• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 671 Views, 3 Comments

Not All Secrets are Worth Keeping - Coyote Mustang

Everypony has secrets, but some are hard to keep. CobraJet can't hold his any longer.

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The Secrets We Keep


Coyote Mustang

“Sweetie Belle, could you get the door of me,” Rarity called, after hearing the bell to the door of her boutique.

“Ok,” the small white unicorn answered as she got up from the song lyrics she was writing and moved to the front of the store. “Hello and welcome to Carousel…” She began to say as she saw the pony that had just entered the store.

The unicorn that stood in front of her was someone she had recognized from her class at school, but she only knew his name.

“You’re Stovebolt, the new pony from our class right,” Sweetie Belle asked as Rarity walked down the stairs, covered in the fruits of her labor.

The dress she wore was a stunning piece, a flowing black dress covered in strands of gold, accentuating the lines on the figure of the model. Any pony would have shown interest in the design and complimented on the way it looked but as soon as Rarity noticed the young colt and her sister, she quickly disrobed and placed the dress on the nearest mannequin and proceeded to her new costumer.

“Hello, and welcome to Carousel Boutique, I’m Rarity, how may I help you today,” she asked as she looked the colt over.

His black with gold striped mane was slightly unkempt and his dark red coat seemed to be the same way, but she put this down to sleeping wrong during the night. But this wasn’t the most striking feature of her customer; it was the cutie mark the young colt had. Emblazoned on his flank was a wrench crossed over what looked like a large gear, denoting to her some sort of mechanical prowess.

The Colt looked at the tall white unicorn, and after noticed her eyes and the placement of them, rather shyly spoke, “My brother sent me to see if you could fix this.” The colt pulled out a jumbled ball of red leather, and placed the ball on the counter of the store. Rarity’s eyes quickly moved from the colt’s cutie mark and onto the ball of leather and then began to straighten it out, revealing what looked like the sleeve of a jacket. She also saw the damage, particularly the large tear in the side, slightly higher than the middle of the sleeve.

“Wow, it’s been a long time since I have seen this color of leather, where did he get this,” Rarity asked the shy colt as her eyes lit up.

“I don’t know, my brother just gave it to me, and told me to come here,” the young colt answered back, rather shyly.

Rarity scanned the piece of leather from top to bottom, noticing that the leather’s edges had but a small amount of sewing holes in it, denoting that the leather wasn’t from a jacket and that it was missing a piece.

“Oh dear,” Rarity’s voice lowered as a frown formed on her face, "my dear, is there another piece to this outfit?”

The colt looked at the mare for a second, and with a look of shock, he quickly looked through the satchel he wore on his flank, and sighed in relief as he found the other part of the outfit.

“Here you go,” Stovebolt answered as he handed the strap he had found in his bag, a similar color to the large sleeve of leather he had handed her earlier.

“Oh, thank you dear,” Rarity asked as she moved over to her thread trying to find the correct color for the fix, “ now what is it that your brother wanted done to it?”

After a short conversation, Rarity set off to work. A few sewing passes here, a couple of snips there, and the leather strap was reattached to the sleeve as if it were never broken in the first place.

“There you go dear, good as new,” the fashionista claimed as she gave the young colt back the sleeve of leather.

“Thank you,” Stovebolt said as he placed it back into the satchel on his flank and retrieved a small bag of bits from it, “how much for the repair?”

Rarity smiled as she looked at him then at her sister, who was sitting on the floor, seemingly captivated by the colt in the shop. “It’s no charge for somepony as nice as you,” Rarity beamed. “it’s a pleasure to work on such fine material, but I simply must know, this isn’t a part of a jacket, so what does your brother use this for?”

Stovebolt looked quickly around the shop and upon noticing the door quickly wheeled around and began running to it. “Thank you very much for the repair, but I have to go,” He yelled as he left the shop in a hurry.

“What do you suppose that was about,” Rarity asked as she turned to her sister. She looked at the look on her sister’s face and noticed she still held the same facial expression as she did minutes before. Rarity wave her hoof in front of her sister, in an attempt to awake her from her stupor, but it was to no avail, Sweetie Belle Was lost in thought and her mind was unwilling to let her escape. Rarity sighed, shrugged off the strange incident and went back to her designing room to finish the other orders she had.


