• Published 19th Sep 2020
  • 2,152 Views, 67 Comments

The Joy of Recreation - Spettro138

The animatronics are given a reward of a paradise by the spirits of the children they harbored for so many years

  • ...

New Life

7:00 PM

The sun was slowly starting its descent below the horizon, casting a long shadow over a bustling town. Many cotton-like puffs of cloud dotted the sky, making a light show of bright pinks, reds, and oranges. It was always a fantastic sight for those that lived here. The wind was mild today as it blew golden leaves off of their branches and into the air as they danced in the sky, flying to and fro. Taking them off to some faraway place that only the sky itself would know. The sun still carried a few long rays of light that came to rest over a town in the middle of this paradise. Along the road into this particular paradise, one could see a rustic wooden sign, painted blue with yellow emboldened letters.


The growing town of Ponyville was getting ready for its first Autumn Solstice Fair. It was a creation by the country's newest princess. Each princess had their yearly celebration which marked the season, so it was only fitting that she should create one as well. The day was getting closer to evening time, yet this didn't stop anyone as they all were busy setting up intricate decorations and building many booths and tents for the attractions and vendors. Many of the ponies that were to set up were not scheduled to arrive until later in the week, but the Princess and her friends wanted everything to be ready when they did. Even the princess herself was in the middle of the town, holding a clipboard, keeping track of all of the ponies, blueprints, and decorations that were quickly being set up.

Princess Twilight Sparkle had been at this for a few days now. Ever since she had received the letter of confirmation from Princess Celestia, the unofficial High Queen of Equestria, Twilight had been in a nonstop rush to make everything perfect. All of her friends and neighbors had pitched in to help with the preparations for the event. Which was set to kick off at the end of the week. It was a daunting task for all involved to be sure, but they were ready for anything. Unfortunately, some were handling the rush better than others.

Prince Kenbroth Gillspotten Heathspike, or just Spike to most, had it harder than any pony else during the preparations. Spike was always a very dutiful assistant ever since he could walk and speak. He had been up longer and had worked harder alongside his adoptive sister Twilight to meet each of their tight deadlines during this whole debacle. He didn't mind helping to an extent, but now, the constant pushing and sleepless lonely nights were starting to get to him. Being the number one assistant to a Princess was turning sour for the young drake. Especially without any friends his age to share his troubles with.

"Streamers?" the alicorn asked.

"Check," the drake flatly replied.

"Confetti Poppers?"




"Royal flags?"

"Check, check, and double-check," he groaned. "And annoyance and irritation I will add to the checklist as well."

Twilight rolled her eyes and patted the drake on the head.

"I know you don't like organizing stuff in the evening like this, but it's important. Everything at this festival must be perfect." Twilight said. "It's my first solstice fair as a Princess. I've been given official jurisdiction over the Autumn season and the Twilight Skies and I want to make a good impression."

Spike looked at her with a tired, pleading face, hoping to talk some sense into her.

"Twilight, you've been up for three days straight without a wink of sleep! You have five days to set up the festival. It’s supposed to be our movie night. Why don't you come home and let's take a break? I've been up for at least two days without any sort of break! My brain is mush from all of this."

Twilight felt a pang of guilt when she looked at Spike and just noticed how rough he looked. His eyes were baggy and his scales upon further inspection were grimy and dirty from the nonstop work.

“I'm sorry Spike but this is too important. You go ahead without me and pick a movie. Then get to bed by 10. I'll be back home around midnight."

Spike felt frustration begin to well up in his throat as the alicorn just went back to her checklist and kept looking around. He wanted so desperately to say something to address his feelings about everything. It gave him the urge to use a new word which he had heard their friends Rainbow Dash and Applejack say when they thought he wasn't listening.

"This princess stuff is all you ever focus on nowadays," Spike grumbled.

"What was that Spike?"


The drake dragged himself away toward the castle and looked back at the mare and the rest of the girls. He thought about asking any of them if they would like to hang out at the castle and relax. Unfortunately, it seemed that many of them were already busy with their tasks. Most of them anyway.

