applejack slowly trotted herself over to the dragon sitting a good distance away before removing her stetson hat as a sign of respect, hugging her friend softly, yet affectionately.

"Spike. Ah'm so, so sorry. For ya to have to find out about Sludge." her mind recoiled in disgust at the mere mention of his name.

"If ah ever see that poor excuse for a being ever set foot in Ponyville again, I'll buck him into next week."

"But sugarcube..." she vocally continued. "Ah want ya to know that ah'm sorry for also never knowing how you felt about...us. Ah do want ya to know though that ah and everyone else in this room love ya very much. Ya may have not been born here, but yer an honorary apple for life." she could feel the bitter stings of tears finally unleashing from her eyes as well.

"Mmm-hmm." everyone else affirmatively nodded, with soft smiles on their faces.

Spike felt the all too familiar tears well up as everyone soon joined Applejack and him in the group hug. He returned the powerful embrace as best he could, trying not to get too choked up.

"G-guys. I don't know what to say... thank you. This is all I could ever want." he happily whimpered.

"Wow... this is going smoother than I expected." his thoughts concluded, surprised at how natural and easy everything was turning out.

The group hug naturally ran its course as all parties made their way back to their retrospective spots on the floor.

"And yer welcome to stay as long as ya want Spike! Ya always will be." continued Applejack, placing the hat back on her head and wiping away a few stray tears left in her eyes.

"Yeah! And you can help us out with the chores if ya want, like gathering some of the apples." sweetly offered Apple Bloom.

"Eeyup." chorused Big Mac.

"Ooo! We could bake a cake together! I know how much you love baking and it could give us the chance to get to know each other better!" exclaimed an excited Sugar Belle as she clopped her front hooves together in glee.

"Mah bunions hurt." randomly whined Granny Smith as she made her way over to her rocking chair. No one seemed to acknowledge the random comment.

"NO!" suddenly burst Applejack as she leapt from her position on the floor with a look of fear in her eyes. Soon however, she noticed the confused and concerned looks everyone else around the room was giving her in regards to her shout.

The farm pony nervously glanced around before she backpedaled, clearing her throat rather uneasily.

"Ah...Ah mean ah have a special job for Spike to do. One that only he could do. Come along there sugarcube, I'll show you." she announced before offering a hoof to help up the dragon she approached once again. With a small amount of skepticism, Spike reached for the offered appendage as an all-too-eager earth pony and dragon left the room.

The remaining ponies all looked at one another with concern, wondering why the normally level-headed mare seemed so uptight all the sudden - even Granny Smith gave a narrow gaze towards the direction of the two's exit.

"What in tarnation is that pony up to?" she muttered.

As the rest of the gang decided to give each other a slow, frightful nod before deciding to carry on with the planned list of chores, Applejack and Spike began walking over to a way westward corner of the acres, the field already seemingly bucked for apples as the trees laid bare.

Spike took one look at the already cleared fields before glancing up at a nervously smiling Applejack - her hoof leading him begrudgingly along - as he stared back at the approaching destination.

"Maybe this won't be as easy as I thought..."

"So you need me to do what, exactly?"

"Ah need ya to stand here and protect these parts of the orchard. Just in case a critter or somethin' tries to overstep its bounds or somethin'." the cowpony announced quite proudly to the dragon next to her who looked anything but.

"These fields are already harvested though." came a deadpan response, clearly not buying Applejack's reasoning for this menial task.

"But the trees still need protectin'. They need to be kept safe so that they can grow bigger and stronger apples next year".

Spike merely looked at the pony with an unamused expression on his face. Applejack in turn, realized his sour response and sighed gently before addressing him with a softer tone.

"Look sugarcube, ah know this doesn't sound excitin', but ah just don't want ya to get hurt or end up wit' a mess too strong for ya to handle. Yer family and ah want ya safe."

Spike blinked in realization. "This is why she's acting this way. The life-debt, me screwing up..."

"Applejack, I know you're still scared about the 'Dragon...'"

