• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Mud Briar Invites Adagio Dazzle to the Beach - Funny Scenarios

Mud Briar tries to apologize to Adagio for pranking her by inviting her to the beach. Adagio agrees and plans to get her revenge. The chaos that unfolds would give Discord a run for his money.

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Technically, I am not asking you out on a date...

It was a cool and relatively quiet summer afternoon at the sirens' current home. All three sirens were home at the moment. Aria was playing a video game called GemCraft on the computer, Sonata was making some type of macaroni sculpture and Adagio was watching TV. Adagio was watching an anime called One Headbutt Yak which was about a hairless yak who could defeat all his enemies with a single headbutt.

It’s been about a week since Adagio received that infuriating prank phone call. It took a few days, but she has mainly forgotten about it now.

Yaktama saves the baby yak from the clutches of the Ursa Major.

“You're a fast one, who are you?” asked the Ursa.

“Yak, just a yak who's a hero for fun!” the bald yak said blankly.

"You're kidding," the Ursa scowled. "What kind of half-flanked backstory is that?"

"You say you do this for fun? for Fun? Yet what can be expected from a ya-"

Yaktama gave the Ursa a normal headbutt and it blew up into countless pieces.

"Not again," Yaktama anguished "All it took was one butt, DAMMMMN IT!!-"

The phone started ringing.

“Aria, pick that up,” Adagio ordered.

“Can’t, the enemies are almost at my base!” Aria said focusing on her game.

“Sonata, answer the phone.”

“I can’t Adagio, my hands are stuck together with glue,” Sonata said, showing her palms were completely glued together.

Annoyed, Adagio got up to answer the phone herself.

“Hello?” she said.

“Hello,” a dull and awfully familiar voice said.

Adagio’s eyes shot open.

“Y-Your the person who prank called me last week aren’t you?” she asked with her voice raised.

“Technically, it was six days ago,” he corrected. “but, yes.”

Adagio knew that this man wanted to torture her with his voice again. She wouldn’t let that happen. She started fuming.


“I’m calling to apologize,” he interrupted.

“W-What?” she stammered.

“I’m calling to apologize for pretending to be an Iron Will Housing Service agent and wasting one hour and fifty minutes of your day,” he said.

“Huh?” Adagio was silent for a second. “W-What is your name?”

“My real name is Mud Briar,” he said. “I want to invite you to the beach.”

“The beach?!” she repeated.

“Yes, and just to be clear, I am not asking you out on a date,” he said. “I already have a lovely girlfriend.”

Adagio raged internally. As if she would ever go out with this robotic-sounding man who wasted her perfect day.
Also he already has a girlfriend? Who in their right mind would ever want to be in a relationship with this thing?

“Wait, is this another prank about inviting me to the beach?” she said suspiciously.

“No, I promise you miss, it’s genuine,” he said. “Stick Lover’s Honor.”

Adagio didn’t know whether to accept or not. She noticed both her sisters were looking intently at her conversation. Aria’s game was paused.

“Is that the guy who prank called you?” Aria asked with a smirk.

“Yes, and he’s calling to invite me to the beach!” Adagio informed her.

“He, he, he,” Sonata giggled. “~Adagio’s got a boyfriend!”

“He’s just calling to apologize!” Adagio said with disdain. “Plus he already has a girlfriend!”

"Aww, I'm so sorry Adagio," Sonata gave her condolences. "Don't worry there are other bunyips in the sea!"

"Shut up!" Adagio quipped.

“I really wanna meet this guy who messed with you while we were away,” Aria said in an unusually serious voice. “I’m coming too.”

“Ditto!” Sonata said.

“Okay. I’ll come to the beach with my two sisters,” Adagio said into the phone.

“Alright, and I'll bring my girlfriend," he replied. "How does meeting by the fountain, at the plaza sound?”

“Fine,” she replied. “Let’s meet at the fountain, by 11 am.”


This man made the huge mistake of calling back and inviting her in the flesh. She would have her revenge. Adagio gave an evil grin to herself.

“Umm, Adagio, could you help me?” Sonata asked.

Sonata somehow got her hands and legs glued behind her back. Adagio emitted a sigh and an eye roll and then helped Sonata get unglued.

The next day was sunny with clear skies and it was exactly 11 am in the morning. Adagio and her sisters came to the plaza with their bags.

As soon as she meets this punk, Adagio would let him have it. With her sisters here to support her, she would definitely make him pay for what he did. Although, currently, Sonata was scaring nearby pigeons away and Aria was sneakily stealing coins from the fountain that people have thrown in for wishes.

