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1. Reawakening and Reunion

Author's Note:

This is my first Fanfiction on this site. I hope you enjoy it..

“You must never give into despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength.”

– Uncle Iroh, “Avatar the Last Airbender.”

(???? POV)

I’ve been searching all over to try and find them. Most recently, I’d been sneaking around the Well of Shade.. Or at least the ruins of it. I had heard the creatures speaking in their strange language of some interesting discovery in the deepest chambers of the ruins. I decided that it would be the better part of valor to follow them.

I tracked the dark creatures deep into the mountain. I noticed that they were carrying some sort of ornately decorated chest.

“We’re here,” said one of the dark creatures, as they stepped into a chamber.

In the center of the chamber, surrounded by crumbled stone, was a massive blue crystal. Within, there were three figures.

One was a female humanoid alicorn with tan skin, black hair and is wearing blue clothing. She also has a pair of tan wings with rainbow-colored feathers at the tips.

The other was a male with tan skin as well as black hair, with blue streaks on it. He also wears blue clothing though it’s darker, and has a blue pendant around his neck. Like the female alicorn, this male was also humanoid.

The final figure was a small purple dragon with green scales and wings behind his back. Even through the crystal, I could tell that they were the ones I’d been searching for!

“Break it,” commanded the leader.

One of lesser dark creatures stepped towards the crystal and bashed it with its mace. Suddenly cracks started to radiate across the crystal, and light started to pour forth from the crystal. On top of that, voices were heard echoing around the chamber.

“Korra, stop!”

“I… I can’t..”

The cracks widened, and the light got brighter.

“Get close to me, now!”

The crystal blew itself apart, and the dark creatures shielded themselves until the dust settled. As it did, the three were revealed to be lying on the ground, unconscious.

“Shackle them!” said the leader.

The dark creatures went past the small unconscious dragon and headed to the other two. They set the chest down and opened the lid, revealing a pair of what looked like purple, crystalline serpents. They removed the serpents from the chest and had the other dark creatures lift up the unconscious pair, placing the crystal snakes against their wrists. The crystal serpents sprang to life and coiled around their wrists forming into bracelets. They then dragged the two away.

I moved out of my hiding spot, carefully checking to make sure it was safe, and picked up the dragon, Spike, who was just waking up.

“Who are you?” he asked, “where’s Korra? What’s going on?”

“Shh..,” I whispered.

I then set out to follow the dark creatures who had taken them.

(Korra’s POV)

‘Ugh.. Where am I..?’ I thought.

“Hey.. Korra.. Wake up..” whispered Kage.

I did so, and then slowly got to my feet. I checked quickly, and I didn’t recognize my location. We were on a platform suspended over what appeared to a pool of magma. We were positioned next to a large stone disc. It had what looked like some sort of attachment point on top, but there were no chains connected to it.

I looked over to Kage.. It seemed that he had grown a bit since I had used my powers to protect us during that.. Disastrous event.

‘How long have we been out?’ I thought.

“Kage, what happened?” I said, feeling a little woozy, “Where are we?”

“I have no idea.. It was all a blur,” said Kage.

“Yeah,” I groaned holding my head with my hand, “Me too. My head’s throbbing.”

“Shh! Hold on..” said Kage, “I don’t think that was your head. I hear it too…”

I listened carefully, and heard the sound of large drums being played somewhere nearby. This only compounded the pounding headache, which I did in fact have.

“What is that?” I asked hesitantly.

All around us, torches at the edges of the chamber started to light up.

“Spike, is that you?” I asked, trying to look for him.

“I don’t think so,” Kage replied.

More torches lit up revealing some sort of insectoid creatures. I didn’t know what they were, but they definitely weren’t allies of ours.

“You know for once, I wish it was him,” snarked Kage as he looks around.

The creatures seemed to be cackling maliciously.. Or possibly cheering? I couldn’t tell.. Either way, I didn’t like it.

“What are they doing?” I asked, sounding worried.

“I don’t know, but let’s not stick around to find out,” Kage said, “Come on.”

“Yeah, let’s get out of here,” I said getting up.

We started to move towards where we could see another platform directly ahead of us. Suddenly, I felt something pulling me back, like I was on a leash. Kage apparently thought it was me or doing it as he paused to complain about it.

“Ugh..!” groaned Kage, “Now what..?”

We then noticed our new bracelets.. Or should I say shackles. They resembled purple, coiled, crystalline serpents. And extending from these collars were arcing ropes of energy, which was traveling back to the stone disc, and looping through the attachment point on top.

“Oh,” we both groaned simultaneously, “This can’t be good..”

We realized there wasn’t anything we could do for a moment: we were trapped!

Another group of these creatures arrived, along with a larger one that was probably some sort of leader. It started speaking in a language I was sure I was unfamiliar with, yet somehow I could understand it clearly.

“They’re awake,” said the enemy leader, “don’t let them escape!”