"Please, Spike?" Applejack interrupted with a pleading look on her face, her pitiful look somehow rivaling those of say Rarity or Fluttershy. It was too much for the dragon's heart to take despite his displeasure with the work asked of him.

Spike gave a reluctant sigh.


Applejack gave a quick hug to Spike in appreciation.

"Thanks, sugarcube. Ah promise it won't be too long. Ah'll be back for ya soon."

As the farm pony began trotting away into the banks of the rest of the fields, Spike looked down and gave another dejected sigh.

"She still doesn't want me to help."

Meanwhile back in the center orchards, Big Mac, Sugar Belle and Apple Bloom were all preparing buckets of apples as Applejack met up with them once again.

"Hoo-wee! Let's get to some Apple Buckin!'" Applejack exclaimed excitedly as she reared her back hooves into the base of a nearby tree, several apples scattering into the buckets below.

Apple Bloom reveled in her sister's eagerness before she remembered the drake that was accompanying her not too long ago.

"Hey, sis. Where's Spike?" she asked with a tilt to her head. Big Mac and Sugar Belle each stopped what they were doing to glance at the other two as they were also curious of the dragon's whereabouts.

Applejack's smile faltered slightly before she replied in earnest.

"Ah gave him a special job only he could do."

Big Mac took the opportunity to speak more than a syllable as he felt a rising suspicion in the pit of his throat.

"What kind of job?"

His sister only waved her hoof dismissively as she rounded another powerful kick on the tree.

"A special project ah have him doin' in one of the other fields. He'll be fine there for a while."

Big Mac only narrowed his eyes as he didn't appreciate the honest pony's rather quick answers to important questions. Applejack took notice of her brother's rather judgmental disposition as she paused and felt her brow begin to sweat.

"Look, ya can check on him later if ya want, but he's fine. We should work on this part of the grove though while he does the other." she rationally tried to explain.

While Big Mac and the others still didn't seem to be too comfortable with the stubborn pony's rather brash dismissals, they ultimately knew she was right as they did have work to accomplish. Besides, they could always check up on him later.

The three simply looked at each other and turned back to Applejack with a slight nod of agreement. Though they still had a nagging query that something was amiss, they'd be able to find out soon enough.

The four ponies soon got back to arranging buckets on the ground and around the trees while bucking the prized fruits from their hanging places while a certain dragon in a separate field a good distance away silently marched back and forth, trying to fend off the sudden urge of boredom that was plaguing him.

This was going to be a long day.

After several long hours and over a third of the current section they were working in harvested, the ponies grew tired of the continuous labor and opted to take a much-needed break. The sun had practically started lowering it's gaze into the warm traces of the evening - indicating to everyone there that it was almost time for supper.

Apple Bloom sighed as she rested her back against a nice shady tree, taking comfort in the cool shadow it cast.

"Phew. That's quite a bit of work we've done today." she commented leisurely.

"Ya said it, Sugarcube. Ah'm beat!" Applejack announced.

Her stomach seemed to comment as well as it howled more like a bear than a pony.

"...and hungry." she finished with a weak blush on her muzzle.

Sugar Belle and Big Mac huddled together under an accompanying tree nearby as they both sighed in contentment.

"Me too. I don't know how you three do this all the time." Sugar Belle admitted, having gained a great amount of respect for the apple farmers ever since she had first joined the family.

"Heh heh. Eeyup." Big Mac chuckled bashfully, thankful the day was almost over and dinner would soon be upon them.

Applejack sighed peacefully. "Yep, it's been great."

Though as the cowpony began thinking to herself, she suddenly felt like she was forgetting something. Something important that she shouldn't have forgotten. Fortunately, or unfortunately for her, a small set of stomps accompanied by a sulking dragon made her remember real quick.

"Spike!" Applejack exclaimed, rushing over to hug the dragon as she silently berated herself for leaving the dragon alone all day in the fields. Truth be told, she had meant to check on him and have him do some other simple task but the rhythm of apple bucking and manual labor had distracted her from the new family member she promised to retrieve.

The farmpony slowly looked down at the dragon with a bit of regret.