The resident farmer Applejack and the resident baker Pinkie Pie were overseeing shipments of baking supplies for the many confectioneries that were to be made at the festival. Applejack kept herself busy by lugging around the more bulky crates and sacks that the other worker ponies were having trouble with. Mosquitoes and moths seemed to be attracted to her as the earth pony kept swatting them away with her hat.

Pinkie Pie tended to the large inventory as she zipped around, placing labels on everything. She kept inventory by writing short entries down in her notebook. If someone other than her were to look in her notebook, all would find was a garbled mess of abbreviations, numbers, and acronyms. She wrote in a silly complex language that only her bubbly brain could comprehend. Yet it was strangely efficient enough for her to keep track of everything. Every so often, the pink mare would scare the worker stallions into working faster with her manic personality.

She comedically got into their faces and started stretching her eyeballs into theirs.

“Why is she staring at me?” the worker colt whimpered.

“Focusing,” she whispered sinisterly.

Her eyes stretched like bubblegum as the terrified workers tried backing away from the advancing madmare.

Applejack grabbed Pinkie by the mane with her mouth whenever one of her outbursts came up and smacked her on the head with a knock.

"Knock it off Pinkie, the colts are doin their job just fine." she deadpanned.

“They need the proper motivation,” Pinkie replied slyly.

Rainbow Dash, Ponyville's resident goof off and weather pony was lounging around by the cider barrels, much to Applejack's dismay. She was trying to get into one of the barrels, eager to sneak a drink for herself to enjoy before the other guests of the festival could.

"Rainbow! Get away from those barrels!" the farm pony snapped. "I don't want to find bits of your mane and tail in my cider like last time."

"Oh come on! Just a little mug? A little bitty one?" the pegasus pleaded. "Your cider is like heaven's nectar!

"No! It needs to be aged and opened fresh for the festival" Applejack replied with a stomp. "I'll let you have one of my reserves later."

"Awww, you're no fun," the pegasus groaned. "Maybe I can convince Berry Punch to lend me some of her stash..."

When Rainbow tried speeding off, Applejack bit down on her tail, which comically stretched a bit before stopping the pegasus in her tracks.

"Oh no, ya don't! I loaned that diluted reserve to her to help with her alcoholism. You'll only encourage her addiction. That breakup did a real number on her."

"Mare's gotta mourn AJ," Rainbow replied sympathetically.

"Like that time you drank an entire keg of my apple beer and set Soarin's house on fire?" AJ remarked. "How is igniting clouds even possible?"

Rainbow just stared off into space with a satisfied and goofy expression.

"Yeah, that was great."

The last two of their motley group of oddballs, Ponyville's animal caretaker, Fluttershy, and the lovely fashionista Rarity were nowhere to be found. He had hoped that he could ask Rarity back to the castle for a private movie night, but only found disappointment in that option.

Deciding to clear his head before heading home for the evening, he took a scenic route back to the castle, through the Cottontail Woods that ran adjacent to the Everfree Forest. The trail was a popular date spot or galloping path for the health nuts. It wasn't a very long walk. Only fifteen minutes at most to reach the peaceful secluded area. The trees were starting to shed their Summer color and gain the rich gold, red, and yellow colors that one would expect in Ponyville around the fall season.

All around he could hear the sound of frogs and crickets singing their songs. It was comforting at the very least. To let him know that he wasn't alone out here in the darkening woods. He could occasionally hear the stray sounds of rustling in the trees, but he knew that there were only squirrels, birds, foxes, raccoons, and the occasional bobcat. All of those things he could handle fine without being hurt. Many of those animals had already been befriended by the local ponies. Particularly their resident animal caregiver Fluttershy.

He didn't want to go in any particular direction. With his souring mood, he just walked in a random direction and kept walking as he thought. Not caring about the possibility of getting lost.

