• Published 29th Jul 2020
  • 3,302 Views, 73 Comments

Kung-Fu Equestria - Lady Umbra

When Celestia sees a frightening vision she and her sister must train one to rise up and defeat this horrible Evil and become The Celestial Warrior

  • ...

The Celestial Warrior

Author's Note:

Before we begin, I want to point out that since Fluttershy is so timid and shy when comflict occurs, me and my Proofreader Three Tails have thought it would be a good idea for her to wear a blindfold and rely solely on her other senses and reflexes

“I know who I am,” the little leopard cub said, “And no matter what I will never forget it. I am Tai Lung, The son of Master Luna Solaris"

Mother and son smiled at each other. Then Luna bent down and embraced her son.

"I know that, My Great Dragon," Luna assured him. "You are destined for Greatness. I can feel it."

The days went by. Luna watched with pride as Tai Lung grew, both in body, and ferocity.

"Excellent work, Tai," she praised as he reduced an army of training dummies to splinters. "Your technique is flawless as always"

Tai lifted himself from the ruins of the training dummies, but gazed at his mother with ambition in his eyes.

"Mother," he said. "I wish to ask you a Question."

"Go ahead, Tai."

"I wish to know about the scroll in the dragon statue’s grip," Tai Lung said.

"That is the Celestial Scroll," Luna explained. "It is given to the one who Celestia will dub ‘the Celestial Warrior.’When you are ready, you will receive the power within the scroll."

Tai Lung’s eyes filled with ambition. Too late, Luna realized just how dangerous that ambition could be, as his eager eyes were replaced with the desperate and scared eyes of a pony, dragging herself into the Celestia Palace as fire blazed behind her.

"It.... was.... Tai Lung," the pony gasped out. Luna’s eyes grew wide in disbelief.

"Sister,” Luna stammered. “There… it has to be a mistake!”

Celestia said nothing, carrying the pony to the medical wing

"Tia? Tai Lung wouldn't attack Ponyville!" Luna all but screamed.

But her older sister gave her nothing but silence.

"Celestia!" Luna finally screamed.

Yet when Celestia finally turned to Luna, the cold light in her eyes made Luna long for her silence once more.

"Pray you are right little sister," Celestia said coldly, turning back to tend to the damaged pony.

Knowing Celestia would not be far behind, Luna turned for Ponyville. She would find the villain who framed her son. And she would see him punished for his cruel trick.

But she barely made it to the Hall of Heroes, before a loud BANG sounded from the Palace doors.

Luna froze in her tracks, hearing Celestia skid to a stop right behind her.

Cracks splintered the doors as another BANG rang through the hall. Then, with a final CRACK like thunder, the doors were flung off their hinges. As they clattered to the ground… Luna’s heart tore in her chest as a furious Tai Lung ran through them.
Luna wanted to believe it was a trick: that Tai Lung was stopping some invisible fiend. Or that he was simply coming to check on his family. But in the cruel light of his eyes, Luna saw the truth: Tai Lung only had one goal, and that was to claim what was rightfully his.

Luna could not let him past her. She had to stop him. Leaping forward, she readied a powerful kick that would stop his rampage. But as she and the leopard closed in, for a moment, Luna did not see the monster that she had created. She saw the cub that she had raised – had fed by hand. The cub who gazed at her with the love a child reserves only for its mother. Her kick faltered. How could she destroy that which she had created? Which she had loved? But her hesitation was her undoing. The vision passed as Tai Lung swept her leg aside. Pain flared up Luna’s leg as the bone broke from the force of his blow. As the cruel light in his eyes once again became clear to her, Luna suffered another punch that threw her back towards Celestia. And as the master that once was his mother fell, Tai Lung made a powerful leap towards the dragon statue, claws yearning to claim the power of Celestial Scroll. But then Celestia intervened. Like a beam of sunlight, she rammed her staff into Tai Lung’s neck, holding him in place as she tapped his chest in five vital nerve points, before leveraging him back into the ground. Tai Lung did not rise from where he fell. Only the rise and fall of his chest indicated that he was still alive. Luna crawled to her son, the pain in her leg nothing compared to the pain in her heart. Placing a hand on the boy’s head, Luna shut her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Tai Lung," she cried. "This is my fault, It's all my fault.”