She couldn’t believe how dumb her fellow sirens were sometimes but nevertheless Adagio knew that they would be at her side as soon as this man dared to show his face near-

“Are you miss Adagio?” a bland voice from behind her asked.

Adagio whipped around and before her was a tall, skinny, grey-skinned man with brown hair. He had a bowl-cut style hairdo. Standing beside him was an equally grey-skinned girl with straight, purple hair. Their clothes were very plain and simple.

“Y-You’re Mud Briar?!” Adagio asked with her eyes wide open and pointing an accusatory finger at the man.

“Yes,” he said with a neutral expression.

Aria and Sonata seemingly warped beside Adagio.

“So, you’re the one who prank called my sister Adagio?” Aria asked with her arms folded and an eyebrow lifted.

“Yes,” he said another time.

“Well let me just tell you, that you are-”

This was it. Adagio couldn’t wait to hear Aria’s initial insult.

“-Awesome!” Aria exclaimed with a smile and her fists pumped to the sides.

Adagio couldn’t believe what her sister just blurted out.

“Yeah, definitely!” Sonata agreed with Aria.

“Why, thank you,” Mud Briar said proudly.

“When we got back home, she was crazy upset and was crying on the floor,” Aria stated with a chuckle.

“Oh, really?” Mud Briar asked with concern.

“What? I wasn’t crying!” Adagio shrieked towards Aria in embarrassment.

“Oh dear,” Mud Briar said with guilt and started to bow his head. “I am so sorry to have troubled you on that day miss. Let me make it up to you today.”

"Yes, we're very sorry, let's have some fun in the Sun," Maud said with a small smile.

“W-Whatever,” Adagio said looking away and crossing her arms.

“Cheer up Adagio,” consoled Sonata. “Oh, by the way, I’m Sonata Dusk.”

“I’m Aria Blaze," Aria put a hand on Adagio's shoulder. "And this is Adagio Dazzle as you already know.”

“I’m Maud Pie and this is my boyfriend, Mud Briar, or as you might know him, Dud Tire.”

Aria and Sonata both cracked a laugh at that. Adagio expelled air through her nose like a bull.

“Mud Briar wanted to improve his social skills, and my sister suggested prank calling was a good way to improve speaking,” Maud explained. “He’s been improving a lot since I’ve met him.”

“Thank you Bae,” Mud Briar said with a simple smile towards Maud.

Wait, this guy used to have worse social skills? Adagio couldn’t imagine it, nor did she want to.

“I wish I could've been there to listen to the whole conversation!” Aria wished aloud. “I’ve never seen her so upset before!”

“Me neither!” Sonata chirped in.

“I’ve got a recording of the entire phone call on my computer,” Maud said.

“Really?” Aria asked excitedly. “Please, you gotta send it to me!”

“Sure,” Maud said with a faint grin.

Adagio scowled to the side to the thought of that whole fiasco being recorded and shared.

Sonata’s stomach suddenly started to rumble like a Hydra.

“Sonata hungry,” she pouted while holding her belly.

“Perhaps we should all get lunch first,” Mud Briar suggested.

“Sure,” Aria said with a nod.

“Sounds good,” Maud said without a nod.

"Yes please!" Sonata said with multiple nods.

Adagio said nothing but gave a single shrug.

The group then started to find a place to eat while engaging in small talk. Adagio followed everyone at the very back and didn't say anything the whole walk.

What was going on? Adagio thought. This wasn't supposed to happen. Her sisters were supposed to support her, but now they've taken a liking to this guy somehow. This was infuriating on many different levels.

The group went to get lunch. They decided to eat at a Taco Bell and Pizza Griffon co-brand restaurant. They sat down at a window booth. Maud and Mud Briar were sitting opposite to the siren sisters. Adagio and Mud Briar were both sitting beside the window across from each other.

They ordered a half cheese and half spicy vegetarian pizza and a few tacos. Maud and Aria chowed down on slices of spicy vegetarian. Adagio and Mud Briar were eating slices of cheese. Sonata of course, was gobbling up the four hard shell-tacos she ordered. Half of them were fish and the other were vegetarian.

Mud Briar payed for all the food since coming to the beach was his invitation and paying was a part of his apology.

“So whatcha do for fun?” Aria asked Maud.

“I collect and study rocks, tell jokes and play video games.”

“So you're a gamer?” Aria asked intrigued.

“Yes, I recently picked up that hobby,” Maud replied sipping on her drink(Mountain Dew).