He knew that he could handle things alone, but he could already guess that his adoptive sister wouldn't approve of his little leisurely stroll. Spike knew well enough that she loved him. Before. It wasn't often spoken, but her actions proved it well enough. Unfortunately, as of late, the dragon had been so caught up with the many royal duties and tasks of his sister, the two barely had enough family time anymore. Even more now, she was becoming cold and distant as she worked herself ragged. The alicorn would often refuse to rest for any reason or even eat for long periods of time. All of which was affecting their relationship seriously.

'I know she's busy but is making time for something fun so hard?' the dragon thought as he trudged along.

The feeling of wet leaves beneath his feet was a little uncomfortable, but at this point, he didn't care. He haphazardly kicked over a large mushroom that was in his path, hoping to relieve a bit of stress. His mood was in a marsh of disappointment and sadness, mixed with a little bit of frustration and anger. He had mood swings like this before when certain new things came into their life or when he destroyed something by accident. Even with his greed growth, there had been words thrown and hurt feelings in the aftermath of the incident. This time, however, it felt like things were starting to fester.

Shadows created by the trees were growing larger by the minute as the trees seemed to become more sinister. The night was looming closer as the twilight sped on by. Normally other fillies and colts his age would be afraid of the dark during these late hours. Spike's reptilian eyes helped him see better in the dark than his equine companions, so it didn't really bother him. At this particular moment, however, he was so caught up in his thoughts that he wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings.

He didn't notice a dark long figure laying in the dirt up against the nearest tree to him. Spike stepped, hoping to step on soft leaves and grass. In the corner of his eye, he thought he saw something with dark blue legs before he tripped on something soft. It wasn't hard like a rock or the root of a tree. The young drake stumbled and rolled a couple of feet into a bush where he went face-first into the branches.

At first, he didn't move, almost in disbelief from how much distress the world seemed to be giving him at that moment. To him, it almost felt like being kicked while he was down on the ground. Metaphorically, so to speak, given his current situation. The scales on his face protected him from any scratches that the branches might have caused and thankfully he had closed his eyes before they would be jabbed out. His mouth unfortunately was full of mossy, leaves which weren't as good as the ones served at the local cafe. He spat them out indignantly and pushed himself out of the bush, hoping to get a good look at whatever had interrupted his nighttime walk.

He turned around and got within sight of the place where he had tripped. What he saw by the tree frightened him for a moment in the dull lighting of the forest. The visage of some strange bipedal fleshy demon with oddly colored skin and appendages. Making him stumble back onto his hindquarters again. Mud was kicked up into his eyes for a moment, as he did his best to blink out the offending irritants. If his new encounter was dangerous, he needed to see what he was dealing with.

After a moment, Spike was able to see again as his eyes adjusted better to the darkness of the forest once more. He stared at the form laying up against the tree unsure what to make of it. Its face was shadowed and darkened, giving it a sinister look at first. It appeared to be some sort of hairless monkey wearing clothes and shoes.

Suddenly, a memory sparked into his head. He and Twilight have seen a creature like this before, just not the same kind. Their exploits beyond the mirror in Canterlot High, meeting the "humans" who were alternate versions of their friends.

'It must be a human.' Spike thought. 'How did it get here?'

The human wasn't moving and Spike had feared the worst. Warily, Spike picked up a stick and slowly made his way over to the sleeping form of the human. Upon further inspection, Spike could tell that this human was a girl from the long brown hair, soft face, and sloping shoulders. She seemed to be close to teenage, though he couldn't tell the exact age. He reached over and poked her in the shoulder, hoping for something to happen. It seemed to work as she moved, but only slightly. Watching her chest, he finally saw that she was breathing very shallow breaths.

She was wearing many odd items of clothing that Spike couldn't make heads or tails of. A green button-up long sleeve shirt and a white undershirt with many old stains. It was faint, but Spike could smell some spots of blood-soaked permanently into her clothes. Her "legs" were covered by some strange blue pants made out of an equally strange material. Her shoes were large and bulky with steel tips at the end. They were probably navy blue but in the lighting, they appeared to be jet black. They had long laces going in and out of separate holes, giving maximum support up to the ankles

Spike looked around as if he was expecting someone to show up. But nobody ever did.

