• Published 5th Jun 2022
  • 1,501 Views, 91 Comments

Blink Again: Long Shadows - Amarandream

Following the events in the pocket dimension, the survivors must cope with radically changed lives as they search for answers... and face new perils.

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5 - Tea Two Me

The bell over the front door of the Carousel Boutique rang as Rarity entered for the first time since her return to Equestria. The last two nights had been spent enjoying the hospitality of the Apple family and she hadn’t stopped by before on account of being somewhat nervous to meet her own duplicate. That changed when Roseluck caught her on the way back from the party and told her of the other Rarity’s invitation for tea the next morning.

Rarity could hardly turn down an invitation from herself, so she came despite having only an hour before she was due to be on a train toward Canterlot. It was not as if she had much to pack anyway. While Carousel Boutique and its inventory still technically belonged to her too, she didn’t want to intrude on the life of the other Rarity. Her plan was to borrow some bits and buy what she needed in Canterlot.

The first thing she saw upon entering was the last thing she wanted to see. That was to say, a mirror. The many scars on her face and body were a ghastly reminder of her battle with Fluttershy, despite her best attempts to conceal them with makeup. That they showed through was proof she’d never regain the beauty she valued so much. Yes, in this she could be quite vain. She knew it, but the knowing didn’t make it better. Still, she did have greater things to worry about. She decided then and there such trivialities would have to be but passing thoughts. Ensuring the wellbeing of her friends and family needed to be first on her mind.

As she looked around at the rest of the room, she found it unsurprisingly about the same as how she left it. A few of the dress forms had been moved and the couture was all in autumn styles whereas the summer had still been out last time, but the boutique was otherwise unchanged. It was strange though to find completed dresses where they had previously been but sketches on a notepad. Mere weeks had passed in this world, but that was bordering on forever in fashion.

Rarity stopped at a red dress streaked through with lighter colors, gold and orange. It was meant to evoke the intensity of flame, but also that of passion. Yet while the colors were like she drew them what seemed to be a lifetime ago, nothing else was. This version was longer; the seams were in different places; the collar was higher. Rarity agreed with the changes, really. How could she not? She made them. Yet it gave her a strong feeling of disconnect to skip over a large part of the creative process. It was like the outcome was always inevitable, though her creative mind rebelled at the idea.

"Like what I came up with?" Her own voice asked from partway up the stairs. "It is a strange feeling, knowing you started those designs and I finished them. I remember planning them out so well, I can scarcely believe it wasn't really me."

Rarity could do naught else but freeze like a light blinded deer, seeing her own body gracefully descending the stairs toward her. How was it that the pony she would henceforth internally refer to as Other Rarity could affect such grace, while she felt caught off guard? Had her confidence been eroded so badly? Or... yes, that was it. Other Rarity's movements were too perfect, her voice at too even a cadence. She'd rehearsed this, just like Rarity rehearsed many of her meetings with big clients. Was that a good or bad sign? It could mean she was nervous and wanted positive relations, or that she felt threatened by the presence of a duplicate, as unlikely as that seemed knowing herself.

Rarity finally recovered, taking on an easy smile as Other Rarity reached the bottom of the stairs. "The designs are simply marvelous! Your talent is nearly without equal, though of course I knew that. You must tell me where you got the idea for that fascinating little pattern on the neckline. It certainly wasn't in my original designs."

"Oh," Other Rarity said, "well it was actually from a place I'll bet you would never guess. A fence! Yes, you heard me right. Some foals had been etching their own little designs into the posts on one of the old fences at the edge of town and when I saw it I received the most irresistible idea. But the shop talk can wait. I invited you for tea, did I not? The pot's already at perfect temperature and awaiting us in the kitchen."

"Is it still?" Rarity said, walking beside her to the kitchen table. "I'm a little late. I'd hate to hear you warmed it in advance only for it to grow cold in the waiting."

"Fashionably late, darling." Other Rarity smiled in self-satisfaction as she took her seat, lifting a steaming teacup with her magic. "And entirely accounted for."