“What do you play?”

“Stonecraft, Don't Drown and I also started playing The Itcher 3: Wild Rash.”

“Oh yeah, those are all good,” Aria replied enthusiastically.

As they were continuing their MLG conversation, Adagio was tuning them out while looking out the window and eating. She occasionally stopped to glare at Mud Briar who was sipping his Dr. Draconequus-Cherry Vanilla. He then looked up at her and stared.

Why’s he staring at me? Adagio thought. Is he mocking me?

“You’ve got some tomato sauce on the upper left side of your face,” Mud Briar said between a bite of cheese.

“What?” Adagio quickly wiped the sauce off her face while blushing.

Sonata and Aria snickered.

"You said you do comedy?" Sonata asked Maud.

“I mainly do geology based comedy but recently I’ve been making jokes to directly insult people in the audience,” said Maud.

“Oh, tell one about Adagio!” Aria pointed.

The whole table listened to what Maud was about to say. Adagio gave Maud a suspicious look.

“Hey Adagio,” she began. “What weighs more, you or your hair?”

Adagio was stunned. Aria and Sonata were dying. Maud and Mud Briar wore small grins. Sonata almost choked on her current taco. Other customers started looking at their loud table.

“Ha ha, nice, joke,” Adagio said with a fake laugh and furiously gritting her teeth.

The laughter died down and the rest of lunch included conversations about each other's jobs, interests and a quip about why the food item Sonata was eating was "Technically, not a faithful representation of a traditional Mexican taco". The group finished eating with Adagio having spoken the least throughout the whole meal.

"Let's hit the beach now!" Aria insisted while putting on her sunglasses.

The group headed down to the beach. There were some other people of course, but for a beach, it was fairly empty. The sky was a vibrant light blue with snippets of stratus clouds scattered around. The group set up a spot for their towels and umbrellas. After that, they went to change in the beach changerooms.

Sonata was wearing a green one piece swimsuit with a cartoon taco on the front. Aria was wearing a cyan swimsuit with a boy short. Adagio was wearing a modest red bikini with a frilled skirt. Maud was wearing a grey tankini with a texture looking that of andesite. Mud Briar was wearing a pair of swimming shorts with sticks and leaves designed on it.

From what Adagio could tell, Mud Briar didn’t have a pint of muscle on him. He was about as thin as a twig.

Sonata and Aria put on each others sunscreen. Mud Briar put on his own sunscreen along with helping Maud with hers. Adagio put on her own sunscreen(loner moment).

The group then headed into the cool shallow water and divulged in their own activities for a bit. Aria, Maud and Sonata were splashing each other. Mud Briar was inspecting an old log submerged in the water. Adagio was just floating in the water, thinking.

How could she get her revenge on him? Suddenly she had an excellent idea to best him and show everyone that she was superior. She swam over to Mud Briar.

“Hey, Mud Briar, let’s have a race,” she encouraged.

“Sure,” he responded.

“Okay, Let’s go from here to that buoy,” she pointed to a buoy which was about eighty meters away.

“Sure,” he said with 110% congruency to the last response.

They both lined up beside each other and Aria was elected to count them down.

“Ready....Set...” started Aria. “G-”

“GO!!!” Sonata interrupted.

Adagio jetted into the water. She was a good swimmer, since she was a siren after all. She was swimming quickly with every muscle in her body put to work. She couldn’t see or hear the presence of Mud Briar beside her because she was too focused on swimming. There was no way she would lose to this man. She kept swimming. One stroke and then the next as fast as she could. It almost pained her until finally, she had reached the buoy first.

“Yeah! In your face you-” Adagio stopped as she looked back.

Mud Briar was far behind her, he wasn’t even a fifth of the distance. He was lazily doing the backstroke taking his sweet time without a care in the world. He had the grace of a spring swan.

Adagio was dumbfounded until Mud Briar finally reached her at the buoy.

“What are you doing?” she said confused. “We were supposed to be racing!”

“I know, and you seem to have won.”

“But, you didn’t even try!” she hissed.

“Technically, I was trying but not as hard as you were,” he said still while floating on his back looking up at the sky.

“Great job Adagio!” Aria shouted sarcastically from the distance. “It was such a close match, but you beat him!”

Sonata was just laughing in the water at her oldest sister but would be drowning if it weren't for Maud helping her stay afloat.

After Adagio registered that her sisters were making fun of her, she begrudgingly made her way back to the shore followed by Mud Briar though at his now infamous sea snail's pace.

