• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 2,850 Views, 84 Comments

Extradimensional Owl Quest - Thought Prism

To stop a grave threat from unleashing havoc upon all the realms, an infamous rogue warlock, the king of demons, and a student of a lost arcane art must embark on an epic quest to the most dangerous part of Equestria. Well, dramatically speaking.

  • ...

Never mind, now they're in Ponyville

Luz squinted at her surroundings as the door folded shut behind King and Eda, plunging the area further into darkness. Her mind spun with possibilities. Were they in the ruins of a lost civilization? The dungeon of an impregnable keep? As her eyes adjusted, Luz could make out two rows of something in front of her, one above the other. Reaching forwards, her hand met... fabric? A muffled clacking sounded in her ears.

Then, spying the line of yellow light along the floor, Luz realized the truth was far more mundane. "It seems like we're in a large closet." Not the worst thing - she did enjoy stumbling upon unique new outfits - but still kinda anticlimactic.

"Smells good in here," King said after a sniff. "Almost suspiciously so. Not a trace of bile or rot," he added, surprised.

"Perfect, seems like we're hidden," Eda noted, looking around in the darkness without issue. "There's something weird about these clothes, though." Stepping forward, she grabbed one of the garments for a closer look. "What're they sized for, some sort of mutant muck badger?"

While that did sound odd, Luz had already moved on. She could hear voices faintly emanating through the door. Unable to make them out, but wanting to, she knelt down, pressing her ear against it. Luz tensed, stilling herself as the voices resolved into words.

"— has something very important she'd like to share with you today," went one, an elegant, feminine tone.

"Yeah. Well, it's, umm..." hesitated another. Also female, this girl's voice was slightly scratchy, tomboyish.

"Take your time," soothed the first voice. "I know this can't be easy for you."

From there, Luz waited with bated breath to see what sort of earth-shaking revelation was about to be revealed. A secret, forbidden spell? Or was she coming out of the closet to her family? The seconds ticked by in silence.

"Oh, screw all this caution! I throw that to the wind!" King proclaimed. "CHARGE!"

"Wait—" Luz could only get halfway turned around, unable to stop him in time. Neither could Eda, preoccupied as she was in her examination.

So, King bum-rushed the door at full speed, smashing it wide open and blinding Luz with light as he literally came out of the closet. Multiple people on the other side screamed.

"Aww, nuts," Eda bemoaned, dropping the outfit and raising a finger in preparation to cast.

When Luz removed her forearm from her face, the dust settling, she could only blink awkwardly at the scene before her. King stood in a strange room, one she couldn't immediately tell the purpose of but was nevertheless fancifully decorated in purples and blues, with a shiny platform in the middle. Before him stood a motley assemblage of creatures, all of them slightly shorter than her. Some looked like the mythical beasts from the Isles, but smaller and more colorful.

"By Grover's gold!" exclaimed a blue griffon. A similar pink creature cowered behind him.

At the same time, a light green pony went "Woah!"

"This Smolder's secret? She know these weird guys?" asked something very hairy with horns Luz almost recognized. Nobody answered her, though.

"Really, an interruption? Come on! I try to finally muster up the courage, and this happens?" snorted the second girl from before, belonging to a... an actual dragon, wow! Luz had never seen one before, so cool! Even if this one did look a bit peeved at the moment. Some sort of large pastel insect stood stock-stiff next to her.

"My word! It seems we have guests. Rather rude, uninvited guests." That was the earlier elegant voice Luz heard, belonging to—

"Ack, don't eat me!" Luz protested, skooching away from the white unicorn before the thing could rip her guts out with its huge, sharp teeth. This one could talk, which meant it was probably even more ruthless! "I can get you apples, I promise!"

However, the unicorn mare actually looked taken aback. She blinked at Luz in confusion, which was quickly replaced by sympathy. "Why, darling, of course I won't eat you. I was just a tad surprised when your friend there suddenly barged full-tilt out of the class wardrobe."

"What was I supposed to do, just walk out normally? Bo-ring," King intoned.

Apparently reaching the conclusion that this wouldn't be coming to blows, Eda relaxed, following King out into the room. "Sorry about him. Gets a bit ornery when he's hungry. Anywho, our business is likely elsewhere, so if you'd all just pretend this whole thing never happened, we'll be on our way," she said, shooting her most disarming sales-pitch smile.

"But... you're, like, trespassing. And also kinda suspicious," pointed out the green pony, one eyebrow raised skeptically.

"I resent such an accusation! Though I do get that a lot," Eda quipped.