"My, but you are a delight!" Rarity exclaimed as she too lifted the tea. It was oddly refreshing to speak to somepony who understood her so perfectly, though she felt even more vain for thinking so. "And who would have guessed? The tea is exactly how I like it."

Other Rarity giggled. "Is it? What a surprise! And to think, I was worried events in that pocket dimension might have changed you."

"Perhaps a little, but I can tell you for sure they didn't change my tastes." Rarity took a sip of her tea, humming at the smooth warmth. "Overall, not an experience I recommend you try."

"Indeed." Other Rarity grew quiet, turning her attention to a family portrait on the wall. "I spoke with Sweetie Belle last night. Both of them, actually. The version of her that ended up in that wretched place with you... I believe she was affected deeply. Not only in the ways you might expect either. So little time has passed, but with the way she talked it was like she'd grown years. The two Sweetie Belles already have so many differences. That said, I think she'll be okay. I very much doubt that would be true had she not had you by her side. Thank you. It breaks my heart to hear of what you went through, but I'm glad neither of you had to endure it alone."

"I did the best I could," Rarity said, "but I wish I could have done more. For the time being, I've asked Applejack to watch after Sweetie Belle for me whilst I'm in Canterlot. She offered to help, and I believe the Apples can provide a healthy, safe environment for her. I would have asked you, but I'm sure having two Sweetie Belles here until our parents return would have resulted in a burned down shop."

"That seems quite probable," Other Rarity smiled, "but have you considered that the best for her might still be by your side? You were her life preserver in the very darkest of seas. She's more connected to you now than anypony, and you and Light are the only ones she can relate to in regard to her recent experiences. She feels she needs you and she wants to be helpful. I would hate for her to feel abandoned."

"I'd love nothing more than to have her with me, but it's too dangerous," Rarity argued, setting her cup down. "I don't know what we're galloping toward in Canterlot, but I have a feeling it's less than perfectly safe. There’s a detective who’s been snooping around, and she seems set to involve us in some case of hers—though I don't yet know the details. If Sweetie Belle were hurt on my account, I couldn't live with myself."

“I’m acutely aware of that,” Other Rarity said, “but she needn’t be involved in all that to be near you. In fact, hearing about what happened in the pocket dimension inspired me to spend more time with the Sweetie Belle that remained here. I think you’ll find she won’t forever be the little filly we remember. I’m sure I embarrassed the poor dear something terrible with my antics, what with my insistence on the puppet show and the balloon animals and the silliest costumes one can imagine. It turned out, none of those excited her anymore. She's a growing filly. An enormous bowl of ice cream still does the trick though. Regardless, I do believe she may finally be mature enough to at least help out at Canterlot Carousel while you’re in town.”

Rarity blinked. “Excusez-moi? What does Canterlot Carousel have to do with any of this? Does Sassy Saddles not have everything well in hoof?”

“Not exactly,” Other Rarity hedged, hesitating for a moment on her next words. “You see, Sassy Saddles didn’t show up for work yesterday. She didn’t even provide notice of an absence. I’m concerned something untoward may have happened. I was hoping you might, since you’re going to be in Canterlot anyway, investigate the issue and perhaps take over Canterlot Carousel in the meantime. That is, if you wouldn’t mind. Obviously, I can’t tell you what to do and you own the same stake in all three boutiques as I, but I would consider it a massive favor nonetheless. I can trust nopony more than myself, after all.”

As startling as the news was, Rarity relaxed. This made sense. Other Rarity had rehearsed because she was nervous about asking something she considered so major, she’d suggested Sweetie Belle go with her because she thought the store would be a relatively safe place to build their sister up after everything, and it all came with the bonus of allowing Rarity to take a place back in the business completely free of any misgivings about stepping on Other Rarity’s hooves.

"I'd be delighted to help," Rarity said at last, "though the news of Sassy Saddles is troubling indeed. Finding her will be my first priority. Perhaps she's simply sick and forgot to write."

"Celestia willing," Other Rarity agreed. "But what of Sweetie Belle? I sincerely do believe she needs you right now. Will you take her with you? If not, Applejack and I will watch over her, of course."