Sonata, Maud and Aria were next to race and Mud Briar was chosen to count them down.

“Preset......Set........Initialize,” said Mud Briar in his notoriously unadorned voice.

The more intense race ended with Maud and Aria essentially tying while Sonata got stuck at the midway point swimming in circles. Oh dear.

After a long session of swimming and the local lifeguard demanding Sonata to wear a life vest at all times, the group decided to play volleyball at a place with a free net.

The first match was Adagio and Sonata versus Maud and Mud Briar while Aria was referee.

Adagio vowed to beat Mud Briar in volleyball. She wasn't really good at this sport, but from the knowledge she had and her determination she was sure to dominate.

Mud Briar served first. The ball volleyed over the net in an arc.

Adagio bumped it over the net.

Mud Briar volleyed it back.

Adagio jumped and spiked the ball down over the net.

The ball landed on Mud Briar and Maud's side.

"One point to Adagio and Sonata," Aria declared.

Yes, This was it! Adagio knew she could finally beat Mud Briar in this sport and in a manner where she couldn't be embarrassed. It was her time to shine.

Maud served next. The ball went flying over the net towards Sonata's side.

Sonata however, was busy toiling away on her cellphone instead. Not even giving the ball a glance when it landed unceremoniously near her feet.

"That's a point to M&M(I stole this nickname from Helluva Boss -The Author)," Aria announced.

Maud and Mud Briar gave each other high-fives.

"Yeah!" Sonata began walking up to Adagio. "Give me a high-five Adag-"

"Sonata we didn't get a point!" Adagio growled while rejecting her high-five completely.

"Oh," Sonata said dejectedly.

"Sonata, What are you even doing?" Adagio asked annoyed towards her youngest sister and current teammate. "Why the Tartarus are you on your phone?!"

"Adagio, I'm dumb," Sonata said calmly.

Adagio facepalmed.

"Just put your phone away and focus on the game!" Adagio commanded.

"Okie Dokie!" Sonata said as she put her phone away.

This time, Adagio served the ball.

Mud Briar volleyed it back.

Sonata managed to bump the ball back this time.

Maud bumped it back.

Adagio volleyed it back.

Mud Briar volleyed.

Sonata bumped.

Maud then spiked the ball with a thunderous power.

Adagio got decked straight in the face and fell as the ball ricocheted off her head.

Aria and Sonata laughed at first but got concerned after Adagio remained on the ground, massaging her head.

"Miss Adagio are you okay?" Mud Briar asked with decent concern in his voice as he went to her side.

"I'm fine," Adagio said exhausted while getting back up.

"I'm sorry," Maud said with her head hanging a bit low. "I used to be on a competitive volleyball team so I couldn't help being forceful. I hope your not badly hurt."

"I'm alright really," Adagio insisted. "but I'm not playing this stupid game anymore."

Adagio sat out on a nearby bench as the permanent though less enthusiastic than previous referee as the rest of the group played a few more matches.

It was now 3 pm and the Sun began to it's descent.

“Let’s build a sand castle!” Sonata declared.

"Sand is a granular material composed of finely divided rock," Maud said happily. "It's truly gorgeous."

Adagio was about to help but she had a sudden surge to not do anything anymore. A sudden loss of energy.

“You guys,” Adagio said weakly. “I’m gonna go sit in the shade for a while.”

“Okay!" Aria, Sonata, Maud and Mud Briar all say in unison and not giving her a glance as they started constructing the base of the castle.

Adagio slowly walked to their blankets and shady umbrella. She sat down with a thud and sadly put on her sunhat that she had brought along.

This day was not going as planned, the world managed to counteract all of her schemes. How could this happen? What did she do wrong?

Adagio began to think about all her failures and how worthless she was. First her leadership got her and her sisters banished from their homeworld. Second she was defeated by the Rainbooms in that high school event and now she was being outdone by a monstrous monotone man who bested her on the phone and now in the physical form.

Adagio started to shed a few tears from all her negative thinking.

Mud Briar wasn’t the most socially aware person but when he happened to glance at Adagio in the distance, he knew something was wrong.

“I’m gonna go rest in the shade aswell,” he said. “My internal body temperature has heightened to an abnormal level.”

“Okay, Cool!" Aria, Sonata and Maud all say in unison as they continued working on the sand castle with eerie levels of devotion.

Mud Briar walked over to where Adagio was.

"Miss Adagio are you alright?" he asked.

"W-What do you want?!" Adagio said angerly while turning to face him while wiping her face.