"Not the time to flout you bad girl status," Luz hissed. She rose, brushing herself off, and forced a chuckle. "Really, we didn't mean to cause trouble. We're here for the opposite, in fact!" she insisted.

"Speak for yourself," went King, tilting his head back. "True wisdom is knowing that indiscriminate mayhem is the spice of life. That, or cat videos."

"I don't give a scale whether you meant it or not!" exclaimed the dragon, huffing smoke out of her nostrils. "You buttheads shouldn't have interrupted us anyway! Why, I might just..." she trailed off into a growl.

Uttering a concerned hum, the unicorn spoke up, glancing between her own group and Luz's. "I believe this is all some sort of terrible misunderstanding, and that we've gotten off on the wrong hoof. Smolder, I don't think they actually meant to ruin your moment, as it were. Be reasonable. For goodness' sake, that one in the azure seemed dreadfully frightened by me, of all creatures."

"Oh, well, the last time I saw a unicorn, it tried to eat us," Luz explained, her fear fading rapidly. They seemed to be decent enough people, just startled. What was the harm in trying to hash things out calmly? "Actually, now that I think about it, there was also a griffon that time, but they're much less scary," she added, pointing to the blue example present. "Overall, not the worst carnival I'd ever been to."

The griffon grinned sidelong at his companions. "Ha, I like this chick." Facing her again, he continued. "Time to use all this stuff we've been learning again. I'm Gallus, nice to meet you. Who are you guys?"

"More like what are those guys," went the hooved insect-thing, narrowing her compound eyes. "I've never seen anything like them in my life," she intoned.

"Manners!" chided the unicorn. "Yes, Gallus, we should introduce ourselves first." Then, she dipped into a curtsey towards Luz and company, which was unusual for a quadruped. "My name is Rarity, and I'm a teacher here at this school, among other things, and these are some of my students."

"Oh, of course. Call me Ocellus, please," she said, smiling sheepishly at Luz.

The pink creature, which Luz could now tell was probably a hippogriff, waved excitedly, her trepidation clearly also gone. "I'm Silverstream. Hi~!"

"Sandbar," went the green pony. He seemed very laid-back to Luz.

"Yona is Yona!" she then struck a proud pose.

"And I'm Smolder," reconfirmed the dragon, tapping her foot. While not totally affable, it at least looked like she wasn't about to try incinerating somebody anymore, which Luz appreciated. "I guess we're also putting off my thing for later, then."

"It'll be fine," Ocellus reassured, patting Smolder's shoulder. "There was never any rush."

"Right. And, uh, sorry for snapping at you, there," Smolder added, addressing the newcomers.

"It's cool," King said, nodding. "As the king of demons, I've got enough usurpers to worry about already. No sense tossing more enemies onto the smiting pile."

When exotic faces paled all around, Luz quickly whisper-shouted "He's not actually the king of demons, he just has a very healthy imagination." Then, she switched back to her normal voice. "His name is King."

All the tension bled out of Silverstream. "That's a relief, I was really worried for a second there! He is very cute, that tummy looks so rubbable!"

"It is," Luz confirmed, beaming, as the others also relaxed.

"Yona think you two look creepier anyway," she said, addressing Eda and Luz. Luz, for her part, was somewhat taken aback. "Have not seen such skinny creatures before with so little fur."

Well, that was new, thought Luz. Especially considering the giant insect that was Ocellus still in the room. She was very colorful, to be fair. Luz didn't really mind the adjective. Creepy, she could get behind.

King, however, did mind his own label, and he glared daggers at Silverstream. "I am not cute! I am King, hellhound of the abyss, who strikes terror into the hearts of men and beast alike! I demand offerings of cupcakes and swag!" he proclaimed, raising a fist to the ceiling. "Also, for the record, I prefer ear scritches."

"Sure, little buddy, if you say so," said a warmly grinning Sandbar.

This display put Rarity at ease too, almost as if King reminded her of somebody. "Perhaps I'll introduce you to Pinkie Pie sometime."

As King groused, Luz giggled, for real this time. "Anyway, I'm Luz. Nice ta meetcha!" Sidling up to Eda, she introduced her as well. "And this is Eda the Owl Lady; she's my mentor."

"Also the one taking point on this mission," Eda noted. "Which is a thing we have, need I remind you. Given its importance and potential for future bragging rights, we should probably start soon."

"Mission? What mission?" asked Ocellus, flexing her shell.