But as her emotions tore through her battered heart, her tears blocked out the world around her. And when it reformed, Luna only found more horror waiting for her. Before her were the bodies of her students, each and every one of them were covered in blood and claw marks. In front of her was Celestia, the Sword of Heroes buried in her stomach. Celestia fell, revealing Tai Lung, but more terrifying than ever before. A golden Aura swirled around him; the Celestia Scroll clenched in his paw. With a vile snarl, Tai Lung seized Luna’s neck with his free paw, and lifted the alicorn master off the ground

"Tai..." Luna choked out as she tried to pull herself from her sons grip. "I…. tried..."

"You should've tried harder," Tai Lung hissed, snapping her neck with a sharp CRACK!

The crack ripped Luna out of her dream. She tore herself from bed, sweat covering her panting body. Even as the comforting sight of her bed and room assured her what had transpired was only a dream, Luna could not rid herself of the guilt or regret that followed the dream.

Her eyes welled up, her knees came to her chest, and Luna softly wept to herself, praying her sobs did not reach the others in the Celestial Palace.

“This is truly my fault, Tai,” Luna sobbed. “I’m so sorry… it’s all my fault!”

But grieving would have to wait; as she heard the hustle and bustle of the servants outside, Luna remembered the significance of this particular day. Wiping away her tears, Luna rose from bed, dressed herself, and raced to meet Celestia on the stairs to the tournament grounds.

The hours had passed quicker than Luna realized: ponies were already gathering in the stands surrounding the tournament arena.

"Such a historic day," Celestia commented. "And one I had feared I would not live to see."

“A marvelous day,” Luna agreed, her face set like stone. Celestia noticed her sister’s mask, and placed a hand on Luna's shoulder.

"Another nightmare?" the elder master asked. Luna took a deep breath, her eyes not leaving the arena grounds.

“My students are ready,” Luna said in a firm voice.

Celestia lowered her hand from Luna’s side.

“Very well,” Celestia said. “Just know this…” she waited until Luna looked at her. “Whomever I choose will not only bring peace to the land…” she smiled softly. “But to you as well.”

Giving a terse nod, Luna steeled her shoulders, and strode forward as the sound of the gong rang through the courtyard of the Celestia palace, drowning out any outside noise. Taking her place at the balcony overlooking the arena, Luna briefly noticed a violet flash just outside, before the doors shut tight with a bang. With no time to ponder the strange phenomenon, Luna addressed the citizens with a Royal Canterlot Voice.

“Citizens of Ponyville,” she declared. “It is my great honor to present to you… Rainbow Dash!”

A cyan blur shot out from the palace, making a lightning bolt shaped cloud in the sky.

“Pinkie Pie!”

A stream of confetti blasted into the air, as the pink master of Laughter held a pose in the air. “Ta-da!” she declared.


A silhouette of the yellow master of kindness drew across the sun, before gliding down closer to reveal Fluttershy, a blindfold around her eyes not stopping her from catching Pinkie before she fell.


The sun was once again blocked out, but this time by a pair of rainbow-pattered butterfly wings, attached to the back of the white master of generosity.


The orange master of Honesty lunged from a nearby apple tree, hitting the ground hard enough to leave a small crack. As she rose, the other four descended around her; Rainbow Dash hitting the ground hard enough to leave a larger crack, grinning at Applejack even as the cow-girl gave her a disapproving look. Pinkie Pie leaped from Fluttershy’s arms and fired her cannon to slow her descent. Rarity descended like an elegant dragon, detaching the wings like she was sliding out from a robe. Finally, Fluttershy glided to a stop just above them.

Luna allowed herself a small smile of pride. They were no Tai Lung, but they would do.

“The Furious Five!” she declared grandly.

As the citizens applauded and cheered, Fluttershy gave her wings a strong flap, the gust of wind subtly giving the audience the cue for silence.

As the audience slowly quieted down, Luna caught a small conversation from the girls.