Mud Briar sat down beside Adagio with his legs crossed. He was facing the other three members of their party in the distance while Adagio was to his right.

"I just wanted to know if you were alright," he said. "Your not dizzy from the volleyball are you? If you have vertigo you could try the Epley maneuver and-"

"What? No It's not that!" Adagio interrupted in vexation.

"Oh, then what seems to be the issue?" he asked curiously.

"It's just...today has been...you've been...I'm not-" Adagio fumbled her sentence but then let out all her bottled up anger. "-YOUR BETTER THAN ME!" she roared in pure frustration.

Mud Briar was taken a back a bit from the sudden outburst, his eyes widening for a little.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked with confusion.

"You got the best of me! you made a joke out of me! and now my sisters enjoy your company over mine!" Adagio moped. "It's like the world just hates me."

Just then, a random seagull flew overhead and dropped some excrement right on top of Adagio's sunhat in perfect comedic timing and with a sniper's accuracy.

"See?" Adagio said unsurprised.

"Well technically, that was very unfortunate," Mud Briar examined as he offered a tissue.

Adagio accepted it and began to use it accordingly.

"Well, I think that your sisters both really love you," Mud Briar said gesturing towards the others.

Adagio looked at her younger sisters Aria and Sonata who were currently chiseling small details unto the sandcastle.

"Well...I guess..." she admitted. "They can be very irritating to deal with sometimes though."

"Well I like you and your sisters, you're all very energetic," he said.

"Wish I could say the same about you..." Adagio mumbled.

"Huh?" Mud Briar said confused. "Miss Adagio, are you still upset about the prank call?"

"Yes!" Adagio sneered. "You interrupted me in my rare alone time and I was watching a TV show which I had not been able to watch because of you! I also had a light cold as well," Adagio explained bitterly. "You made me answer ridiculous questions and you made me run around the house for nothing!"

"Oh...I see...I really regret doing that now," Mud Briar said realizing the reality of his phone call. "I'm sorry, really," he had a barely noticeable but undeniable frown on his face. "I wish I could give you that time back, but technically, I am unable to."

"You say the word 'technically' a lot you know," Adagio pointed out. "It's kind of annoying."

"Yeah, I know, other people have pointed it out before," Mud Briar said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Adagio suddenly felt a little guilty for saying that line.

"In school, I was quite unique and other kids used to pick on me for who I am," he began. "I didn't have any friends, and spent most of my time alone. I spent a lot of time in the forest near my home because it was always so peaceful there. I spent my time just hiking, climbing trees and taking in the surroundings."

Adagio began to listen with intent.

"But one day I had enough of being alone and hiding myself from other people. I started to not fear what other people thought of me cause I realized I can't change myself. I told myself, even if the world was cruel to me, I would keep trying. That mindset eventually led to me meeting Maud and I'm very grateful since she also understands what it feels to be a social outcast at times."

Adagio didn't say anything but she did understand what Mud Briar had just said and surveyed him closely.

"Anyway, I apologize for that little autobiography of a tangent," he atoned. "So what were you watching when I called?"

“Well, I was watching this documentary about 80’s music. I happen to like the 80’s style of music,” she said sheepishly.

“What was the name of the documentary?” he asked.

“Oh, I don’t know,” she tried to remember. “I think it was called Grooving in the 80s.”

“Hmm, I have a friend who might own a copy of that documentary. He's a digital media collector. I could ask him if you could borrow it if he has it that is.”

“Wait really?” she looked at him surprised.

“Yes, really,” he replied with a smile.

Suddenly, Adagio perked up a little with astonishment. Maybe she had been wrong about Mud Briar? Maybe he really wasn't as bad as she thought. Maybe she shouldn't have spent most of the day trying to best Mud Briar and berating him in her head and treating him as an adversary. He did pay for lunch and the net. Suddenly she felt kind of regretful and awkward.

"Umm, yes, that would be great if you could," Adagio let out. "Thank you."

There was a short but strong period of silence between the two as they watched the others build the sandcastle.

“Hey, I have an idea," Mud Briar began as he broke the silence. "Would you like to bury me in the sand?”

"W-What?!" Adagio said in surprise from his random suggestion.

"The difference in our elevation and my temporary immobilization would probably provide you with a feeling of superiority from our juxtaposition," he explained.

"Umm...Okay?" Adagio agreed hesitantly.

"Hey you two!" Sonata exclaimed as she ran up to Mud Briar and Adagio. "We finished the sand castle!"