The young colt sprinted out of town, weaving in and out of the legs of the ponies he passed, his speed never slowing, even for the corners in the road. The speed the colt was going was inviting trouble. unfortunately for him, he found it quite literally head on. Stars erupted into Stovebolt’s vision, eliciting a yelp of pain from both him and the pony he crashed into. Looking up from the ground, Stovebolt’s face went white, as Miss Cheerilee rubbed her leg in pain.

“I’m sorry Miss Cheerilee, I wasn’t looking where I was going, Are you ok,” He asked as the earth pony finished rubbing her leg.

“Yes, I’m fine” His teacher answered back, “But you really must watch where you are…” as Miss Cheerilee looked down to address the colt, but all she saw was the thick cloud of dust he made as he began running again, “Going?”


Stovebolt continued to follow the path home, weaving in-between ponies, careful as not to hit anyone else.

“Boy, Miss Cheerilee Is going to kill me tomorrow,” He spoke to himself as he neared his home. The Colt stopped in front of his house, a large mansion sitting on its own plot of land near the edge of town. It was traditionally styled like the other homes in the area but around three times as big. Turning the door knob, he stepped into the large sitting room and placed his bags down.

“Brother, I’m home,” he yelled. The echo from his voice rang through the house, and after about a minute with no answer he began to walk the halls in search of his brother. “Cob, where are you,” he called as he moved to the second floor, mostly made of bedrooms, still in search of his brother.

“Young Master, I believe your brother is downstairs in the lab,” An older voice came from behind the colt, startling him as he whipped around to face the voice.

The pony that stood in front of him, dressed in a black butler’s jacket, stared at the young colt, a kind smile upon his face.

“Celestia, Gold Comet, you scared me,” He said as he turned for the stairs to head down to the basement. “Are you sure he’s down there,” Stovebolt asked the butler as he began to move down the steps.

“Indeed,” Gold Comet replied. “Also there was a call for you a little while ago, from a miss Rarity, asking that you return to her shop.”

“Really,” he replied uninterested, “did she say what?”

“Apparently, in your collision with madam Cheerilee, you dropped your red leather…” Comet began, before hearing the rushed sound of hooves on the hardwood floor.

Frantically, Stovebolt began to dig through his satchel hoping that the information he had received was false. “Glue, paint, wrench, Flux capacitor, Oh man where is it,” Stove yelled as he continued to dig.

“Young master, if I could make a suggestion,” Gold said as he cleaned up the mess being thrown from the satchel, “perhaps you should tell your brother, I’m sure he would accompany you to the store.”

Stovebolt spun around on his hooves to stare at the butler, “Gold, I can’t tell my brother about this, he trusted me with this one thing and I can’t tell him I lost it,” He cried as he quickly placed the satchel upon his back and began to open the door.

“Gold Comet, what’s going on up here,” A gruff voice came from the kitchen located behind the two ponies.

“The young master appears…” Gold Comet had begun saying before the noise of the large wooden door slammed and Stovebolt was nowhere to be seen.

“What’s going on, why the door slamming and what are my brother’s things doing on the floor, Comet” The tall red Pegasus walked into the room, a frown across his muzzle.

“It appears the young master dropped the item you sent him out for and in his embarrassment, He ran off so you couldn’t yell at him,” Gold Comet replied as he knelt down to pick up the rest of the items that were scattered about.

“Run off, why would he do that,” The red stallion asked. Gold Comet relayed the story of what had happened so far to the stallion and upon hearing the last of it turned to his butler.

“Comet what’s the name of the shop he went to earlier,” The red stallion questioned.

The butler looked at him and smiled, “Carousel Boutique, Miss Rarity’s shop I believe.”

The red stallion walked to the closet near the door, placed on a robe, and preceded to the large wooden doors of the mansion. “Comet, I’m going to find my brother, but I request something from you,” He paused before continuing with his request “Please have my brother’s favorite dinner prepared before we get back.”