“I appreciate you girls being here,” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“Of course, Dashie,” Pinkie said cheerfully. “Friends always stick together. Like sticky, creamy frosting.” Her eyes gazed wistfully to the palace kitchens. Mm…” she mumbled. “Frosting…”

“And remember,” Applejack said. “Whoever becomes the Celestial Warrior, we give all our support to.”

“What are you talking about ‘who?’” Rainbow Dash asked with a grin. “It’s obviously going to be me.”

“Don’t be so sure, darling,” Rarity teased. “Perhaps Master Celestia wants a Celestial Warrior with proper grace and elegance.”

“Ha!” Rainbow Dash barked. “All that ‘grace’ and ‘elegance’ didn’t help you last time we sparred.”

Applejack nudged both of them. “C’mon, ya’ll,” she chastised. “We’re on.”

Indeed, the crowd had finally quieted down, and Luna was giving them a glare for silence.

“Now,” Luna declared. “Direct your attention to the sky! For Master Fluttershy! As she faces the Thousand Tongues of Fire!”

The other four masters slumped, moving to the side as Fluttershy descended gracefully to the ground.

“Warned ya,” Applejack whispered to Rainbow Dash with a grin, eliciting a small glare. Though there was no time to focus on anger, as all eyes turned to Fluttershy. With her blindfold on, it was hard for them to know if she could see the device that stood before her: the thousand tongues of fire. A wooden machine shaped like a dragon’s head, a slowly opening mouth stacked with enough fireworks to host ten parties; a fact that Pinkie Pie was quick to lock on.

"That's enough fireworks to host ten of my parties," she noted, only to be hushed by Rarity.

As the fuse was lit and the fireworks prepared to barrage the pony, Fluttershy breathed in slowly, her ears flicking in suppressed worry.

“That’s it…” Luna mumbled.

“Trust yer instincts,” Applejack muttered.

“You can do this,” Rainbow Dash admitted softly.

Whether the yellow pony heard their words of encouragement was unclear, but just as the fireworks blasted out like the tongues of fire for which they were made, Fluttershy’s wings unfurled, and she took to the air in a heartbeat. Firework missiles shot back and forth through the air, yet the master of kindness flowed around them like a leaf on the wind. Briefly, she was hidden by a cloud of smoke as the fireworks. But, before any of the audience members could gasp in alarm, Fluttershy drifted down from the cloud of smoke, not a single singed hair on her body. Landing softly, Fluttershy inclined her head in a bow, before moving to join her friends.

"Ya did great, Sugarcube,” Applejack whispered.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash agreed, patting her fellow pegasus’ back. “Not as good as me, but you were still awesome enough.”

Fluttershy blushed with a shy smile, while Luna motioned for Rarity to rise.

“Now,” Luna declared. “Master Rarity will face the Scorpions of Scorpan!”

The worker ponies moved twin scorpion mechs into the arena.

Rarity huffed, sweeping her elegant mane to the side.

“’Grace and elegance didn’t help me last time,’” she muttered. “Hmph! How about I show you ‘grace and elegance’ when you’re not fighting dirty, Rainbow Dash!”

She certainly got her chance. As the scorpion’s eyes came alive with the glow of fire, the left scorpion made the first move. Rarity danced around the scorpion’s strikes, before catching one of its claws. The scorpion tried to stab her off with its tail, but Rarity simply transitioned, seizing the tail and riding it up as the second scorpion tried to strike, only hitting its companion in the process.

Jumping off the downed scorpion’s tail, Rarity allowed herself a small flip, building momentum for an ax kick that destroyed the final scorpion. As she landed, she lifted her head, ensuring that not a single hair fell out of place. Performing a more elegant bow to her master, Rarity sauntered back to join the others, smirking at Rainbow Dash’s attempt to conceal a worried look.

“Now that, my dear,” Rarity said proudly. “Was ‘grace and elegance.’”

“Now,” Luna declared. “Master Pinkie Pie will face Discord and the Whips of Chaos!”

“Well, not technically Discord,” Pinkie mumbled, as a wooden contraption in the shape of the serpentine draconequus was rolled forward, twirling two bull whips that snapped with an ominous air. “Discord himself would be a bit more challenging and – whoop – no time to talk!”