The sandcastle that Sonata, Maud and Aria finished was divine. It had a great detail to it with different layers, windows, towers, and even a moat and drawbridge.

"Wow, this is actually really well made," Adagio said with amazement.

"Technically, this is a high quality structure," Mud Briar said approvingly.

"Turns out Maud here knows a thing or two about civil engineering apparently," Aria said proudly wrapping her arm around Maud's shoulder while they both gave a smirk.

"I poured the water in the moat!" said Sonata brightly while doing a little dance.

After an appreciation of the sand castle and after the idea was pitched by Mud Briar, the group then buried him next to the castle. Once they were done, Adagio was for the first time today, laughing very hard at the results. Mud Briar looked like a meerkat poking out of the ground. If she didn’t know any better she would’ve swore she heard a background choir singing Diggah Tunnah. They took a few pictures to commemorate the moment. Cheese.

Adagio actually let herself have fun from that point on. She from that point, helped Mud Briar with the financials for their next activities. The group spent the rest of the day flying kites they rented, surfed with surf boards they rented and stopped to get some tans. They also collected rocks for Maud, sticks for Mud Briar and seashells for Sonata.

They got pretzels as a snack from a cart vendor named Pretzel Perry. There was also a rival cart vendor in the distance called Doof's Donuts who hallowed "Curse you Perry the Pretzel Purveyor!" once he saw the purchase of said pretzels.

Anyway, the group of five even rented a five-seater bike to ride as per Sonata’s request. Aria protested at first since it would look ridiculous, but Sonata, as always, convinced her. Sonata sat at the front and Aria behind her. Maud sat in the middle and Mud Briar behind her. Adagio sat in the very back behind Mud Briar. Unfortunately or fortunately, due to the instability of a five-seater bike and Sonata’s horrible steering, they abandoned that idea within ten minutes.

It was now 8 pm and there was now a sunset(the actual Sun setting over the horizon, not the ketchup and mustard haired girl). The whole group had changed into their normal clothes. The sirens and the couple were facing each other on the sidewalk leading out of the beach. Sonata was sleepy and was resting her head against Aria’s shoulder.

"Thank you for inviting me to the beach today, Mud Briar," Adagio said with a genuine and warm smile. "It was honestly great meeting the both of you."

"It was my pleasure," spoke Mud Briar with a soft smile. "I hope I've made it up to you for wasting your time previously."

"Don't worry, technically, you made up for it more than you should've," Adagio said with a playful wink.

Mud Briar picked up on her use of his go-to word and grinned. Maud and Aria gave each other knowing looks for the two.

“This was a wonderful day to make new friends,” Maud said with a smile.

“We should all hangout again another time,” Aria suggested.

“Yeah, very *yawn* fun today,” Sonata yawned.

Adagio smiled and waved goodbye to their new friends, along with Aria who was carrying a now sleeping Sonata on her back. The sirens and the couple, merrily went their separate ways. It was the end to a wonderful day at the shoreline and Adagio, was happy.

Five days later, at Sugarcube Corner, Mud Briar and Maud were talking to the seven local heroines over brunch.

“You prank called Adagio Dazzle?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Yes,” Mud Briar said.

“You invited the Dazzlings to the beach?” Rarity asked with shock.

“Technically, I invited Adagio only and she brought her sisters along,” he corrected. “but otherwise, yes.”

“You made friends with em?!” asked Applejack in disbelief.

“Yes, well in accordance with the parameters the average person has in order to consider another individual a ‘friend’,” he quoted with his fingers.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Sci-Twi and Sunset(condiment head) were all looking at each other and were all speechless.

“We didn’t know they tried to steal magic and hypnotize people,” Maud spoke up. “but, they all seemed fairly friendly when we hung out with them.”

“Yes. Definitely,” Mud Briar chimed in as he was drinking a milkshake.

“So they’re willing to hang out with us as well?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yes, we suggested the concept, and they agreed to socialize with all of you if it was possible,” Maud informed.

“Maybe we should all go to an amusement park one day?” Sunset suggested.

“Sounds like a nice idea,” Maud commented.

The rest of the conversation was about planning for said amusement park event until-

“You guys really rode a five-seater bike together?” Pinkie Pie asked with vigor.

“Technically, Yes.”

The End

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed the story!
This is my second story so please give any constructive criticism if you have any. Thanks!
I know at the end it implies another sequel, but this is the last installment of this series. Sorry!
Thank you for reading!:twilightsmile:

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This was worth my time.

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