Silverstream gasped theatrically, shooting into the air. "Are you guys aliens sent to absorb our culture to take back to your mothership? Because if so, have I got a treat for you! Spoilers, they're called stairs."

"That is something I do, in a sense, but not today," Eda said. Her near-perpetual smirk faded to a stern line. "It was discovered that something from our realm ended up banished here by mistake. Something incredibly dangerous."

"And she has very high standards for danger," Luz admitted. Seriously, half of her 'training' consisted of activities which were probably unsafe for adults.

"It's called a Giraffe," King elaborated. "We're here to get rid of it before it plunges everything into stuff you don't want to be plunged into." He then opened up his book again, facing the image of the fell monstrosity to the seven natives. "You seen this anywhere?"

Rarity, Gallus, and company, now worried for entirely different reasons, all converged on King with trepidation, peeking around eachother at the book. However, their reactions to the image were varied, from Smolder's confusion to Yona's disgust. "That 'Giraffe' even more lanky than Luz and Eda! Is creeping Yona out."

Rarity twirled her mane around a hoof in thought. "Hmm, that does look familiar. But where from?"

"I recognize it," said Sandbar, both brows raised. "Fluttershy has one of those under her care at Sweetfeather Sanctuary. I go there to unwind sometimes."

"Seriously?" Gallus uttered. "That makes no sense. Professor Fluttershy can literally convince a pit viper to eat protein bars, she wouldn't tolerate anything as terrible as what you three are saying. Well, other than the rabbit."

"Could just be waiting for the right moment to strike," Smolder countered. Luz noticed she looked a lot less upset now that the prospect of action was on the table. "Equestria has had a lot of those patient villain types. Most of 'em waited a thousand years, yeah?"

"It doesn't matter where it is or why, just point us in the right direction so we can pound it," King said, pantomiming some punches and kicks. "Ya, ya, ya!" His form was good, at least, by Luz's reckoning.

Eda was already slowly shuffling towards the exit. She'd never been one for social graces. "What he said. We'll be out of your hair, and soon, so will the demon."

Rarity turned, blinking at her. "Um, of course, Ms. Eda. Once you leave the campus, you'll want to go to the other side of town, and then—"

Sandbar coughed. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Yeah, no way, we're going with you," Smolder insisted, cracking her claws. "This is the better kind of nerve-wracking."

Ocellus chimed in with urgency. "Fluttershy could be in trouble as we speak!"

"Absolutely not!" Rarity chided, definitely looking the part of a stern teacher now. She had that aura of wisdom and maturity. "While a noble sentiment, charging headlong into peril unprepared is irresponsible!"

"You used to do that, like, every week, though," Gallus pointed out.

"And Yona has saved the world with her friends more than once before. Yona can do again; yaks best at averting apocalypse!"

"Plus, Princess Twilight is all the way in Canterlot now," added Silverstream. "But we can get there lickety-split!"

All six of them then formed up, squaring their shoulders and presented their unflinching gazes to Rarity. Luz whistled at this impressive unified front they displayed, like real heroes. She'd love to hear all their stories, trade action-adventure tips. "Sounds good to me," Luz cheerfully voiced. "The more the merrier, I always say! Most of the time I end up by myself, but that just makes it better when people actually wanna do stuff with me."

Eda tossed her head and smirked. "Crazy other-realm kids don't know what they're messing with, but who am I to turn down free distractions?"

Eventually, Rarity sighed, the unicorn apparently swayed by their resolute display. "Very well. Go, and hurry!"

"Alright team, let's move out," Gallus said, taking the lead at a quick clip.

That didn't stop King from trying to assume command in typical, bombastic, fashion. "Yes! Fresh meat, to battle! No mercy!" Then, he resumed his earlier charge, on Gallus' heels with Smolder and Yona, as all three wove around a nonplussed Eda.

"Hold your frog-horses, some of us aren't quite as energetic as they used to be," Eda protested. "Wait, is that offensive here? Eh, who cares." Hopping onto her staff, she leisurely floated through the exit. Saving her 'limited' energy, evidently. She could hustle when the situation demanded it.

"Wait for us!" Ocellus yelled, hooves clopping on the floor as she and Sandbar trotted along.

Silverstream twirled in the air, flapping after them. "Come on, Luz! Questing buddies, away!"

Luz's smiled widened. What a kindred spirit. Yeah, this was gonna be a fun ride, one she got to experience with new friends. Assuming they survived. "Bye Rarity, it was nice meeting you," she said, waving goodbye. Rarity waved back automatically. "I've got a date with destiny! Now we really get started."