Pinkie jumped backward, weaving in between the lashing whips like a needle threading a dress. With drawing her cannon, Pinkie carefully shot out one of the arms, sending it’s whip into a tail spin. Grabbing the whip, Pinkie rode its momentum, coiling the whip around the wooden contraption like a viper. As the other whip nearly caught her, she shot out the arm twirling it, and seized it as well. In a matter of seconds, the wooden contraption was hog tied and trussed up like a turkey, Pinkie topping it off by tying the whips into a little bow that she presented to Master Luna like it was her birthday.

“A great gift to a great master,” Pinkie declared happily, making a small bow before skipping back to her friends.

“Bribery isn’t going to net you the Celestial Scroll, Pinkie,” Dash noted as Pinkie sat next to her.

“Who’s bribing?” Pinkie asked. “I thought she might like a present.” She gave Luna a slightly sad look. “It always feels like she could use some cheering up.”

But Luna ignored her student’s concerns, staying focused on the tournament.

“Now,” Luna declared. “Master Applejack will face the Diamond Wolf, and the Claws of Carbon!”

Applejack strode into the arena, grinning as a more metallic machine made in the likeness of a bipedal wolf approached, claws bared. Without much fanfare, Applejack struck, sweeping the leg out from under the metal contraption, before another kick scattered it into shrapnel. Giving a terse bow to Master Luna, Applejack rejoined the others, even as Rarity and Rainbow Dash shook their heads.

“Seriously, AJ?” Rainbow Dash asked. “That’s it?”

“No class,” Rarity bemoaned. “No substance!”

“Don’t need none,” Applejack replied. “As long as Bucky McGillycuddy and Kicks McGee can get the job done…” she smacked her respective thighs. “Why drag it out?”

“And finally, Master Rainbow Dash,” Luna declared.

Rainbow Dash grinned. “I’ll show you exactly why we drag it out,” she declared, standing up and striding into the ring.

“Will face Iron Ox and his blades of death!" Luna said, as Rainbow Dash approached a fake ox with eight arms, each wielding double-sided axes.

“Alright,” Rainbow Dash declared. “I’m gonna show you why Rainbow Dash is the greatest master of Kung-Fu in Equestria! Come on!” she dared, darting away as the wooden ox struck at her with its axes.

As the cyan blur darted in and out of the iron ox’s blows, the audience watched with rapt attention. So rapt that they missed a blur of red, lavender, purple and orange flying and struggling above the arena. Celestia, however, glanced up at the mismatch of colors. And among them, she sensed something. Something that made her stand, her wings raising for silence.

"The Celestial Warrior is among us," Celestia declared.

Rainbow Dash paused, a protest on her lips. The Iron Ox wasn’t beaten yet. Yet, with a significant look from Luna, Rainbow Dash left the contraption behind, and raced to stand before Celestia, alongside Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy.

As Celestia took her time descending towards the group, Rainbow Dash quivered with excitement. Applejack nudged her with a glare.

“Ease it down, Sugarcube,” Applejack warned.

“I’m trying,” Rainbow Dash squeaked in excitement. “This is the moment we can make Luna proud.”

Glancing up at the dark furred alicorn, Applejack couldn’t find a way to refute her cyan friend.

But just as Celestia passed Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack… something cannoned out of the sky with a scream, landing right between them and the princess with a burst of green fire.

The Furious Five leaped to combat positions, glaring down at the purple mare and equally purple dragon struggling from the small crater they had embedded into the ground.

Well, almost everyone was glaring at her. Pinkie Pie was looking up, scratching her poofy hair.

“Huh,” she mumbled. “Where’d she come from?”

Twenty minutes earlier…

Twilight pushed her cart of returned books and scrolls, neatly shelving them back into the shelves where they belonged. Though she tried to be careful, she could barely contain her excitement. Master Celestia was going to choose the Celestial Warrior today. It had been the talk of all of Ponyville.

“C’mon, Twilight,” Spike called from the front of the Library. “Celestia’s going to be choosing the Celestia Warrior soon. We gotta lock up the library and get going so we can get good seats.”

Twilight quickly shelved the last book. “Coming, Spike,” she said. “Though… why do we need good…?”