The butler looked at the stallion and smiled, “Your wish is my command,” Comet spoke before bowing to the pony.

“Thanks,” The stallion answered before he walked out the door and towards the shop in question.


“I tell you, that colt’s head is always in the clouds. He never pays attention in class, and on top of that he never stays the whole day. His father keeps taking him home early. I swear that colt is not going to learn anything if he continues to do that,” Miss Cheerilee complained as Rarity sized up the dress she was wearing and began to make the appropriate changes for her form.

“I don’t know dear, he seemed like a likable pony to me,” Rarity spoke as her sewing machine began to move.

“I never said he wasn’t dear, but it would do that colt so good if he looked around him and didn’t skip out on class,” the pink pony answered back as her dress was being sewn to fit. Miss Cheerilee looked around the shop and upon noticing Sweetie Belle sitting in the corner, She grew curious of her unwillingness to blink or move for that matter and asked, ” Sweetie Belle, why are you sitting off in the corner, I would have figure you’d be doing the homework I assigned you earlier today?” After receiving no response, she turns to her sister looking for an answer.

Rarity spoke before the teacher could ask, “I don’t know what happened to her, and she’s been like that ever since Stovebolt walked into the shop.”

Miss Cheerilee looked at Sweetie Belle again and smiled, “I think someone’s got a crush.”

This snapped Sweetie Belle out of her reverie and she quickly answered back, “NO!” She blurted out, “I was just looking at his cutie mark.”

The two older mares looked at each other and smiled. “It’s ok Dear, I was only teasing,” Miss Cheerilee spoke as she looked back at the panicking filly and smiled, “I didn’t mean any harm.”

Sweetie Belle’s cheeks began to blaze red as she ran up the stairs, trying to avoid the situation. Rarity let out a small laugh as she continued sewing.



The bell to the shop spoke, letting Rarity know that there was a new costumer. “Please excuse me,” Rarity asked as she began to walk out to the front, “Welcome to Carousel Boutique how I may help you?”

The Pegasus that stood before her was cloaked in a large robe, but from what she could see, he wasn’t that bad looking. His black mane was brushed straight, with a partial part to the left, and his eyes were as grey as a thunderstorm cloud. The red of his coat accentuated the colors around him and he was wearing a smile.

“Yes, you wouldn’t happen to be Miss Rarity would you,” the stallion asked as he kissed her hoof.

A blush rose to Rarity’s cheeks as she looked over the stallion. “Why yes I am, and might I say, it’s been a while since I’ve met someone as classy as you appear,” she spoke as she looked him over again, “Is there something I can help you with?”

The stallion smiled and looked around the shop admiring the fashions she had on display. “Yes, My brother came in here a few hours ago with a piece of leather I needed stitched back together,” He spoke, and upon returning his gaze to the unicorn started again, “I was told that he dropped it along his way home and that it was returned here, would you be so kind as to retrieve it for me?”

Rarity walked to the back of her shop and when she returned Miss Cheerilee walked in with her. Rarity’s face was lit up with a smile as she walked towards him, Miss Cheerilee was not.

“Excuse me, but who are you to Stovebolt,” She asked as she stared at the Stallion in front of her, “you’re not his father.”

The stallion looked at the new pony that had walked in and without dropping his smile began to speak, “You must be Miss Cheerilee, I’ve heard so much about you from my brother.” The stallion walked over to her and kissed her hoof in a similar fashion as Rarity’s.

Miss Cheerilee’s cheeks grew red with embarrassment and she moved her hoof away in a rather hurried fashion. “Th-Th-That’s nice,” she stuttered out, “But who are you exactly?” The stallion looked up at the two mares with an embarrassed smile, “Oh dear, where are my manners, I’m…”

“Oh my god, you really are Cobrajet” a voice came from the open door of the shop as a rainbow maned pony stuck her head in.

Rainbow Dash had been following the pony as he walked to the shop, trying to remember where she had seen him before. It was only after the second hoof kiss that the robe he was wearing slid up high enough for her to see his cutie mark. And with the distinctive “Metal Wing Feather” mark he had she knew with certainty that it was him.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” Rainbow repeated as she looked at him. He looked at her with apprehension, not wanting her to jump him or anything.

