• Published 27th Aug 2012
  • 6,417 Views, 97 Comments

Equestria Noir Case 6 "Music Of The Night" - Jacoboby1

A murder mystery in equestria with a minor crossover with phantom of the opera

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Chapter 5: "Ballad"

Chapter 5


“Stay close, you never know what kind of traps the Phantom could have ready for us” I said to my companions as we walked in the labyrinth of catacombs beneath the opera house.

I knew I promised the Phantom to come alone but everypony else insisted on coming. Hopefully he would understand and we wouldn’t end up half drowned in some chamber. We all had our horns aglow (except for Spike) Fancypants held his toward where he saw movement. Big mistake…

Rarity screamed upon seeing a huge rat in Fancypants’ light. “A rat! A dirty disgusting rat!!!” She leaped behind Spike for protection. Spike made a motion for the rat to scat. When it wouldn’t move Spike let out a spout of green fire in its direction. That caused the rat to run off. Rarity peaked from behind Spike “Is it gone…?”

Spike smiled and puffed out his chest proudly “The rat has been vanquished Rarity!” Rarity gave Spike a nuzzle that caused the young dragon to blush.

Twilight and I rolled our eyes. It was then I noticed the rat was standing on something. It was shiny and it reflected off the light from my horn. I walked to it and picked it up with my magic…it was a gun.

Twilight spoke up “This part of the catacombs…this is where we found Roland after the Phantom shot him”

My eyes looked at the gun with an expert’s eye. “.32 caliber…the handle has been modified to allow quick access with a flick of a hoof. If you would put this type of gun on your leg like so…” I slid it onto my leg and made a flicking motion with it. The gun folded itself out and it fired automatically. Everypony jumped a little at the sudden gun shot. I levitated the gun out and opened the firing chamber. “It’s six shot…and there are four bullets inside”

“You used one to demonstrate your firearm prowess dear boy" Fancypants observed "What happened to the other bullet?”

I thought for a moment, that was the only place it could’ve gone. “Roland’s leg…that’s the only place it could’ve been shot into”

Rarity spoke up “So the Phantom shot Roland in self defense?”

Twilight shook her head “If the Phantom shot him then why leave the gun here? He would’ve kept the gun on him and left with it”

Spike looked at me “So what’s a gun doing here if it doesn’t belong to the Phantom?”

Fancypants’ blue eyes then widened as he examined the gun himself. “Look at this symbol at the bottom” He gestured to the bottom of the gun, there was a symbol of an eagle on top of a pole. “This symbol…it belongs to Roland’s house…”

I nodded slowly “Roland’s gun…and the bullet in his leg. It’s not the type of gun that you can just pull away…”

Fancypants just looked at me “Are you suggesting…?”

“That Roland shot himself? Yes”

Spike shook his head “That doesn’t make sense Why would Roland shoot himself in the leg?”

It was then that the skinny unicorn spoke up at last “To make it look like the Phantom shot him” Fleur spoke knowingly “Also, take a look at the contract again”

“The one that said that Moongale’s career would elevate if she came on stage?” Twilight said looking over as Fleur levitated the paper so we all could see.

“Oui, but take a look at this seal here…” She gestured to the seal next to Leopony’s signature “This seal is a current symbol used by theater owners when making a contract. If the date on the contract is correct…this seal should not be here”

Rarity looked over at Fleur “You’re saying somepony tried to copy the contract? That would explain why the seal is off”

“Not only that dear” Fleur went on “But somepony has tampered with the document, some of the letters do not match up. Certain spaces are wider then they should be and some of the letters are in a different font”

“The document is a fake…” I concluded “I will see if the Phantom knows of this…”

We ventured on into the catacombs when I came across the canal again. All of my companions looked at me as I climbed into the boat. I used my magic to begin rowing towards the Phantom’s lair. I looked back one last time and blew a kiss to Twilight. She made a show of catching it with her hoof and putting my thrown kiss to her own lips. My heart melted at the smile she gave afterwards.