Her question was answered when she heard a knock on the Jade Dragon Library’s front door.

“Spike!” a female voice called. “We going to see this tournament or what?”

“Just getting ready.” Spike called. Twilight joined him at the front door as he adjusted the suit he was wearing. He turned to Twilight with a grin. “How do I look?”

Twilight had to stuff a hand in her mouth to keep from giggling. Though Spike had cleaned himself up nicely with a nicest clothes, something had convinced him to wear a large, obviously fake mustache. Resisting the urge to giggle, Twilight’s magic removed the facial hair.

“Perfect,” she declared.

Straightening his tie with a thankful nod, Spike turned and opened the door, revealing a bright orange dragoness.

“Smolder,” he declared with a bow.

For her part, Smolder resisted giggling as she took in Spike’s elaborate attire. Sharing a glance with Twilight, Smolder shook her head.

“Always trying to impress, aren’t you?” Smolder noted, taking the arm Spike offered her. She glanced at Twilight. “You coming to see the show?”

“As if I would refuse to see the greatest day in Kung-Fu history?” Twilight asked, quickly locking up the Library. She raised her hands when Spike gave her a meaningful look. “I promise not to get in the way of your date.”

“Date?” Smolder rolled her eyes, but couldn’t keep the grin off her face. And the three joined the throng of ponies heading for the Celestial Palace.

Yet, as they walked, Twilight noticed a red dragon flanked by a chubbier brown dragon and a lanky purple dragon. Their eyes caught on the trio, and the red dragon pointed, advancing on them as ponies wisely darted out of their way.

“Um… Spike?” Twilight whispered. “Smolder’s parents ‘approved’ of you, right?”

“Yeah,” Spike said, not noticing the red dragon just yet. “I was an absolute gentleman.”

Twilight indicated the dragon coming towards them. “So why is Garble here?”

Smolder spotted what she was talking about, and sighed. “Leave it to that ash-brained pile of scales to ruin my good time,” she muttered.

“Ah, come on,” Spike said. “Maybe he just wants to… wish us luck?”

Not even Spike sounded convinced. And Garble didn’t exactly refute him.

“You shrimp!” Garble growled. “I told you the next time I spotted you with my sister, I’d burn your face off!”

Twilight narrowed her eyes, stepping in front of Spike protectively. Spike, however, pat her shoulder with a roll of his eyes.

“Good to see you too, ‘brother,’” Smolder grumbled.

Garble glanced over at her, before giving Spike and his attire a glower.

“Don’t know what you see in this twerp,” Garble growled, grinning at Twilight. “He needs some namby-pamby pony to fight his battles for him.”

“Says the guy with hired goons?” Spike asked, grinning at his two lackeys, even as they cracked their knuckles menacingly. Spike rolled his eyes. “Look, Garble. If Smolder doesn’t want to go out with me, she’d tell me.” She glanced at her nervously. “You… would tell me, right?”

Smolder stood loyally beside him and nodded, before giving Garble a glare. “I’m not your problem, Garble,” she growled. “I’m not your excuse; so, stop trying to put others down to make yourself feel bigger. Believe me…” she grinned. “It’s only making you look more pathetic.”

Garble fumed, smoke rising from his nostrils. He aimed a claw at her. “If we didn’t share the same mother, I’d make you pay for that.”

Spike and Twilight glanced at each other, before Spike stepped between the siblings.

“Come on,” he insisted, trying to nudge them away. “We’ve got a tournament to get to. Let’s settle this with some bets on who’s going to get the…”

But the second he touched Garble, the red dragon whirled on him, a punch aimed at the purple dragon’s face. Twilight teleported in with a flash, catching Garble’s punch and flipping him over her shoulder.

A beat of silence dragged out. Like a calm before the storm. Realizing what she did, Twilight covered her mouth in horror.

"Oh my goodness," Twilight stammered, moving to help the dragon up. “I am so sorry. I was just…”

But Garble lunged at her with a roar, Spike shoulder checking him and getting him away from Twilight. His cronies lunged for Twilight as well, but Smolder jumped in the way, catching the chubbier of the two and forcing him backward.

“Take the beanpole,” Smolder yelled over her shoulder. “I got Fatso!”