“Yes” Cobrajet answered as he began to slowly back away from the Pegasus and towards Rarity.

Upon seeing the apprehension in the stallion’s eyes and the backing up he was doing, Rarity looked at her friend and yelled, “Rainbow Dash that is no way to treat a guest in my shop!”

Rainbow Dash looked at the situation and after noticing her fan girl getting the better of her, she calmed down and spoke, “I’m sorry Rarity; my fan girling got the better of me. It’s just not everyday a Wonderbolt shows up in your town.”

Rarity looked at her then at the stallion that was still inching towards her. True, the Pegasus looked rather muscular, but she had never seen him at any of the shows she had go to. “Rainbow darling, are you sure? I’ve never seen him before,” She asked as her eyes shifted back to the rainbow maned pony.

CobraJet looked at the two of them and sensing that he wouldn’t be pounced upon collected himself and spoke, “My, I didn’t think I still had fans.”

The Pegasus walked forwards towards Rainbow and shook the mare’s hoof. “It is quite a pleasure, Miss Dash.”

Rainbow looked at her hoof being moved and fainted.


“Don’t worry, she does that all the time,” Rarity apathetically replied as she move her friend to the couch in the front room. After setting her down, Rarity moved into her backroom and retrieved his sleeve.

Cobrajet stared at his hoof, and was only knocked out of his reverie by Rarity’s voice telling him she had his item.

“Thank you for holding onto it and for fixing it as well, Now I must pay you back for your generosity” he said as he looked around him and upon noticing Rainbow dash stirring, “As well as the pain I caused your friend.”

Rarity looked over at the woozy Pegasus and smiled, “Really it’s no trouble, but since you asked I have a favor I’d like you to do for me.”

“Anything” The Red Pegasus asked as he turned to look at her.


Stovebolt ran faster and faster, trying to get to the boutique so he could return home and have his brother being none the wiser.

“Wow Stove, you really screwed up this time, and Cobrajet is going to be furious with you if he finds out you lost his leather sleeve,” he yelled internally at himself.

But there was no time to argue about it, he could see the Carousel boutique and his only attempt at redemption. He stopped in front of the door but as he began to turn the doorknob he stopped as he heard voices. He could make out Rarity’s, Miss Cheerilee’s, and a male voice he knew all too well.

“Come in, Stovebolt, I need to talk to you” the voice called.

Stovebolt lowered his head, opened the door, accepted his fate and walked in.


“And I said to him, “That’s not a zucchini and you can keep the hot tub.”” Cobrajet joked as Stovebolt entered into the shop. The three mares in the store laughed hard as the joke finished and then began to look at the colt.

“Well, if it isn’t the fastest pony in the town,” Miss Cheerilee chided as her smile disappeared. Stovebolt’s cheeks lit up red and he began to sink back into the corner.

“Yes, the colt that seems to drop anything he’s given,” Rarity mocked as she stared him farther into the corner.

“Brother, I need to discuss some matters with you,” Cobrajet spoke with authority, causing the colt to fully embed himself into the corner. He never spoke like that to him, man had he really screwed up.

The piercing glares continued until they all began to smile and laugh.

“See I told you he’d do that,” Cobra laughed as he reached his hoof out to his brother, “It’s OK, we were only joking with you.”

The young colt didn’t move from his spot, he was too afraid to do anything. “Really little brother, it’s OK, we all forgive you” his brother gently spoke to him extending his hoof in front of the colts face.

The unicorn slowly reached out and grabbed his brother’s hoof and began to cry. Cobrajet spent the next few minutes holding the crying colt and comforting him as the ponies around him stared.

Their eyes weren’t watching the scene in front of them; they were staring at the mechanical hoof the Pegasus used to hold on to his brother. The cybernetic limb was creaking and moving like that of a normal leg and hoof, but the effect of seeing the movement caused a large gasp to permeate the room. Cobrajet heard the gasp and turned to the mares in the store, and after noticing their eyes he began to blush and his wings began to extend on him in embarrassment.