"Very well," Rarity sighed. "I shall take her with me. If you think that is what's best for her, then I trust your judgement. How could I not? It may be that your perspective is clearer than mine. I feel like my head's been in a fog ever since I woke up to that dreadful thing in my hospital room."

"Yes, Twilight mentioned that..." Other Rarity faltered.

"Did she mention that she doesn't believe me?"

"Not exactly. She said she understood why you think you saw what you saw, but that there were more probable explanations. I don’t think she likes the idea that something so sinister could be completely undetectable."

"And do you believe me?" Rarity met her double's eyes, watching expectantly for dismissal or disbelief.

“I’m hardly in a position to contradict you,” Other Rarity tittered, tapping the edge of her teacup nervously. “You say it is so and Applejack believes you. Either one of those should be enough for me to accept it, even as uncomfortable as that truth is. I can only hope that it was a one-off occurrence. If this thing is still after you, Canterlot Carousel may not be as safe as I assumed. You will come to us or the Royal Guard if any sign of it rematerializes, yes?”

“If I survive said reappearance,” Rarity breathed, “I shan’t be quiet about it. And if any danger does present itself at the boutique, I trust I can send Sweetie Belle back to the safety of Ponyville?”

“Write me a letter and I’ll be there to get her in a heartbeat. And should you need any assistance, I’ll come for that as well.”

“That is appreciated to no end,” Rarity said. “My, but it’s almost as if I’ve gained a twin sister! A very helpful, stylish one no less!”

“I was just thinking the same thing!" Other Rarity laughed. "Isn’t that marvelous? We'll have to work together after the current issues are solved. The fashion world wouldn't stand a chance! You wouldn't mind modelling some dresses for me, would you? I'll extend you the same courtesy, of course. Much easier than trying to work on myself.”

“I'd be happy to." Rarity wavered, glancing at her reflection in the kitchen window. "Though I suppose I make for a rather flawed model now."

"Flawed?" Other Rarity shook her head as if trying to throw the very word from her ears. "No, no, no, no, no! How can you say that? Are you not one of the most beautiful, most fabulous mares in Ponyville? Have you not been on the cover of multiple fashion magazines? Are you not Rarity?"

"Well, yes, but there is the matter of the scars..."

"Scars!" Other Rarity sat straight like a rod, practically shrieking the word. "Darling, don't be ridiculous! A few lines on your flesh do not diminish who or what you are. Some might even say they add character. In fact, I recently learned that in certain parts of Griffonia scars can even be seen as fashionable! Young griffons in these places are known to get into duels and such with the objective of earning scars, which they then use to impress friends and potential mates alike.

“If there is anypony whose opinion on this you should consider, it is mine. You are as beautiful as ever. The scars do transform that into a fiercer, bolder kind of beauty, but that does not mean it is any less so. It just means you may want to change your style slightly to fit, and perhaps stop trying to cover them. In fact, I have some designs I’ve been working on specifically to match your adjusted look. I’ll send them to you once I’m satisfied. I’m sure you’ll adore them.”

Rarity’s head was in a whirlwind. She wasn’t surprised that Other Rarity would try to bolster her, as she had done with many ponies before, but she was shocked to find her response so thorough. Other Rarity had expected this and prepared accordingly.

“You knew I would have difficulty adjusting,” Rarity said. “You probably researched that little bit about griffons and their scars with the sole purpose of using it here.”

“Well, yes,” Other Rarity confessed, “this much is true. Though I expected you to have more than just ‘difficulty adjusting.’ I expect I would have been beside myself! Clearly, you’ve grown tougher since we were the same. Nevertheless, not a word of what I say is untrue. Looking at you here, I can see clear as day that you remain as fabulous as ever. And if I am wrong, may a lightning bolt from the Everfree strike me down on the spot.”

Rarity was flabbergasted. She knew everything Other Rarity said was completely in line with her own character, but it seemed she could still be caught off guard when she had an outside view. And as strange as it was, she actually did feel a little better. "Thank you. I suppose you've given me something to consider. Still, there are far more pressing issues than my own insecurities. I soon have a train to catch, and now I must retrieve Sweetie Belle too."