“I’m big boned!” Fatso snarled back.

With Spike and Smolder occupied with Garble and his thug, Twilight was left on her own as the thin dragon swiped at her with his claws. Backing up into the steps, Twilight nearly lost her footing, but managed to catch herself with a teleporting spell.

Up the stairs the group went, Twilight dodging the dragon’s wild slashes and fighting back with beam spells or rabbit punches. All the while, she kept an eye on the Celestial Palace. Hoping against hope that they could get help from the masters.

But as they drew closer to the front gates, Twilight’s heart plummeted into her stomach as she saw the doors closing.

“No-no-no!” Twilight stammered, racing for the doors. “WAIT!” she screamed… only to run right into the shut and locked gates.

Clutching her nose in pain, Twilight tried to use her magic to teleport in. But just as her glow of light started to encapsulate her body, several glowing runes flashed on the door, revealing a magic barrier that negated her teleporting spell.

Twilight cursed, and kicked at the door. “Somebody help us!” she screamed. But her voice was drowned out by the voice of Master Luna.

"Citizens of Ponyville,” she was declaring. “It is my great honor to present to you Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack...The Furious Five.”

Up above, Twilight saw the Furious Five making their entrance. She waved at them.

“Hey!” she yelled. “Hey, help us out!”

For a brief, shining moment, Pinkie Pie spotted Twilight waving at her. But the pink pony only waved back at Twilight before turning back to the audience, and vanishing behind the gates.

Twilight slumped with a moan, only for the sounds of combat behind her to grab her attention.

“Twilight!” Smolder yelled, having caught the lanky one in a head lock. “Little help here!”

Covering her mouth in horror, Twilight raced back down, finding Spike backing up from Garble and his fat thug. Spike’s suit was ruined, and several scuff marks marred his purple scales. But his green eyes were alight with fury, and he held his fists up, looking for openings.

Garble spotted Twilight coming at him, and withdrew a metal ring. Twilight growled and tried to fire a beam spell at him, but he held the ring out, and whatever magic properties the ring had protected him from the spell.

His grin widened. He glanced over at his thug. “Handle the shrimp,” he snarled.

“Hey, no you don't!” Spike tried to say, only for the fat thug to tackle into him, leaving Garble free to advance on Twilight as she tried to hit him again, only for her spell to fizzle out once more.

"Not so scary without that magic you're so fond of, huh?" Garble said with a laugh.

Twilight at first backed up from him, but with a sad look at the locked palace gates, she sighed… and forced herself to remember her scrolls. As the forms appeared in her mind, she assumed her combat stance, opening her eyes to glare at Garble.

The dragon just laughed.

“Really?” he demanded. “You're going fight me with your shaolin karate?"

"It's not Karate, Dragon," Twilight growled.

But Garble didn’t care. He lunged at her with another punch. But once again, Twilight was ready. She caught his wrist and countered with a kick, knocking him back a few feet.

"It's Kung-Fu,” Twilight corrected.

Garble growled, cracking his knuckles and extending his claws.

"That's it Pony,” he vowed. “I'm gonna kill you.”

He charged, but Twilight redirected him into the door. Part of her hoped he’d bash it down and finally get the ponies inside to help. But the barrier bounced him off without so much as scratching the door. And when Garble whirled on her, his anger hadn’t abated.

Out of the corner of her eye, Twilight saw Smolder wearing down the lanky dragon thug with her chokehold, his eyes rolling up in his head as Smolder squeezed the life from his neck. Spike was doing much better against the fat thug as well, combatting him with flames and blinding him with smoke. Part of Twilight hoped that she could hold out long enough for Smolder and Spike to defeat their foes, and then help her with the angry red dragon.

But despite Twilight’s years of study, she had failed to make sure her body was maintained to use the forms. And it didn’t take long for her to tire. Her legs started to ache. Her arms struggled to hold themselves up. Every breath became ragged.

“Spike!” Twilight finally gasped out. But as her dragon brother finally kicked his opponent down the stairs and turned to her, Twilight’s luck ran out.

Garble managed to catch Twilight and slammed his knee into her stomach, knocking the wind out of her.