I wonder if this is what drove him to do what he did…


I entered the Phantom’s lair to find him once again sitting at the organ. His horn glowed as the keys pressed themselves a somber tune…

He continued playing and didn’t turn when I entered. “You came alone?”

I kept my eyes trained on the Phantom “My friends are at the edge of the canal but I come into your home alone”

He was quiet for a second then he spoke. “I saw that last kiss you gave her…”

My pupils dilated in shock “How did you!?”

He smiled “I have lived in the darkness my whole life; I know it better then anypony”

“Very well…why mention Twilight?”

“Because Private, I realize now you also share in the sweet drink of love”

“You’re in love with Moongale aren’t you…?”

He stiffened a little. Then he sighed and simply spoke “Yes, I love her more than life itself…”

I stepped a little closer to the Phantom. I was cautious in case he lashed out at me “You know the question I’m about to ask next then…”

He shook his head “I did not kill Raustam…I couldn’t”

“What do you mean you couldn’t? According to the contract Moongale would’ve elevated to a great career should she appear onstage. You were afraid she would choose her career over you…”

“You were made aware that the document was forged then…”

“I am, if the document my friend has is a fake. Then what was in the original?”

He turned around in his seat to look at me with those mysterious blue eyes of his. “It read the opposite Private, should Moongale appear onstage she would become the star of this theater. But should anything happen to Raustam…the next theater owner could release her to any theater he wanted”

I nodded slowly “So killing Raustam would’ve cost you the mare you love…you were the angel of music the whole time…”

He nodded smiling a little “Leopony was an inspiration of mine. He was a musical genius who could turn even the sourest of singers into a star. He didn’t know it but he was my teacher. I would imitate him whenever he would perform a show or practice. I get all my musical ability from him…and it’s also through him I saw Moongale for the first time…”

“Leopony died…and you became the angel”

“Yes” He admitted “She was in such sorrow and tears that I pretended to be the angel in order to cheer her up. She was so happy…I would spend hours waiting so that I could sing with her. She was talented beyond even my ability. She deserved to be happy for all the sorrow that fate had dealt her”

I looked at him for a long time with my grey eyes. “Then why?”

He looked at me “Why what?”

“Why hide yourself? She’s known you for years yet you wait until now to reveal yourself…Why spend all this time with her but hide yourself from the mare you care about? Do you not love her?”

“I do love her…”

“Then tell me! Why kidnap my friend when you could’ve told me what happened?! Why make yourself a recluse!?”

He looked at me for a long time. Then his horn glowed and the mask covering the right side of his face…I gasped at what I saw. His face was horribly scarred and burned; his right eye was almost completely hidden by skin. He slowly put the mask back on. “That is why…to the world I am a monster. Had I told you, you would’ve feared me a monster as well…I’ve only recently found the courage to show myself at that concert”

“You were afraid she would fear you…how did you get those scars?”

“I was once a noble. I was quite handsome and charming in my youth. I earned my cutie mark in music at a young age and was shown to be a prodigy. My parents adored me and went out of their way for me…and then…”

“What happened?”

“Forgive me” He sighed “It is not a good memory…my brother…he was always jealous of the attention that was showered on me. One day when we were colts he thought he would play a prank on me. He made it so that I would fall into a pan of hot oil…I slipped and…” He ran a hoof along his mask. I can imagine he still felt the pain.

“Your parents rejected you didn’t they?”

“They did…my mother could not bear to look at me…my father thought me a monster. They tossed me out of the house like trash…”

I remembered my own father doing that. It was for far different reasons though. My hoof scrapped the ground at the memory. I refocused and looked at the Phantom “So you came here?”