"Oh, but of course!" Other Rarity downed the last of her tea, then jumped up, moving to the entrance of the workroom. "We need to get you squared away. You have so very few belongings with you at the moment and I suspected you might hesitate to ask for what is rightfully yours, so I took the liberty of packing your bags for you. Took me half the night, but I think you shall be satisfied." She levitated no less than four bulging suitcases over with her magic. "Just the bare necessities, of course. Canterlot Carousel should still be stocked with anything else you might need."

Rarity gasped. “You didn’t! My, but you are marvelous! Oh, I don’t think I could possibly thank you enough. We’ll just say I owe you, yes?”

“No!” Other Rarity stamped her hoof against the floorboards. “I shall not accept debt for what is already yours. Besides, you are helping me as well. And we could hardly allow Rarity, queen of fabulosity, to go about destitute, now could we?” She paused, tapping her chin. “Don’t answer that. I have one more gift for you before you go.”

Other Rarity abruptly trotted out the room and up the stairs, leaving Rarity wondering if she should follow or not. Ultimately, she decided remaining at the table was best.

Rarity finished the last sip of her tea, quickly cleaning up the tea set and tidying the kitchen. She figured she could do at least that much for her double. There was still the odd feeling of this being her home whilst she was simultaneously a guest in it, but the brief housework helped dispel some of that.

Other Rarity returned just as she finished, a ball of fabric floating beside her in sapphire magic. “I just got the most magnificent wool in from Llambet. It’s magically treated by Llama mystics to warm the wearer to the perfect degree no matter how chilly the season. Fascinating, isn’t it? A bit pricey, but worth it. Next time I’m able to get my hooves on any, I’ll send some to Canterlot Carousel so you can try it out for yourself. If you’re still there by then, that is. In the meantime, I made this scarf. For you!”

Other Rarity unrolled the bundle to reveal a scarf striped in an alternating pattern of white and purple with a tiny version of Rarity’s cutie mark made of diamond in the corner at one end. “My idea was originally to include it in the supplies we sent to you in the pocket dimension, but you were ultimately rescued before I could even get the material in. I suppose that’s the best reason for being late I could ever ask for.”

C'est magnifique!” Rarity took the scarf in her magic and wrapping it around herself, a gentle warmth radiating throughout her body at its touch. “Thank you so much! The idea of magic infused clothing… it gives me so many ideas! Think of the possibilities! Conjury couture! Remember how the crystal heart made everypony’s coats shimmer? Imagine a necklace that could do the same!”

“Goodness, but I had the same thought!” Other Rarity pranced in place giddily. “It would look simply divine! At some point, we absolutely must pester Twilight into casting a few choice spells. I’m thinking a tiara that summons a breeze just strong enough to ensure my mane floats like Princess Celestia's. Though I’m sure dear Twilight will think the idea is silly or too dangerous or some such.”

“Please,” Rarity scoffed, “It’s magic! That alone should convince her to help, whatever the apparent risks.”

“I suppose you might be right, though she may be more careful now after this teleportation business. For that matter, maybe so should we. I… oh dear.” Other Rarity pointed at the clock hanging on the wall. “I'm afraid I've wasted far too much of your time. You have a train to catch!”

Rarity flinched, realizing she’d have to move at a most unladylike speed to go to Sweet Apple Acres and grab Sweetie Belle before making it to the train station. “You’re right. I’m so sorry to dash! I really should have planned better.”

“It’s no matter at all. Go!”

Rarity wasted no more time in gathering the suitcases in her magic—princesses, but it felt good to have that back—and bolting out the door. She still had time to make it to Sweet Apple Acres and then to the train station despite the former not being in her original plan, but only if she avoided any hiccups along the way. And after the events in the pocket dimension, she found she no longer liked relying on good luck.

As Rarity rushed through town, taking care to avoid passing too close to anypony she might feel compelled to talk to along the way, she could feel the buzz of anticipation growing. Any visit to Equestria's capital warranted excitement, but rarely was she so unsure of what she would find. That no less than four reasons to be there had popped up all at once made it feel like she was galloping toward her destiny, as she often thought the city was when she was younger, but this time she got the distinct feeling said destiny might not turn in her favor.