A million thoughts went through his head, wondering who she was and what she was doing in Equestria. Each and every conclusion was more absurd and unlikely than the last.

"She's probably hurt..." Spike said out loud.

He kneeled down by her and placed two claws where her throat was, hoping to find a pulse. Twilight taught him to do so thanks to a book in Gryphon First Aid techniques using claws and talons. It was a little strange feeling delicate, soft hairless skin up against his rough, hard scales, but he soon managed to find a pulse up by her carotid artery. It was faint, but still noticeable enough to not be too alarmed.

Most of the time, he would just immediately refer to Twilight in this instance, but seeing as she wasn't there to offer her advice, Spike was on his own. It was a new feeling. A little unpleasant but also a little refreshing. Spike wasn't used to making big decisions on his own, but seeing as he might not be able to find the girl again if he left, Spike decided on the best option in his head. He knew what he wanted to do.

A few minutes later, Spike was dragging along the human girl on a giant branch filled with leaves that he had found near the tree. It was thankfully large enough to hold her as he dragged it back through the forest. His eyes were now fully adjusted to the darkness as he found the main trail that cut right through to the open.

"You're a little heavy aren't you?" Spike asked the unconscious human. "Though you probably wouldn't appreciate me saying that. I can't just leave you alone in there, not with Timberwolf season starting. Lugging you along is easier than dealing with a grouchy Twilight I guess. I’m probably gonna have to show you to her anyway.”

It took him an hour to trudge his way down the main trail, especially with a heavy human. His arms screamed for relief as he felt more blood and lactic acid being pumped into his arms and legs. The cold air of the night was thankfully keeping him awake, despite how tired he was. With everyone still busy in Ponyville Square dealing with the preparations for the Festival, Spike had nobody to interrupt his progress and panic due to his new companion. The dirt path stopped at a point as Spike finally came out to Cotton Tail Meadow, which was only a mile from town. Every now and then, the young drake had to stop for a moment and sit down, trying to catch his breath and let his arms and legs catch a break. Despite the effective use of the tree branch, he was still having a rather difficult time trying to drag the human a couple of miles to reach his home.

There was just something about this girl that he was drawn to. She had a strange presence about her. It was almost like a calming presence one would find with a parent or a family member. Like an aura of calm. Her soft face and thin mouth looked like they were about to curl up into a smile but never did. She just felt like she would be comfortable to be around. He didn't feel any such romantic attraction that he would feel for somepony like Rarity. Spike just had a feeling in the back of his head that he could loosen his tongue around her and let out his darkest secrets to the human.

Spike prayed that this wasn't an indication she was some evil creature that tempted unwary people with her wiles.

His thoughts went to the many comics where an unwary knight or superhero was caught off guard by an alluring temptress that drew them in before gobbling them up to head first. Perhaps he was already caught up in some hallucination and the girl would spring to life and drag him away to some dark dreamworld!

‘I collect too many comic books’ he groaned internally.

It felt like an eternity of his muscles burning and his lungs screaming for more oxygen, but he soon made it to the edge of town. He could see the lights still on in the square just beyond a line of buildings blocking his view. The decorative lights that were set up in the Square were so bright, they could be seen for miles. It was a beautiful sight, yet Spike had something else to tend to.

"Alright Miss, let's see if I can't get you home and into a bed without being spotted," he said to the human behind him. “A lot of ponies here are pretty paranoid about new things. Those Flower Sisters are like avoiding plague victims, From a distance, there’s a lot to be admired, up close, you have problems.”

As he continued, he didn't see the human toss in her sleep, nor did he see the inky black thin figure with limbs like tendrils and a face like porcelain with rosy cheeks, wrapped around her back. Staring right into the back of the drake's head, smiling silently...