A large number of the dark, reptilian creatures dived into the ground where they we standing, and then burst out of the ground next to us. We started to fight them off. We were still out of elemental energy and magic, so we used basic melee combat to defeat them. They we actually pretty weak, and each one fell after only a few hits, of course, the sword I was wielding helped as well. After several waves, I noticed that our foes were backing off… but why?

“Why are those things running away?” I asked, and then felt the ground starting to shake, “Uh oh…”

Suddenly from the magma pool below, a massive fiery beast bursts forth. It raised one of its huge fists and slammed it down onto our platform while roaring, causing a crack to open up. The fracture ran from the edge platform right through the stone disc we were chained to. The stone disc now looked weakened enough to break with some effort. We noticed this as well.

“We have to break this thing,” said Kage, “It’s holding us down!”

We rushed up to the stone disc and started bashing it, but it was slow going…that is, until the golem slammed it fist into the disc, intent on smashing us flat. We quickly dodged out of the way, and watched as the golem’s fist completely shattered the stone disc. We were now free from that thing, though we were still chained to each other.

We rushed towards the beast, but we quickly discovered just how awkward it was to move while chained together. I fought with punches and slashes with my sword, while Kage attempts to slice it with his claws. After several minutes of constantly attacking and dodging, our foe showed no signs of weakening.

(Regular POV)

“Ugh! This chain is slowing us down!” said Kage, frustrated. “We can’t fight it!”

“Then we’ll have to move in unison!” replied Korra, “Follow my lead!”

“Why should you lead?” said Kage, skeptically.

Before this argument could go any further, they heard the magma beast readying itself for another attack.

“Look out!” Korra shouted.

They quickly spread their wings and took to the air in unison, deftly avoiding the golem’s fist as it smashed down on the platform.

“Okay,” conceded Kage, “I changed my mind.. You lead.”

Korra rolled her eyes as they flew further away from the golem, and watched as it became increasingly annoyed at our continual dodging. It was at this point that A new figure had entered the chamber: it was a pony wearing a purple cloak. Behind them were five more ponies, who were all wearing cloaks as well.

The pony’s horn swiftly glowed and fired a beam of magic straight at the golem. It was a very well placed shot, and went straight into the beast’s eye. From where the arrow hit, a cloud of purple smoke started emerging. It tried to punch at the pony, but seeing as it was now partially blinded, the beast’s punch went wide, and the pony dodged with ease.

Instead, the only thing the punch hit was one of the rooms support columns, knocking it over right on top of the golem’s other hand. Then one of the other ponies flew over and landed a punch on the beast. The beast reared back in pain and shook its injured hand while submerged back into the magma pool, looking embarrassed. They noticed that the column had fallen in such a way that it formed a convenient bridge to the ledge where our mysterious saviors were standing.

With the chaos of the battle now over, we returned to the platform where we started. We then looked over at the ponies, who revealed themselves to be the Elements of Harmony. It was around this time that Spike showed up, flying over from where they were standing.

“Korra!” said Spike happily, “you’re alive!”

“Spike! It’s good to see you too!” replied Korra, hugging him. “Are you okay?”

“Eh,” Spike shrugged, “a little stiff, but I’m good.”

Korra couldn’t help but chuckle a little at that, but Kage interrupted.

“Hey, um, this reunion is really touching and all,” he said, annoyed, “but shouldn’t we be going? Unless, you want to wait for that thing to return...”

Spike nodded and looked around, uncomfortably. Meanwhile Korra and Kage were more focused on the ponies.

“Who are they?” asked Kage.

“I don’t know,” said Spike, “all they said was ‘Shhh.’”

“I like them already.” Kage said with a smirk.

The three climbed up onto the fallen pillar, and headed over to speak with our apparent allies. Korra’s eyes widened as the horned pony removed her hood, revealing her face.

“Wait.. Is that-?”

“Korra! Kage! Spike!” said the purple pony in surprise, “Are you alright? Anything broken?”

“Twilight! Everyone!” Korra beamed as she ran over to the group and hugged her. The rest of the Mane 6 smiled at seeing their lost friend once more. Kage groaned internally after realizing who they were. “We’re shaken a little, but not too badly… thank you Twilight.”

Twilight returned to hug and sighed in relief. “You’re welcome. I am so grateful that you are alive,”she said, “I feared that we might be too late..”

“Wait,” said Korra, sounding astonished, “have you been tracking us?”

“Yes, I used my magic to detect your auras. It’s been far too long, guys,” said Twilight, as we started to head towards the exit.

“When you didn’t return to the temple,” she explained, “the elder queen, Lelani, sent us to find you. That was almost five years ago.”

“Wait, what? Five years?!” said Korra, sounding just as shocked as Spike was feeling. Kage simply raised an eyebrow at this. “But.. But that’s impossible!”

“Yes. I’m sure this news comes as quite a shock,” said Rarity, “But as much we love to talk darling, this is probably not the place to do so.”

As if to punctuate this statement, a section of the ceiling fell, blocking us from returning to the previous chamber.

“Come on!” yelled Rainbow Dash, as everyone escaped down a passage.