Light would probably think that idea silly.

You are silly, Rarity, she thought to herself. Stop worrying about destiny and stressing yourself out. Treat this like any other high-risk adventure. Canterlot awaits.

Comments ( 8 )

I am always excited for a new chapter.

This chapter looks proves that the only one who can cheer you up is yourself! Clearly.

Atleast the Rarity's will be happy, one will be ale to make designs, the other can try it on, both Rarity's can be at 2 different places at once, I can actually see this working out for both Rarity's, idk if I could say the same about Light and Sweetie Belle though, hopefully we get a future chapter that focuses on Sweetie Belle with the other Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

As for Light idk how this could work out for her, because for one thing, only one can be the princess of friendship and only 1 can do magic, ya Light got the short end of the stick, I really hope it works out for her but only more chapters will tell.

Yes! Rarity, meet Rarity. I waited for this conversation so long!

Is also creates a question. Twilight/Light lost magic, her most important attribute in her own eyes. Rarity lost her immaculate, perfect look, quite significant part of her life

What exactly Sweetie lost? Because she lost something, isn't she?

Her innocence maybe? I don’t know; I didn’t want to take too much from the poor kid.

I actually considered giving her a permanent limp from the snake bite at one point, but that just felt mean.


Well, if undeveloped wings didn't stop Scootaloo, do you think Sweetie would slow down? Please, she would move even faster just to spite the fate in the face

If she need to lost something, it need to be part of her. Her friends? Cutie mark hunting? Boldness? Innocence?

If something was lost I could see boldness and innocence being intertwined as to what was lost.
Put both Sweetybells together and the original(?) can borrow the boldness of the other who still has their innocence, but split them apart and you just have someone who's innocence was cooked though in the same fire they used to prepared their meals :unsuresweetie:.

Left to their own thoughts you have someone possibly more cautious and less energetic, prone to strong bouts of escapism which in turn could swing back around to why they can act more normally around their other self. Because so long as someone else, anyone else, (anything else) acts like everything is fine they're more than willing to ignore their own doubts, worries and fears for as long as they can put off having to think about them.

Correct. The spell was banned and anyone who's teleported has had their sphere searched for survivors.

As for Discord, chaos magic works differently from unicorn magic. It's presently unknown if he has a sphere and no one has figured out a way to check. Discord himself would claim his version of the spell is safe, despite lack of proof.

Despite the dangers of the Angel, I am just so happy to read about Light, Sweetie Belle and Rarity getting support and finally being free. Ofc the adventure and danger is just beginning with pieces of the puzzle being put forth, but I just love to take a moment to just be happy that they’re out and with their loving friends and family.

Ngl, teared up a bit when Light first looked out the hospital window, the family dinner with the Apples, and the whole supportive peptalk about scars with the Raritys. I am just relieved that the three were wholeheartedly accepted, even when Rarity told Applejack and Rainbow Dash about the attack in the hospital.

I can’t help but wonder and worry about if many rescues from these dimensions were even able to be done. Twilight is strong and teleports ponies and items a lot, so there’d be more… “supplies”. Sounds like Glimmer had one rescue, but they had snapped. :(

But a normal unicorn with the magic ability to teleport who would only teleport things rarely, let alone themselves (considering something that complicated would prob just be reserved for dangerous emergencies), so they would just slowly starve with maybe a bare handful of already bloated corpses. D:

Erm, anyway, so far, I had a great time reading this and the prequel. Thank you.
Normally, I’d be more wary of the introduction of the Angel (demon? Monster? Spirit?) interrupting the other parts of the story, but seeing pieces of the bigger issue come forth make it interesting. It’s not just “we needed a greater antagonist so we just tossed in a monster”, but you’re trying to build actual consequences and mystery around it.

The missing ponies, Fluttershy escaping the cage, Yearling going missing, the detective, Moondancer… And now it’s starting to culminate in Canterlot.

Thank you for the in-depth message! I’m glad you like it so far. This story has definitely been a slow burn, both in the pacing and at the rate I write, but it’ll come together eventually.

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