An endless void was the only thing that she had. Floating endlessly without a body to occupy. The last thing Charlotte remembered, the sound of the person she loved most in the world. Her daddy. Then, unbearable heat and light that melted her body and finally killed her. After forty years of pain, she was finally free. When she was finally released from her new form, she had thought she would be in Heaven with her friends and family. Everything would be as it should have been. All that was stolen from her so long ago would be returned. It was not. Something was keeping her here. She could neither see, nor hear, nor feel, nor smell anything. She couldn't tell how long she had been here. In a strange way though, she almost accepted this place. A creature of shadow, returning to an endless abyss. Silence would be her eternity

Then suddenly, a familiar voice entered into her head. It was the voice of a girl. One of her best friends as a little girl.

"They...still...need...you," the voice said. "You...deserve...a second...chance."

"Why?" Charlotte asked the voice.

"Hurricane...is safe. The others...are safe...and free. But...another place...with children...need you."


"...a special place...paradise. Filled...with angels. Angels in danger...they will need US...they need...the FOUR...

"But...daddy," Charlotte replied.

"It's okay honey," another voice chimed in. "Its okay."


"Go with her. Go to the paradise I could never give you. They need you more than I do. I spent 40 years waiting, I can wait a little longer for you to come home. My sweet puppet master."

She thought for the longest time as sadness, hope, disappointment, and uncertainty all danced in her head. What did she want? She now had the chance to choose her own fate. Without any monstrous instincts or evil men to tell her what to do.


Charlotte then felt warmth as a blinding light greeted her sight, filling her with so much joy that she felt like she was going to explode. The light became brighter and brighter until she lost all sense of consciousness and felt new life returning to her. And a new form to call her own...

Far from town, just at the edge of the Everfree Forest, the animals were finally going to sleep. With bellies full of food and water from their foraging that Autumn demanded every waking day. Curled up in their nests, burrows, caves, and ponds, fast asleep. However, something else was stirring in the darkness. Just under a thorny thicket that obscured anything from sight. A literal maze of vines, leaves, and thorns, covering a large tree with large roots that bulged upwards. Anything normal and living would have a hard time getting into this thicket. Let alone getting out. Four dark forms lay there in the shadows. Massive, mighty, and kind. Old beasts who were known throughout the land where they came from. Now, they were forgotten by time. Believed to have been turned into scrap and burned. In a twinkling of an eye, one of their heads twitched violently to the side.

Another of them twitched as their lanky arm flailed around on the ground. If one were to see these movements, one would think that they were dead bodies with remnants of electrical impulses making them jolt and convulse.

In the darkness, the largest muscular figure began to wake up as his systems booted up for the first time in decades. New feelings and thoughts came to him. All familiar, but at the same time, very alien to him. Sensations that he never felt came to him for the first time. The smell of dirt and trees in his nose, the sound of wind in his ears, and the feeling of rocks under his prone form. His eyes were the first things to turn on as two glowing orbs in his body lit up. They scanned everything around him, taking in information and analyzing his surroundings.

He looked down at his massive arms, wondering if he could move again. He noticed that he was not the same as he once was. His arms were more slender and proportionate, but they looked more muscular and powerful than they were before. They were still segmented, but he couldn't see his endoskeleton anymore. Now at the place where fur stopped, there were metal joints that were the same size and circumference as his arms. His legs had changed as well. They were still fairly the same size, except they looked more sturdy and strong. The calves and thighs bulged out as if they were built for speed.

Pointing his eyes as far downwards as they could go, he found that his bulky torso remained for the most part. Except it looked more slim and fitting.

His eyes darted back up as he realized something. Thought. Realization. Feeling. Power. Life. Things that were never programmed into him before, suddenly he felt all alight in every inch of his body. He was alive. Properly. Looking around in his head, he tried to sense the presence of his longtime occupant. Gabriel. But, he couldn't. He was alone, with a body of his own to control. It confused him. Confusion was also a new emotion he didn't know how to handle.

The only thing he could think of doing was finding his friends.

Bringing feeling into his neck servos, he felt a power source and motors whir to life as he turned his head to the left, wondering if he could see anything else.