No, Not that!

His wings began to press insistently against the fabric of the robe he was wearing, and he knew that the wings would win that fight. Sure enough, the fabric ripped as his wings burst forward from his sides. The fabric fell to his sides and exposed the secret he hid underneath. The extent of the mechanics in his body was startling to say the least. It wasn’t just the leg and hoof; it was the front two, completely mechanical in all respects. The left wing of his body was also heavily modified with steel and cloth feathers, too heavy to actually let him fly but enough to hide the missing lump if he were asked. He stood up and let go of his brother as he turned to face the mares. He had expected them to faint like that rainbow one earlier, but to his surprise they looked at him with amazement. No pony spoke, the only sound to be made was the sniffing of Stovebolt and even that was calming down. He reached to pick up his robe with his teeth, but a sudden release of pressure caused him to fall to his knees. It turned out not to be the pressure in the room; but the pressure in the shocks of his artificial limbs that gave.

Cobrajet let out a slight sigh as he tried to move the broken limbs and after finding it no use he turned the others in the room. “Excuse me ladies but could I have your assistance for a second, I need to sit down for a while but I’m finding it hard to move,” He shyly asked as he looked up at them. Rarity was the first to act, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry here let me help,” she said as she leaned down to get hold of the Fallen Pegasus and help him to another chair in her shop. Rarity looked around the room, her mind screaming in utter panic for the poor stallion in her shop.

“Is there anything I can do,” she asked.

“Yes please get the robe I was wearing and sew it back together for me,” Cobrajet said as he smiled weakly to the unicorn, “I’ll gladly pay you double what you normally would if you never told a soul what you have seen here.”

Rarity thoughtfully looked at the stallion and smiled, “Of course, I keep all of my client’s information in full confidentiality,” she said as she picked up the fabric and eyed it over. She looked at the purple robe, and couldn’t shake the feeling she had seen it somewhere before. But this wasn’t the most pressing issue she had with it. Rarity’s smile disappeared as she saw the state of the robe. It has torn in a jagged pattern, a pattern she could fix but she would not be happy with the results. “Excuse me Mister CobraJet, but I think we have a problem,” She spoke as she turned back to him, “This fabric is to far damaged for me to do anything with.”

The red Pegasus looked at her and sigh, “Well, there goes another one, I guess I’ll have to send a message to Hoity Toity to order another one.”

Rarity’s eyes lit up at the name he mentions and whirls around to look at her guest. “You know Hoity Toity,” she asks, rather delightedly.

The stallion looked at her and spoke, “Yes, I know him, he sell me all of my clothing, why?” It clicked in Rarity’s mind; she had seen it before, she designed it.

She smiled at her sudden realization and spoke, “It appears you’re in luck, I happen to know the designer of this robe and she happens to have a spare.”

The unicorn quickly made her way to the backroom of her store and found the robe she was looking for. It was last year’s winter line, one she was particularly proud of and she kept extras to sell in her own shop as well as in Canterlot. She returned with a triumphant smile and placed the new robe on the shoulders of the Red Stallion.

She smiled at him and spoke, “There, that’s better. But I do have to say, that color doesn’t do you coat any justice, perhaps a black would suit you better?”

CobraJet looked at the white unicorn with a shy smile, “Really it’s not a problem, I don’t really care for fashion, and I just wanted something comfortable,” he said as he slowly tried to place his legs through the holes in the robe.

The artificial limbs wouldn’t obey his will and he gave up after a while.

“Ladies, I wish to apologize for what you have seen, it was not my intention to lie about my appearance, only to keep those around me to stop staring. Now if I could only get these limbs of mine to work again, I could be on my way” he said as he looked around the room.

Rarity and Miss Cheerilee looked at the red pony and smiled, “its OK, we here aren’t a very judging bunch. But we have to ask, what happened to you?”

Cobrajet looked up at the two and frowned, “somepony did something they shouldn’t have done, and it cost not just me but those around me a lot to fix” He answered, clearly not comfortable with the question.

Rarity caught the Pegasus’s discomfort and began to change the subject, “So what happened to your legs?”