He nodded “Yes, I found a home in the catacombs. I made money writing music for the directors that would come here. Using Leopony’s teachings I was able to make a fine living for myself. But I’ve always longed for something more than this shallow life…I longed to be accepted again…”

“Moongale gave you that”

“She didn’t know what I looked like…” He smiled to himself “Even still she was the only true friend I’ve had in a long time…”

“So that was why you kidnapped her…”

“Yes, I kidnapped her not to hurt her but to protect her. She was so distraught when I did take her down here. She was scared of me at first but after I explained the situation to her she calmed down. She then noticed the organ and…we sang…”

“That was you two singing?”

He nodded smiling all the more “She didn’t care that I hid my face. She only wanted us to sing together like we used to. I’ve never felt so much joy in my life”

“You two sounded great by the way…”

He made a bow “It was her that carried me most of the way. She was the talent…I was merely the encourager and the muse”

“Sometimes that’s all that’s needed, which is why I want you to come to the surface with me”

His pupils dilated in shock “What!? You would take me in!?”

I shook my head slowly “No, you are innocent…I want you to come up and see Moongale again”

He just stared at me “You…believe me?”

I nodded solemnly “Yes, you saved Moongale from the true murderer. She misses you…I saw the look of longing in her eye”

A tear came to his one good eye. He felt it with his hoof and simply stared at the tear. “She…longs for me?”

I walked to the Phantom and put a hoof on his shoulder “You love her; she longs to see you again. Do not deny the longing she has to see her angel of music again”

He smiled at me but then his expression turned sorrowful “But…what if she were to see my face? She would cower in fear…”

I shook my head “Moongale isn’t like that, she may be scared of you at first but she’ll learn to accept you. Love has no eyes Phantom…it only has ears for what it yearns for”

He looked up at me “I will go…I will see the mare I love again…”

The Phantom did the rowing as we ventured down the canal away from the lair. He looked over at me “You didn’t tell me who the real killer is…what ghastly fiend would put my love in danger”

“You’re about to see him…”

We came to the exit of the canal. There were my companions all staring at me…and Roland flanked by two thug ponies. I got off the boat and marched past my companions and went straight for Roland.

He opened his front legs to me “Private my friend! You’ve brought the monster here! I will take it from here”

“You will take nothing…” I grabbed him with my magic and yanked his leg with telekinesis

My companions didn’t move to stop me. I gave them one look and they knew I was onto something. I used my magic to begin unwrapping the bandages on Roland’s shot up leg.

“What are you doing!?” He protested “Unhoof me!”

I finished unwrapping the leg and looked at the wound. I glared at Roland “Shoot yourself in the leg lately Roland?”

“What are you speaking of!?” He gestured with his free hoof at Phantom who stood still as a statue. “He is the pony who shot me!”

“Not according to the wound…this wound is too large to be shot from anywhere unless you aimed the barrel right on your skin” I glared at him “You shot yourself to blame the Phantom…”

He pulled his leg from my magical grip. “He killed Raustam! Why are the cuffs not on him?!” He pointed accusingly at the Phantom

I kept my face neutral “Because…you killed Raustam”


“Moongale was bound to this theater…her contract said so. You knew about it and you knew that Raustam wouldn’t go back on the contract. You wanted her didn’t you? I saw the looks you gave her…you wanted her like a dragon wants a gem”

“Hey!” Spike piped from his position next to Rarity

“That’s why you asked me if I would release her…you wanted to be legitimate with how you wanted her. When I refused you decided to take matters in your own hooves. But you knew that Raustam dying was the only way you could get her. But you needed a scapegoat…somepony to take the fall for Raustam’s murder”

“That Pony was me” The Phantom said behind me “I was with Moongale during the time of the murder”

Roland shook his head violently “What of Madonna!? She said she saw a pony with a mask and suit jacket backstage!”

I grinned “She did, but the mask was on the wrong side of the face. Phantom’s mask is on the right side of his face, not the left”

Roland growled as my companions got behind me. “But why would I want Moongale!? I desired her yes but to kill her so that I could have her!? Why would I kill Raustam to claim her?!”

Phantom looked directly at Roland “Because…you are my brother…you wanted her because I loved her”