"Ah'm awfully sorry I left you out there longer than I intended..."

"You forgot about me." he replied simply, just staring at her with a disappointed look.

"What?" she breathed frightfully as the dragon's presence made the other three ponies stand up and acknowledge him with worry.

"You promised you'd be back for me after a while. I eventually fell asleep from standing there and when I woke up, I saw it was almost dinner time."

Spike just stared at the pony in front of him with a downcast expression. He wished he could be angry, yell at her for just leaving him out there; but knowing the pony and his past troubles with her involving his wacky 'Dragon Code', he somewhat expected something like this to happen.

Applejack's heart froze in place. Yes, she wanted Spike away from more labor-intensive chores so she wouldn't have to worry about some silly accident or mishap, but she never wanted to outright abandon him like that.

The other three slowly approached the two as Sugar Belle haphazardly asked the question on everyone's mind.

"Spike? What have you been doing all day?"

Spike simply regarded Sugar Belle with a mere shrug before glancing back at Applejack and responding.

"I was over in the western-most fields - the ones already harvested. Applejack told to keep watch of the trees."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Big Mac suddenly yelled as Applejack found herself surrounded by three very upset ponies.

Big Mac glared daggers at his sister as she could tell he was rightfully furious with her. Apple Bloom merely looked at her with a look of utter disappointment as she shook her head back and forth disapprovingly. Sugar Belle had a reaction in between the other two ponies - while her eyes didn't seem to ignite like Big Mac's, her narrowed look told the farmpony she was quite angry as well.

Applejack's heart cracked underneath the guilt. She had let her family down. She failed someone who needed her.

She felt her eyes water as she looked at Spike with a sorrowful look.

"Spike... ah didn't mean to..."

"Dinner Time! Come an get it!" cried out a voice from outside the farmhouse as Granny Smith beckoned for everyone to come inside for a full hearty meal.

As the group reluctantly retreated for the sake of food, Applejack could feel her insides burst. Just a minute ago, she had been so hungry she could eat a buffet, but now food seemed like the last thing on her mind as she and the rest of the gang trotted on inside.

As everyone grabbed their plates and began eating - delicious roasted vegetables with steamed servings of hay and a heavenly apple cobbler - , Granny Smith couldn't help but begin to notice that the entire table was awfully quiet tonight. While everyone would normally chat up a storm with some story about their day or some other form of whimsy, everyone seemed to be eating in a thick, awkward tension. If there was one thing she knew about her family, it was that they loved to bask in each other's company so seeing the complete opposite of that filled the elderly mare with a sort of unease. Deciding she had enough of it, she innocently tried to break the ice between everyone.

"So Spike, did ya enjoy yer day on the farm?" she asked the sulking the dragon as he bitterly picked at his plate.

"As far as being a glorified scarecrow goes, it was alright." he muttered, which seemed to catch the attention of Applejack.

"Spike, ah didn't mean to leave ya out there all day. Ah just wanted to give ya something to do..."

"Then how come I couldn't do what the rest of you were doing?! How come I couldn't help out?!"

At that retort, Big Mac shot his sister a nasty glare before watching the ongoing conversation along with everyone else.

Applejack gulped. She knew she couldn't back out of this now.

"Because Spike, to be perfectly honest, the last time ya tried to help, ya made a lot of mess-ups."

Sugar Belle glanced between the two confusingly before Big Mac motioned for her to move in as he seemed to whisper the past experience, catching her up to speed.

"Ok, yeah. I made a lot of mess ups back then. But I was foolish with the whole 'Dragon Code' thing. I overexcited myself at the prospect of helping you, that I caused a lot of hiccups I wouldn't normally make and I'm sorry. But I've grown since then and I learned my lesson."

Applejack nodded in understanding, knowing perfectly well where the dragon was coming from - though it didn't exactly help to ease her nerves.

"Ah appreciate that Spike, ah really do. Ah know you can do a lot, but ah also know yer a little fella."

"Apple Bloom's younger and she can do it just fine." the dragon retorted as the filly seemed to agree with him.