“Twilight!” Spike yelled, racing towards her.

But Garble saw him coming. And with Twilight on her knees and struggling to breath, she was unable to resist him as he lifted her up and gripped her like a pony shield. Spike stopped, and started looking for an opening, just as Smolder climbed off her beaten foe and joined him.

For a moment, the three dragons glared each other down, Twilight struggling in Garble’s grip, while Smolder and Spike looked for an opening. Their pause was broken by Luna’s voice.

"And finally, Master Rainbow Dash! Will face Iron Ox and his blades of death!"

Twilight glanced up at the gates. Had they been fighting that long?

Garble followed her gaze, grinning maliciously at Spike.

“You wanted to see Kung-Fu, wimp?” Garble demanded, his wings flaring to life.

“Garble…” Smolder started to growl.

“Then let’s get you a front row seat!” Garble declared, shooting up into the air.

"Garble!!" Smolder yelled, racing up after him.

"Twilight!!" Spike screamed, ripping aside his suit to reveal his own wings. He shot into the air after them.

Unfortunately, neither Spike or Smolder were as fast as Garble in the air. But as he rose out of their reach, Spike’s eyes glittered with an idea.

"Smolder! Give me your hand!" Spike yelled.

Smolder grabbed his hand, and Spike spun, launching the orange dragoness after her brother. With the added speed, Smolder was able to catch her brother before putting him in a headlock.

"Put her down Garble," ordered Smolder.

Garble growled, but his grin didn’t fade. Twilight whimpered in his grip, the arena looking like it was miles below her.

“That was a very poor choice of words,” Twilight mumbled in fright.

“But… whatever you say, sis,” Garble replied, dropping the lavender unicorn with a smile.

"TWILIGHT!!!" Spike screamed. He lunged to catch her halfway. But as she plummeted into his arms, the force of gravity hit Spike like an anvil, and both mare and dragon plummeted before slamming into the concrete.

Twilight’s eyes fluttered open, moaning in pain. Thankfully, Spike’s dive had kept the fall from being fatal, though it did still feel like some of her ribs were bruised.

“Spike…” Twilight mumbled. “You okay?”

Spike pushed himself up, clutching at his arms, but shaking some feeling back into them.

“Yeah,” he replied. “Yeah, I’m alright. You?”

"I'm good."

“You sure, fella,” a southern voice asked. The smoke around them cleared as an orange pony stepped forward, looking them over with concern. “That was quite a fall.”

“I’m okay, I’m…” Twilight stammered to a stop.

The pony was Master Applejack! Behind her, Rarity and Fluttershy were all grouped around, watching them with worry, while Rainbow Dash was still in a defensive stance. Pinkie Pie was looking up at the sky, scratching her mane.

“Where’d she come from?” she muttered off topic.

But Twilight didn’t have the courage to explain. The Furious Five were mere feet in front of her. And that meant…

Twilight slowly turned, to find Master Celestia. Her staff pointed right at her.

“Oh, no!” Twilight mumbled, backing up and bowing in profuse regret. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt, I… well, I was going to see who the Celestial Warrior was, a-and then these dragons…”

“How interesting,” Celestia noted, gazing at Twilight with intrigue.

Tilting her head, Twilight cautiously rose to her feet, looking over as Applejack and Pinkie helped Spike to his own feet. In her worry for her older brother, Twilight failed to notice Celestia was still pointing at her, until Rainbow Dash moved up next to her.

“Um… Master Celestia?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Are you… pointing at me?”

Celestia’s staff didn’t waver from Twilight. “Her,” Celestia confirmed.

Twilight paused from looking over Spike, turning back to Celestia to find her staff still pointed at her.

“W-Who?” Twilight squeaked, her courage further failing her as every eye fell on her.

"You,” Celestia said with a smile. She took Twilight’s arm and lifted it into the air. “The universe,” she declared. “Has brought us the Celestial Warrior!"

Twilight went pale. “What?!” she stammered.

"What?!" Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy all stammered.

"WHAT?!” Spike and even Smolder and Garble roared from above.

“WHAT?!” Luna bellowed.

But then, Pinkie jumped in.

“PARTY TIME!” she declared happily.