“Truthfully, I don’t know,” he answered back a smile returning to his face.

“I do,” a voice from behind them called, causing them to turn and look.

Stovebolt, having taken a small amount of time to collect himself stood up and walked over to his brother. He looked at the damage Cobrajet did to them and sighed. “Seriously, that’s the second time this month you did that. I told you not to lean down until the new pumps come in,” He scolded as he looked around the room. “Miss Rarity, do you by any chance have a hot glue gun around here” he asked as he looked at her with concern.

“Hold on a second, I have it in the back room,” She answered and proceeded to the back to get it.

Stove looked around the room and as his eyes came to Miss Cheerilee’s ears, he began again. “Miss Cheerilee, could I borrow one of your earrings for a second, I promise it will be returned to you with no harm coming to it."

The dark pink pony looked at the colt with bewilderment, but slowly took of one of her earrings and handed it to him. “Thank you” he said as he placed the earrings point into a small hole in the pumps membrane. Removing the point, he looked at the level of fluid in the pump and frowned. “Low, as usual” He spoke then looked up to see Rarity returning from the back. “I know this is going to sound weird, but I need two cups of oil, any type will do but I need oil” He spoke as he took the glue gun from Rarity’s hoof. Rarity was slightly perplexed by this request but went into her kitchen and retrieved a container of canola oil. Setting it down by the colt, she looked at him beginning to work.

After several minutes of silence, Rarity spoke. “What happened” Rarity asked as she eyed the small unicorn, “Did the pumps break?”

Stovebolt looked up at her then back to the pumps in his brother’s legs.

After a while he spoke again, “No, He pulled the lines that circulate the fluid to them.” After looking for any other faults, and finding none, he set to work. After reconnecting the lines and sealing them with the hot glue, he set out to refill the reservoirs with fluid. After a few more minutes he looked over his work one more time and after seeing no leaks, he helped his brother to his feet.

Cobra jet was a little unsteady to start but after a while he was soon walking again. Stovebolt returned Miss Cheerilee’s earring to her and smiled.

“Now as your doctor, I would advise you take it easy until we get home, the repairs I did won’t hold in the long run but they will hold for now,” The small unicorn spoke as he smiled weakly at his brother.

Cobrajet walked up to his brother, leaned down and nuzzled his cheek, “OK doc,” He laughed as he returned to the matter at hand. “Thank you Miss Rarity, I envy the Gentlecolt that chooses you in his life. And you as well Miss Cheerilee, I hope this one,” He pulls his brother into a tight hug, “sees what type of pony you are and allow himself to be taught by you.”

The two mares blushed at the compliments they received and smiled back.

“Speaking of which,” Cobrajet said as he looked down at his brother, “You are no longer allowed to leave class early anymore, no matter how smart you think you are.”

After paying for both the new robe he wore, and the items Stovebolt had used to fix him, Cobrajet looked at his brother and spoke, “Well, I think it’s time to go home don’t you?” The young unicorn looked at his brother then at the two mares and nodded. They both turned to leave, but as they walked out, Stovebolt turned around and walked up to his teacher. “I’m sorry for earlier, it wasn’t right of me to run away after I ran into you,” He apologized as he looked up at her with an uneasy smile. Cheerilee looked at the colt and smiled, “Apology accepted, just don’t do it again, Ok?” He swiftly nodded and ran back to his brother’s side.


The walk home for the both of them was light hearted and rather quick, for soon they stood in the doorway of the mansion.

With a quick glance up, Stovebolt began to speak, “I’m sorry brother.”

CobraJet looked down at the young unicorn and smiled, “What do you have to be sorry about from me, you really saved my tail today, with the repairs you did and all” He said as he ruffled the hair on his head.

The unicorn frowned at his brother’s playing off of the mistake he had made, “But if it weren’t for me losing your sleeve, you wouldn’t have had to go out to find me, and we wouldn’t have been in the situation we had” he spoke, only to have his brother wave his hoof at him.

“If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have made the acquaintance of a rather calm and collected unicorn today. That and I wouldn’t have met a fan of mine from years ago” His brother answered back as he opened the heavy wooden door and began to walk in.