"Ah'm just worried about ya is all sugarcube." Applejack winced sympathetically. "Ah don't want anything to hurt you."

"Or maybe you just don't want me around at all."

At that statement, you could hear several utensils drop as everypony seemed to have forgotten about the food on their plates. Everyone began glancing worriedly at the dragon, wondering why he would say such a thing. He was a part of their family after all - of course they would want him around!

Applejack felt her throat start to dry up as she stared miserably at the dragon with upmost sincerity.

"What makes ya say that, sugarcube?"

Now Spike was finally angry at the earth pony's failure to understand what was going on. If it wasn't bad enough what she did back then, she just repeated the same incident today under a different disguise. Spike knew that she couldn't just get away with what she had done wrong and he would be the one to tell her so.

The dragon cleared his throat as he glared bitterly at Applejack, fists shaking at his sides.

"I don't know, Applejack. Maybe the fact that the Element of Honesty decided to stage a fake timberwolf attack just to get me to stop helping may be a start!"

Everyone in the room glanced at Applejack with upset, yet also concerned looks as the pony herself felt like she was hit by a ton of bricks.


"And then today, you say you 'love' me and 'care' about me, when you lie to me again by leaving me in that field to do nothing! I don't care if it was intentional or not - you still left me out there when all I wanted to do was help out with the rest of you and be a part of the family!"

Spike's fists pounded on the table with a loud "thud" for emphasis before he glared defiantly at his target.


"You're honest with everyone else except for me apparently and I don't know why! I know I've made mistakes, but everyone does. I thought families were supposed to be honest and open with each other, but you're so worried about me doing something wrong or screwing something up, I almost have no leeway with you!"

"Ah do love ya Spike! Ah just don't wanna hurt your feelings!" she exclaimed, ending the dragon's rant and giving her full platform.

"Back then ah was worried that if ah outright said that ah didn't want your help, ah'd break your heart - because ah do love havin' ya around. After that, ah was worried about havin' ya back and causin' the same kind of ruckus again. Ah was so scared that ah would turn ya away, that ah never thought about how ya could change from the experience. Ah never stopped to think that if ah told the truth and offered ya a new chance, it could have been different from that one bad example."

"But instead, me tryin' to protect ya ended up hurtin' ya more than ah ever could otherwise and ah'm sorry." she began crying at this point as she placed her hat over her eyes to try and conceal them. Unfortunately, her quivering hooves and choked sobs ended up revealing her emotive state otherwise.

"Ah'm so sorry. Ah try to protect everyone, that ah don't know when to let go. Family's the most important thing in the world to me, but it doesn't mean a darn thing if ah end up chasing them away.

The dragon and other ponies in the room no longer looked angry with the confessing pony but instead developed soft, inquisitive expressions at seeing the mare break down like this. They all wanted to go and comfort her, but first they wanted to remind her that her situation with Spike wasn't the first time her overbearing nature got carried away. They wanted to make sure the lesson she was trying to learn stuck.

"Like today?" Spike asked.

"Or like that Apple Family Reunion where ya tried to run everything to be perfect while ignoring the actual concerns around you?" Big Mac questioned.

"Or that time ya kept tryin' to baby me because ya thought ah couldn't handle being on ma own?" added Apple Bloom.

"Or that time ya ate one of mah slippers?" asked an angry Granny Smith.

Everyone immediately stopped and regarded the elderly mare with bewilderment, wondering what she just said.

"No, wait... that may have been me." she decided to elaborate, returning the attention back to Applejack.

Applejack nodded her head silently for a moment, before collecting herself and speaking up.

Ah just try to watch over everyone, just like..."

She then suddenly paused as the weight of her situation developed an ugly realization. She quickly felt the tears stop as her mouth gaped open in shock. Everyone around her waited suspensefully, wondering what caused the mare such alarm.

"...just like ma and pa."

And just like that, everyone gave her a pitiful look of sympathy, each of them never realizing that the absence of her parents had caused such a deep-seeded issue. Big Mac, and Granny Smith in particular, also having known and remembering the pair, quickly felt their eyes well up as they rushed over to hug their kin.