He was up against a tree, under a tangle of branches, vines, and thorns. Though he wasn't alone. Two other figures were there with him in the dark. Figures that he knew very well. They were his partners. His family.

A yellow hen and a blue rabbit. Bonnie and Chica. They had changed as well. More slim and powerful like him, all of their body parts fitting together perfectly like living things. With congruent metal joints that connected the arm without revealing the endoskeleton. Chica had a more slim feminine form but still had the size of a dangerous machine. It reminded him of a Toy sister Chica once had long ago. Her torso was not unlike the forms of the buxom fit adult women who watched the children in their restaurant. The color of their fur was something he couldn't identify properly in the dark. He remembered that they had another member of their family. A rather cantankerous member of the family.

Turning his head to the right, he found his other brother. A red fox with an eye patch and a sharp metal hook at the end of his right arm. Foxy. He was still fast asleep as well. All of his systems had not yet reactivated. Foxy had also changed, though not as much as the others.

All of his furs looked brand new, without any holes or rips to speak of. He had a little bit more muscle in his body with the new metal joints but retained the lean form he was designed with. His jaw looked like it was a proper part of his body instead of a jutting metal mouth with a small patch of fur attached to the chin like it was before. Foxy's ears were more solid and had joints of their own if rather small ones. They most assuredly had the ability to pivot and move. Something none of them could do before. If Foxy had these, he and Bonnie must have them as well.

Pushing new feeling into his arms, he lifted one of them. Feeling every electrical impulse and circuit commanding his limb to move. He stared at his arm for a moment, flexing it and moving his fingers as he clenched them into a fist a few times. They moved fluidly without the rusted motors and servos he once had in the restaurant. They whirred quietly with each movement like a well-oiled machine should. Lifting his other arm, he did the same until he was satisfied. Wanting to try out his powerful new legs, he willed impulses down as new feelings came into them. His feet he moved first, wiggling them in circles and flexing his massive segmented toes.

He decided to finally try to get up onto his feet for the first time in years as he made himself lean over to the left without disturbing his still sleeping sister. He stretched out his left arm to prop himself up and moved his legs to the side as he pushed himself upwards, like a piston. At long last, he was finally up on his feet and taking in his surroundings. He didn't know what time it was, but his internal sensors told him that it was closing in on midnight. He reached out to the wall of the thicket and pushed away from the vines and branches, which gave way to his strength very easily.

A small ray of bright light streamed into the thicket and into one of his eyes. It wasn't a blinding light like the sun or a flashlight. It was the gentle cold light of the full moon, smiling down at him from the dark blue sky. Its light shone through the edge of the forest effortlessly.

Ripping and tearing more branches away to make the hole bigger, he finally made a hole big enough for him and the others to squeeze through. The dry wood snapped and crackled like little firecrackers under his weight and raw strength. He peered through as his optic sensors scanned every new thing in sight. The trees, the plants, the grasses, and the ground. Taking in more and more for his new internal databases. He stepped out and walked in one particular direction for a bit. Against the many new sensors on his fur, he felt a breeze coming through the trees which he walked towards.

He came to the edge of the trees where it opened up into a clearing. A dark meadow was before him that rolled and sloped every which way. In the distance, a bright group of lights stood out against everything else like a beacon. It was a tiny town. With wooden buildings that appeared to be from medieval ages long past than the modern ages of technology and industry. Over the wind, he could faintly hear the sound of rowdy voices in the town. In his chest, he felt a familiar feeling that made him wish to investigate whatever was making the people in the town so merry. Something in his chest clicked on and played a familiar tune. The Toreador March had been a part of his identity for ages. He stepped out into the meadow towards the town to investigate, laughing his mechanical laugh that echoed into the night sky...

Author's Note:

Charlotte Emily has returned to the land of the living, no longer bound to the Puppet, but with many changes.
Freddy and the gang have returned with new changes and features as well!

Stay tuned to find out how they will all deal with Equestria and how the ponies will handle their presence.

(To explain the change to Charlotte, she is based on her appearance in the novel trilogy where she is a teenager.)