“But…” Stovebolt began before being silenced by his brother. “No buts” he called back, “Now go wash up, dinner is ready. Then after that is done, I want you to go upstairs and finish your homework, and if you get it done to my satisfaction, we will go out and get you a book from the library tomorrow.”

Stovebolt made his way upstairs, careful not to drop his satchel and proceeded to wash up. Down on the landing, Cobrajet stood holding the door open, staring out into the evening sky and reminiscing about the day he had.

“Wow,” he thought to himself, “We have only been here a week and already we know so many different ponies, hopefully this town is different than the last.” The stallion was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn’t notice the butler walking up behind him, a knife in his hoof. Slowly the knife was raised and was brought down onto the cake he was holding, cutting it into pieces for later.

“Excuse me sir, But a pink pony brought this over while you were away, along with this note,” Gold Comet spoke, as he handed the piece of cake to Cobrajet along with the note that accompanied it. Cobrajet opened the flap of it and read the note allowed.

Dear New Town Member,

I don’t know who you are and since I don’t know that, I would like to invite you to a party with the whole town to meet and welcome you to Ponyville. The party is to be held tomorrow night and you and your family are all invited to join. We hope to see you there.

Pinkie Pie

“And you say she just walked up to you and gave you this,” Cobrajet interrogated the butler, finding this hard to believe, no one could possibly be that forward in this town.

“It is exactly like I say sir, now I believe you and the young master need to eat, so I would like to say that dinner is served,” Gold Comet commented before turning around and walking to the kitchen. The three of them spoke of the party over Stovebolt’s favorite meal, Roasted brussel sprouts in a brown sauce, with corn and mashed potatoes. They mutually decided that since they were the honored guests, they would attend, and hopefully, Stovebolt added, his brother’s legs could take the strain. They finished eating and moved on to the nights adventure, Stovebolt finishing the homework Miss Cheerilee had given him as well as an apology card, an extra assignment given by his brother, and Cobrajet working downstairs in the basement on his “projects”. Finally the moon rose to its apex, and the clock in Stovebolt’s room rang telling him it was time to sleep. His brother reached his room and tucked the unicorn into bed.

“Hey Cob,” the sleepy unicorn spoke; his eye’s growing weaker as the time past.

“Yes, Stove,” The Pegasus answered back, wondering what he need to as so late in the evening.

“Are mom and dad happy in the green pasture?” He asked, slowly closing his eyes.

CobraJet looked at the nearly asleep form and smiled. “They sure are,” He answered and after receiving a contented sigh, began to stand and leave the room.

“Goodnight brother,” The unicorn said as he smiled.

“Goodnight as well, my your dreams be as sweet as the cake we had tonight,” He answered back as he kissed his head and got up to turn off his light. The Pegasus walked over to the wall flicked a switch, watched the lights descend, then a small Wonderbolt light lit up his room, and he shut the door.

As soon as the door closed, CobraJet placed his back to it and began to sigh.

“You know hun, he’s going to find out eventually,” Gold spoke as he prepared himself for bed.

Cobrajet looked up at his face, tears beginning to form. “I know, and I appreciate your input love, but it’s something he doesn’t need to know now,” he spoke, his voice beginning to break.

“Very well, will you be working tonight,” Gold asked as he walked towards the master bedroom.

“No, I am not,” CobraJet said as he stood up from the door. Cobrajet and Gold Comet walked into the master bedroom, climbed into the bed, and after a few minutes of tossing and turning, Cobrajet placed his head upon Comet’s neck, and he softly kissed behind his ear.

“Goodnight love,” Cobrajet said as he cuddled up to the older stallion.

“Goodnight Hun, may your sleep be restful,” Comet said as he closed his eyes for sleep.

For Cobrajet, the sound of breathing from the stallion next to him did little to calm his head. The events from earlier today played over in his mind and nothing seemed to silence the thoughts.

“Oh Luna, why hast thou taken my ability to sleep, can no other pony take this curse from me,” Cobrajet whispered, He knew the night would drag on, so with one final kiss, he turned over onto his pillow and closed his eyes.