Spike himself immediately felt remorse for what he had said. Sure what she did was still wrong but she had parental issues much like he did - and he could be the first to tell you, things like that left unchecked did some damage.

"Applejack, I..." Spike began.

Applejack abruptly stopped him with a soft smile on her face.

"Ah don't want an apology, Sugarcube. You were right to be upset and ah needed to hear it. Ah just hope you can accept mine."

Spike silently nodded an appreciative grin back, knowing that the honest and sincere pony's confession was genuine.

Applejack stated to herself, "Ah just know what they would say, they would..." before her mind flashed a brilliant idea.

"Ma parents. That's it!"

"Sugarcube..." she began out loud again, "After dinner I want to show y'all something. All of y'all.", this time her face brimmed with confidence as Big Mac and Granny Smith went back to their respective seats.

The five remaining creatures looked at each other for a moment before they all unanimously agreed, seeing Applejack's determination back once again. They knew that she always came through when it counted.

"But first, let's have a quality family dinner." she winked at Spike.

Suddenly, the previously stone-cold dining room had sprung back to life with heartwarming and meaningful conversation. Tales of past family outings and funny anecdotes lit up the room as Spike began to feel just as good about this part of the mission as he had felt during the initial confession and group hug. He knew that he mattered to these ponies and he saw Applejack regret what she had done, but he was also curious as to what the farmer's surprise could be.

"But for now, I just want to enjoy this meal." he decided as he continued to participate in a room full of laughter and smiles that seemed to carry the true essence of Sweet Apple Acres. A family.

The sounds of hoof and claw steps rustled on the nice, cool floor as the brilliant orange hue of sunset guided the group to their destination. Applejack led the way with a sure as steady smile and a slight emphasis on her steps as the others knew what she wanted to show would be important.

Spike had grabbed his backpack before they left, just in the case he needed it for something. Either that or he was slowly developing his Auntie's Pinkie Senses along with Rainbow Dash he wasn't sure, but he nevertheless followed the group through a trail of one of the orchards, anticipation building up inside of him.

As soon as they got to a nearby clearing - Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith all seemed to realize where the farmpony was leading them as they each developed a warm, somber smile. Spike and Sugar Belle merely glanced at each other with one eyebrow raised before they no sooner had reached their intended destination. The dragon's eyes widened in surprise at what he saw.

There, in the middle of a clearing stood a tall tree that he had never seen before. This was no ordinary tree however; as Spike looked up at the majestic sight he could see it was actually two different trees intertwined to form a single cohesive entity - a heart shaped opening in the middle allowed the sunshine to shine through. The entity itself produced not only the crisp sight of apples but also the illuminating shapes of pears as both fruits seemed to live in perfect harmony.

Spike was amazed to say the least. He had never known a tree like this had existed deep within the grove and he was almost positive he would never see anything like it again.

Applejack looked up longingly at the tree while also motioning for Spike to come closer, which he happily obliged.

"Spike, this tree ya see here - this is a very special one. It was grown by mah parents on the night of their wedding."

Spike's eyes widened as he swiftly turned towards Applejack. He had heard the apparent story of how the mare and stallion ended up falling in love despite coming from two rivaling fruit farmers - the apples and the pears. He learned that they were almost forcibly split up by their parents, but they still pulled through and ended up proclaiming their love. To hear the story was one thing, but to see living proof of their existence was on a totally different level. Spike's arms slumped to his sides in awe.

"This is actually... I-I..."

Applejack placed a hoof on his shoulder, regaining his attention as the pair continued to admire the tree.

"Despite mah folks bein' completely different from one another, they were as closest as can be. They grew to become the family we are today because they trusted each other and allowed themselves to conquer anything - the happy times, and the sad times. They never stopped believing in each other, even when it was rough, because they cared so much."

Big Mac and Sugar Belle both began silently tearing up with smiles on their faces as Apple Bloom hugged Granny Smith with a warm acceptance.

"Ah owe mah life to them because of the deep-seeded trust they shared."

But then Applejack's gaze lowered as she gave a bitter sigh.

"But all ah'm doing is going against their very existence. Ah've been trying to prevent the sad times from happening because ah worried it'd ruin the family."

Applejack's head rose back up with a spark however as she looked on with a somber expression.

"But a real family has to go through the bad at points. It's how they became closer and grew. If everything were always perfect, what would be the point of having each other? Ah tried to be perfect and protect those around me from the bad, but it only grew worse because ah held them back - ah prevented them from growing and learning, from opening up."

Applejack looked back at the rest of the group with a warm, watery smile before she looked back at Spike.

"Ya'll taught me a very important lesson today, Sugarcube. Ah was trying to protect ya from getting hurt but all I did was prevent you from becoming a true part of the family."

Applejack then slowly walked forward to the tree, surprising everybody, before she had grabbed what looked like something from the dirt and trotted back over to face the dragon.

"Ah know you already accepted ma apology, but I want you to have this." she announced as she placed what was finally revealed to be a seed in the dragon's open claws.

"It's one of the seeds from this tree. Ah want it to represent the bond ah hope we can have as family - despite our differences, despite the mistakes we will make along the way - ah want us to grow as close as cousins as we could ever hope to be."

The dragon could only grip onto the seed for dear life as he shakily began to sputter.

"Applejack... thank you..." he whispered as he placed the seed within the small compartment of his backpack before giving the pony's neck the biggest hug it ever had.

The embrace lasted a good long moment as the remaining ponies decided to join in the heartwarming display. The group hug felt as good as the first one, but Spike oddly felt like he was forgetting something. He internally pondered this for a moment before it struck him.

"Pinkie's gifts!" Specifically, a certain one.

Spike let the hug play out before he rustled with his backpack, much to the confusion of everyone else. Then, he had pulled it out! The miniature version of Applejack's trademark hat!

Spike turned back around towards Applejack, clutching the hat in his claws.

"Since you gave me something special, I want to return the favor." he said before carefully plopping the tiny hat in Applejack's hoof.

"I want you to keep this hat as a symbol of how much I want to be a part of this family. Keep it and know that we'll always be there for each other." he concluded proudly.

Applejack could only stare at the hat before her emotions overpowered her, suddenly tackling the dragon in an over-affectionate hug.

"Sugarcube..." she chokingly sobbed. Spike could only smile as he wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world.

"Cousin..." Applejack audibly whispered, which took Spike for a surprise.

But then, he supposed life was full of surprises as he felt another hug being tacked on, each pony murmuring a single word.

"Cousin." muttered Apple Bloom.

"Cousin." agreed Big Mac.

"Cousin." cooed Sugar Belle.

"Cousin." replied Granny Smith.

Spike could only clench his eyes shut as a toothy grin overcame him.


Life at Sweet Apple Acres was glorious for the past six days as Spike found himself basking in the simple pleasures of the farm life while also partaking in some quality time with a whole bunch of new cousins.

Applejack had taught him how to buck a tree, and while it wasn't as efficient for him as simply flying up and releasing an apple from a branch, he eventually managed to buck more than three apples down (even if one fell on his head).

Apple Bloom had invited the rest of the fellow crusaders over and invited Spike to take part in a 'cutie mark mission' which he thoroughly enjoyed. Even if it was simply helping a colt discover that his bookworm cutie mark didn't actually mean he had to keep worms, the dragon enjoyed the chaotic plans and hilarious moments they endured.

Big Mac, Spike, and even Discord managed to encourage Sugar Belle and Applejack to play a round of Ogres and Oubliettes one night. Despite the two newcomers' difficulties with the unique blend of strategy and action, everyone agreed it was a worthwhile experience.

Speaking of Sugar Belle, she managed to teach Spike a few of her recipes for delicious Apple Turnovers. Spike enjoyed getting to know the other honorary family member better, resulting in them talking for hours as they worked. It was no gem cake, but the time they had was something sweeter.

Finally, on the sixth afternoon, Spike stood outside the entrance to the main part of Sweet Apple Acres as everyone prepared to wish him a hearty goodbye. However, before he could make his emotional farewell, Applejack quickly galloped to him.

"Wait, sugarcube! Before you go - Ah ran into Pinkie and Rarity at the market the other day. They wanted me to give y'all these." she gestured as she reached into her saddlebag and pulled out two precious keepsakes that melted the creature's heart.

Rarity had appeared to give him a miniature version of the ruby heart he gave her a long time ago while Pinkie gave him an utterly adorable tiny scale model of her famous party cannon (complete with high-pitched sound effects and a few tiny particles of confetti).

"Ah don't know why they didn't give these to ya before, but better late than never ah suppose."

Spike took the precious treasures and placed them inside his bag before he gave Applejack one final hug.

"Thanks," he simply said. "for everything."

Applejack simply nodded before she pulled away, a huge grin plastered on her face.


"So anyways, who's left on yer journey?" she asked with sudden interest as she wanted to wish Spike good luck.

Spike's smile fell a bit as he expressed a more downcast emotion, Applejack taking notice as she tilted her head quizzically.

"Just one left. Fluttershy." he stated.

Applejack peered at him for a moment before she unexpectedly plastered a huge smirk on her face, chuckling a little as she addressed the concerned dragon.

"Aw, sugarcube. Ah'm not sure what yer hesitant about, but trust me when ah say this - you and Fluttershy will have a great time. She loves ya and you'll find that out soon enough."

Spike's smile grew back a bit but he was still unsure.

"How can you be so confident?" he asked.

Applejack merely shook her head before giving the drake the most obvious face in the world.

"If there's one thing ah know about more than apples, it's family."

Spike couldn't help but laugh as he realized the earth pony was indeed correct.

"Can't argue with you there." he replied.

Finally, after a quick round of goodbyes, Spike decided to use his wings for once as an exit as he decided he was determined to head to his final location.

As he slowly rose in the air, he could hear multiple voices wave at him from the ground below.

"See ya soon, sugarcube. Come back anytime ya feel like!"

"Bye, Spike! Good luck!"


"Next time I see you, I'll make the biggest Apple Quiche you've ever seen!"

"Spike, you're a nice kitty." That one was met with looks of concern as an elderly hoof continued to obliviously wave.

Spike waved in response as he continued to fly above the trees, a cool breeze calmly at his backside.

Like many of the apples on the trees, family wasn't always perfect, but they were still the most important things one could inherit. Both in the orchards, and in the heart of one lucky dragon.

(*Wait, hold on... this chapter isn't over yet?!*)

The dragon flew ever so gracefully over the skies of the orchards and the ensuing nature that followed - his mind on autopilot for a bit as he lost himself in the ever so beautiful landscape and the fresh air that followed - before he had discovered a quaint little cottage on the outskirts of town, just before the feared treachery that was the Everfree Forest.

As the drake got closer to the lively abode below, he could see a wide variety of animals - furry and fuzzy, scaly and slimy, winged and tailed - all scatter in and out of the home as well as through the wide-open sanctuary that followed.

Yep. This was the place he was looking for alright. Fluttershy's cottage.

As Spike glided to a cool descent just right before the doorstep, his mind had a sudden relapse at the strange oddity of this situation.

"Shouldn't I be contemplating about her personality and my experiences with her before I do this?"

Spike's body outwardly shrugged, deciding to just go with the flow. His journey has consisted of many different scenarios and outcomes that he could've never prepared for, so why start questioning things now?

"Oh well. I'm sure I'll get the chance at some point."

As the dragon steeled himself for a brief moment, he soon found the strength to pound on the cottage door with enough strength to be audible. He began wondering how this experience would play out as he awaited a response. Would they be able to bond and connect like the others? Would she open up to him as well? Would things become extremely emotional?

Just then, the door slowly creaked open as Spike took a jump back in surprise. This was it! The last test to come as the door opened to reveal...

Angel Bunny?

The bunny simply stared at Spike with a sort of cautious and yet curious gaze, not exactly expecting the dragon to be paying a visit.

Despite Angel's tendencies to be extremely difficult and stubborn around everyone except his beloved pegasus owner, the dragon and bunny had a sort of mutual respect for each other after a rather harrowing trip to the Crystal Empire. Sure, there was a lot of fighting and arguments involved, but Spike soon learned an important lesson on caring for others and accepting responsibility when he had watched over all the ponies' pets. The two weren't best friends or anything by any means, but they've come to understand each other to establish a peaceful coexistence.

"Hey Angel." the dragon offered a courtesy wave, "Is Fluttershy home by any chance?"

The bunny neither confirmed or denied his question as he instead motioned for the dragon to follow him to the backyard where her sanctuary was located.

As they soon reached the animal paradise, Spike couldn't help but let out an impressive awe as he saw a plethora of various animals relaxing and exploring the habitats within. The dragon was definitely captivated by how far the pegasus had grown.

Before they met, she wouldn't even dare think about having the courage to set up a long term project like this; but over the years with her friends and the building of her confidence, she finally achieved a lifelong dream of hers. Through many hard-working hours and the pegasus's heart and soul focusing on the goal ahead, she had successfully completed her animal retreat that allowed many of nature's critters to come and go as they please.

It was indeed a passion of love that resembled the pony's humongous heart as Spike couldn't help but feel proud with the environment surrounding him.

However, upon his praising of the sanctuary itself, he almost failed to realize the pony currently massaging the neck of a giraffe who Angel began hopping towards.

"Dr. Fauna?" Spike curiously spoke up, grabbing the attention of Ponyville's veterinarian.

"Oh! Spike, hello!" she exclaimed in surprise as she finished the neck massage before slowly climbing down the heightened perch.

"What brings you here?"

Spike rubbed his shoulder as he mindlessly began searching for the missing mare.

"Well, I was actually looking for Fluttershy, when Angel sent me back here." he replied, Angel nodding his head in agreement.

"Oh, I see!" Dr. Fauna said, confusion wearing off as she offered an explanation.

"Fluttershy's actually visiting her parents in Cloudsdale for a couple days. I'm helping her out with the sanctuary while she's gone."

Spike blinked in slight bewilderment, yet ultimately understanding. He's never met the shy pony's parents before but he has remembered Twilight telling him that they still lived up in Cloudsdale. True, he did have a run-in with her brother, Zephyr Breeze once upon a time, but never her parents. He was kind of surprised she had left the safety and tranquility of her animals for a couple of days - then again, she was with her family and from what he heard they were pretty close so he supposed he could buy it.

"...but I'm sure if you head on up there, they'd let you in no problem." the vet finished, hoping to put the dragon's mind at ease.

Spike considered this for a moment. He would like the chance to better know her and the rest of her family; and with his new wings, Cloudsdale was no longer off limits. He finally made his decision as he flashed an appreciative smile at the pony and bunny as his goal was now set.

"Thanks, Dr. Fauna. I think I'll go up there and see." he said as he waved a quick goodbye to the two creatures before he took off once again....

...only to sheepishly float back down a minute later with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Uh... where exactly do they live?" he asked, causing the two creatures to giggle lightly at his misfortune. Angel in particular appeared to have developed a taste for his misfortune.

Spike knew his journey was full of twists and turns - of moments and experiences he never could've imagined he'd witness - but as he was finally ready to begin his ascent towards the cloudy city, he had a good feeling the surprises wouldn't stop anytime soon.

Author's Note:

4 down, 1 more to go.

My apologies if the country dialect and grammar went a little too far for this chapter. I wanted to give the Apple Family their unique dialect like in the show, but I also hope I didn't overdo it.

(Also, I'm noticing these chapters are getting progressively longer.... huh.)

Anyways, Spike's on his way to meet up with Fluttershy! What do you think will happen next? What are you excited to see? What are your other thoughts so far? Please let me know in the comments as I love to hear from all of you.

Thank you for reading and see you next chapter!

- frenettek314